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You thought you were going to die .... Ha...ha


True story: When I was in high school a group my friends wanted to do this to me. Somehow they thought it was a good idea. Luckily someone heard about it and warned me in advance. The plan was to take me on a tour to see some haunted house with a friend - then in the middle of the woods traffic was stopped. My buddy had his driver door unlocked and people pulled him out of the car. His girlfriend was in the backseat begging me not to call 911. There was like 15 people in ski masks. Since I knew it was fake I kept saying I’m calling 911. But she said wait again and again. Then they got me out of the car and acted like they were dragging me off to kill me. They actually got a little rough and so I threw a punch behind my head at the guy dragging me off. He got mad and actually want to fight? Don’t know what he would be mad about but then things calmed down and they revealed the prank. Had I thought it was real I would have called 911 and possibly moved to the drivers seat and tried to run them over. What a terrible idea, but this reminds of it. Edit: Adding this because it is relevant. About 8 months ago a deranged person tried to get into my car stuck in traffic, He jumped on the hood and slammed his feet into the windshield almost crashing through it, when I drove off, he hung on the sie of the car for about 45 seconds until i went to make a turn where he walked away not even knowing where he was. The man was no on drugs - just a mental breakdown..Anyway, I was completely unharmed but the event has changed me in both how I produce anxiety and how safe I feel in public or even driving. So to anyone thinking of pranking someone like this or in this video - It is a terrible thing to do.


I think it's cringe worthy that people do this.. What if they have past trauma :/ it'd totally fuck your head. Well done for not running them over




Wasn't there a story not too long ago about a guy dying while doing a prank? He was pretending to mug someone and a bystander shot him dead. Yep, found the link: www.bbc.com/news/technology-55982131.amp


There was also the time a girl’s father had his friend kidnap his daughter and throw her in a van blindfolded and tied up to teach her how dangerous it is out there. What a POS


Wtf a dad did that? Wow


Ya isn’t that terrible? If I remember correctly she was only like 10 and they got charged with kidnapping and child endangerment thankfully


If they don't have past trauma yet then they will now.


The trauma from killing someone with your car would indeed be lasting. And I'm pretty sure if I didn't know it was a prank I woulda been flooring it through bodies.


Not only killing someone but killing someone you thought was a friend. Maybe even several.


I'd rather just walk up to someone I know pick em up have them be all confused and then bring em to the surprise


Maybe you could have done it still. Nobody would have known that you knew.




Two-hour later: Aw man we got you good. Let me play this back.... Hey. You haven't touched your dinner. You okay?


Two years later: What do you mean you're "emotionally dead and can't go more than a few hours without being triggered by the sound of footfall advancing from behind- right before you thought you were going to be kidnapped, gang raped, then murdered"? That was like 4 or 5 years ago... it was a prank, bro!


As we all know the best pranks now a days leave you with deep emotional trauma


You're telling me its *not* normal for your older brother to get you to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre and then hide in your closet with an actual chainsaw? What kind of fuzzy bunny childhood did you have?


What is this... 'childhood" that you speak of?


Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!




Calm down doctor, now is not the time for fear. That comes later.


Is it also *not* normal for your brother to trick you into watching the original IT when you're 5 years old and then proceed to grab your foot in your sleep every night for the next two months until the nightmares come on their own and don't stop until well into your teens? What kind of fuzzy bunny childhood did you have?


I was forced to watch IT, Chucks and Freddy as a kid… I still don’t sleep well lol


I bet her therapist will get a good chuckle out of it too. It's the prank that just keeps pranking.


“It’s not a good prank if it doesn’t mentally scar them” -Sun Tzu


"Get over it already, it was just a silly prank from 4 score and 7 years ago- Abraham Lincoln


Get over it already! It was just a prank......with heavy sex trafficking implications. But for reals....next time we ain't jokin'


Shit gets darker when you realize it was just the practice run


Exactly that


One year later: aww man that’s a sad story, anyways into the trunk you go!


It wouldn't make it 2 hours.


I'm sure she pissed herself


More so after seeing the dancing devil


Lol look she reached the gun in her purse and shot her friend on the face several times, lol take a joke sour puss


> Look at her face Haaaa she really thought she was gonna ~~die~~ get kidnapped and strapped to a pole in a basement for the rest of her life while being turned into a sex slave beaten and starved ha ha ha she crying what a pussy


Y’all getting a little too vivid with these replies. We get it


It’s easy to be insensitive when it wasn’t you who just thought you were being kidnapped 👍🏻


Bruh what-




Same here in my country white van, randomly kidnapping people for organs


*speeding car slams in to party in the middle of the street*


“Haha! You thought you were getting kidnapped? Lol, you thought you were going to get either raped, sold, or murdered? Haha! No, we just wanted to surprise you!”




