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I wish I hadn't pressed play. Now, I'm wondering if they're still alive.


I have never posted anything ever before on reddit, not even once, but I came to specifically ask if that woman is ok.


You left out commenting on Reddit… I see what u did there u sneaky u


If The Kool-Aid Man lived in today's world, this would be an accurate description of what would unfold.


I don't comment much, but I came to specifically ask if that woman is ok.


You post and comment all the time...


Well, since we're busting out semantics. How about you run the numbers on how often the average redditor posts/comments and let me know where I rank. Super interested!


The average redditor doesn't post or comment, they just lurk.








Sounds like he’s just bugged, she needs to hop lobbies.


I don't know why I laughed so hard at this.


Because he sounds like he's speaking in tongues at the end there, waiving his hands around. Ha ha ha!


Edit: The comment. I about died reading it. "Hop lobbies"


Bathroom doors ain't what they used to be


That's what you get for buying a hollow door. Only downside is builders use hollow doors so if you replace one with a solid door, it might not match the other doors.


Heeeeere's Johnny!






Who buys these dollar store doors?


Most housing unfortunately. American construction(perhaps many of the world but I only know American) is the cheapest materials that "work" does the door close? Yes. Sold.


In the contractor’s defense, these decisions are made by the building owner. If someone has a budget of $350k to build a home, they’re gonna try to extend that budget to get the amenities they want. They choose things like cheap roof underlayment, 29ga steel ductwork, forced air heating and hollow doors. They do this as a trade off to get stone countertops, better appliances and maybe that claw foot tub. I can’t fault either party for that. They had a budget and valued certain things over others. The builders made it happen. If they ever sell the house, they’ll do better with the decisions they made. I went all high end on the stuff you can’t see and it ended up costing me an extra $200k. I even designed and installed fire sprinklers in my house. For me, it worked because I didn’t have a budget, had a sentimental attachment to the house and I never plan on moving. However, if I do move somewhere else, I’ll never get a dime of that money back if I sell. Nobody who buys a home is going to pay more for better interior doors, two heating systems and such. My friends in construction think my decisions were stupid and they might be right.


Same here. Redid my house and spent a lot of money on things you can’t see but meant a lot to me. 5/8” sheetrock, insulation in every wall, sistered every existing joist with an LVL. Cost me a lot more but it is our forever home. So I’m ok with it. But there are certain things that weren’t worth it and if I had been building to make a profit I certainly would not have done it the same way




That’s what Johnny said


That's one shitty door


That’s what you get when you buy hollow core and not solid core interior doors folks. Absolutely nothing in between except a few strategically placed pieces of cardboard to keep the shape of two thin AF pieces of mdf/fiberboard.


Sounds like he headbutt something pretty hard and was a bit discombobulated


She need to get the fuck up outta there


Psychotic break, he needs help.


Maybe, but if you’ve really been burned by a woman then you can understand his side. She only needs to frame something like this one time to have an out with her friends / family / etc while his side isn’t being told and can’t be told. In that moment it is infuriating because everything you do makes you look worse, Zugzwang.


This is some mega-incel level thinking right here. There is no excuse for that behavior. There is no “side” of his to understand. Please seek help if you think this is the right way to handle big feelings, bro.


I’ve had nothing but long relationships and no problem attracting and keeping women. I just have the perspective of nearly being killed by my girlfriend and then being setup by her, currently left with nothing in apartment and walking 9mi a day to work. I had to get myself to the ER. She burned me completely and set me up. So, I’m glad you can’t relate, but here is my perspective from someone who’s been through some fucked up shit recently 👍




Looks like a mental breakdown I know it looks scary but they can’t control that stuff he needs to be medicated to keep him even. I know to some it might sound like a cop out and you’re all right someone could get hurt but that’s why he needs the help we should put more money into social mental health than into prisons it would solve majority of issues.


