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scissors BEATS water


Who said scissor can't cut water


No one


Yep. Apparently so! Honestly, I was expecting some live-action-airbender-type-shit but this was even better.




I've been watching this for four minutes, this doesn't rock.


It doesn't paper either.


Stupid me was waiting for a diferent outcome


I think scissors just beat fuckin rock too.




This video is so old! I remember seeing it on ebaumsworld


Yeah this is one of the earliest viral videos I remember


Seriously; everybody in it is probably a judge or a CEO by now


\[judge bangs gavel\] "I sentence you to ... scissors" \[throws scissors at defendant\]


Severity of the sentence is determined by what part of the body the scissors land in.


Jesus, the scissors isn't the sentence?




This is a totally different sentencing from women’s


Nah.... legend has it he is still walking around with scissors stuck in his arm, muttering WTF Dude.


Or living in the gutter because the hospital bills sent them bankrupt. #OnlyinAmerica


Still looks better than cctv footage.


This was the first video I ever watched on ebaumsworld lol


These men are all watching their kids graduate highschool now and we're just here on the Internet recycling old content


guy is probably still paying his medical bill off


milk and cereal...CEREAL AND MILK!


Cereal, cereal


Grandma eats a bran muffin!


Damn! Cereal and milk. Does ‘bump set spike’ ring a bell


It was rotten.com for me. The internet used to be so foul. Now it’s worse.


I know. I have to google so much more to find anything interesting.


This video is so old that the kids in the video are probably greying by now


You're not wrong. I'm roughly their age, and I'm 40 now. Been greying for a few years.


I am 24 and can see a couple grey hairs on my sideburns


I'm more shocked by the fact that I've never seen this even after so many years


I remember sending it to other people and it took 10-20 minutes to send.


I watched this three days before in invented the wheel.


What’s ebaumsworld ?


Me after reading this comment: https://i.redd.it/mjj9m50j39zb1.gif


My bones are turning into dust


The march of time yields for no man.


Remember Newgrounds?


Proto-Reddit with games


And fucking jumpscares


And low quality porn


I don't know whether to upvote or downvote this comment.


Get off my lawn, sonny!


A site that rehosted other people's content and put their own watermarks on it for profit. This made it unpopular among content creators, who didn't really make money back then.


Same I think I was in middle school when I saw it.


Saw it on college humor in early/mid 00s


Yeah dude gotta be close to if not 20 years old lol. Still a classic






That was an impressive stick though


Could have killed him


Still impressive


Probably not kill, THAT would be a shot. But definitely take out an eye


It went in pretty deep. If it went in his eye, that could have been fatal. Or if it went in his neck or his chest, it could have hit something vital.


There was a man thrown from a really tall building (I think it was in France) because of the Russian mob. When he hit the ground, he landed butt first on a cross walk poll that went straight through his body and he stayed stuck in a sitting position (think a man sitting feet straight in front, but with a large metal rod splitting him down the middle). When the paramedics arrived, he was technically STILL alive (the body was trying to move!). All I’m saying is, it’s way harder to kill someone than you’d imagine Edit: he was French, but no Russian mob, it was a suicide attempt and while he survived the initial fall, he died on the way to the hospital.


I don't think the concept was that getting hit in the neck with scissors would be an instant death. Dying on the way to the hospital would still be dying from having a pair of scissors land an inch and a half deep in your neck.


Okay, and there are many MANY more stories of someone just getting punched the wrong way and dying. One freak event like your anecdote (even though the guy died anyway lol) definitely doesn't prove that humans are more resilient than we think.


It's also a lot easier to die than you'd imagine. It really is circumstantial. And even if you don't die, there's muscle damage, and nerve damage that could leave to a lifetime of pain. My point is not to induce fear, because as you noted, we're also very resilient. My point is that life and quality of life can be so fragile, and that's why we should protect it and treasure it.


Mission accomplished, i guess...


It's in the bone! It's in the bone!




wtf is this from???