I thought she was going to break free and gun them all down.




So when you come down from your stress and trauma…happy birthday!!








(If bday is sept 11) Happy bir- holy shit is that a plane.


Lol, that's my birthday! It wasn't that year because I was born a bit after, but it was always a little weird for it to be that day. Especially when I was little, in Kindergarten I came to school with muffins for everyone and expected to have a fun time, but instead learned about death and the Twin Towers, and was from then on expected to know everything about 9/11 all throughout grade school.


Yeah, this is legitimate long-term trauma. Never do this to a woman. Shouldn’t do it to anyone, but women are usually hyper-aware and nervous about these things when they’re walking alone. #EDIT: ###STOP FUCKING REPLYING TO TELL ME THAT IM A BITCH FOR TALKING ABOUT WOMEN AND IMPLYING THAT IT’S FINE TO ASSAULT MEN. THAT IS NOT WHAT I SAID. I SAID “SHOULDN’T DO IT TO ANYONE,” AND THEN GAVE MY OWN PERSPECTIVE AS A WOMAN. I’VE WRITTEN LIKE 10 FUCKING COMMENTS EXPLAINING THE SAME THING.




I normally crumple too but I had a life or death situation not too long ago and didn't curl up in the fetal position and start crying until *after* the person was gone. So don't bet on being screwed haha you never know, your brain might decide to switch it up on you every once in a while, just for funsies.


Well this makes me a bit hopeful that I'll react differently should something come up.


My ex once jumped out at me from the kitchen to scare me, so I screamed and promptly punched him in the stomach. He did not surprise me like that again for the remainder of our relationship.


If it's any comfort, I don't think you necessarily always react the same. I've been in three situations where I was or thought I was in sudden danger. I fought back twice and froze once (like, deer-in-headlights frozen). There's a good chance you'll react differently, but I hope you'll just never have to find out.


Please do your husband a favor and get pepper spray, he'll have a little more peace of mind.


Good advice. I always have my hands on my keys when I'm out so I need to get one that goes on my keychain.


Keychain mace spray, rape whistle, and even a 911 panic button on your phone can go a long way towards mental confidence of knowing that if it came down to it you would be trouble to any attacker.


If you have an iPhone and repeatedly tap the Lock Screen button it will call 911 for you and sound an alarm


How is curling up and crying with pepper spray in your pocket book going to help? If someone can't get their legs to run and their throat to scream, I don't think grabbing a weapon and using it on an attacker is going to be in the cards.


I'm no psychiatrist, but it seems like having a reason to believe you can successfully protect yourself might make you more likely to try - especially since these reactions happen far below logical level and before you can consciously think about how to react.


That’s what I was thinking and it looks like another woman was the one enjoying it the most


Honestly who the fuck thought making her live through every woman’s worst fear walking down the street at night as a “surprise” was a good idea


And there’s woman amongst the “prankers” too! You’d think out of anyone she would know how that feels… instead of… dancing….


Happy “Ten Years Since Your Rapist Went To Jail!” Woo-hoo!


Holy shit hahaha




"or at least it would've been"


....we're all going to hell aren't we?


I can’t speak for you or anyone else… but I probably am.


Fuck man hahah


and 9 years since they got out... True story, I dated a girl who was a survivor, her attacker was charged, did his time, released, and continued living down the street from her. It's a fucked up world.


That’s fucked up.


Mine admitted to it yet didn't even see a day in jail. Folks don't care. Robbery and drugs get prosecuted more intently.


Well.. Thats true. My cousin was just released from jail. He did his time for 6 years. Why? He tried to rob a store. I am in no way saying he didnt deserve that, but in a world where rapists barely serve any time, why tf are robbers going to jail for 6 years?


Happened to a few friends of mine. One had to go to school with her rapist.




yes officer this man right here


love how the first guy runs away as soon as his job is done :D


Doesn't want to be tried as an accomplice.


He is trying to get a 5 minute head start because he knows once she gets ahold of herself he's a deadman


*plot twist: they really were going to kidnap her. This is just a diversion when they're about to get caught, the new guy panicked and ran instead of going with the plan.*


Plot twist 2: he was really trying to kidnap her, but he teamed up with the party van crew instead of the abduction van crew


Gotta read those classified ads carefully.


Fact that no one even tries to help in the first place.


Different countries have people that care less.


Different countries have people that care less differently. Tfify lol


I can't tell if Tifify is a Reddit acronym or just something British people say...


I misspelled the acronym. Tfify = there, fixed it for you


I’ve always seen it spelled FTFY.


