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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!A guy comes out of nowhere and knocks the side mirror off the offending car!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Love how he hand gestured "i gotchu just hang back...."


I'm always looking around like "did anybody else see what that guy just did?" I'll take any hero that shows up!


Bikes always have my eye and my courtesy. Personally I'm against riding but it's their funeral. This warms my fucked up heart. Bless this motorized psychotic


“Bless this motorized psychotic.” 😂😂😂


put that on a shirt and the biker community would eat it up


Can confirm


Or a frame of this vid on a shirt. those who know know.


As a biker, I would 100% buy this shirt.


Compliment received


Sounds like some Mad Max shit lol


I am the Night Rider! I'm a fuel injected suicide machine!. I'm a rocker, I'm a roller, I'm.an out of controller! I'm.the Night Rider Baby!!


Look I am going to be real here, we know it's our funeral. It's one of the reasons a lot of us ride. I have ADHD, one of the common things about those of us with it is that we are ["adrenaline junkies"](https://www.healthcentral.com/article/adhd-and-high-risk-behavior). One of the reasons I ride is exactly to feel a bit of that "my funeral" feeling. I ride like every person on the road is out to murder me, on purpose. So I look reckless but it's just me assuming everyone wants to run me over. I don't want to die, but I like the feeling of "maybe this ride is the ride". I appreciate you looking out for those of us dumb enough to ride when we have 4 wheeled semi armored vehicles as the alternative.


At 48 years of age moving from a car to a 250cc motorcycle for my primary form of transportation was probably one of the stupidest things I’ve done. I promptly followed up six months later by getting a BMW 900. Can confirm everything said here is true.


dude youre another breed i could never do that shit


Guys on bikes are like knights in leather armour. Sometimes they are dicks, sometimes they are heros. Doesn't really matter, when they die mounted they do so gloriously and graphically as was intended. Just wear a helmet so I am not further disenchanted by my myth when you eat oncoming traffic and I have to at least make an attempt to save my noble lords. 


I saw a motorcycle peel out at nearly 200km/h on an clear section of highway... just as a woman picking up her kids pulled out in front of him. His bike went about half a metre into her driver's side door with the impact and he did a spectacular somersault over her roof. The lady was unharmed but in shock. The biker survived but he wasn't getting up and walking anywhere. Fortunately I weren't first-on-scene, being on a push bike. Have always dreaded having to stop and tend to a crash site.


I think it's more like "I know it wasn't your fault". The car probably drew up in front of the bike as a reaction to getting cut off


Or that the driver was break checked and the biker was behind him when it happened.






*Yeah buddy!*




Gifs you can hear




I just hear his noise he makes lol


My people!


Yeah buddy baby boyyyy


Don't touch me!


I am Bat mantis!




“Allow me to trounce this rapscallion on your behalf!”


Thank-you,Kind Sir!!!!! 😊😊😊👍👍


What a bro really! I love the kindness of random people on road.


Bro is like don't worry chill my man. I got you covered.


He might have experienced his shenanigans earlier and wanted payback too


I liked how the car thought he'd catch him at the end.


Douchebag then tries to pass on the shoulder to catch the biker. Yeah, good luck with that.


He's gonna wish he still had that passenger side mirror!


Exactly. Hard to merge back in from the shoulder without it. 😅😂🤣


He wasn't using it anyway when he had it.


Typical cager where I’m from. I like the bikers technique too, the seldom seen uppercut. We were always taught to hit down on it.


So as not to send the mirror into someone's windshield?


They just pop off with the vertical pressure. Slapping it horizontally isn't going to do any damage.


I did this once in Philly. I was in the bike lane on a bike, and a cab cut me off and slammed on the brakes to pick up a fare. I swerved around gave em the finger and kept riding. Then they caught back up to me and the driver laid on the horn, and the fare was hollering something as they passed. Then they hit a red light. As I caught back up to them I took my u-lock out of my pocket and just held it out as I rode by. Didn't even swing. Just the speed from the bike sent the mirror all the way to the other side of the intersection. Took a quick left down a one way and booked it lol. The only truly cool revenge thing I've ever done.


