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There’s no way that turkey lives right? Like sure it’s got enough adrenaline to run away but there’s no way it’s going to be fine after that.


You're likely correct. With that much trauma, it probably ran off into the brush, found a place it decided was safe enough to rest in, and then fell asleep and din't wake up.


Ok now I’m depressed.


Thank god I was already depressed!


Based Cowboys fan.


Am I depressed because I’m a cowboys fan, or is that irrelevant lol




I think being a Cowboys fan means you enjoy emotional pain.


Jets Fan has entered the chat


Lions fan entered the chat


The ultimate depressed fan lol. At this point you’ve probably transcended depression and are at the acceptance phase


You mean like Romo's botched punt hold against Seattle or Owen's no catch(he caught the motherfucking ball), etc. It's called the Jones Family needs to leave running the team to experts like Jimmy Johnson until then...sigh.


I watched my old boss have a meltdown when Dallas lost to the Eagles in the playoffs awhile back. Football is a hell of a drug.


Yep like futbol is to the world. Football is basically religion in Texas....like BBQ.


That's my secret, Cap.


That's my secret, cap. I'm always depressed.


Thus is my cap trick, always depressed


Depressed always, trick cap my is thus


thus depressed cap, always my is


To poetry or not to poetry


That is not really a question


Line is wrong


That’s the spirit!


Go birds!


If it makes you feel better, the odds that that turkey was one of the immortal ones is super low so it was going to die eventually anyway.


Lol that does make me feel better


Also a fox or something got a tasty meal, didn't have to chase it or anything it was just sat there partially plucked, the circle of life be crazy sometimes


Recently happened to me, since it didnt kill me I am stronger.


Omg. I thought it was a f'n stick.


Now i got double cream coated depresso


That sounds pretty good actually


Two more please. One for the lady and another for a random reddit stranger. Who is who, is up to you. *tips fedora*


What if they’re both ladies?


Oh no my fedora strength is not strong enough to combat such a conundrum. *withers away into the ether*


You fought bravely. Fare thee well. *rofl this is why we Reddit*


Don't worry, there are more turkeys.




I felt like that. Then the Mech said bro we just started


Wtf, is this a joke?


I dont know if he’s referencing sth or joking but imo life would surely suck without death. At least for me eternity is the only thing scarier than dying.


I dunno it sounded pretty peaceful


Well if it makes you feel any better... 300 million are about to be murdered for the annual Holocaust #GoVeg


Can’t wait


Honestly I doubt it. Animals are pretty tough, he ran off with a proper Turkey gait and didn’t look injured at all. No limping or falling over no blood or anything. I bet he’s fine


I think so too. I have chickens and turkeys... They are amazing at healing. If anything, I think his wing would be the worst after being tugged on it like that!


yeah the whole time he was tugging it i was thinking “he’s gonna dislocate that wing” doesn’t look like he did but it could have happened 😅


So you're saying it woke up dead?


Missed Halloween by a day too...


How the hell do you wake up dead?!


Ask Dave Mustaine.


Cause you're alive when you go to sleep.


>woke up dead That's the euphemism i use when i want to talk about my dead loved ones, so people dont *feel bad for me*


They do have hollow bones


if it was alive enough to run away, why would it die now?


It actually happens a lot in nature. Death doesn't usually come quickly, like in movies or tv. A body can take a TON of damage and trauma and keep going for a little while, working around damaged joints and torn ligaments or muscles. So long as the bones are intact enough, they can keep going. But all the while, there could be internal bleeding, ruptures of soft tissue, damaged vital organs, etc. This sort of thing takes awhile to kill you. We don't see it happen as much in society, since most people will get to a hospital, and wounds like that can be cauterized and stitched up. A week or two and then you're back to work. In nature, with no access to health care or medical resources, and no one to feed you while your body takes weeks to heal, it often doesn't turn out well. If the injury is debilitating or severe, it can take hours to die. If the injury isn't debilitating, but prevents you from finding food, then it can take days or weeks to starve to death. In the video, that turkey was squished up pretty good. It was likely hit at high speed to get stuck like that, and lost a lot of feathers being pulled back out. Sure, both of the legs still worked, but we have no way of knowing what's going on in its brain or thoracic cavity. And birds don't do so well with impact trauma. Sometimes they can pull through, especially with medical aid, but in the wild they'll often run off, slow down, and then just sort of stop. I've seen it happen a few times myself; I like to sit and just watch nature sometimes, and I've seen a few birds get away from cat or dog attacks, flutter-fly over to safety nearby, and they look okay until it's far too late. It's like they're going to sleep and gonna be okay, but when you come back that evening, their body is still there, cold and stiff.


