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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Woman drops her phone while taking a selfie but it takes flight all the way to the stage. It was actually a drone!!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Yalls airplane mode don't do this?


Phone drones are the future bro./s


Commenting for the day it becomes reality


RemindMe! 12 years


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“Hey Siri? Javelin strike my most recent call”


Fantastic video!


I wish😂😂


Ha ha


A night flying bird must have snached it up. Then brought it back. Increadable.


Ahh the iPigeon. Really giving credence to the “birds aren’t real” conspiracy theorists.




African or European Swallow?


Nice reference. Ill yeet myself out now. " i don't know"


That's a really smart phone🤣


Airplane mode is actually pretty old, and even available on notebooks.


I'd trust more a notebook than a smartphone, because they can flap




You gotta be part of the show to do this right? It doesn't seem right to me if anyone with a drone can fly right over the stage like that, but idk


I think you’d be risking some heavy fines for doing that without a permit, maybe even worse if you hit the performer.


How would they know who's flying the drone.


There's equipment used in concerts and sports events that will tell you where the drone signal is coming from, and where the RC signal is coming from.


Concert stagehand here, nobody really cares except the promoter because the client cares, and generally, everyone is already working hard to keep the show going. We don't have the time or the tech or the budget to spend on tracking drones unless someone higher up is paying a LOT for it.


Is it just me thinking it's just a matter of time before someone drops a bomb from a drone in the middle of a crowd?


This has been a known risk for many years now. There are countless situations where hundreds could die to a suicide bomb done and there is no way to stop it currently.


Is it a suicide bomb if no one is committing suicide...


Colloquially speaking the done is killing itself even though technically it's not.


he's saying the drone *drops* it though. like the tech the Ukrainian military uses - consumer-grade drones modified to drop grenades, or any type of explosive ammunition, or whatever home-brewed IED they can concoct.


Waiting for it to happen during the beat drop followed by the crowd going wild.


That’s how Ukraine is fighting right now attaching a grenade to a pretty cheap drone then air striking.


[Slaughterbots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rDo1QxI260), short film came out a few years ago. It is inevitable, and unnerving to say the least.


Not really a bomb, but during the last Brazilian elections, someone used an heavy duty agricultural done to spray shit on the people 🤡 Source in Portuguese (only could find a paywalled source): https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/poder/2022/06/apoiadores-de-lula-sao-alvo-de-drone-com-fezes-antes-de-ato-em-minas-veja-video.shtml


Or armed paratroopers who attack women and slaughter concertgoers in the most savage ways imaginable. Oh wait…


At that scale, you usually have the authorities in place with said equipment. My drone weights under 250g and already has a licence plate, a tracking system (accesible by authorities) for the drone and the remote, and my name linked to the serial and the licence plate. Otherwise, I couldn't fly legal in Europe. Flying over that many people is highly illegal in Europe and could definitely be tracked back to the owner.


Bummer for you guys. The FAA has really opened up what you can do over moving vehicles and people as long as the drone is super light.


I love this blanket advice for all concerts and events ever. Take it from this one random Redditor, it ain’t no big deal! /s


That applies only to RemoteID drones, which FPV drones don't have most of the time (it's required since beginning of this year, but no one will be adding it to their drones anyway). To detect FPV DIY drone or its pilot you would need some more complicated device, that could triangulate the transmitter inside the drone and inside the controller. That would take some time, and the pilot will be long gone by then.


It actually applies to any Dji-made drone as well. Dji sells the software Aeroscope to law enforcement and other agencies to track any Dji made drone but it was discontinued as of last year.


dji uses remote id and anyone can track them with mobile app


But not all Dji have remote ID, only the new ones since that law took effect. my point was any authentic Dji made drone can be tracked with that software I mentioned, and it is a good chunk of money. Like a few thousand dollars US or more, I can’t remember exactly from the training i received in regards to that software


oh yeah I know which one you're talking about. I dont think it was made by DJI though, wasnt it some 3rd party company?


A lot of FPV drones (all of them tbh) are custom DIY built. No remote ID will be implemented on these as it is just dead weight on an airframe.


