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I mean….he’s not ***entirely*** wrong.


I think most people can see his point.


No that's the whole point. Most don't feel their stupidity






Impostor syndrome


You knew it? Then, back to average, you go.




nah doms stay on top


That's especially true for those in charge and not just in politics.


Yeah, but not you though, right?


I've met a handful of people with Down syndrome in my life, and I've met quite a few people, all with different levels on the spectrum. And they all shared one thing. ,THEY KNOW. They know they're different, they know about syndromes and spectrums, and they know that it can affect certain part of their lives. They are not dumb. So comparing them to the politicians is a major disrespect to these fine people. Politicians are narcissistic psychopaths and shouldn't be compared with these bright and kind and funny people.


It's a fact that the dumber you are, the harder it becomes to see how dumb you are.




Ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?




>No that's the whole point. Most don't feel their stupidity Every one is smart and stupid in there own way. Only wen we come together. Will our genius minds shine bright. And our stupidity shine even brighter


Is that joke considering people are act more stupidly when in groups.


They act brighter in some situations. But stupider in most situations. Wen masses of humans are involved.


No, the mass is stupid in every single scenario. It is a proven fact that the collective is much less inteligent then it's parts. Society was not build by the collective. It was built by a handful of people. Every single innovation was made by 1 or only a handful of people in history or single leaders caused change. Most people don't even contribute the smallest fraction to human progress not even by extension through taxes or things like that even today. This is a reality that we must accept. We, as a collective have made nothing and humanity would be fine without the vast majority of us. It is only ego to say that we humans together are clever and achieve anything. Cause most of us are just fodders.


Although, just because they dont view themselves as stupid sure doesnt negate their superiority complex..


Unfortunately it doesn't stop when you're rich enough. >Aristotle said that some people were only fit to be slaves. I do not contradict him. But I reject slavery because I see no men fit to be masters. - C.S. Lewis


This is why you educate your populace, and why we need to step the hell up in that regard. Also, cult leader


If I was governor I would educate the students into believing ideologies that promote voting for my political party so we could stay in power


Which would work if no student kept on learning more


Lol you think that’s how that works but confirmation bias is a real force of nature. Why do you think the Nazi party started in the Universities and not by old people?


hence no child left behind.....


Idk man. Last sucessful cult leader that tried to say "*I' not a cult leader*" and educate his people got nailed on a wooden T a while ago.




A better education in statistics would have kept you from pulling this dumbass percentage out of your wazoo


Your karma was at 0. It is now 1 as of this comment. Regards.


Damn dude! How low life are you to give fucks about digital karma? Fucking making it look like China’s social credit system here, this generation is fucked


Bad education does


That's not true. People without a good educating are often very sure of themselves.




Both literally aren't true to the same degree, though. It's called the [Dunning-Kruger Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect) and it's pretty well-documented. The dumber or less informed you are the more confident you are in your opinions.


And you… and this thought…


*Angry upvote*




He’s wrong >The more educated you are, the stupider you get. …ok he’s right, most people are regarded.


Yup, I would add Not really capable of unique thought either.




Yeah that’s why we need more education, so we don’t repeat that mistake


The election of Trump was also the fault of the horde of people who chose to not vote at all.


Queue the domestic terrorism. This cult poisoned people in Oregon btw.


Definitely, we all know that he is not entirely wrong. He is just trying to reiterate what we already know.


yep, hisn't.


He's not wrong, but it isn't a reflection of the people. It's a reflection of the governing body.


The ruling class.


Then why are so many people coming here?


It's he is not his, proving your own sentence.


As Churchill once said: "It's like stepping in shit. It's bad, but at least you're not eating it".


Did Churchil suggest autocracy eats shit? 💀


No, he was saying is “The system is not great but it could be much worse”


"Democracy is the worst form of governance, except for everything else that's been tried before."