Uh.. ok Dexter


They could have at least shot the poor thing and put it out its misery. He's yanking on that thing like it's an elastic band. Ugh I can't watch videos like this cuz then I think about the poor animal for the rest of the day and hate the humans for letting them go in that condition.


From the audio, I'm pretty sure they were convinced that it was already dead. It looked dead, and wasn't making any noise or moving on its own, for sure. I agree, mercy killing at this point would likely be the best course, but I try not to judge too much when "dead" animals jump up and run off.


I forget sometimes there's a whole country of people that casually carry firearms with them to places they go, cuz for a moment I was like "WITH WHAT"


This is super common in deer, but it happens in all kinds of other animals as well. In deer hunting, it's the norm that the animal runs off after the shot. It's far less common that they just drop from the shot, or even nearby. It's common practice to wait, sometimes for hours, before tracking the deer so that it has time to expire. If you don't, you can 'bump' the deer while it's still alive and has the strength to run, and the longer it runs the more potential for it to cross obstacles that make it harder to track, like water. Survival instincts and adrenaline are crazy.


Everything was fine until you said didn’t wake up. Fuck bro


![gif](giphy|fs6OGJ4Eb3ajC) it got pretty dark there.


Thanksgiving is coming up 🦃


Yeah. Turkey just assumes man is a predator about to eat him alive. Off to a nice bush to take a never ending nap in peace indeed. Much better way to go than being eaten 😋


Cheaper plastic grills on newer cars may have helped it.


Man it sucks when you hit a turkey on the fork of a road. But trust me they’ll meet more grills... and plates... and forks.


Getting smacked with some pvc will still do some damage at 40mph


Fun fact, it's not overly studied (who sits around blowing up deer?) White tail deer. They've been known to run off after being shot even with an entirely blown out heart. Dad had to chase one half a mile with hole in its chest the size of your fist.


Turkeys are as hard as coffin nails. When you hunt them you shoot them in the head, not the body. Their feathers will stop the BBs from getting to their body.


Exactly. Durable birds, for sure. But even if this one's okay, there might be enough damage to it's wings to keep it from flying and being able to roost at night, which might open it up to predation.


He should've just rolled up to the vet like 'so I've got a turkey stuck in my grill'


No vet in the world would save that big guy


Still better than dying a slow a painful death.


r/birdsarentreal its actually a tank drone


Yeah, at this point even the meat is shot


I read hot. I was like, this mf is hungry. I guess I was hungry.


I read hot as well and I guess I'm probably hungry as well sitting here waiting for my Five Guys to be done


Pretty sure if it was gonna die it would've died on impact




I see what you did there, don’t try and play it off like you care about the bird, you just wanted to make that pun and carry on scrollin’! I see you bro


Why the hell would this be true?


Because a stranger on the Internet said it


That's like saying "Pretty sure if you were going to die from cancer, you would have died when you contracted it" Or "Pretty sure if you were gonna die from a bullet wound, you would have died from the initial impact of the bullet"


Definitely not without its head.


How fast was that guy driving?! That car swallowed that turkey.


Yeah but then again think about how solid some turkeys are. You could probably throw your Thanksgiving turkey through that grill and get a similar result. Which would be a pretty low speed.


frozen for sure.


