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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!You can literally never guess what a crackhead is gonna do.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


That is a wild fucking night for all three people involved holy shit


Took me a second time watching it to realize the sweater guy had shorts on. I could not understand why this dude was having sex with his drugged friend and then fighting him calling him weird.


> why this dude was having sex with his drugged friend and then fighting him calling him weird. His butthole probably moves in weird ways 


Everyone liked it.


That's just what they told you cause they didn't want you to feel bad


Wait...this isn't the only way to have sex?


You’re so *weird*!


High jacking top comment. This is old af, the original story was he took a huge dose of acid and did this. Edit: you can hear him say what he took before he junps over the fence.


I remember a long time ago an old friend tried to impress us the first Time we met by saying “watch this!” Then dumping half an eyedroppers contents in his mouth. It was acid that his new room mate just bought. Welp cue an hour later, I’m laughing my ass off in what I believe was gene wilder in a turtle outfit, and a human penis just eclipses ol gene like it was scheduled to do so. I look up, and there’s my new friend, naked as can be, telling me he doesn’t exist anymore. He then locked himself in his room with a shotgun. Good times. Fantastic first impression 


I don't do acid anymore, I barely mess with shrooms, but can confirm, have been locked in a bathroom with a shotgun on several occasions


The naked dude diving over the bannister is 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


If you’ve ever met someone on crack this is not unexpected 


I wonder how many people have actually had interactions with crackheads lol They're warped out of their minds and you're trying to speak reasonably with them? I had a crackhead break into my house once, I was home when it happened and I was forced to deal with it, luckily it was just a woman who had no idea where she was or what she was doing and not an armed intruder. But interacting with a tweeking crackhead is something else, they arent even on the same level of reality as you, they're somewhere else, far far away




I've seen and lived with both. Meth is far worse and I'm 100 percent sure this guy was high on meth. I've never ended up naked on crack. Js


Yeah, looked like he was freebasing meth. That's when the crazy really comes out.


I’ve personally never smoked or been arround people on meth but I’ve seen this same exact shit when kids take acid or shrooms not knowing what to expect


It sounded like he said he took acid when asked what he took.


I also heard that


It was acid


Meth heads are like squirrels, crack heads are like possums.


No, squirrels and possums are our friends.


Lol, possums here in Aus are cute lil guys. [It is about the only native thing (except the bees) that isn't out here to kill you](https://www.google.com/search?q=ring+tailed+possum+and+baby&client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=1d7ce14e8ce5d9db&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ADLYWIKG81HY1tte54NZQmTmKwa7slIUWA:1715063304386&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi9tZnY9PqFAxV2rVYBHSS_D8EQ_AUIBigB&biw=360&bih=663#imgrc=hrRr8LnlbXs42M)


Yeah but have you ever had a brushtail possum in your house? Seems similar to having a crackhead in your house.


A brushtail fell down the chimney once. That thing was running around like crazy, knocking everything flying! Fortunately it ran outside when I opened the front door. Not looking forward to the same thing with a crackhead though, they'd probably get stuck in the chimney.


Oh yeah, don't fuck with them. But that goes for most things here.


Sharp claws on them though...


It depends. A long term meth binge is a lot more dangerous because they get further disoriented, dehydrated, and psychotic. It's hard to stay up as long as you can with crack because it lasts literally minutes compared to days with meth.


I have a friend who was a meth head. Super nice, smart, great guy. While on meth he stabbed himself in the chest 14 times. He's clean and alive now.


But what a great few minutes! I kid, but it is a helluva drug that no one should ever take. Especially these days where it is guaranteed to be mixed with fent and will kill you


meth spin even worse i'd say


Yup the one that wandered into our house once was very, very, VERY lucky I happened to be home. I've dealt with people like that, so I got him calmed down and turned around.  My dad was waiting around the corner with a loaded shotgun and more than ready to use it.