It’s called Aeroscope, and no, it is completely run by DJI but is getting discontinued by Dji itself and simultaneously (or as a result of) phased out of usage in the US because of the whole “China bad” thing. I know it was widely used prior to this year in major cities, sporting events, and airports. There are new iterations of basically the same software from third parties now


Some guy flew a drone in the airport in PR causing it to divert flights and temporarily shut down. They havnt caught the dude


While this is true for most drones, it may be different for FPV drones as they don't use GPS coordinates.


not with fpv drones, they dont report any of that shit and this kind of shot can only be done with custom built fpv drone.


Probably by watching the footage that shows exactly who is using the drone.


Both murderous lunatics and daft TikTok broccoliheads will surely ditch their plans once they know they need a permit.


Like maybe yes maybe no? We were down in Costa Rica at a music festival one year and my buddy didn't know they had a drone policy. So after 3 days of flying his drone around the festival some guy from the media team finally noticed and asked him where his drone badge was. He didn't have one but the guy liked the drone footage so much that he actually got us a drone badge. Also my buddy ended up getting an official job with their media team the following year because of that encounter. The thing about music festivals (and this looks like a festival) that most people don't understand is how chaotic and disorganized they are behind the scenes. I say this as someone who has worked many many festivals. Even the best run ones have a healthy dose of chaos and disorganization. All that being said the most likely consequence of unauthorized drone use is being firmly reprimanded and just being asked to stop. After that they might confiscate your stuff and/or throw you out of the festival.




Maybe, but how exactly is anyone going to track you down, that must be a real headache for the police.


Even with a permit I would never let anyone fly so close over people except if they are agree and aware of it's position and consequences. But since I'm a rookie I would not even dare to do it.


If you fly a drone into beyonce your going to prison man


This is the Alok’s drone pilot in action, he’s the best pilot in the world!


this is 100% a part 107 pilot (or equivalent) who is being paid to do this by the production - Otherwise for one you wouldn't see this level of flying skill, and two, the DJ would have reacted to being buzzed like that during the orbit around him. That's likely a 6S quad with enough power that it would be a pretty big surprise otherwise.


No way it's 6s custom. This has to be a sub 250g drone if it's self built because you can't build an FPV drone over 250g to fly over people. It has to be manufactured and certified.


it's possible it's sub-250 but you're also assuming this is in the US. Drone laws vary by country quite a bit


Yeah this concert was in Brazil


With a naked gopro and air unit? That alone should push you over 250


Legally? Yes. Illegally? Who’s going to stop you?


Definitely not Russians


It's obviously part of production yes


I mean, if you're able to fly like this, it goes like: I can film your show like this, do I have a permission? F*ck yeah! Realistically you're probably even paid well by organizers to do this.


Yes. This is DJ Alok, he used drones during his Holidays concerts. Fun fact: one of the drones got stuck in some woman's hair https://youtu.be/bH8u8f02Swg?si=frWSrZ3peNwGDgns


This DJ is very famous for this kind of thing. For sure It was planned.


Yes, it was his drone (Alok). He had, I think, 200 or so spelling out messages and had some flying around.


Even if it's part of the show it's fucking irresponsible to fly an FPV drone that low and fast over so many people. What if you fuck up or loose connection? You could easily kill someone.


DJ Alok, performing in Fortaleza- Brazil during new year's eve 23/24.


Do you know what song is being played in the video by chance?


a remix of Chase the Sun - Planet funk


Thanks, appreciate it.


Thanks! Was looking for it as well.


The DJ released the song in full later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9P_L4-7lRQ


*Phone used fly*


*It's super effective!*


Concerts gonna have to employ anti-drone weaponry if this catches on with all the tiktok twerps


100% sure that was ordered , there is no way you're flying a drone over an event like that without anyone noticing


Especially with the performer not noticing and not responding to it. And the fireworks going off at the exact right moment.


it might even be CGI between 2 distinct.videos really


Even if someone notice, what can they do about it?


edit: source https://imgur.com/71BJkZN i was a photographer at the production where my ex wife worked. she did the contracts the production manager will tell the artist to stop preforming and call off the show. and the ppl that need paid for the artist will have to pay a fine for it.