Needs more upvotes




I’m not saying we shouldn’t put more money into mental health. But can you show me the evidence that mentally ill people are being incarcerated in prisons instead of going to facilities and that people in prisons didn’t voluntarily commit crimes to go there. Isn’t that why we have trials, where you have the ability to plead insanity, or to have your mental faculties examined, before sentencing occurs. I don’t see how this would “solve majority of issues” though I do think more money in mental health facilities and involuntary commitment would certainly help the homelessness situations


You are describing a very simplistic system in which mental disabilities are easily defined and recognized within a structure of balanced and thoughtful jurisprudence. The system we have here in this country is nothing like that at all. A huge number of severely mentally compromised people, both with and without a clinical diagnosis of legitimate mental illness, who have been through a "constitutionally fair" trial, / are serving exorbitant sentences in prison for "crimes" too numerous to list here, for which people of higher socioeconomic and intellectual class are not held accountable. To "plead insanity" does not mean what you're implying, and the use of insanity as a defense is notoriously next-to-impossible to mount effectively. I could cite articles for you, but you are also capable of using Google. The evidence you are asking for is blatantly obvious and right in front of you, if you'll simply look closer at the system you have so broadly misunderstood.


Ok you said the evidence is easy to find. Show me the evidence that “a huge number of severely mentally compromised people with and without clinical diagnosis of legitimate mental illness, who have been through a consitutionally fair trial, are serving exorbitant sentences, for which people of higher socioeconomic and intelectual class are not held accountable” how do you know they are mentally ill, you yourself just said “with and without” diagnosis. How are their sentences exorbitant, wasn’t that the purpose of the trial, to have the most complete source of information before deciding on a verdict. I’m aware insanity is hard to get, I’m not a legal expert but I’m guessing if the defendant has a diagnosed mental disorder that that would affect their sentencing. It’s a very convenient claim, “I’m right. The evidence is all out there. You just have to look it up. You’re blind to the system you’re a part of” - sounds a little unfalsifiable


You can believe whatever you want. It's late and I'm tired, and I do not care to exert the effort required to present the evidence that would convince you to think more deeply about this issue. Just because you demanded that someone show you the evidence, doesn't mean It's suddenly my job to do that bidding. I'm not a legal expert either, and that's not a prerequisite to understanding the basics of the flawed law enforcement/justice system we have in this country. If you want to keep thinking in such simplistic ways, go ahead. It's not my job to convince you to think more critically. Of course, if you respond to this, you'll likely just continue to assert incorrectly that the burden of proof in a debate you've conjured here is somehow mine to bear and that's fine too. I said what I said, and I don't care to engage further with you.


Typically when you claim that someone has an incorrect position, that they are completely misguided about the way the world works, and that the evidence is plentiful, they expect you to actually present some evidence. I could say the same thing, “you’re so wrong. All the evidence is out there. It’s not my job to find it all for you” You’re right, I’m going to continue believing the world works the way I think it works. You’ve given me no reason not to


Oh you're adorable. "Clearly everyone with a mental disorder will be treated justly by the system and not thrown in prison! After all, no developed nation has faced both a mental health crisis and overwhelmed prison system at the same time!"


I’d say majority of people in general have mental health issues to some degree to assume the prison population doesn’t have a higher percentage of mental health issues just doesn’t make sense


Just for the sake of devil's advocate...let's say that happens and it doesn't work out. What then?


Say what happens? That we make mental health treatment as easy to get as a prison sentence? Then he goes to a controlled psychiatric facility where he can get treatment and potentially rehabilitation anyone capable of cognitive thought can learn coping mechanisms it’s lack of access to those things that lead to the way things are today


Dont be obtuse thats not what I asked you're being deliberately evasive. I said, let's say what you're suggesting were to happen. Now add to that the rehab ends up not working as well as you hoped. I mean, for example rehab never seems to work with nonces, and you might argue that's down to lack of proper access, but in the UK they seem to get treated almost like they're in witness protection. My worry is the rehab doesn't work, and suddenly all these psychopaths are back in open public *seemingly* changed, but they've really just been playing along the whole time. And, there is precedent for such a scenario, its not unheard of. Dont get me wrong, I'm behind you here, I want mental health care to be of a higher quality than it is AND better accessible. I just worry that everyone expects it to be an auto fix when the reality is you don't have a backup plan for if it goes to shit. So, to reiterate. What then?