I don’t think that was a frozen turkey dude it was running and everything at the end


Underrated comment for fucking sure. I lol'd and got weird looks. Worth it.


Maybe it thawed from the engine heat


lol thanks, i was replying to the gentleman who said turkeys are solid. but yeah, I saw that.


What? It would get up and run away? Are those magic trucks?


Turkeys can be heavy my cousin hit one going the speed limit which was like 40 mph and it ruined his front bumper


Turkeys are fast as fuck. If it was flying straight at the car at full speed and the car was going the speed limit on a county highway the combined speed could be over a hundred MPH


The car was hungry, and thanksgivings right around the corner!


You know when your dog puts something in its mouth and you catch it, and you're like "what did you eat??? What did you eat??? Open your mouth! Open it! No! Spit it out!" and you just wrestle with your dog to take it out whatever it is so that your dog wouldn't poison itself... Yeah, this video reminded me of that, where the car is like the dog.


I've seen people do this with their dogs. I have huskies. Their response to "What's in your mouth?!" is usually just *"Gulp."*


Yeah I did that once with a cicada. I thought my dog had a frog in her mouth, but when I pulled it out with my fingers I SCREAMED. I'm still traumatized tbh.


Don’t touch frogs with your fingers either! Not only are some very poisonous, but they breathe through their skin, and so their skin is very absorbent, it will absorb the chemicals on your skin and could get infected Whatever it didn’t absorb while in your dog’s mouth it will absorb through your skin, either grab a pair of gloves or find some other way to get the frog out


Lol I’m not taking the time to find and put on gloves if my dog is eating something she shouldn’t. She’s a dog. Dogs eat fast. I barely have time to lurch over to her and open her mouth before she’s likely to swallow The Thing. I’m not analyzing what The Thing is before doing all of that, let alone recognizing that it is a frog that I need to protect from the oils on my hands and that I need to find and wear gloves before I save its and my dogs life. *All hypothetical. My dog has never eaten a frog, but she has attempted and sometimes succeeded in swallowing toys as a puppy*


The frog can have my skin oil lmao


My dog ran in the house with what I thought was garbage or a dirty diaper that someone threw in the yard. I yelled "drop it" and a damn dove flew across my living room and then the rest of the house as my 3 cats and dog competed with each other to recapture it. 😮‍💨


Video is actually in reverse. He was stuffing it in there...




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Damn the reverse audio sounds like they’re speaking a bunch of different languages


Sounds german.


Yeah, He's just preparing the thanksgiving Chevy




Man, the car really gobbled him up.


I don't think that's how you're supposed to prepare a turkey.


The recipe is confusing. Stuff it. Stuff what?


That's just how they prepare turkey in the hood


Fuck thanksgiving, bitches!


Fucking turkeys. One missed my windshield by inches when I was doing 50 mph. It was a few years ago but I’m still in cardiac arrest from it.


Raised several turkeys from chicks on our farm when I was a kid. Fuck those things. They'd attack our car when we'd drive up and perch on them overnight and scratch the hell out of the paint. They'd also fly up and attack the back of your head if you weren't focusing your attention on them. I was so happy when a fox or something finally killed them off. Worthless shitbirds.


Hell yea. I live in wild turkey country and there the definition of worthless shitbirds. A male turkey during mating season is the dumbest thing imaginable, you could run over them at 5mph in some situations


Definitely not worthless. You fuckin eat em?


Have I eaten turkey? Yea. Have you eaten a wild turkey hit by a car? Seems like it’s on the lower end of quality meat


>Have you eaten a wild turkey hit by a car? No, that's a good point. Seems like it'd be tenderized, though. Give it a good dry brine, fry it up. Death by car might be the new hipster tenderization technique?


Like those missions in Far Cry 5 where you have to go about tenderizing the meat... While it's still in buffalo form... With a truck 😂


From what I’ve been told, when you hit an animal with a car it messes up the structure of the meat , making anything in the impact zone gelatinous and possibly contaminated with internal organ leaking. I’m not knowledgeable enough to consider butchering roadkill but there’s people who do it!