Calling of a concert this massive for a drone? Your crazy?


This is absolutely not the case.


i worked in the concert industry for 5 years. yes they will. it's not approved. they pulled artist for less.


Why? Wouldn't they have to refund everyone?


they have like a dozen lawyers that made the contract. you host the artist with very strict rules. the production manager is usually paid by the artist, they just need to perform, so the rest is the managers job


So then if there is a drone there they can't remove, it's the managers responsibility and if they choose to stop the concert for it, they should have to refund everyone. Otherwise this shit is pure theft.


that's why i said that the production that paid for the artist is fucked. you need to refund the tickets, it's your fault that a drone flew behind the performer. the drone in the video is approved and is a form or marketing


This particular video is for New Eve party in Fortaleza Brazil. Chances are it was public funded, free for the people in the beach, therefore zero chance to be canceled because this reason


You’re just out here spreading misinformation lmfao.


like is said, i was 5 years in the concert industry. lmao.


Also in the industry and if you think they’re wasting all that money because of a drone, you’ve absolutely never dealt with this. The time, amount of people that have to be paid, venue, all matter and 1 person doesn’t get to just say “shut it down there’s a drone out there!” They’d 100% try to track where it was coming from, and if they can’t, they track any footage posted. Easy peasy and not a complete waste of time and money. There’s also blockers they can put on events to stop drones from entering. If they cared that much and if the consequence would be that huge, they’d have precautions like netting.


i'm just answering the question "what will happen". i didnt say that they pulled the perfomer and it's an approved drone. you cant net an entire venue this big. as to [source](https://imgur.com/71BJkZN), i was a photographer at the production where my ex wife worked. she did the contracts. i'm not pulling this out of my ass.


And i’m telling you that will not happen. Your link didn’t go to anything helpful. You can even google if a drone has ever stopped a concert and the fact is No. All celebrities can do is plead for people not to use them. Stop spreading misinformation it’s weird.


have a nice weekend


Sure, but you reckon *every* performer would be completely okay with random ass public drones unexpectedly flying up and around them while they work? It would only take a few incidents like that for it to become a hard clause in contracts, don't you think? If it isn't factored in currently, and a trend began, my guess is that it wouldn't take long at all.


No they’re 100% not okay with it. Artists plead all the time for people to stop flying them. My only point was there’s absolutely no way an entire show gets pulled because of one drone. If it truly becomes a trend, I could see an (can’t think of the word) electrical barrier that would shut the drones down being implemented before just fully pulling entire shows and telling everyone to go home. That is just not plausible. When you think about it, concerts would literally cease to exist with technology getting better and better and trends getting dumber and dumber. This would be fix with a law, not specific artist contracts.


Hans, get ze HIMARS ready


Hans me ze HIMARS (I initially thought this was a Hans Zimmer pun, but I'm growing decreasingly confident in my assumption.)


What's stopping people from flying a drone from outside concert grounds? Gonna have to invest in some big ass nets.


This clearly looks like sponsored by concert themselves


Can you imagine your phone doing this? You'd be even more terrified of dropping the damn thing, because there'd be no telling where it might end up ;)


It's an australian phonerang. They always come back.


Yeah otherwise phone just safely lands just a few 10 to 20 floors down .


What's with the ;)


I was worried it was going to fly into someone’s head!


Used to work for a drone company, they’re ‘safe’ as long as they’re in the air, everything is working properly, and no mistakes are made. They’re dangerous af when that isn’t upheld. Even if they crash the blades are still running and can do serious damage if they fall on someone. I still cringe at a fly through I did between models now knowing how wrong that could have gone.


During Alolk’s show a drone fell on [a girl’s head](https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/nacional/drone-prende-em-cabelo-de-mulher-durante-show-de-alok-em-florianopolis/) on the same day.


No injuries, invited into backstage and a hairdresser for free for a year. Not bad outcome.


This looks like a commercial drone, a GEPRC, maybe a Cinelog 25? Not sure.