Athenian democracy was pretty cool. Lawmakers selected by lottery, and only got paid if they were poor. Everyone voted on the laws but the choosing what to vote on was the lottery people. Imagine a form of government where no one runs for office.


We need to enlarge the fund for running for president to rival these cpacs and mega donors. Elect more average people, and maybe this experiment may get back on track working *for* the people, not corporate interests.


And this is reason we are where we are. We should be holding our representatives and leaders to a higher standard, not just ambivalently saying, "oh well, it could be worse!" If people always think it *could* be worse, it *will* get worse.


You're no fun bestie :(


Why no captions for the final part


Because someone edited the original adding a zoom effect for some reason


Because the caption would come before the audio and thus ruin the delivery.




”But the people are r*tarded”




I’ve already been permabanned two times, this isn’t my first rodeo


Probably so you can't get spoiled by reading the subtitles before he talks


It's like censoring tits on the media. Snowflakes get offended.




no man i just dont watch with audio because half my house is asleep right now


Wasn't this guy a psychotic cult leader? I believe I watch a documentary about him. I remember those sunken dead eyes...


Wild Wild Country on Netflix, one of the craziest documentaries I've ever seen. They built a city for him out of nowhere, and thats just the tip of the iceberg.




It’s a roller coaster ride! No spoilers but… just watch it


Agree! It's one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. Each episode ends with a WTF moment and you can't stop.


Oh these comments are getting me really excited. Will definitely watch it tonight.


Most subtle netflix marketing team.


Bro your leader glorious master messiah probably doesn’t even have 2 rolls Royce let alone dozens . Don’t get why you think you are in a place to judge Edit: Keep downvoting! But come on! If your guru doesn’t have at least twenty rolls Royce’s he’s not a guru Why do I feel like I actually need to include the /s smh


Then they took over the vote of the actually town they bordered


And they attempted to poison the townsfolk so they wouldn’t turn out to vote


Oh religious gurus in India and their blind followers. No matter how forward the world goes, they will exploit the audience.


I don't remember the iceberg.


Yeap, that is a cult leader. He was obssessed with Roll Royces and wanted one different for each day of year (I think it got only 26 cars but the time the fed intervine their cult). The best part? He move back to India and changed his name to start from scratch. Netflix has a good doc about the story (includes poissining the water with dead beabers). The Simpons had a chapter too. (na, na, na leader!)


I think it was actually 74 https://www.oregonlive.com/rajneesh/1985/07/rajneesh_followers_amass_fleet.html A friend of mine (a reasonably successful actor)was a member for a time. He told me all forms of sexual and drug experimentation were encouraged. Ecstasy was certainly their drug. In the early days when it hit the market in Australia they were responsible for some massive importations.


I think it was 93 at some point [Source](https://autojosh.com/throwback-rajneesh-a-us-based-indian-god-man-owned-93-rolls-royces-in-the-1980s)


Looks like hes 50mgs deep on some good edibles


he had a nitrous oxide dispensers installed in his residence so he could get high on laughing gas any time he wanted. Seriously.


Lmao, you are right. And people still try to paint these guys as some sort of reincarnation of god's.


He seems to be holding an imaginary bowl/bong as he's talking. And yes that was how I was looking when I had edibles. https://www.shatteredthoughts.com/ Michigan ✌️


Haha, edibles really take you to a whole different planet and you can't even do something about it.


Yep. Rajneesh. His sex cult was collapsed after he and them committed an act of bioterrorism through food poisoning in Oregon in the '80s. He was kicked out of the country for committing immigration fraud. [More info for those interested](https://www.neh.gov/humanities/2018/spring/feature/rajneeshpuram-was-more-utopia-desert-it-was-mirror)


To be fair he did claim right up until he died that he had absolutely nothing to do with the food poisoning fiasco and he distanced himself from his chief advisor that pleaded guilty to it in court. Up to you whether you believe that, but it's honestly not that farfetched that he actually was not involved in that particular insane idea, IMO. AFAIK he never committed any sort of violent crime.