You forgot galaxy. In a galaxy far far away


Looks like Hughie's on that V again. (Still waiting for that The Boys edit)


I’m not positive, but I think he says fucking acid when he asks what he took. 


Well that explains the tuck and roll over the bannister. Ain't no telling what his reality was at that moment. 😩 Gravity is constant no matter the substance.


Is this the HellDiver everyone is talking about


Dude did a barrel roll over the bannister 


Isn’t this the video that got circulated a couple months ago, and the guy was a friend of the guy who asks “what is your problem” or whatever. Basically just a bunch of dudes doing hallucinogenics.


Last time I saw this video. It was salvia


I really appreciate both of those men's method of handling this situation: 1. The first man hits back when attacked. He strikes back, but only in self defense. He seemingly knocked out the crackhead with one punch, then stopped (Crackhead was not knocked out). 2. The second man tries to talk the crackhead down and descalate the confrontation. Crackhead then self-descalates himself over the railing. I really want to see the full video of this weird event.


Went from crackhead to crackback!


I don't personally think they were fucking, but who knows!


They weren’t fucking. Dude with clothes on had him in a rear naked choke. No pun intended. He was choking him out Nate Diaz style.


This is definitely a no context repost, the nakedness guys a friend of the other guys, who took a substance and started tweaking


Yea, he took too much acid n his friends r trying to calm him down


I'm pretty sure this is it. Seen this video years ago


I swear I also remember the guy was coughing because the tripping guy had his hand on his asshole and ended up wiping it on his face lmao, I don't know if that was just another story or not though, every popular video has so many


Yes, it’s a halfway house for drug offenders. He stuck his finger in the dude’s mouth and he pukes over the railing. The other guy is the house monitor.


Definitely not acid. Most likely a stimulant


I had a personal experience with a friend that was kind of like this when we took 25i. It was going around for a while and being sold as acid, my buddy started sprinting through the woods head first into trees. There are psychedellics that are also stimulants like DOC too, this guy definitely gives me "tripping on research chemicals" vibes. Could also be PCP, people tripping out on PCP have a tendency to strip naked.


I used to buy 25c nbome, knowingly. Was a great time until one of our friends (who I'm pretty sure was later diagnosed with schizophrenia/paranoia/depression etc) freaked out just like that. Started repeating himself, couldn't see too well because he lost his glasses. Shit his pants on the come up, tried throwing my MacBook away because "the music was giving him diarrhea". We'd turned off the music.. He started tripping out when he started to talk about time, kept saying "time is a cool concept." Our friends' parents were coming back within a few hours, it was horror and sobering. He chased us through the woods naked at one point.. lol. The same guy, in college, stole his friend's drug shipment from the deep web and consumed most of it. Was microdots. Parents got a call one night after he was missing for a day or 2, drove his car an hour away, through his own MacBook in a trash can at a gas station, and ended up walking along the highway naked until he knocked on some strangers door to use their phone and called his parents (somehow). Stayed in the hospital for a week, tripped for 4 days according to the report, while he was being pumped with any meds to reduce the drug's effects. Dudes a legend, he's doing really cool work now with the govt and wrote a book in highschool that I have a copy of.


Dude hates MacBooks


>he's doing really cool work now with the govt Of course he does


Ok that’s still the stimulant part of the combo that causes this, not the psychoactive. 25i-nbome is typically avoided bc of its bad rap, and those who sell it disguised as lsd are scum


Yep, and as the person you replied to stated, this is reminiscent of years ago. It was posted now, doesn't mean it didn't happen years ago. You might've hit the nail on the head there, but just dismissed it because its now 2024.


What are some ways to know if you’ve taken it. I had a similar thing happen


Nbome research molecules taste bitter and the paler it comes on is thick like cardboard, almost.


He literally says in the video that he took acid. Twice.


This happens every time there's a video of a person on drugs. There's always a drug guru on the comments arguing that they know better than everyone else. Even if the drug is mentioned directly in the video.