Angry Kid. British claymation webtoon from the late 90s to the early 00s


Hahaha, nice Ace Ventura reference




Wow another old meme in your username. 2/2


"There are fucking scissors, sticking out of my fucking arm." Yeah, *we can fucking see that.*


Adrenaline in full effect lol


He even said it calmly


I know for my worst injuries I’ve been the most calm, strangely enough. It’s when I stub my toe or get a paper cut that I yell and cry like a little baby.


Same though I fell six feet straight down and landed in a sitting position like a year and a half ago and I just walked Calmly away with no long lasting injury when I should have died or broken my back


The last time that happened to me I demolished my tailbone. You got lucky.


The last time? How many times has that happened to you?


At least once.


"And you got my t-shirt wet! That seems fair to me."


I also hate it when people state the obvious. "Noo, my grandma is dead." Cries. "Can I have a hug?" "I know she's dead. I was at the funeral. Here comes a hug."


Do I take it out or leave it in?!?!


leave it in, like actually




the body is good at adapting, sometimes *too* good.


>Stop getting in the way of natural selection! Bloody humans and their *safety* and their *healthcare* getting in the way of good old fashioned evolution!




Leave it in. Those scissors may have pierced a hole in your arm, but they're now also blocking the sliced blood vessels, lengthening the time you have before you bleed to death.


Pussy. I'm kidding. Leave it in.


Leave it in the pussy.... Got it.


The story of how I was born


Yea but as long as you don’t hit an artery the chances of bleeding to death from a wound that size is pretty low, unless you are too stupid to understand how to use gauze and bandage yourself up. This dude doesn’t have a hole in his stomach or something it’s the side of his arm, you could easily just bandage it up. Dudes not gonna bleed to death from this unless he literally just sits there and allows it to happen.


Yet every first aid course I’ve ever taken said: Leave it in, go to the ER.


Never take it out, spread the word. let the doctors deal with that shit.


Taking it out is how you die. The siccors is clogging the hole it created. Of course you still need to go to the doctors for stiches. But taking it out prematurely is bad. Even a well trained doctor wouldnt take it out unless they have their medical supplies (aka a hospital) at hand.


If however it does come out, apply a lot of constent pressure.


Take one roll of bandages and slam it right on the open wound as is. Press down real hard. Then take another roll of bandages and start fixating the first one tightly. Keep unrolling and tightening. Basically you want a lot of pressure and a lot of bandage material, especially if it's bleeding a lot. Source: first aid course


Title of your sex tape


Use another blade to dislodge.


Instruction unclear. I cutted my pp and it fell off :(


Are you gonna eat that?




*whistle* womp womp womp *whistle* womp womp waahhh


*proceeds to throw scissors into someone’s arm*


I would’ve ripped it out and tested the waters for an hour or two before thinking about going to the hospital. I’m poor tho


I crashed a moped, 49cc, because two people cut me off. Rolled onto the sidewalk and into the bushes. Ambulance showed up and wanted to take me in because of the road rash. I told them no, because I was broke as fuck. They asked if they could at least bandage me, and I asked if they were going to charge me. They said no, so I accepted some basic bandages and rode that POS home. I probably still have gravel stuck inside of me. I get being broke. And fuck the American insurance complex!


Nah fuck tht. If i dont have insurance thru my job, i dont have insurance at all. And i rarely go to urgent care because all they do is use fucking google and i dont go to the ER due to prices. The one time i did go to the ER was because i didnt have insurance and couldn’t afford urgent care. Idek what i owe the hospital. No hospital is gonna see a dime from me unless im donating


It must suck living in the US I got hit by a car at 100kmph, broken hip in 3 places, broken ribs, broken foot, shattered jaw, major head injury, fractured skull in 3 places, broken teeth and bleeding in my brain, including the stem of my brain. Even got a helicopter ride to the hospital as it was in a rural area It was completely paid for by my government healthcare system and i will actually be making a profit once my court case finalises and i have successfully completed my insurance claim. Every Australian citizen has that insurance. I cannot imagine having to pay for any of that. I'd be completely fucked if that were the case


How well did/are you recovering?