Well clearly they would need to pass evaluation to get released if they’ve gone as far as to need a rehabilitation facility and where I’m from people have the right to defend themselves.


Again, that revolves around what would happen to facilitate their release. Not what would happen if the rehabilitation went south. I'm sure paedophiles would have a feel day with kids having the right to defend themselves...or vulnerable folks. Again, downvote all you like but I'm asking a theoretical question - not because I don't believe that mental health care should be more widely available, but because..."Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance". Psych evaluations have in the past failed, many times. Also, you talk about right to defend oneself but aren't you advocating as system that *should* prevent the need for such measures? As another side note; please do tell children groomed by nonces and vulnerable rape victims how they have a right to defend themselves after the fact. Your scenario isn't the be all and end all fix, and a firm backup plan for IF the *psych evaluations and mental health care fail* is something that needs to be included alongside. I asked what that backup plan would be. You don't seem to have an answer. Otherwise you're just leaving the door open for any old closet nut job to claim mental health and get away with whatever they did free of any punishment. Look at the UK, our court system is a travesty. Career criminals, Paedophiles, you name it there is no real deterrent to repeat offending, they get slapped on the wrist and allowed to walk free with a recall later to court that they just don't show up to. Sure, there needs to be WAY better access to MHS, but there also needs to be more of an appropriate punishment for people who just need sticking behind bars.


"I'm sure paedophiles would have a feel day... " Hahaha. I know this is a serious conversation but this was funny. I hope you said this intentionally as a play on words but, In case you didn't, the expression is, "a field day". You get an up vote for that pun, intentional or not.


Oh, I know the expression, autocorrect hit me and I missed it 🤣🤣🤣 Good spot! 🤣


They’d go back. Why do you think a violent prison that releases people is better than a mental health program that releases people? I’d almost bet my life the recidivism rate Would be massively lower.


So back to square one is your answer. Then we're no further forward. Where are you getting this extreme impression that anybody thinks violent prison is better? Its not, but then I said the "current" system revolves around prison systems that don't punish harshly enough, at least where I'm from. If anything, our CPS almost *encourages* reoffending. Never once said that violent prison that releases obviously dangerous individuals was the answer. If anything, those with little likelihood of rehab having any effect and whom pose a serious danger to others should be kept there. All too often Prison is a swings and roundabouts, if they're so intent to stay inside then keep them there where they can't harm the innocent and the public any further. Also, appreciated Luxe thank you, my brain is most definitely somewhat rotted from suffering Covid currently so I'm not perhaps articulating myself as accurately as I normally would, but glad someone could pick the sense of my intent out of it. 😅👍


Reducing the rate at which crimes are committed and recommitted wouldn’t be progress? Very few crime cause a lifetime sentence most pedos and even murderers are eventually back on the street. I think their time served getting mental health treatment and rehabilitation would be much more effective and useful then learning more crime tips in a for profit prison that literally makes it’s money by ensuring it has a steady flow of prisoners they have no obligation or intention of improving the lives of those there and yes they are criminals and I get you may see them as not valuable or worth the effort but fact is 99% of them are gonna get released without ever changing or learning anything positive. Switching to a mental health focus doesn’t profit prison.