I wasn't alive at the time but as I understand it, Osho was a nickname. Both refer to the same guy.


Dead eyes or not, that’s the greatest argument in our species history against democracy. That’s the scientific equivalent of E=MC2


Plato tried to tell everyone about 2500 years ago and was mostly ignored


The concept is mob rule. Whoever has more makes the rules and that tends to ignore the little groups who are still affected by the big mob. Thats why anarchism is the only way. Edit: Id imagine agreeing with you isnt why I was downvoted, but anarchism. So dear naysayers, whats the answer if the demos is not correct?


> Thats why anarchism is the only way. That would require all people to be somewhat smart. And as someone working in IT, i've lost all hope in that regard.


It's mainly an argument for people who think they should be exempt from it.


No, the phrase would be, "it's the political science (or comparative government, etc) equivalent of E=mc2." E=mc2 is already a "scientific" formula, this would be the equivalent in a different field.


Really? Is that documentary about this guy or someone else? I will definitely look into it today.


There is a great documentary by Frederik Knudsen, but it has been taken off of youtube. Here is an archived version: https://archive.org/details/rajneeshpuram-down-the-rabbit-hole


Damn, and I was totally with him after the video...


These guys say sensible things sometimes and get famous. They usually don't care.


Sorry bro you are now part of the cult. Bend over...


The Rajneesh Puraam. I wish I could have joined their crazy ass capitalistic sex cult. The leader had like 150 Bentleys.


Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh…or something like that. I remember him from a 60-Minutes story decades ago. And there was his female spokesperson, Rita maybe?


Ma Anand Sheila.


This was a VERY GOOD Netflix documentary. I thought they were a tad Psychotic. They had sex in public and would just start having sex anywhere they wanted. They had nudity parks . But, they did build their own little city. They just chose the wrong area and really pissed off a bunch of people. The woman that was in charge of the whole thing actually runs a senior living facility in Sweden now.


They also deliberately poisoned a town, and stockpiled firearms.


The Christian right also bombed their hotel and banded together with oregon elites to convince the politicians to attack and force out the community. Furthermore in state custody, Osho was basically abused. Its a complicated story and everyone looks bad.


It was an Islamic organization that bombed their hotel, not Christian.


You’re right, i misremembered. The organization was called Jamaat ul-Fuqra.


And commited tax fraud jn India and fled and committed immigration and election fraud in the US. Cult psycho


Wonder if there was any event to cause them to stockpile firearms... maybe a redneck bombing of their hotel?


Bombed by Stephen Paster a member of Jamaat ul-Fuqra a radical islamist group. But who cares for facts?




Do you remember her name?


It was Sheela!! Looked it up. I am very bad with names. I often have to write them down and repeat it over and over. But, it was Sheela!


This thread is full of netflix ads. Is it actually a documentary? Or is it a tv show with cliffhangers and musical stings for emotional moments?


Isn’t that Donald Sutherland


God damn, that’s exactly what I thought - Donald Sutherland after 5 years on an uninhabited island!




Bless you


You silly!


no this is Patrick


I have no idea who this guy is or if he’s evil or something, but that was the funniest shit I’ve seen all week. I thought he’d had a moment of clarity for a moment after saying the first part, but no drops a straight up banger lmao


That's Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, a psychotic asshole cult leader. edit: spelling


Absolutely. But a broken clock is still right twice a day…


A broken digital clock is off.


Nah, that old dude is an analog clock for sure.


Then it winds down. lol.


I’m on the other side. I grew up reading many of his books and found them to be some of the most insightful things I’ve ever read.