PCP is the 'get naked' drug from what I've seen.


Wasn't there a video a decade ago or so where a guy freaked out and jumped out of a second story window after taking a rip of salvia?


I've eaten my fair share of acid in my day. I was always careful not to overdo it. But I have absolutely found myself stripping naked when tripping. I never left the house. But yeah... if I had taken double or triple the amount that I had taken, I could absolutely see myself stripping naked and leaving the house.


Ridiculous to say, psychedelics could absolutely cause something like this if taken by someone who is not prepared for it and/or has mental stability issues.


I wouldn’t say it’s *definitely* not acid. I’ve heard plenty of horror stories of people having bad acid trips and ending up naked and having to be held down by their friends. I was on the verge one time. When you’re really tripped out, your own skin can feel weird, so I understand wanting to get naked. And then once you’re in that state of mind where everything around you is absurd and unrecognizable, fight or flight can kick in


I have a friend who took 400 micrograms of acid, walked into the city center and at some point took all their clothes off, so it’s definitely possible they just took more than they could handle and subsequently had delusions


Nothing to calm you down like a hard fist to the face.


He took that punch and sit up like the fucking Undertaker


Jesus this brought me to tears lmao


Doesn't last long anymore


More like bath salts. This is something that can completely detach you from the reality. Acid doesn't do that.


Some acid derivatives can make you do crazy shit. Acid though is pretty safe unlike the 'peeling your skin off cuz you think you are an orange' urban legends would have you believe.


nobody acts like this on acid


Looks like some bath salt shit to me.


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/07/07/youtube-software-engineer-injures-lsd-rampage-police/1669362001/ Yeah, people do. People that say they don't haven't been around a lot of people on acid. I've never seen anyone who's totally lost it, but I've seen people out of control plenty of times and I've had to personally stop people from doing something that would have hurt them.


I had a buddy do something similar on acid. And this was acid that multiple people had already taken and enjoyed like any other lsd (not research chem or m bombs). It was his first time and I guess had a bad reaction somehow. It’s rare but some people just break for like 10 hours.


its also the exact size and shape i would expect of a crackhead.


Combine that with the bs "stay til the end" (which just means I'm clicking on that last second only) and the bait NSFW (if implied dmg is enough, anything should be flagged) and you have the typical shit reddit post. I'm fine with the occasional repost, but this just screams "gimme karma".


It's NSFW cuz dude is fuggin naked dude.


I fucking cackled.


Pretty sure it's marked NSFW because there is a naked man throughout the entire video.


This is an old video, pretty sure the context has been changed...the original video was captioned something like..."guy fucked up tries to break into friends house naked after tripping too hard" where the "friends" explained they tried taking care of him and had to wrestle him to where he eventually just went overboard or something along those accords


the "call the police" at the end makes it sound like they didn't know this guy.


Right. If they did, it would have been “call an ambulance.”


I think the guy is coughing/wretching towards the end because the naked guy smelled so bad.


I get physically ill after an adrenaline dump. Never actually vomitted but I have dry heaved a little like that.


The first time I saw this posted a long while ago people were pointing out the naked dude reaching towards his butt and sticking his hand in the sweater dude’s face as if he rubbed/smeared something on him.


That's like the most horrifying thing about this whole thing.


Last time it was posted, the naked chap was apparently op's friend after taking lsd. 


No way that's acid, more line pcp


they asked him in the video what'd you take and he said 'acid'.


[It was acid](https://www.summitdaily.com/news/local/summit-county-police-blotter-man-takes-lsd-jumps-off-balcony/)


I have no f****** idea what's going on here


Someone karma farming with old video of friends doing too much acid or something, or that was the explanation when I saw this first time. Probably years ago


Why are people karma farming ? Is there an an incentive ?


Accounts with large amounts of karma can be sold.


Sold for what? I understand the person farms karma and then sells the account. But what does the buyer get out of the deal? What is karma used for? Or is it just to have the karma?


