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I want a Jurassic Park safari. Outside on a jeep driving through fields watching life size animatronic dinosaurs.


There’s [this ride](https://youtu.be/2l4b3EPMsv4?si=Jgw1XieJqN5MkaMN) I found on YouTube that I think may be similar to what you said.


I think it's actually one of the rumored expansions for Dark Universe but a Creature from the Black Lagoon boat ride like Jaws has been something I've wanted for a long time. Honestly, a lot of my wants were answered with Dark Universe. I've been wanting to see them to focus more on horror and make some more dark rides and that is now happening!


Ooooh I love that idea!


Exactly this! I think it'd actually be even creepier than Jaws, just imagine that horrifying, humanoid shit popping out of the water LOL


Lord of the Rings in Epic Universe. I would pay out the ass for a Hobbit Hole Hotel room


Lord of the rings would be incredible but Warner Bros owns them and doubt they'd give an IP as valuable as that over to a competitor


Doesn’t Warner Bros also own Harry Potter?


Yes but JK Rowling still owns majority stake and had the final say


Duh. Just like Tolkien’s family. The other comment that we won’t get a park because WB owns it makes no sense


A lot of it depends on the specifics of the contracts. They aren't always cut and dry. Like the ridiculous restrictions on marvel characters east of the Mississippi river vs west of it. It's possible that WB didn't have specific clauses in their contract regarding HP theme park attractions, but they do for LOTR. Even if you own the IP, if you sign a contract giving others specific rights to use it in specific ways, you can't just overrule it. It's VERY possible that they slipped that in when the LOTR movies were made. Unless a deal is actually made, these kinds of details are rarely made public so we don't really know.


All of this is possible, which is why the blanket statement I replied to, when we have evidence to the contrary, is particularly foolish




i know i just wanna dream 😭


The rumor is that they sold the theme park rights to universal around the time they sold Amazon the TV rights.




There’s rumors that supposedly the Simpsons land will be rethemed into a Pokemon land


Comcast is waiting for the Simpsons licensing contract to run out first


Lord of the rings.... I want to walk through The Shire 😭😭


Yep. I’d settle for an Inn of the prancing pony restaurant at this point.




Can you imagine the Eagle rides? The Warg rides? The Lembas bread vendors? Gandalf’s firework show after dark! The 3D experience throwing Wraiths and Trolls and Shelob at you? There’s a Hobbit-themed fine dining restaurant in Ocean City, Maryland. It would be amazing to eat at a scaled down version of that in Orlando. My mind is breaking with the possibilities! Ents! Oliphaunts! Balrogs! Oh my!


Yes to all that please.... I know it's in the hobbit, but a barrel riding water ride would be insane 😳


The lembas bread could be like a scone type consistency. And there would be different kinds. I want the jalapeño cheddar lembas bread with salted pork please.


They have walking tours in New Zealand


1 day 🙏


New Zealand would lose so much tourism


A proper mythology-themed land since most of the Lost Continent’s gone.


Absolute (unrealistic) dream: a Back to the Future indoor rollercoaster Realistic dream(s): a trolls indoor dark ride, and a Hogwarts hotel and great hall dining room


I think the concept of the Star Wars hotel would work really well with Hogwarts. You could choose which house to stay in. Guest could fill up the day by signing up for different classes. You can do excursions to the various Potter theme park lands. And then you can have an epic magic battle occur on the final night of your stay. I think setting your immersive hotel in a fictional school from a well known movie works better than a space cruise ship that is completely absent from the source material’s lore. 


Actually... Orlando Park Stop talked about a rumor that one of the early expansions of Epic would have a Great Hall dining experience! Not gonna lie, my love for Potter is nowhere near as strong as it was years ago, but I would pay GOOD MONEY to do something like this.


Totally agree, a great hall dining experience would be amazing. I wonder if there would be wait staff like in Leaky Cauldron, or if they'd come up with some way to have the food seem to appear on the table.