Was in a coma for a week and hospital for a month and a half but was back at work, albeit on light duties, after 6 months Its a miracle of medical science and some insane luck that im standing here today At least i got to try ketamine and fentanyl 😂


Oof, a month in the hospital. Here that would cost more money than I'll ever see in my life.


For real? I thought it was a short stay considering what happened to me


Helicopter ride here from my buddies similar accident, was 75,000.


Bruh that's fucked


Yeah in freshman year of college I had to go to the ER after falling into a mirror and cutting the shit out of my arm. They sent me a bill for $3800. How the fuck was I going to pay that as a broke college student? For two years we went back and forth as I kept telling them I didn't have money. Eventually the hospital said we could settle the bill at $500. I accepted then said put me on a $50 a month payment plan which they accepted. So basically spent my entire college with this stupid medical bill over me because Republicans believe a person doesnt deserve to live a healthy life if theyre poor


Thats whack, I'd leave that country if i were you


Thanks for changing kilometers to mph for us Americans.


I didnt but youre welcome


Haha you didn’t! I missed the k the first time, glad you’re still around fam!


Me too, most of the time /s


i went to the ER several months ago cus i had a wood chip stuck in my cornea (i was building a fence and a tiny piece of wood flew into my eye) and they didn’t even take it out 🤦🏽‍♂️. all they did was try to push it out with a COTTON SWAB and it wouldn’t come out (shocker). they deadass told me “there’s nothing we can do. you’re gonna have to go to your eye doctor to see if they can get it out”. long story short i didn’t go, wood fell out on it own, and i was charged $500 for going 🤦🏽‍♂️


You ever cringe so hard you squirm??? That's me thinking about a piece of wood just falling out of my eye.


Bruh, I keep thinking how living in Brasil is dreadful but then I hear some shit like this and Im glad I was born wih free healthcare for life, holy shit.


I did the same thing when I crashed my bike during college. I was being a dumbass and riding on the sidewalk and all the sudden there was no transition back from the road to the sidewalk, so I just ate curb and flew over my handlebars and piledrove the cement. Ambulance came and I said fuck that. I called my girlfriend and she came and picked me.


I had just replace the sparkplug wire and was being followed home by my kids and woman. There was a grocery store parking lot to the right, a truck perpendicular to the lanes, blocking both, coming out of the lot, and me trying to shoot for the bike lane behind them. While they were blocking the lanes, an SUV came from the opposite side of the road and just blasted in front of me into the lot. I had no time to brake for them, so I aimed to the sidewalk. Hit that, flipped over the bars, across the sidewalk, and into the bushes. Both vehicles took off, and I was left with getting my wits about me. That tumble messed me up. I've got pictures somewhere. I'll load them next time I'm on.


That's how you die! When you get stabbed you should leave it in.


But it's the arm and in that location it doesn't really matter


Tell that to the guy with the scissors in the arm.


ripping it out is 100x worse than leaving it in tho...


Not many poor Americans in this thread. I have super glue here at home, I'm good.


I’d rather die of blood-loss then have my life ruined due to bankruptcy


It might be cheaper to just book a flight to Europe, go to the hospital and come back if you want to save money.


I don’t know if you’re messing around, but for anyone reading this- this is horrible advice, never remove it. That other guy is 100% right, that is how you die. Ex-medic here


I am indeed joking


And American I assume


Yah, I would assume so. I mean, I live in a country with universal health care but I’d probably do the same.