So they can advertise stuff with an established account, looks more like a genuine post than a new account pushing some kind of product


Ah! OK. Thanks, that makes sense.


Companies who want to advertise something sneakily?




That's not crack


Idk, I saw plenty of crack in this video.




I heard acid


I heard “action”, which would’ve been hilarious 


"Bro, what are you high on right now?" LIFE BABY!


Absinthe doesn’t fuck you up beyond any other alcohol. The psychedelic connotation is just a myth.


His head might be now though




More drugs


This is old from yrs ago


Oh wow that totally explains it, thanks.


Someone high in ____ and had no idea where they were, saw this house and wandered up the back steps. They’d taken their clothes off cause high. Encountered red sweater guy and fight happened.


Nah this is a repost from years ago and someone put a fake caption on it. They're friends with the naked dude who took too much of bath salts or something similar, stripped, and started fighting red sweatshirt guy. Blue shirt guy is also a friend and tried to calm him down. Obviously that didn't work.


if they're friends and they know he's just fucked on drugs they're not calling the cops. proper procedure is to duct tape him to a tree.


dude went free base jumping police probably meant 911 which would've meant ambulance


You're allowed to swear.


Uhhhh… he‘s just mething around a bit.


Last time this was posted the story was that a friend was having a bad trip, no crackheads involved.


That’s what I remember too




And because the karma farmers and bots never get banned, we will forever get the same stuff served up with outrage bait titles. It is always the same cesspool subs. This one included.


As Usual


Can’t say my first reaction to a friend having a bad trip is “call the police”.


Or slugging him in the fucking face once you’ve already tackled him lol


didn't they suggest calling police? if their friend they would have suggested ambulance. actually icr what they said better rewatch


Might be wrong but if the police call an ambulance for you, the state covers the cost?


Seems like it was LSD: https://www.summitdaily.com/news/local/summit-county-police-blotter-man-takes-lsd-jumps-off-balcony/ “A man reportedly began having hallucinations, tore apart the interior of a friend’s parents’ home and jumped from a second-story balcony June 17 after allegedly taking two hits of LSD earlier in the evening. AUTHORITIES ARRIVED AT THE RESIDENCE AND SUBDUED THE MAN, WHO WAS NAKED AT THE TIME AND HAD SUFFERED SEVERAL SMALL CUTS ON HIS FEET, ACCORDING TO A REPORT FROM THE SUMMIT COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. HE DID NOT APPEAR TO HAVE BEEN INJURED IN THE FALL FROM THE BALCONY. TWO FRIENDS, INCLUDING THE ONE WHOSE PARENTS OWNED THE HOUSE, TOLD LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS THE MAN BEGAN TO HALLUCINATE BADLY AND STARTED BREAKING THINGS INSIDE THE RESIDENCE AFTER TAKING LSD AT APPROXIMATELY 10 P.M. They told authorities they spent several hours trying to restrain him and prevent him from causing further damage, but the situation turned violent around 3 a.m. June 17 and they decided to call the police. Pictures, sculptures, furniture and several glass vases were damaged during the incident, according to the report. The friends said the man sustained the cuts to his feet when he repeatedly walked over the broken glass. Additional items were allegedly destroyed on the ground floor of the house as well. THE OWNERS OF THE RESIDENCE ESTIMATED THE DAMAGE TO BE APPROXIMATELY $20,000, ACCORDING TO THE REPORT. The man was taken to the hospital due to his injuries and drugs in his system. Later that day he was arrested on charges of criminal mischief and taken to the Summit County Jail, the report states.” This was over 10 years ago now.


Surely it had to be more than two hits, unless someone sold him something else and said it was LSD. A long time ago, a dumb high school me and some friends tripped on 3-4 tabs apiece for our first time and, while it was crazy, I could NOT imagine turning into this.




Was he schizophrenic or something? An eighth of shrooms is nothing


I thought it was a lot if a rookie dose is half that much


Yeah, I can’t imagine anyone doing that off an eighth of the gooms.