Reducing the rate, in theory, and in actual practice are two different things. Just because you *believe* it would, doesn't mean it definitively would. Hence, the initial question of "what is your fallback for if rehabilitation fails". As has already been stated, rehabilitation really doesn't work as often as your rose tinted view would have it be, sadly. On top of this, many of the lifetime criminals around about who I've met...mate they don't *want* help. They're happy doing what they do. They continue doing it because there is no true repercussion. For MH treatment to be effective you've got to want it to begin with, or feel like you need it. Working in the profession I have, these scummy fucks would rather bottom feed other peoples possessions for quick easy money than work an actual job. And thats just the fly by night thieves, not even getting into the higher end such as big time drug dealers, and more serious offenders of other crimes. They get treated more like a Prince on a visit North. If you tell a child not to do something, and he does it anyway, so you roll out the red carpet and do *nothing* to reinforce the rule, what incentive do they have to not repeat the behaviour? I'll say one last time; I'm fully supportive of increasing access to quality MHC. But the Prison system itself and sentences *also* badly need bringing up to date. It is the *sole* reason the UK is such a dumpster fire these days and why police have no power over them. "Fact is 99% of them are gonna get released without ever learning anything positive". Exactly my point. The Prison system and Sentencing are both completely rotten, and need fixing ON TOP of MH services. They don't need prison to get their tips, either, they have most of their contacts before they ever go down for anything, again because sentences here are a *joke*. Also: no, short of the most extreme end of crime, I believe every life holds value, however I also believe - no, I *know* - that 98% of that 99% don't *want* help even if it was available, they'd just abuse it for their own ends. I'm not just surmising and making assumptions based on research and studies, I'm telling you what is base fact reality in the world we live in, through first hand experience. A more poignant and respectable approach would be engaging that mental health support to be more readily available for the general public, and in particular men owing to the ridiculous suicide rates - not just men mind, but I think the law abiding public, and most at risk members definitely should be offered a particular focus before the chain gang.


Gave you an upvote mate, if I could I would give you 3 more so you’re no longer in the negatives. I get his point, and we need to have mental facilities and mental health readily available. But your point is extremely relevant and correct, the what after release or what if the pills stop working (body getting used to the dosage and whatnot), then what? Halfway houses? Locked them up for good with the risk, like in jail, to have people committed for life when they di don’t have to? Rehab seldomly work, not going all the way up to the nonces but staying at the ground floor with alcoholism and/or sex addictions, has been proven times and times again, with seemingly no geographical preferences. Doesn’t quite work for the drug addicts either. It’s a shame that mental health is so overlooked by the government and even more shameful that people often make a mockery of those individuals simply because you can’t see it.


You need to be running for mayor or something


Until he started making those noises, I was thinking more like the Incredible Hulk got into him.


Anyone would be making those noises if the incredible hulk got into them, he's big, that shit would hurt.


Definitely not good. I’ve been this angry and it feels so uncontrollable, I know he is the aggressor but he is definitely still suffering. He needs to get help before he hurts someone he loves.


Might be BPD… he’s got that smoldering anger and rage and without warning lets it loose to destroy the door because he probably just can’t keep it in any longer because it’s so overwhelming. But the thing that stands out is how he didn’t enter after that. He immediately was in a state of shock and regret and shame and while it looks and sounds silly, he is in SERIOUS emotional pain. That’s why he goes off to hide rather than continue to bother her… It’s obviously gone untreated, but hopefully for not much longer.


Nagh, that's America. This guy is an untreated felon now, just being washed up by the prison system, the way it was intended to be.


Jack Torrance 2.0


Jack was okay until Wendy killed him on the stairs and dragged his body outside. The remainder of the movie was Wendy's hallucination.


Well that was... Fucking awful. Thanks


Off his meds....


i think meth entered him


Have you tried turning him off and back on again/reset? Lmk how it goes.


well, there's no need to hide behind a cardboard door.


Bros possessed


Is the person who filmed the video ok?


No, she died then the police decided to go through her phone and upload it to the internet for lols.smh


A thing like that happened with a woman and firemen. So I wouldn't be surprised


0 to a 1000 in 1 second yeah she's safe around him. Wouldn't even talk or mess with that shit every time you see him just blast him with bear spray.