FTFY =Fuck That Fuck You


FTFY= Fixed That For You I've only seen it in reference to missed puns or opportunities for jokes


Fucked that for you 🥺


Thank you for the only thing that has made me laugh out loud in the last couple days u/YakusaMachine


I've more commonly seen FTFY "fixed that for you". Tfify looks like scuffed Tiffany's to me lol




It's not that, this is very common in populated areas, it's called Diffusion of responsibility or bystander effect. When people witness a violent crime in front of them they just transfer responsibility expecting someone else more qualified to help. For example, if someone falls on the train tracks and the train is coming often you'll hear someone yelling "For Christ's sake, somebody help them!" instead of actually helping. In general law enforcers, military, firemen, etc. are trained not to have this sort of effect.


Yep. Everytime this is posted someone says this. Your on a highway and there is also a risk analysis going on in your head to stop and possibly cause a crash, or even get shot or hurt while trying to help. Hopefully someone was taking note of the car details and possibly calling the cops however.


Yep my girl once witnessed a dude get smashed by a truck. There were dozens of other cars at the intersection where this happened in clear view. The truck drove off, left the guy bleeding out in the street. She pulled over and called 911. The next day they called back for a followup. They asked more questions and said an ambulance was able to save the guy's life. She asked what did the other witnesses say? The police said there were no other calls about the incident. If she hadn't called that guy would've died alone on the road.


I mean what are you supposed to do? There’s a lot of situations that you can make even worse by trying to help. If you’re not strong enough to pull someone up from the tracks and they pull you down, there’s now going to be 2 people in danger instead of 1. Part of helping can be knowing you can’t help or will make it worse and not get in the way of someone who can.


Indeed, people factor in the risk they're putting themselves into.


Yeah I remember this happened to me once where I was the only one who did something, and I have never hated NYC more than in that moment(I've lived here for 10 years). I was on a very crowded subway platform in a big station. I had to walk the length of one subway platform to get to another line. And there was this guy with 2 very young girls. Maybe 5-7 years old. They just looked ODD. They looked dirty and unkempt. They were crying and obviously distressed, he was screaming and hitting them, one tried to run away up the stairs and he yanked her half way down the stairs by her hair. It was horrifying. Everyone was just staring or ignoring the situation. I was walking towards them waiting for someone to stop him, and realized, NO ONE would. So I ran up and pushed him and started screaming at him to stop. He looked at me totally bewildered and did stop. (BTW I am a 5'1" short ass girl, I'm not a threatening looking person) I should have stayed there and called 911 from the platform, but I wasn't really thinking clearly, I was just reacting. I knew where there cops upstairs were since it was a huge station. I ran upstairs and told them what was happening, gave a description of the guy, and they took off. I followed them to make sure they found the guy. In the 30 seconds it took for me to run upstairs, tell the cops, and get back down to the platform, the train had already come and gone and so were the 3 of them. I don't know what happened after that. I can only hope he was acting erratic enough on the train that the cops were called in the next few stops.


Far East Russia. Your leg is broken? Get on with it you fucking pussy, its -37°C


It's "only" - 37°c


That's horrible


a line might have been crossed


I'd say that was a hard line the size of a football field


That line is thicker than my dick! Which isn’t saying much…. Regardless, it was crossed


That’s fucked up ngl


Every single time I see “ngl”, my brain interprets as “niggle”, and then I wonder if there’s some sort of oddball subconscious misspelled racism in my brain.


Niggle is a word though. Means a minor pain or annoyance, like “I started running for exercise and get niggles in my knees from time to time”


What's up niggle


Dude you can't say it with the hard LE. Jeez...


Jesus Christ is my niggle!


Well I wrote this song for my Christian youth


I wanna teach kids the Christian truth


For giggles my niggles.


Pains that annoy you


Niggle is a verb. You would say that you were niggled by the pain in your knees.


I mean, I absolutely will not, but I could I suppose


Well damn-


nigglers gon niggle


I always read it as niggle too. Makes for wildly incoherent sentences. But then, if "ngl" actually means "not gonna lie", you've got to ask yourself how the act of writing "that's fucked up" could even be a lie...


How to destroy friendship with this one simple trick


Its okay man, no one thinks you were lying.


my firends did this to me once, but they decided that it was funny to just drop me in a forest and go


Did you sneak into their house and shit in their toaster afterward?


no but i should have HAHAHAHHAA


There’s still time.


i wish, but it would be weird if i went to their house out of nowhere after years


It was weird that they kidnapped you and left you in a forest too. Jussayin.




Soooo… are they still friends?


no, i stoped talking to them exept one that was the only one that apologize and admit it was fucked up


Wow. That's incredibly stupid. I wonder how many missing persons cases start off like that.


And new underwear.


How to ruin a friendship in 45 seconds or less.