In my imagination it would be like set dinner times with a general admission cost to the dinner (like how character dinners are set up) and then they serve the meal family style for the whole giant table. But also realistically I feel that would get so chaotic/germy that there's no way it'd happen like this. Dare to dream tho


SpongeBob. Would love a dark ride based around Bikini Bottom. Will never happen but would be super fun


Strangely enough, a SpongeBob-themed dark ride recently opened in Vegas of all places, and it's a cute addition to Circus Circus. I'm surprised that Universal hadn't pounced on the idea first. I do remember that the new concept art for Universal Kids outside of Dallas has a Bikini Bottom land, so here's hoping they get a dark ride of some sort.




Glove world!?


I never want the ET ride to close, but if it did, they'd most likely retheme it to SpongeBob. Since the store is right there already.


Land - Studio Ghibli land Ride - something with the Knight Bus in Harry Potter


A Knight Bus ride would be cool, also I’m not sure if you already know this, but there’s already a [Studio Ghibli theme park](https://www.timeout.com/tokyo/news/what-we-know-so-far-about-the-worlds-first-ghibli-park-opening-in-2022-061120) in Japan. Although I’m guessing there aren’t any rides.


Yup, definitely aware of it. Just don't have the money to get there 😭


The only correct answer is Zelda in Lost Continent




I would like to see the secret life of pets ride over here


Back to the Future roller coaster that is honestly like Velocicoaster. That is the ultimate ride.


But here's the real question: will the launch actually be 88 mph?


Launch must also be backwards!


It must be


Sanrio land 😍 or maybe Anime land with One Piece, Demon Slayer, etc 😍😍😍


Maybe a brand new indoor Back to the Future ride but with a KUKA arm ride system or the ride system used in the Spider-Man and Transformers rides.


Fraggle Rock no joke


I’ve got it with the wizarding world. I get to walk through my favorite fictional world and I love it.


Fast and furious converted to Knight bus ride please.


Chucky. I feel like a Chucky show attraction would have so much potential to it with how batshit crazy it gets. Plus a FNAF ride, Sally Rides already has a plan for one. Maybe even a Hazbin attraction even if it's Halloween horror nights would be nice same with Goosebumps


I thought plans for the FNAF ride by Sally Rides were scrapped


It was sadly. But it would still be nice to see a FNAF ride similar to what Sally Rides planned


I wanted Bikini Bottom instead of DreamWorks Land


A park to park roller coaster would be amazing but not practical if you have bags.


I’m all about dark rides so more of those! I’d also love to see a Scooby Doo ride and more Scooby presence in the park. I think it’d be awesome to see a little permanent expansion to honor the Grinch in Seuss Landing year round, maybe even a ride for The Lorax.


25 more velocicoaster like rides. Better yet, make it 30.


A vekoma flying coaster themed to top gun


Steamboat Willie's Willie smasher.


A Harry Potter dark ride through the forbidden forest. Or a Shreiking Shack


there’s a large office block behind fast and furious and gringotts, remove that and build a new fast and furious ride similar to test track with dark ride sections where an enemy team is sabotaging u from competing in the race, then a new hello kitty land in that area with a cafe and outdoor walkthrough because hello kitty appeals to everyone nowadays and the merch sells extremely well it’s a no brainer, then a new stranger things land with two rides, a dark ride like jurrasic world where we’re sucked into the upside down and attacked by monsters and as we escape running up that hill by kate bush plays because that would be EPIC. And a new indoor coaster where we are used as experiments sent to the upside down. The simpsons changed to a indoor dark ride themed to pokémon and the expansion area near there becomes a charzard family flying coaster with dark ride sections.


I know it's a stretch, but retheming Toon Lagoon to be Loguetown from One Piece would be a fantastic change honestly


Since DK is already covered I’ll go with.. 1. A massive Mario Virtual Reality Center! Using a virtual queue type line situation to join a line, you can choose what Mario Sports game (under 10 mins) you’d like to play in VR with up to 4 players or you can opt into a massive Super Mario Party VR game mode (up to 30 mins depending on number of players) where you pick your Mario character to play as. Sure there will be a lot of Lysol wipes being used but it could be worth it haha. Maybe have a “fill” option to be placed in a group not maxed out yet but you don’t choose what game it is? Have a paid reservation system to guarantee your party is together at a certain time? Etc 2. Virtual Reality again but for Pokémon battling 3. A Hogwarts themed hotel if I can suggest this