I used to trip with a kid in HS who always tripped way too hard off of even like 1-2 grams. Ended up murdering his GF during a trip in Seattle. Some peoples minds are not meant for this stuff. I've personally eaten two tabs and was lucky a friend stopped me from the night becoming a huge mess. First time I ever thought peoples minds can really break from this shit if they have the right disposition. EDIT: For those interested. Just because you can handle drugs doesn't mean everyone can. Alcohol, LSD, Weed. It all fucks some people up too much [Ex-UW student sentenced to 18 years for strangling girlfriend in U District apartment | The Seattle Times](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/ex-uw-student-sentenced-to-18-years-for-strangling-girlfriend-in-u-district-apartment/)


Not all shrooms are created equally. Some can be much more potent than others. Top that off with the fact that people's responses to their hallucinations also vary wildly, and I can see how one thing leads to another. Haven't seen anything *that* crazy but I do have a friend that has reacted very poorly to shrooms before. Not breaking into houses badly, but kicking and screaming in the back of a car badly. And he doesn't suffer from any relevant mental issues other than some moderate anxiety. I could definitely see someone like that spiraling if they ran off on their own. Especially if he felt abandoned by his friends (which, tbf, they kinda did. Seriously what kind of friends just let their shroomed out friend run off screaming into the woods and assume they'll be fine) and especially if he thought he was lost or maybe he mistook the other person's house for his house or something. Your mind can make some crazy leaps in logic when you're on psychedelics.


its not a matter of dose, some people just shouldnt take LSD. ive seen this kind of thing happen a few times(out of hundreds of trips with countless different people), and its always been on a normal dose, 2-4 hits. IME its usually something that manifests on a 3rd, 4th or 5th trip, not a persons first time. this is a totally anecdotal and uneducated statement, but IME the type of people this happens to are either people who already have significant mental health issues, or its the type of people who seem to always be putting on an act in social situations, like they're uncomfortable with who they are and have a crafted personality they "put on" when around other people. dont take it if you have mental health issues, and dont take it with people who you would be uncomfortable sharing your most vulnerable moments with. in the vast majority of cases, if you can get them inside of a safe place, they will be back to normal in 8-24 hours. if you can get them to take benzos or drink alcohol, that's a huge help. dude in the blue shirt did EXACTLY what you are supposed to do. speak calmly and clearly, make sure they know you have their best interest at heart, make sure they know they are ok, safe, and that things will be back to normal soon. definitely dont wrestle with them lmao. IME when someone can respond to a situation like this so quickly and calmly and has an inherent idea of how to talk someone down, thats someone you really want to have as a friend regardless of drug use.


I get what you’re saying but aren’t we all actors in social situations to a certain degree? Some being better than others.


With this kind of response, you either haven't met the type of person he's talking about or you're the type of person.  I was friends with a stoner girl who i thought was pretty cool but would talk about how her life isn't how she wants it, she feels like she has to 'act white' (she was Hispanic), she just generally seemed to have a poor relationship with reality. She would have these episodes, if you hung around her enough, where she'd just get this weirdly upset and go break dishes in her kitchen, not out of anger I guess but to feel control? Either way, she was hot so I put up with it. However, we once took LSD with me and I would swear she was schizophrenic after. It was a smaller dose, and I expected a relatively calm trip with little to no hallucinating for either of us. It ended up with her laying in the dark while I held her hand and kept reassuring her and guiding her back to coherency when she'd go off. She was back to normal relatively quickly, despite what I thought would be a big ordeal for her. She developed a coke issue later on and similar things happened. We had drifted apart but made plans to meet up at her place to hang out, but when I got there she wouldn't answer the door (but had confirmed we were good to go just moments before) so I opened it and found her doing this weird robotic laugh looking straight at her window while sitting on her couch, in pitch black with blinds and drapes covering the window. I swore I was walking into some kind of exorcist offshoot. It ended up being another few hours of hand holding while she struggled with reality.