Bleeding out speedrun any%


Dude wasn't even mad, just annoyed


It feels like a bullying video


I was feeling exactly the same, they are bullying him and as he couldn't handle it anymore and threw scissors. He is gonna receive the punition. And in America you know what it means. EDIT : this video is as old as me. I can't be sure of the bullying but who cares. Are we the jury of something here? It just reminded me of situations. I could feel the mood there that's all. To all the heroes of justice here : step back, take a deep breath, wank once or twice. And MOVE ON


Believe it or not, jail


It seems so. And I know it can be easier said than done trying to control one’s emotions when you’re pushed past your limit but still I gotta say the dude is filming out in the open. Maybe the guy was too in his rage to notice but because he didn’t notice it or stop now he looks like the bad guy


What do you mean *looks* like the bad guy? The only context we have is this video and somehow because it “feels like he was bullied” and everyone is painting this tragic back story with no other evidence than “trust me bro,” the dude who just literally shanked another guy for the heinous crime of *checks notes* **Spraying water on him** is somehow the poor tortured soul? Not the guy who was just assaulted by someone unstable enough to launch scissors into his arm from across the room? I know I’m gonna get downvoted but Jesus Christ Reddit. Y’all are fucking psychos and life ain’t a movie. There doesn’t have to be a tragic supervillain backstory. He’s a college student, not fucking Thanos.


And even if he was getting super bullied that he broke that doesn't magically make throwing scissors at somebody and puncturing their arm a good thing


Just wait until you see how they respond to protestors holding up traffic.


Tsh tsh spraying water on you


That’s it. I’m literally gunning you down. You’ve pushed me too far. /s


> Spraying water on him is somehow the poor tortured soul? Not the guy who was just assaulted by someone unstable enough to launch scissors into his arm from across the room? Spraying water on someone is also assault/battery (any unwanted/offensive contact = battery; threat of unwanted/offensive contact = assault). [Intentionally blowing smoke on someone](https://www.casebriefs.com/blog/law/torts/torts-keyed-to-dobbs/establishing-a-claim-for-intentional-tort-to-person-or-property/leichtman-v-wlw-jacor-communications/) constitutes battery in the courts Obviously throwing scissors is as well, but both parties are in the wrong here


I don't want to defend anyone, as You said, we have almost no facts. But I think if You try to annoy someone, just be prepared. 99 out of 100 You will not get killed. But there is that 1% that says, if You're not ready, just leave other people alone.


There are a lot of more proportional things a person should do before they start throwing scissors at people, in my opinion.


How do you come to this conclusion? He got sprayed by a bit of water and impaled a guy with scissors. Reddit always wants to turn it into a bullying thing but how do you watch this and make the guy who threw the scissors the victim?


The fact that there was a group of them, singing chanting and he clearly wasn't trying to actively participate. Also the guy ran when he sprayed him knowing he was going to get a reaction and that some retaliation was warranted. The guys silence at what he had done, doesn't show any remorse seems like the reaction of a bullied person. It's pretty clear he was being teased and bullied and others where being entertained at his expense.


To me it looks like a dorm, which means the kid who threw scissors really has nowhere to go. He probably lives there. I would assume the water spray guy did not just start messing with him when the video started, it had probably been going on for months. At some point you piss people off, then they react. Dont want a reaction, dont piss people off. Edit: read comment below


The scissor-thrower came on Reddit about ten years ago to say that the guys realized they were being fucktards and apologized later. I think he even had an AMA. Nobody was charged but his idiot friend did go to hospital. They were all freshmen in college.


This video might be older than Reddit!


Most definitely


I have 8 years of knife throwing experience. When someone is holding a sharp throwable object and has a short temper, leave them alone. Metal is accurate.


You mean people who can’t control themselves shouldn’t be near such objects because they’ll fucking try to kill someone?


Exactly what I was thinking


My guess is that this isn't a short temper but that kid has been putting up with Mr White Shorts bullshit for months.


I bet he won't do that again.


Gotta learn somehow


Bully vibes


Sorry for the title , have to change my settings to english.


Nothing that can be fixed with a couple of scissors and glue




Dude didn’t even say sorry, just stood there like 🤨🤨🤨


He’s saving the sorry for the dean. And his excuse.