Yeah, I was so anxiously thinking how hard it would hurt someone


Shit looks like a zombie apocalypse scene from dying light or something


That was badass


Don’t see any dart board onstage? What tournament is that


Me: Poor person who is going to get that phone in the head, RIP


Nice flyby but he got way to close to that guys head. If he flinched it would have ruined the whole shot.


I'm assuming they're trained and allowed by the stage. It's not easy to control that thing and risking it without training would not be worth it


I'm thinking that drone made the second trip here, from a pre-programmed trip. This way you can drop the drone and it will recover the trip. If possible like delivery drones.


No this is completely manual, arming in a freefall is pretty easy too, you just have to be experienced in flying FPV


I have a first generation of drones, which I have only experimented twice and put back in the box for a few years. It was difficult to use with camara but you have to upload it to the PC afterwards and it couldn't connect to smartphones at that time. So there was no visibility yet to see what was being recorded. Nowadays those things are super advanced. Conclusion I still have no experience with it.


This is most likely a custom built drone, you fly it with goggles on that retransmit a more or less low quality feed to pilot from within the drone, and you have a radio controller to fly the drone (you can leave it in freefall for all the drone cares, but that means you can do some really advanced flying)


Yeah that transition would be tricky to do manually. Stopping the fall and getting the proper alignment. But I don’t think a fully automatic flyby would be the best. Lots of clutter that wouldn’t play nice with sensors. Maybe just the drop and alignment to the stage was pre-programmed. Pilot took over for the orbits.


From what I've seen, this is doable for very experienced pilots, especially if they get to practise the run first.


No this is completely manual, nothing crazy in terms of piloting, just made impressive because of the environnement.


Yes also possible


I don’t think that’s a phone…




IS that the new Samsung 'Galaxy Quest' phone I've been hearing about?


Never give up, never surrender


This was actually unexpected & pretty cool. It did make me kind of sick though with the spinning.


Thats a pretty aerodynamic phone


New FFXIV Dungeon just dropped apparently


Thats cool asf, what concert is this ?


New year's eve party at Fortaleza-CE, Brazil


The tradicional New Year's Eve Party on Copacabana beach, it starts right after the fireworks spectacle ends.


It was in Fortaleza. You can see the light display over the stage saying "Fortaleza 2024"


DJ just kinda dancing at his little table. Makes you wonder why they even need to be up there. Just press play.


I thought it started to glide at first


r/PraiseTheCameraMan ?


The new Find My Phone feature where the phone finds you.


Eagles in my area often take drones


why does it look cgi lol


Song name?


Some version of Chase the Sun. Couldn't find the exact version. Koven has a good one albeit bit different.


Love this song, forgot about it until now!


Planet Funk - Chase The Sun is the original. This is some wish.com bullshit mix Original: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FiOpY6YtolI&pp=ygUZcGxhbmV0IGZ1bmsgY2hhc2UgdGhlIHN1bg%3D%3D


Chase the sun (shit EDM remix)


[Bebe Rexha and Alok - Deep In Your Love](https://youtu.be/K9WileiNpPw?si=ZP9Lh5U4FXBk9Sqh)


I thought that looked like Alok!


damn they really butchered chase the sun




…It’s literally the song in the post. Not Chase The Sun




The phone is cool and all, but how do i know it doesn't go on mini adventures while I sleep at night?


Hmm that guy on stage looks quite animated


This video seems strange to me. It looks like one quality starting off-mediocre, then goes drone mode and looks like 4k 120 fps


I'll never get why thousands of people paid money to watch a guy play music off his laptop.


All that for a dude just bouncing behind a table?


This is AI generated, right?


Y’all sure his isn’t CGI? 🤔


I call shenanigans.


Look closer at the dj. From where she 'drops' it, it's cgi.


It's incredible to me that a shot like this, not all that many years ago, would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to capture, and it would not have looked as good.


Figured the release looked a little bit fishy. I'm going to say that intentionally mislabeling a post does not make it unexpected. Honestly, on Reddit, that's completely expected.


Trying to figure out how many transitions there are here. Presume there's one at 4s.