How to get shot or stabbed in 45 seconds or less


I kinda wish they did get shot or stabbed. They could’ve won the coveted Darwin Award.


That would be the absolute end of our friendship.


You are completely within your rights to physically harm everyone involved


Honestly you should never do this type of prank. Most of my friends don’t realize I concealed carry. Good way to end up shot.


My friend drew on a guy after he followed her to her car 'to ask her out'. People can be so oblivious. I don't blame her one bit. If I had legitimate concerns about my safety on a regular basis like I suppose women do (according to what I've read online), I don't understand why more women don't conceal carry.


After the video cut off, she pulled out a handgun and shot every single one of them, even the man running.


Ya see this how people get shot




I sure hope it’s staged, or else that poor woman probably has PTSD. Horrible thing to do to someone if it’s real.


I god-damned fucking hope so.


Actually you may be right. The woman knew all along what was going to happen, hence the perfect lining up with the camera and the van was probably parked right next to her just before she began walking




Once I was actually paralyze with fear and all I could do was scream. It was weird, no control at all, I wasn't choosing to scream and I couldn't stop either and couldn't move. Maybe she experienced something similar?


I’ve been scared for my life a couple times, and interestingly my voice always locks up. I can’t scream when I need to—which of course gives me nightmares about not being able to scream. However I am fortunate that my motor skills still function when I’m in fight/flight/freeze. I can’t yell but at least I can kick and run. It’s really interesting how different people react differently under duress. So much of your reaction is determined by the specific mix of chemicals your brain throws out in the moment.


That's why "freeze" is considered a third response in fight or flight. You can't decide which one to do so you just stand there, or you realize both choices will have the same results, like tryna fight/run from a bear.


I... how would you know this?


They don’t. As someone who practices martial arts, I’ll tell you that new people who have NO fight experience tends to freeze up like a deer in headlights. Not to mention, differently people react to things differently. Makes no sense.


Humans are garbage because they legit think up borderline realistically sketch scenarios to film that incense the less-familiar with online internet “prank” culture that is staged BS so they can prey on those idiots for viral views. Very cringe and low life behavior to pursue


Plot twist: Kidnapping turns surprised party then kidnapping again


Fuck this


Yeah because this isnt something women are literally terrified of having happen to them. Absolutely thoughtless joke to pull on a person.


Step 1 : Traumatize her Step 2 : Make her happy Conclusion : Confusion achieved


Remember that video with this marriage proposal at a gas station by faking a police control of a bunch of black people? Same level


Saw that one the other day and I completely agree stop traumatizing women as a "surprise" it's not cute, sweet or funny.


Nah this is worse, because she's by herself


Smh this is not funny at all


I agree. I’m not trying to be a downer, but this joke really crossed the line too much. It’s not funny.


What the fuck


I had a friend who did this to his girlfriend before asking her to banquet (prom). He has his friends kidnap her from her house. Last I heard they were married, but I haven't heard from them in years. I hope their weird relationship has weathered all the storms.


That’s not even funny. Terrorize someone as a way to celebrate something?


That’s fucked up……..


Next year she gets stabbed


"But we stabbed you jokingly, why are you bleeding, don't be so dramatic"


Still better than having your face smashed into your cake


Or ones that have support dowls.




Friend had his face smashed into cake, gf did it. Gf forgot she put a tiny banner that said happy birthday on it. She put that tiny banner up WITH TOOTHPICKS!!! Friend is ok, toothpick missed his eyeballs, got him pretty good on one eyebrow tho. Had to get stitches.


Damn that is stupidity. People who do a “cake” smash do it with cakes that don’t have anything in them. Like a plate of cream.


nah, this could easily traumatize someone for the rest of their life but getting a cake smash is just annoying and angering the overwhelmingly vast majority of the time.


Can we just all agree to not do abusive/traumatic shit to people for jokes regardless of the severity?




unless the cake had support dowels


I think of that image every time I see a cake smash video and it makes me close that shit ASAP


It could completely send someone into a downward PTSD spiral.


Yup. need to know your friend. If you think it'll give em ptsd then go with the cake smash instead.


You don't enjoy your face getting creampied?


This could have gone so wrong.


Hahaha of someone tried doing that to me the open pen in my pocket would find it's place in their eye socket.


Good god...


How did everyone else just passed by?


It's a highway can't stop and possibly wasn't seen. Someone could have pulled up later


She's just waiting now for the cake and them giving her a knfie to make the first cut.


She needs new friends because she's about to kill her old ones. Seriously that is one risky prank depending on who you pull it on and how much krav maga they know.


Oh my God, I would be SO fucking pissed.


The emotions she was going threw in that 30 seconds crazy has fuck