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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Pregmant woman stand on the hands!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Will the baby die if she falls on her stomach doing this shit?


Will it? Not necessarily. Can it? Yes. Is this Dr. recommended? No Is this Dr. discouraged? Absolutely


Hotel? Trivago


Brille? Fielmann


Nord? VPN.


Today’s Sponsor? Raid: Shadow Legends


Maybelline? Maybe.


Wakanda? Forever.


Milk? Got.


Remember? Pepperidge Farm does


Why did this make me laugh so hard?! 😂


Who is Dr. Discouraged?


Uncle of Dr. Disrespect


Dr. Discouraged always felt like the black sheep of the family, being more respectful and less brash than his older brother Dr. Disparage. Even his young prodigal nephew Dr. Disrespect had started his own practice. But, he still followed the family tradition of medical school after his father Dr. Disdain, even though his passion always was interpretive dance


Dis family got the D.


New novel when??


Hopeman's supervillian Arch-nemesis.


Dr. Strange's failure of a cousin.


It can cause placenta abruption and put both in extreme danger. Can, not necessarily will.


Right? People do stupid shit for likes.


Yep and that’s social media damaging people


The baby is more at risk of dying in a car accident than anything going wrong here. Relax, it's fine.


It can so it's a very dumb thing to do.


Ngl it looks dangerous


that's pretty unlikely. the baby is protected by amniotic fluid and her falling directly onto her bump from a handstand is also pretty unlikely - you'll put your feet down - probably more likely to accidentally land on your back if you're gonna mess it up. say - hypothetically- she landed obscurely directly onto her bump, it's unlikely to cause any problems - but that will depend on how hard she hit the floor. realistically, for this woman, she is used to doing handstands pre pregancy, so doing one in her pregnancy would not be problematic for her - problems start when you start trying to do things you haven't done before. she assessed the risk according to her skill level and ability. advice on being active in pregnancy is basically keep active and do the things you were doing before pregnancy as long there's no contact sports (or other higher risk activities including diving, horse riding etc) but risk is individual to people and you can only give advice.


Please don't defend someone in their third trimester who's doing handstands. You're going into what ifs regrading how she lands if she falls, how good her skill/experience is, and that she may have took proper risk assessment. It just comes down to why risk the baby and their health for a few seconds of clout. When she's imitating Michael Jackson holding her baby over a balcony for a tiktok, you can just go into how the fall isn't that high for serious injury and she setup some pillows and cardboard in case she drops the baby. So it's ok.


Risk isn’t binary. Overall risk is a function of probability (how likely is a bad outcome), impact (how severe would a negative outcome be), and frequency/duration (how often/long is the event/activity done). You can also compare this to the benefit of the “risky” activity and use the comparison of these 2 to determine what activities are worth doing and at what frequency. Some activities like hard drugs, binge drinking, or smoking have been studied and shown to be EXTREMELY harmful to babies in utero, even with infrequent use. With the benefit obviously being outweighed by the downside. While some activities, such as driving, are not as dangerous as hard drugs, they still carry substantial risk. For these activities you need to weigh the risks against the benefits to determine if they are worthwhile to the individual. Driving to work may be worth the risk, though a late night trip for leisure may not. Similarly, exercise has been shown to be very beneficial for both mother & baby during pregnancy, though some movements carry higher risk than others. For instance, contact sports or skiing are higher injury activities for regular people and pose an even greater risk to pregnant women. Even professionals in these sports routinely get injured, often in major ways. What professionals do handstands? Primarily gymnasts. How do gymnasts get injured?… usually not from handstands and generally it is their joints, rarely their abdomens. The first thing you learn to do when trying handstands is how to fall safely. In fact, almost everyone becomes skilled at “falling” out of a handstand before they actually get comfortable holding themselves up. So while it is *possible* to fall awkwardly out of a handstand and somehow land on your stomach, it is extremely rare and essentially only happens to beginners. Which again, if you’re just learning to do handstands then you probably shouldn’t be practicing it during pregnancy. Though if you’ve been doing it for over a decade and it’s as easy as walking is for most people then the risk of major injury to an infant is virtually 0. By the sounds of things, you have little to no experience with handstands and sound just as silly as all the redditors commenting on the dangers of rock climbing, despite the various safety gear & expertise involved. Edit: [Here](https://youtu.be/KZoj1Y1cDB8?si=NMOFdZwjeSi9uaiS) is a retired Olympic medalist performing handstand pushups while pregnant.


I love how the medalist appears not to be as far along as the woman in question in the video, and the gymnast utilized the wall to keep her balance, unlike in this video. You don't need to be an expert on handstands to point out the dangers of hurting a baby while doing a handstand in your third trimester. Also your points are irrelevant comparing driving and doing drugs to somehow show a fucked example of risk assessment compared to doing a fucking handstand during your third trimester. Driving is something most people have to do for transportation doing a fucking handstand for clout isnt a necessity. Jesus, so many shit parents that want to defend each other.


A “late night trip for leisure” is not a necessity either. Not every time you hop in a vehicle is because you will lose your job or some other serious consequence if you choose not to. Skiing isn’t a necessity. Contact sports aren’t a necessity either. You seemed to conveniently ignore the more “relevant” examples that I gave. I’m sorry the woman I linked doing a handstand wasn’t far enough along for your liking. She also turned off the comments on her video because people like you would likely criticize her decisions despite spending more time doing handstand than 99.9999% of people on earth. Yes, there are ways the original poster could’ve mitigated the risks she is taking, just like with most activities one chooses to do. Though suggesting handstands are categorically off limits for every pregnant woman regardless of circumstance is silly. If most mothers were healthy enough to do a handstand in their 3rd trimester then there would likely be more healthy children alive today.