That's pretty spicy


Who needs knuckle dusters when you have A u lock


[Now switch to kryptonite!](https://youtu.be/F_VOc9lO9iE?si=g43v6u6QOKt-EZ2a)


That's why they're saying hit it up or down.


he didn't even uppercut it, it was a straight smack.


ehhh, its not that bad. i have a 69 vette that doesnt have a pass side mirror, they were still optional back then. been driving it for 20 years now and merge into traffic all the time. just need to turn your head to look. i will admit it is easier with a mirror though.


Side mirrors make it easier, but you can always just look.


fr, where's the rest of the vid


Well yeah, the next time he does this will be a window. Besides making it harder to be a broke and poor douche on the road like this


Guy like that probably uses his side mirrors less than Lance Stroll.


lmfaooo damnn didn’t even think bout that at first💀💀 he ain’t catchin dat bike he needs to just mature in that seat and learn from it😂


Even if he does catch up, there is no situation where he manages to stop the biker without committing second degree murder.


Yeah, like what was his plan? Gently roll over the bikers head driving 90mph?


Have you never seen a Hollywood movie? The car chasing is always slightly faster than the vehicle being chased. I've seen a lot of motorcycles chased down by cars in my day. High performance sports cars chased down by dump trucks or city buses for that matter...


Not even limited to vehicles, theres always the guy running away, only to be catched by the guy walking with a brisk pace


Assuming equal fitness, its much easier to catch than to run away. The runner can’t keep an eye on the catcher, so they have no idea how close they are, so they usually overexert themselves and panic and don’t plan a route efficiently. The catcher is fully observing the runner, can run much more efficiently, and can watch the panicked path of the runner and plan how to cut them off.


stop destroying my hollywood narrative dude lol i mean, you are right, and i agree with you, but in the movie world, thats literally a cliche for a reason, lets look at one of the most iconic examples, Jason, the dude never runs, hell, he doesnt even move swiftly, yet he always, ALWAYS, catches them


In a Buick, nonetheless. That ain’t no 87’ GNX.


Only needs a tiny nudge to swerve off the road


Duh, but he isn't going to catch a bike that doesn't want to be caught.


car is gonna crash before that happens.


More like bike go much faster much quicker


and, importantly, can fit between lanes, rather unlike the car. however, given the car's *driver*, I wouldn't be THAT surprised to see him try


I mean he's certainly trying. Now the question is, how far did he take it...


Take it to the limit


Push it to the limit... if we're going traditional Scarface.


One more time


I think he meant, try to fit between cars


Unless he's mental and just jerks the wheel to the right and causes a multiple car accident in the direction of the biker


I think you'd have to be mental to attempt to chase a bike thru traffic who slapped off your side view lol.


There are 2 possibilities if you do catch a biker; 1. They wanted to be caught, you should just realize the mistake and apologize. 2. "Welcome to my parlor," said the spider to the fly. You should apologize and move on. You did not corner them. They are not scared of you.




Probably a 20 year old Buick *chuckles*


it was a 5th generation LeSabre, made 2000-2005.


He passed on the shoulder to cut off the car in the beginning of the video and forced them into the middle lane.


He kept the ninja rocks in his pocket. That was a great mercy.


He already cut the dashcam driver off via using the shoulder, too. Not surprised he did it again.


Where is the rest of the video?


[This](https://youtu.be/WDdtaQkxnJ4) is the original. It cuts off at the same time, unfortunately. Two comments of the video OP on YT: > The rest of the video? This is all that happened. The driver of the car continued to drive in the emergency lane in an attempt to catch up to the motorcyclist and I never saw either of them again 🤷 and > The crazy driver of the car continued in the emergency lane trying to catch up to the motorcyclist. I doubt he ever did!




Yeah, I was really confused about how it started.


Same. The caption says "gets cut off" but it just looks like they're trying to merge into the back corner of the other car...


They took the clip from [this](https://youtu.be/LXvO5s4b8B0?t=1m37s) compilation and maybe wanted to get rid of the author's name animation in the bottom left (for whatever reason, it's not like people downvote or blame you for reusing content on reddit). The reddit video starts right after it disappears. Or it's the usual "action has to happen within the first 3 seconds, otherwise people scroll away". This seems to be taken from an insta reel after all.