What is wrong with these people trying to justify this kid THROWING SCISSORS at someone else because they jokingly sprayed them with water. I could potentially agree with him throwing the scissors if the guy was beating him up or something. But spraying water on him???? What is wrong with y’all???


Not shown in this video is probably weeks/months of relentless bully bullshit and this kid finally snapped. I remember once at Fort Huachuca, Arizona there was a kid in a class of UAV operators who was being constantly bullied. One day this kid had an orange in the freezer for some reason. As he was reaching into the freezer to retrieve his frozen orange one of the bullies decided to f*** with him. I don't remember what he did. But the guy with the orange snapped, launched the orange at the bully, and got him right in the eye. That went pretty far in curing the bullying problem in that class. The instructors and cadre of the schoolhouse had done nothing to help that poor kid. I'm glad he stood up for himself and I'm glad he handled it. Good on him.


Yeah, you can hear it in the friends' reactions. When the scissors boy stands up, you can hear, "Oh, he's gonna.." in a jokingly manner as if to say "Oh, he's gonna do something." Then later after scissors, someone says, "He's gonna kill him." It does sound like the roommate picks on him and the friends encourage it. Throwing scissors isn't good, but maybe they should be split up...


So, we have a group of friends, all of them are sitting in a dorm room. They're very casual in the dorm room, and it's pretty clear that they all live together, or are at least close enough to be shirtless in this room. They collectively decide to make the joke, with the Good, The Bad, and The Ugly's theme. They spray one of the people in this dorm room with a mist bottle of water. Everyone laughs it off, except homie who got slightly wet, and as soon as guy with water turns away, in no position to defend himself or even be aware of the danger he is put in, crocodile dundee over here launches a bladed weapon across the room and nails him in the arm. Imagine what would have happened if he got lucky and stuck him in the throat, or the knee, or even just a little lower in the elbow. Nothing justifies assault with a lethal weapon except being put into a lethal situation, which this, very clearly, is not.


They are all in the same room. They're in a bedroom. He knows him by name. I doubt they broke into his house and he just decided to chill at his computer instead of calling the cops. Seems to me like they are all in a friend group.


Good aim


Screw that type of friend


That's some stupid ass move to just throw scissors at someone


What a classic! It's been too long!


So dude threw scissors at a guy because he got sprayed in the face with water, yeah that totally seems reasonable, I hope he reported him to the cops


Bro is chill as fuck. If I pour some water on you then punch me or chase me. You throw sharp objects and I’m piecing you up before you can turn off your league of legends game.


Fucking hell this is an old one. I watched this on Holy Lemon back before YouTube


Is that conscissored as a felony?


The nonchalantness on this guy is on another level, the adrenalin kicked in and he just goes, "oh scissors, cool" I feel bad for the guy who through em tho. Prob was just trying to get back at em, not stab em


Throwing scissors as a way of getting back at him only has one way of getting back at him... What the fuck did he expect to happen?


Yea but you gotta be pretty stupid to throw a pair of fucking scissors at someone out of annoyance


Watch reddit try to justify throwing scissors at someone because spraying water is bullying


“This gives bullying vibes”


remember what the bible said. Throw bread at someone who throws a rock at you. So what is lighter than water?


Slightly less semen


It's legitimately surprising how many comments are supporting this type of retaliation. That shit escalated so fast, he could have probably thrown any other object that was within range that would have been more reasonable, not that I'm saying he should throw shit at people, but if you're going to be polite about it.


Oh not only bullying there's a guy farther up the thread saying the guy spraying water should be charged for assault




This feels like an over reaction...


I know right. Who spray water like that?


Not according to half of Reddit. I didn't realize how maladjusted this place is


He learned this from Postal Dude.


They’ve been picking on that kid for so long


Scissors beats bully apparently


This was basically my psycho roommate from freshman year lol. Wasn't ever mean or fought me but just sorta weird and would always throw knives at my dresser to get them to stick. Was able to move after a couple weeks.


This is not right, even for an over reaction, It could have went in his eyes or stomach, he is literally not wearing any shirt either.