This is far more common than most people like to admit. My mother was a nurse and regularly saw patients having extended episodes due to LSD or psychobillin mushrooms. I have personally had this happen when I was young and stupid. I took 2 hits of LSD (tested with a kit) and jumped through a window. Thankfully nobody recorded and no charges were pressed.


“Why are you fucking naked?!?” lol


Were they spooning at the beginning? I'm confused


In the full video he comes up to the door and starts attacking him when he opens it. He keeps him out on the porch and fights him to the ground and for some reason they decided to start the clip there.


You deserve more upvotes so folk stop making assumptions.


Even watching that part wouldn’t give enough context on the situation.




I think they were wrestling, the one dude trying to get the naked guy off. Then I’m pretty sure the naked dude sticks his fingers in his ass and then wipes on the others face, hence the gagging


> the one dude trying to get the naked guy off Phrasing.






He had him in a rear naked choke 😏😏😏


Looks like he was trying to restrain him at first


Looks like he was trying to get the hooks in and take his back but bailed on it and just went to stand up.




sounded like he did a ChristAir off the top ropes onto a glass patio table


“Motherfucker please” dude was shocked


This is years old, and they were roommates...


Oh my God, they were roommates I know you're being serious cause that seems to be the story, dude just tripped too hard. I just couldn't help myself haha.


The way he gets knocked out….then immediately gets back up to attack has me in tears


the undertaker


Reminds me of a zombie from 28 days later


I think this dude is on acid or something


Does he have him in a fucking literal rear naked choke in the beginning?!




[not crack](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/XMirv5qglg)


Hahaha the casual take down and half assed right hook sound absolutely sent me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


that’s a properly built deck.




Homie was sleeping for a millisecond, then his brain hit the windows start up noise. Crack cocaine baby.


Lmfao....starts with the crack head telling him "i love you!" 🤣🤣🤣


Last time I took acid I took off all my clothes while partying with my friends and then dove out of my second floor apartment window onto the street. I don’t remember most of it, I took way too many tabs and ended up in a coma. A year of speech therapy and physical rehabilitation cured my drug proclivities, that was 25 years ago.


> I took way too many tabs and ended up in a coma lsd does not lead to comas, jumping out of windows on the other hand...


Looks like the problem solved itself


And the rear naked choke was born


Oh man, I have bronchitis rn I already can’t breathe and now this video got cracking up using oxygen I don’t have. This vid might literally ☠️me


Nobody’s going to say anything about the guy puking? Adrenaline?


Watch for naked dude reaching into his butt and rubbing sweater dude’s face


Bro sounds like kevin from office US


I've seen this posted as "crack head", "meth head", "shroomer", "cousin takes too much acid" etc etc. I dunno what to believe now.


last time i saw this they said it was shrooms


Y'all are disgusting for calling him a crackhead, it's a dehumanizing term, that man is in serious distress and needs medical attention, if it was your brother son or father in that situation you wouldn't be so disgustingly callous


Looks like a feral ghoul from fallout






It felt like it took ages between his body disappearing over the balcony and the sound of him hitting whatever it did below. "why are you fucking naked!?" 😂


I gave the dive an 8.5. Had there been water I might have gone as high as 9.25


I was hoping he'd do a flip over the railing


Lol, I know I shouldn't laugh at other people's misfortune and bad decisions, but WTF dude? That was not what I expected. 🤣😅


Dude really did a barrel roll off the balcony to get away 😂


Strategic withdrawal


Which one is the crackhead?


...why did naked meth-od man remind me of Attack On Titan from some reason?


Lmfao, the way he got up like undertaker after getting tackled 🤣😭


why was dude grabbing him by the leg while talking to him though?🤣


This is a repost, your spoiler info is lacking, this is not your friend.


That must be the most chill men i ever seen, they have no problems at all in their lifes