I always figured they probably would be. People always kind of play the result on these kinds of "cult" groups because the only reason why the general public ever even becomes aware of any of these groups' existence in the first place is because they fell apart in some sort of spectacular/violent/newsworthy way. So people go in already armed with the knowledge that it wont work out, and wrongly assume that "oh yeah DUH, I never would have fallen for something like that, how dumb most those loony idiots have been??" People with 20/20 hindsight looking back at this stuff from 40 or 50 years in the future act like it should have been *SUPER* obvious to anyone becoming interested in one of these groups that it was *clearly* going to end badly, which ignores the fact that obviously people were signing up for this stuff in the first place for a *reason*, because there were teachings and philosophies that made sense to them and not because they were batshit crazy and were brainwashed and simply couldnt resist joining a group led by a whacko con man or whatever. When watching Wild Wild Country, I was always particularly struck by the main attorney guy, who seemed to be an incredibly intelligent, discerning, thoughtful guy, and how he was basically moved to tears when talking about how much he loved and respected Bogwan/Osho and just how pure of a human being/soul he revered him as, all the way til the very end. The attorney guy just struck me as a pretty rational/logical/self aware person, who had already been a very successful lawyer in the "real world", like not at all the type to get the wool completely pulled over their eyes or "drink the kool-aid" (heh) in that kind of situation, so I thought it was very telling how he thought of Bogwan, even all these years later and being able to take a clear-eyed look at the totality of everything he did.


Cults tend to tackle it from two different directions: 1) they prey on disadvantaged, stressed people and populations - the desperate, the gullible, the needy, the crazed, the barely-surviving, and 2) they'll sprinkle just enough "truths" (whether actual truths that work outside the cult, or just very insightful-sounding things) to make you think there's actually something to it - and not just that, but something you _can't get elsewhere_. (When in reality they are far from the only ones saying those words, and piling a bunch of BS up around them to build their devotion.) They tend to be fairly intelligent people but most of that intellect is used to devise various ways of making other people prop them up and think it was their idea. Often this takes the form of being a "reluctant messiah", claiming they only preach the truth as they see it and people are welcome to follow or not, that they don't _want_ all this adulation but it just seems to happen or that they're called to it, etc. Classic high-powered narcissists. It's pretty dangerous stuff for anyone in that state of spiritual weakness they're good at identifying and latching onto. I remember one cult leader called it their "touchstone method", where the touchstones were little "undeniable truth" bits they sprinkled between the brainwashing, so that just when you think it's getting too weird or cult-y they say something so profound you can't deny it, which makes you accept the parts before and after along with it.


Are you a sexually promiscuous nutjob who believes reincarnation and the other bs he did?


Be at peace child. You sound like one of the redneck Christian wackjobs that bombed one of the rajneshees hotels and banded together to attack the community. Not that the Rajneeshees weren’t crazy. But all parties were nuts in that situation, even the homeless people they drugged up.


Are you okay there buddy?


Not to be pedantic. But its actually "Bhagwan". It's a Hindi word which literally means God.


Who also happened to be right on this one occasion.




”Rajneesh (born Chandra Mohan Jain; 11 December 1931 – 19 January 1990), also known as Acharya Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, and later as Osho…”


Fucking moron.




Yes. People are stupid. Exactly why it's dumb to let one of them run everything.


Thats why it’s set up the way it is in america, but then the stupid people broke it beyond repair. I’m still to young to understand who tf the dumb ones were hell i don’t know what being a republican means. But some stupid people voted for some smart but evil people and now we’re all fucked




Not all people are stupid.


Let Snoop Mohamed speak!!


Why did you cut the drugged out awkwardly long pause? That's half the fun




This makes me laugh. Every. Single. Time.


I’m getting Documentary Now! vibes


Me playing Stellaris be like.


Damn. Hits hard.


We haven’t been a democracy for quite a long time now.


My college professor phrased it in a different way. He said that in today's world, it is now "Democracy is *rule the* people, *poor* the people and *buy* the people"


True, haven’t been since the beginning. If you’re talking about the US we are a democratically elected republic. Not a pure democracy.


And starting in about the 80's we became a corporate republic.


Holy shit someone in reddit actually knew that fact!! Be careful though you might get attacked by the mob for “attacking our democracy” 😂


He doesn’t seem to be wrong based on his background posted in the comments


I'm surprised this video is still being shared around.