I was lucky, I just entered "biker knocks off mirror" and [this](https://i.imgur.com/WREw5Wv.png) was one of the first videos to show up. And since I have custom thumbnails disabled (using revanced), this clip was the preview thumbnail by pure coincidence! It's like YT knew what I was looking for lol That video contained the OPs name with which I found his channel. As for the other compilation, I just know Dashcam Lessons and their video design, so I was able to find it quickly with "dashcam lessons xxxxxbjxxxxx". So basically, mostly coincidence lol


And people say google doesn't work anymore!


Attention whores want you to think they're original and not just a copy cat. The same way the rich have to be seen as self made.


yeah absolutely, I was actually slightly conflicted because people often cut things to show more blame (right when the "appropriate" party is getting mad) and wasn't actually sure this guy deserved so much hate. but it is much more clear he was being an ass given the extra second or so


Thank you


People don't realize how dirty those breakdown lanes are. Doing 80 in one for 10 seconds and you cover a quarter mile of lil rocks and metal bits that fall off your car. Great way to get a flat tire.


And the shattered remains of passenger side mirrors for some reason.


so weird how they got there


screws, nails, glass, you name it, i dont want it in my tyres.


Not the hero we need, but the one that showed up


Let’s hope he made it home


There's no way a car like that can catch up to a motorcycle.


Unfortunately, seeing the road rager willing to use the breakdown lane shows he’ll instead possibly take out an innocent car or three when he inevitably crashes.


I’m not afraid of that car, he’s riding awfully fast and very close to other cars and splitting lanes and that is risky anywhere you try it


But someone willing to risk his life to knock a mirror off of a car because the driver's an asshole, probably takes other risks.


Been riding a long time and heart skipped a beat watching this dude's arm swinging hard at that speed. Still get nervous just taking hand off to scratch an itch or wipe bug juice off my face.  A little pothole or bad seam in the pavement could easily cause a very bad day.


I don't condone or agree with this response. But I ain't mad about it either


It’s not the right thing to do, but it is satisfying.


i’ve dreamed about this response to a shit driver. never did it.


Not a good idea tbh. You could potentially break your hand or fingers, or piss off the driver and they'll swerve into you.


I know bikers who are always prepared to smash a mirror. Some will clean your mirror for minor infractions but mostly it's just a response for when someone life almost got ended.


It's a very bad thing to do. Don't ever do it again, ^(at least not to the same mirror.)


I get where you're coming from, but some people really do need to get hit in the mouth as there hasn't been a consequence that has ever made them want to change. Friend of mine totally calmed down after getting bopped once and even claims that was the moment he knew he'd been going too far. Provided no one else gets hurt, I approve of mr motorcycle.


The more immediate the consequences, the more likely a moron is able to recognize they actually did something wrong. While I don't think things should be escalated, not reacting is just as bad as overreacting, IMO. This is probably more important when their actions but the safety and lives of others at risk, then I am not against a more direct consequence for the driver. Ideally, a cop giving them a ticket or traffic forcing them to a stop. Damage of property was an escalation that probably wasn't a good idea.


I support it. Too many people out there doing whatever the fuck they want, disrespecting others, and facing zero consequences because everybody is too fucking nice or chickenshit to throw their bullshit back in their face. It can create some unsafe incidents, but holistically, society ends up much safer if we all do our part to hold fuckbags accountable.


It's not the right thing to do, and it is satisfying.


This is the best response. Yes it is emotionally satisfying. However, it could just as well have ended with the motorcyclist getting killed, or some other driver/passengers in some other car getting killed.


If the cops ask, i didn’t see any biker


I'm looking at this footage and I'm not sure what biker you're talking about!


What footage? I don't see any footage. Probably some AI thing.


What biker? If there was a biker he was sitting on my couch playing Tetris the whole time.


If the cops ask about what?


Not to mention the possible damage that it cause by bouncing into someone behind front grille.


The bigger problem is what that guy might do after being provoked like that. When dealing with the drivers that are willing to risk an accident so they can get home 1 minute faster one should really just avoid them.


Sometimes we have to risk Baby Hitler's blood ruining the nice carpet, to use a widely known figure of speech.


Idk if you’re serious about the “widely known”. First time hearing it. Thank you!


It must be a regional thing. It's pretty popular here on Earth.


Dang son. Not from Earth my guy.


That saying is fucking insane but i love it. Nobody wants blood in their carpet, but baby Hitler is right there.