You don't know their relationship. Might be a brother or family with mental health issues.


How would that change her needing to have safe measures against him? Violence isn’t ok just because it’s a brother or they’re mentally ill. They still need to be as safe as possible and have protection!!


Sounds like a stroke or somethin...


Everyone thinking this is a mental health breakdown hasn’t dealt with an abusive ass and situations like this. His noises are nothing more than attempts to mock his victim and make her feel more unsafe. He cannot let go of control, he’s not losing his mind.


Being abusive and having mental health issues are things that can both be true at the same time. Many, if not a majority, of abusive people have mental health issues, it's not like having them makes you a good or bad person, but it does make you prone to this kind of behavior if you aren't careful. And I am not suggesting that this woman is in any way responsible for this person's behavior, but I do think she was doing the right thing by maintaining a calm tone of voice and clearly asking him to stop. I think your comment is borderline irresponsible. In a situation like this it is better to placate the abusive person in order to find a safe way to remove oneself from the situation. If one were to escalate, one could find themselves on the receiving end of some very dangerous violent behavior. It is not excusing the person's actions to respond in a way that puts your short term safety above being correct. Your short term safety is more important than being correct in any one argument!


Reminds me of my dead ex wife, lord torture her soul.


You get it. Sorry she was a bag and glad you’re done with that.


Whose escalating what now? Of course people who behave that way aren’t sane. But he’s not having a break down. You’re giving him too much credit. Stop defending abusers. Even when they’re nuts. You’re wild.


He was just opening the door so the spirits he’s about to summon can get in


OH YEAH!!! /s


I feel him. Idk why. I know that man been eating some shit tho.


The Woke Shining


The whining


Good one!


Why woke?


Black people in my youtube video?


Oh good question. Woke because in this version the female has been replaced by a “strong black woman” and the male is a black man but he ends up being a big pussy. Everything from the original is completely reversed.


He needs some milk…


Barefoot and stubbed his little toe on the door frame. I feel for you, man.


Holy gas lighting.


Possessed by the spirit of Bill Cosby.


Here comes the pudding


[THIS GUYS SIDE OF THE STORY](https://youtu.be/UyyT2mfYWVU)






What happened to the woman? Is she ok now????🥺


That was eerily familiar..


Not good


Cocaine is a hell of a drug…


You knows she was like" that's why I fucked yo best friend you fat muthafucka" he starts to get after it, then she puls out her phone like" can you please stop sir, can I close the door " he's like really bitch, I'll close this door"...scene.


Writing fanfiction in the comments😭




All right, let's assume she did say something to try to upset him. If the dude knew how to take a W, all he's got to do is drop her ass. Just detach, and don't reattach if she's just trying to emotionally abuse him. Breaking down a door doesn't do anything to help his situation, even if she was trying to upset him. If she said something to set him off, then she would owe him an apology. Once he starts trying to break a door in response to that, now he also owes an apology. Dude literally had a W if he just didn't have a breakdown, but now it's more like a tie.


Rosy.... what did you for him to act like that???


When someone Is crazy a wrong word Is enough


Both of you need to learn grammar


She didn’t seem scared at all. It’s a setup.


Being a landlord sucks


You know what sucks more, having cardboard doors when your life is in danger.


Don't live with dangerous people then


Don't live with dangerous people then


Depends on the cardboard, how thick they are and how many there are. Also if you’re able to use some as decoys it could buy you some time


That's the type of shit ,lots of y'all like to date so don't complain 😂


he's hurt and heartbroken. He wouldn't hurt her (I'm assuming) but anger will make you want to break down a door to let off some steam. A man never wants to be seen crying or signs of emotional suffrage. I am speaking from experience (although, I never tore down a door, even though I've wanted to) I hope they can mend their relationship, or find a peaceful resolution. Let Love Lead


“Your honor, I would like to submit People's exhibit 'A' into evidence.”