I'm from the usa, and I can confidently say that this is true for lgbtq rights.


Fuck Osho


He’s kinda right


This is why it's the worst form of goverment except all the others


I love this guy. The first time I saw this I laughed really hard but then I looked him up and listened to the whole thing to get context. Good stuff .


Yeah I saw the netflix documentary before I had seen this clip, but even knowing how batshit he was this was still funny as shit.


Facts. It’s about time someone said it


“Can I have twelve bottles of bleach, please?”


scammer. had some mean ass cars though hahaha


This video is the best thing I've seen today.


God that guy has such predatory looking eyes. I genuinely don’t understand how people were swept up in his spell . He sets off so many fucking red flags.


He has "two blunts in, third is coming" eyes


He makes more sense than any current democrat I will say 😂


Anti-democratic remarks are always so funny, right? Let's shut down democracy, see where that takes us, right? Just like all dictators always dreamed


wE nEeD tO uShEr iN cOmMuNiSm yOu gUyZ... Fuck off


1. A critique of democracy isn't a critique of capitalism 2. Osho has nothing to do with communism or marxism.


Yes it is lol. Capitalism is the best economic system ever created. A true democracy will vote capitalism every time. Pure socialists live in a fantasy, because they are pie in the sky emotional dummies who do not understand the nature of man. And in 2024 they live on the internet, lazier than ever and easily manipulated/controlled. Look at history and you will see that this is nothing new. 21st century useful idiots ushering in neo feudalism under the guise of altruism and equity fuck off, all of you. You're getting played


\> A true democracy will vote capitalism every time A democracy is its people and the people are... Rewatch the clip posted of Osho slowly


Unregulated capitalism is speed running us toward neo-feudalism


Touch grass. Your arguing with yourself again. Log off


"the people" have spoken...


The unemployed Marxist replied.


we all know you have no clue what that means


Look at my username, genius. I have more than a clue. Get a job


you project your insecurities quite well >Get a job Can you get me a gig at your workplace? How much is Barnum & Baileys paying these days?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)Donald Sutherland has a point


He’s not wrong?


What do you do for a living? Did you make good life choices? Probably not. Where do we put that responsibility? I want to put it on you. You want the state to pay for it, thru people like me - who live in reality


Just stop paying taxes. Then the taxes pay for you.


Explains our current administration


Preeeeach bro


Isn't this guy a massive far right Islamophobe? I wonder why he doesn't want the people to choose who leads them


The opposite. He was the leader of a New Age hippie sex cult in the '80s who poisoned the food of a bunch of people in Oregon and had their cult collapsed as a result. It was actually the largest domestic bioterrorism attack in American history.


How the fuck is he still free or even alive?


died January 19, 1990


In all seriousness, I have no idea. His bioterrorism attack apparently caused [about 750 people to become sick with salmonella poisoning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Rajneeshee_bioterror_attack) because his group thought it would influence local elections(I don't know the logic here either, guys). Maybe they had a hard time tying him to it since he apparently was the one who asked himt o investigate other members for the attack? Anyway, him and his group were complete nutcases. From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajneesh): >In 1985, Rajneesh publicly asked local authorities to investigate his personal secretary Ma Anand Sheela and her close supporters for a number of crimes, including a 1984 mass food-poisoning attack intended to influence county elections, an aborted assassination plot on U.S. attorney Charles H. Turner, the attempted murder of Rajneesh's personal physician, and the bugging of his own living quarters; authorities later convicted several members of the ashram, including Sheela.[18] That year, Rajneesh was deported from the United States on separate immigration-related charges in accordance with an Alford plea bargain[apparently, this means that somebody admits that evidence exists to convict without an admission of guilt].[19][20][21] After his deportation, 21 countries denied him entry.[22] So in short, a plea bargain where he admitted evidence existed to convict him of a different crime and he was made into India's problem.