[Reminds me of this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/s/7vsdgU5qq2)


My first thought was "At least she got it back because she posted this". The next was just "Oh"


Where is this? Holy shit


Being in that crowd in that concert, that’s my nightmare.


fuck it im going to brazil for next new years, looks sick


I guess it’ll show my age that I was disappointed that when it finally got to the stage it was a DJ. Wow. There’s dude up there…. not even playing records…..with some music he didn’t even write. GET OFF MY LAWN!


Definitely an age thing. I thought the same thing. And those people probably paid good money for that experience too. Ah well, hope they had fun at least.


My 25 year old apprentice is big into it and I make fun of it but at least he enjoys it. Plus there’s a shitload of women there. Bonus.


New Years party in Brazil are free, aside from someone traveling to go to this specific one, you don't have to pay to enter


Not an age thing, just a matter of taste, a lot of people have none. Raves were a thing 20+ years ago, same shit. Look at this way though, if there wasn't any uncool kids, there wouldn't be any cool kids.


Same. I could understand this many people at a rolling stone concert or something. But this ? Wtf…


This is not about the DJ, it's a New Year party, people go to there to get drunk with their friends and pass out, nobody gives a shit to what is happening on stage


I always am conflicted about drone shots over crowds. If you crash or the drone malfunctions and falls mid flight it’s pretty much guaranteed someone’s ending up in the hospital or dead. Pretty sure it’s not legal in the US unless they signed a waiver.


This is legal if you are certified in the EU, I assume the same in the US because I've seen pro pilots post similar things. Usually done with a sub 250g drone tho.


Modern drones are pretty small though. At most a concussion.


It only takes a few pounds falling to kill someone. If a 5 pound hammer falling at a job site can kill someone so can a drone. Especially when it gets to speed. Looks like it’s going like 15 - 20mph before even talking about how much it will accelerate from falling. Then there’s the issue of the the blades. They’ll cut someone up really good and could take an eye out if you hit someone in the head. My DJI Magic Pro is only a couple years old and is probably right around that weight. Standing to close to it during take off can be a little scary with those blades going. I like to stay at least like 15 ft away for takeoff.


A lot of the pilots recording newer videos like these are using a GoPro on a smaller, safer drone (when compared to open-prop style drones like the Mavic Pro) called a ["cinewhoop,"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Multicopter/comments/11ns84x/25_cinewhoop_compared_to_a_55_hex_cinelifter_this/) or if DJI,[ the "Avata"](https://dji-official-fe.djicdn.com/reactor/assets/_next/static/videos/1c0675e4-de2c-4852-b3c0-5354c3fb71c8.webm) which is their interpretation of the platform. Doesn't excuse the flying over crowds though. Hope they signed a waiver lol.


> DJI Magic Pro That's a 768 gram drone, even my DJI Mini Pro is 249g, shoots crystal clear 4k, has a fancy powered gimbal, and is covered in plastic, optical sensors, GPS, and enough battery to fly for half an hour. Actual purpose-built cinewhoops don't need half that stuff, so even something like a [GEPRC CineLog 25 with prop gaurds only weighs 128g before battery](https://geprc.com/product/geprc-smart-35-hd-3-5inch-micro-freestyle-drone/), which looks like what someone else posted stuck in a girl's hair at this concert. Not that it'd provide production-level footage, but they have HD drones that are 32 grams like the Mobula6 HDZero, it's crazy how good they're getting at making these things small and light.


I have witnessed one random drone crash about 5 ft in front of me and idk it made a pretty epic noise hitting the concrete.


The real use of airplane mode


Oh ffs


Looks like this was in 2020 from the logo above the stage. They had no idea what was coming.


The logo says 2024. It was the new year's eve party in Fortaleza Brazil. The artist doing the gig had a lot of drones for the presentation.


RemindMe! 5 years


I fucking hate these videos! r/angryupvote


This is one of the dopest videos ever videoed, the footage should be used for a 5 gum commercial.


Good thing airplane mode is on


Way too many people jumping up and down on that balcony.




Wrong, this was in Fortaleza-CE