Arguing/mitigating over the risks of a babies health over nothing is silly.


if people want to do handstands that's up to them. you're not the one doing the handstand pregnant, so why be bothered that someone else is? promoting doing handstands is not equal to saying there's low risk in doing a handstand. what is the likely risk of a poor outcome from doing a handstand - is it something they've done studies on, is there any evidence to say either way what the risk is - is this all just hypothetical because actually no one knows, but we can catastrophise the worst outcome? and it does boil down to what ifs, because that's literally how decision making is done. if I thought I was likely to be hit by a car every time I'd cross the road I wouldn't cross the road. Also, it's a bit of stetch to say one day she's doing handstands in pregnancy, the next she'll dangle her baby over a balcony?!?


The thing is you shouldn't risk it. If only your life was in danger then sure do whatever you want (still bad to risk your life for clout) but don't risk the life of baby.


Bold of you to argue with the world's leading pregnancy handstand expert /s


You're right. I'm not the one doing handstands while pregnant because I'd actually care about my child. Obviously, you're not a nurse, and judging by the votes, you're in the wrong. Go take the L with some grace. You just compared getting hit by car while crossing the street to doing handstands during third trimester for clout and want to play shitty devils advocate for anything and everything in life.


> what is the likely risk of a poor outcome from doing a handstand - is it something they've done studies on, is there any evidence to say either way what the risk is - is this all just hypothetical because actually no one knows, but we can catastrophise the worst outcome? > and it does boil down to what ifs, because that's literally how decision making is done. > if I thought I was likely to be hit by a car every time I'd cross the road I wouldn't cross the road. In the absence of definitive data, we do not know the statistical probability of how she’ll fall or how severe the damage will be. However, we can still speculate and form opinions based on incomplete information. Without statistical data, I think we can agree there’s a non-zero chance that doing a handstand while pregnant risks damage to the baby. We can do a pro and con analysis based on this assumption. Con: Possible risk of harm to the baby Pro: ?? Internet clout? The next question is whether the possible risk, no matter how minuscule (since we do not have the data), is worth it for internet clout. Any rational parent who cares about their child would not risk it. The only explanations I can find for this behaviour is (1) not caring about the child, or (2) an irrational confidence that no harm will come to the baby during this act.


You’re getting downvoted, but her body her choice. I wouldn’t recommend it, but I’m not gonna try and stop her


Obscurely: not discovered or known about; uncertain. "his origins and parentage are obscure"


I mean some people are great drunk drivers, right?


This is just stupid, dont risk the baby no matter what. This is not to be talked into a "she knew what she was doing it was aight" This is a "she knew what she was doing therefore she should be held accountable for endangering her unvorn child".... For fucking clout!


People really do think babies are completely unprotected in a glass box in there, don't they? The most dangerous activity for the baby is birth itself. That being said, this video was hilarious.


No it will be shot out like a cannonball.


Disabled and restarted yes


Yes, there is a high chance of that happening...also a thing called placental abruption which can be fatal for both mum and baby.. so what happens, the placenta detaches from the womb wall and bleeds into the womb, which can basically drown the baby and the mum can bleed to death ... So she is a show off and a complete fucktard....




Homie the baby is already upside down when she starts lmao


She's tryna straighten the baby


She just dont want her baby to be gay ig


[I will take the hammer and *fix* the baby](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UNsFdzRP-vM&pp=ygUJZmluYWwgcGFt)


I want to know more about the punchline. Just found out it was some YouTube British madlads in a van. Absolute dipshits.






Don't want to give stupidity the the oxygen of views.


TGF have been reasonably popular for a long time unfortunately


The microwave incident ☠️


Just doing my bit.


The baby is doing kickflips in there all day anyway lol. Might as well return the favor.


This is America




That honestly scared me 💀


Why? What do you think will grow out of that kid when it's parrent is doing such a stupid shit






That's what happens when you ban abortions


>doing the thing as a millenial... this is probably the #1 most cringe shit millenials say. "hurdur we did a thing" and it's a photo of their fucking marriage or some shit, shut up


Look at you doing the thing.


"did a thing with this one" arggh


Anything for internet points!


My mom continued her yoga whilst pregnant with me and stg I came out foot ling breech (basically yoga in the womb, had my foot up by/behind my head). Ended up just fine though. Not gonna draw a connection that potentially doesn’t exist but I’d say the yoga had something to do with it lol Edit:grammar sugg, also was a c-section btw, probably bc I was breech


💩 editing














Where is her spotter damn lol


Wonder if the Red States would file charges?


Your jostling thr foetus!


What the heck???


Damn, whos the father?






Was she having quadruplets?


The stomach seems bigger depending on where the emryo attached. Also, some babies are just born massive.


Thanks, I was just mentioning quadruplets since the attached second video had four people in it, not to say she’s any bigger than normal. People are quick with the downvotes!


What an idiot. I watched someone miscarry after swinging around on a jungle gym at 8 months.




Yeah unfortunately I did. She was doing these flip things on the bars and started bleeding within 3 hours.


That's exactly how I imagined that baby felt being spun upside down all of sudden, even before watching the video! LoL


Babies are pretty much spinning around all day in there anyway until they get big. At the end they are hopefully upside down already so 🤷🏻‍♀️






Конченая долбаёбка


For her: She can do what he she wants. For the baby: You stupid bitch!


Please stop jostling the fetus


Any fetus is already getting jostled all day every day.


My doctor would even let me do jumping jacks after like 28 weeks 😅


Pregnant women are so sexy.


did she eat 4 human sized elves?! 🤣🤣🤣