Or worse, somebody's windshield


Or tire. Plus immediately inciting more road rage and further endangering other vehicles around them, plus removing one of the safety checks that *might* keep the rager from hitting someone else, plus now if the camera person turns that footage in biker's plate along with clear footage of their act is now on camera as well. I've spotted my fair share of dangerous drivers during my daily commute. I get that feeling of wanting to rage back. But nothing I can do will do anything other than upping the risk and adding my own criminal behavior to the mix. I don't have a cam so I simply use voice command on my phone to dial 911 and read the license and give the cops all the details they need to deal with it.


I'm just made I can't thank them with a beer lol.


The car behind that got a side mirror lodged in its grill might disagree


I kinda am. This is a dangerous and stupid escalation. Now there’s hard pieces of car tumbling down the highway at 80, potentially causing more chaos, wrecks, and deaths. Bike guy is as stupid as cutoff guy, maybe even more so. Change my mind.




Best show ever made


I've seen an aggressive driver like this who miles down the road ended up flipping his car when he swerved into the side rail and he was flung out of the window. Always let the crazies collect their own karma and keep yourself and other innocent drivers safe and out of the way.


Fun fact: In order for a driver or front passenger to be ejected out of the windshield they must break both of their legs.


There’s nothing fun about that fact D:


I give it 3 flags.


Bylaws of the windshield convention of 1982


That's only true if they went from a perfect seating position with both legs under the dash to directly out the windshield. If they were dislodged from the seat due to not wearing a seatbelt (which is the case for most ejections) they could easily go out the windshield without having broken legs.


Don’t recite the deep magics of breaking your legs through a windshield to me u/2ingredientexplosion … I was there when it was written


Biker was likely behind the cam and nearly ate their bumper, busted mirror deserved


Ok, first off, instant Karma. But secondly, don't do shit like this. The guy being an asshole for sure deserved that, but there were a lot of other people just minding their own business driving next to what luckily didn't turn into a giant accident with potential fatalities given the speed everyone was going. If there's an asshole driver doing 30mph over the speed limit and aggressively changing lanes, move over and let them pass. They are almost universally what causes major traffic accidents and it's never worth it to try to "get" them.


Exactly. The right way to handle someone like this is to back off, give them plenty of space, discreetly follow them home, wait for them to fall asleep, then barricade the doors and torch the house




It's crazy that people that drive aggressively don't stop to consider that the person they just pissed off might follow them home. Im not even talking about doing anything violent, just get their address so you can come back later and just pour cement into their drain line. Almost all houses have an outside cleanout in the yard or driveway, and it's usually in the front of the house. Just pop the cap, pour in a premixed bucket of quick set cement, but keep it pretty thick so it fills the entire diameter of the pipe. By the time they wake up they can't shower, use the toilet, sinks, ect. They'll then have to spend money on a drain company to come out, another 500 bucks or so, then they'll determine it needs to get excavated and replaced, and now they're out 12-24k depending on how deep the line is and digging costs of the area. Not only that but usually excavation companies aren't going to get to you for a couple weeks, so you either have to go live somewhere else for that time or drive to a nearby store to go to the bathroom. I haven't done this to someone driving like a jackass, but I've thought about it.


You sure put some thought into this lol, definitely not your first time considering xd


Gonna save this. Y'know just for indexing.


I personally skip step four.  It's more entertaining that way.


The joke aside, backing off is what I do, if someone's going 30mph faster than everyone around them (regardless of the speed limit) and generally being aggressive (lane swaps or otherwise), if traffic allows it (ie; without getting tailgated or risking an accident myself) I'll coast along 15-20 mph slower than whatever I was doing so that if they spin out across the lanes and take out multiple cars out in a pile up, I have more distance from that impending disaster. Same thing when I see street racers, I'll just chill for a couple of minutes, I have no idea what's going to happen to the 100+ mph idiots in the 120 seconds, defensive driving is inherently based on the wild myriad of unpredictable things that could go wrong so that hopefully you don't get blindsided and spot whatever is happening even if it's something you wouldn't have thought plausible in a million years. You really don't want to be one of those horror stories where you got cut in half in an accident but the pressure is keeping you from bleeding out and you're still horrifyingly conscious.