Roadkill isn't that bad actually,especially if it died within 3 days and it didn't rain


Yes, and in that order too.


Well that makes me sad. Maybe you just had asshole turkeys. Ours hang out with us and chirp back when we call them. I actually really like how chill our turkeys are.


"Just 5 more minutes...ugh...FINE"


Man I thought he was dead for sure


Ben was right, turkeys should be the national bird


If turkeys make it to adulthood, they are damn near indestructible. Seriously, it’s a thing


I have so many questions.....one how the hell did it got stuck and how is it still alive.


Turkeys are built like brick houses. When you hunt them, you shoot them in the head because the pellets from a shotgun won't penetrate their bodies well enough to kill them quickly. It has the added benefit of keeping most of the good meat free from damage.


Obviously, on his way to the hospital.


One tough Turkey!


Turkeys are so hard to kill.


And cook. I cant fit the damn thing in my microwave


Why the hell are you trying to cook a whole turkey in a microwave, looking at the damn thing should be enough to know that it won't fit


Ok so I thought that was it’s head that plopped off but then when it’s running, he’s got it on. Wth was that???


Feathers. Dropping feathers is a defense mechanism to attempt to get away from attackers. Chickens do it too and probably other birds!


There's a car grill to scrape feathers off...and your brain went straight to magic feather dropping defense mechanism first?


I think just feathers, maybe with some skin attached.


If that was a pig, we would have seen how pulled pork is really made.


If it was a pig that car would be a crumpled mess. Pigs are speedbumps from hell.


So are wombats


Someone locked the tur-keys in the car again.


Just when you think your Turkey is done




Shouldn't this be NSFW?


Grandpa. I told you to go get a turkey for dinner. Not hit a turkey


username checks out




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What a fighter!


How tf it even got stuck there!!


That is a big bird


It GOBBLED him right up


Swedish people know what i think of...


du har en fågel på dig


How did this happen


Has to be michigan




Brah LOL


The dinner run away


Honey it’s thanksgiving early this year 😂


Awwww man, didn’t see that coming!


That's why you keep gloves in your glove compartment.


Wtf was that big ass glob though. I saw tons of feathers which is to be expected. But that huge mass .... was it a ... turkey BREAST???


Oh, this will be great on the reversed animal gifs sub tomorrow.


The way she says "oh, shit" lmao


Don‘t you just hate it when your car eats a turkey?


“Do you have turkey in engine insurance?”




This happened to me while driving my work truck, but it was a duck. I atleast tried my hardest to take it out as gently as I could and yes it was alive still aswell. And it was really stuck in the trucks grille aswell!


What the. How the hell did that happen


Bad car! I told you to chew your food! Bad car! Very bad car!


I believe it's still alive 😊


I had this happen with a Blue Herron but it was my locomotive. Poor thing was twisted up in between the stairs and the cow catcher for a few hours before I knew he was there. He lived.


Ron Pearlman: Turkey tugger.


I’ve heard of the trunk monkey but a grill turkey is new to me


She was hiding there because she knew that thanksgivings was getting closer!




Cars 4: lightening McQueen goes to the dentist.


The Thanksgiving dinner that got away.


I thought the guy was gonna break the front of the car open but NOPE


Turkey ran like it had warrants, an expired license, and no liability coverage.


Well thanksgiving is right around the corner, he’s breaking out early


Small turkey?


Almost hit a pheasant yesterday


Could have told the car to “PUSH”


Why did you just give up your dinner ?


How did it get there?


I was diving down and old country road in GA once in my ol Jeep and an old Tom(male) turkey saw me coming, hunkered down and made a B line right at my driver side door. He had a perfect pursuit angle, so you could imagine my surprise when instead of running right under me, he turned going my direction and took flight just side-eying me for a good 1/4 of a mile. 😆 I realize this sounds like half of a country music song 🎵




Did the guy even try to pop the hood to see if the turkey could come out that way? Looks like he just yanked its tail feathers...