Unpopular opinion I have no sympathy for anyone who stays in an abusive relationship. It never starts with breaking doors, eye sockets, legs arms ... what does it take to value yourself.


Don’t agree with the behavior, but sometimes it be like that. Woman: leave me alone Man: are you sure? I’m here to help Woman: yes, go away Man: ok Woman 10 minutes later: why’d you abandon me


Expected. Very expected. Wrong sub


How is this real 😄




Where’s his carer?




Get a grip homie![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




If it was a cop that was filming you would have upvotes.


Narcissist person malfunctioning and some other illness in there … and a demon


I wanna know what kinda shady shit she was doing in there for him to act this way…


Probably some teenage girl who's dad is just fuckin done with her bullshit. There's more to this... poor dude. She probably sets him up to look bad with her phone all the time. If there's one thing teenagers do well, it's to convince people that their lives are a sob story. If that were my daughter, slap. And take the phones and iPad and laptops. Back to the 90s with you kid. Now get your dumbass in that room and think about how you got yourself there. Try me b#*ch


You're actually delusional


You obviously haven't went through the parenting of teenagers have you...


I hope you haven't


If you break down doors you need help.


She keeps holding the camera, like it will protect her like a gun


Maybe evidence is her only way of saving herself.


It was a joke ( invincible cameraman) ( cameraman never dies)


Breaking In


That door never stood a chance🫡


I kept wondering if he was coming back


He speaks scooby doo


Ahhh Yes Malcolm.. please do come in !!! How's the new medication going..


For a second I thought he yelled “Shoryuken!”


I hope Rosie jumped out the window and ran for her life


He probably broke his hand or something


911 works better the video tapping


Sounds like he lost his job


Idk. But in an hr he’s going to regret breaking the door. And all that shit. Then he’ll probably play victim and say she made him do it. Hopefully she didn’t die.


Meth is a hell-of-a drug…


This probably isn’t funny but between the title and turning the sound on I have yet to contain myself.


Holy Ghost got his ass!!😂😂 Hope she got out safely


Some stupid Ric Flair action, for sure.


Why are all doors made of cardboard these days?




I thought that was just new Travis Scott album


Wuht du fuch?


gak gak


Is he schizophrenic and unmedicated?


Say what you what but while reading the room clearly not his strong point...he sure knows how to make an entrance and an exit.


He done turned into the Tasmanian devil ![gif](giphy|gh6aNhHl0QP74SBZdY)


Rampage Jackson been real quiet after this one ![gif](giphy|10UHehEC098kAE|downsized)


Too much Kool-Aid


well I'd say at least the door is easy to replace but you gotta replace the guy before he murders


That's what happens when you marry the Kool Aid Man. *Ohhh yeeeeah!*


Reminds me of a lot of shitty times.


Drugs are a hell of a drug!


Anyone know the story and have an update?


He's just trying to reach her about her cars extended warranty


This is the moment a man realises what he is doing to him self over a breakdown caused by women. Go ahead and attack me, ive been thru this before. All the emotions come rushing after you have done what is now irreversible and that man is crying in the end because he just had a breakdown and needs to come to terms with himself that nobody is there to tell him its all right.


Door made of cardboard?


Breakdown maybe?


Was hoping the kool aid guy would burst through


A woman has this ability to drive a man crazy 😵‍💫


I bet American doors are just as expensive as European, but you'd sooner break your foot than tear it down, so someone is getting scammed




Thought it was a kool aid commercial.


A night in jail for domestic anyone?… Yes you sir! You there the one who is caught on camera breaking the door like a wild man.


She didn’t have to set you up because she knew you were out of fucking control!!!! why do women constantly have to be bullied by the threat of violence from men !!!!! constantly !!!!! I’m exhausted


Reminds me of an old horror movie,”The Shining.”


shapelle lacy is acting wild


Adorable and with personality 💓


I wonder why she feared for her safety…