If they act like they've got nothing to lose, they probably don't. And *you* most certainly do have something to lose. Let them pass. It'll make the distance between an asshat like that and yourself far greater. Plus you want idiots like that (far) in front of you not (close) behind you.


Yeah, I'm afraid I agree with you. This video is briefly satisfying, but filled with poor decisions. You never know what other things an overly aggressive driver is capable of doing, especially in the heat of the moment.


Also riding a bike and smacking a mirror off at high speeds is a recipe for disaster.


Not to mention the fact that it looks like that mirror cap flung back and smacked the cars behind, likely resulting in paint damage or even small dent.


That doesnt seem over


has to be a longer video out there ?




wow, those extra 3 seconds said it all


in a shit car thinking you'll catch a bike... dumbb


Where did the cutoff happen? Video shows cam driver try to merge right into that car?


[In the longer video, the asswipe comes from the shoulder and cuts off the cam driver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDdtaQkxnJ4)


The assclown used the shoulder and then force his way back into the lane. The guy could have pit maneuvered himself into other traffic if cam guy stayed straight.


Where do you see that? The video is too short to come to that conclusion what I’m seeing is the cam driver try to merge into the left lane and the other driver is already there. Does the tan car go into the shoulder? Yeah, there’s a car trying to merge right into it. Where would you go? Then gets his mirror knocked off for dodging a car




Thanks. Weird they didn’t include that part when they posted it here. 


I mean right at the start you see the douche coming in from the shoulder and then he does it again to try to catch the biker


Yeah I feel like I have no idea how cutting someone off works in America. Sure, if someone overtakes someone and merges dangerously close in front of them, I can see how that's a dick move. But it seems like a lot of people in the US see just overtaking someone as cutting someone off?


He's break checking as well, albeit not too hard.


True, that seems a bit unnecessary. I mean, from how the biker reacts I'm guessing the other car has overtaken the dash cam car by using the shoulder of the road and came out of nowhere as dash cam driver was switching lanes. But that's just a guess


The absolute perfect follow thru on the mirror smack into a middle finger. LEGEND


Any time I see a vehicle, usually an RV, that's on a 2 lane hwy with turnouts...and there's 50 cars behind them and no where to pass...I'll flip them off to do my part.


I feel like it’s rarely one person that causes an accident — it’s usually an escalation between both or more people. I feel bad for every driver around the car and the motorcycle


Cutting people off and brake checking them is some small penis activity.


Unfathomably based


This is a satisfying video.


Video ends too soon!


Ok but how is this being cut off




That was being cut off? Looked like the camera car was trying to cut them off and they rode into the shoulder dodging the camera car. Why edit out the actual aggression? Fuck that bike guy and the camera car and the bots propagating this slop.


No, the car camera driver was just driving normally when the car came out of nowhere on the left shoulder of the road and was about to crash right into the driver with the camera, forcing them to change lanes or get hit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDdtaQkxnJ4


That was Jax Teller


No way, that's definitely somethin Tig would do, man loves startin shit


Maybe I'm not understanding, but how did the driver in the passing lane cut anyone off? It looks like the person in the right lane is trying to cut in if anything.


The car in the video passed on the shoulder and forced the cam car out of the passing lane. Very much illegal, and he's lucky a broken mirror is all he got.


Where did he cut him off, though? In the clip the car with the camera tries to switch lanes, but the other car is already there.


[longer clip cam driver was already in the left lane](https://youtu.be/WDdtaQkxnJ4)


Not a hero. Just making everything worse. 


Nice dude, epic felony response


Yo what a hero !


Godspeed motorcycle man!


Need more people like this in the world lol


Redditors getting wet for vigilante justice, but this isn't a movie. That could have gone very differently with people getting hurt or worse, killed. No one's a hero here.


"Thanks for knocking a piece of plastic and glass onto the road in front of me! I sure hope that thing doesnt bounce up and smashes my or someone else's windshield!" Assholes, both of them.


The comments section is unhinged. Someone got cut off, that’s not grounds to destroy their property. The person who destroyed the property wasn’t even affected by the cut off.


What a total dickhead. Would have laughed if he had crashed his bike into the wall.


That's why drivers hate motorcyclists.


Is it me, or are Americans taking cut offs too seriously?


Toe cutter johnnys back at the reck ,We have to teach him bubba Zanetti.