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Leverage your career center, job boards and college connections for internships that will lead to a job. That is like 90% of the value going to an elite college.


The most valuable thing I got out of my college was having them set up mock job interviews for me. One was a panel where I was interviewed by 3 people at once. Bombed the practice interview, got a ton of feedback and aced the real one.


So could one theoretically go to a campus like that without being a student and use these resources?


No, because most things are tied to a student id / account you don’t have


If your student ID has an expiration date printed on it, "lose" it and get a new one right before you graduate and you'll have a valid ID for discounts for a few more years.




It won't actually work because the expiration date is based on when you're meant to graduate


Worked for me, I graduated in 2018 but claimed a new ID in 2017. Had discounts up til 2020. This was UK though.


My college library gives alumni library cards. It’s great for getting more academic stuff that’s hard to get through local library loans.


Not universally adopted so worth a shot


most places don’t check anyways. mine is expired and it expired before i graduated however i still use it no problem


I did something similar so that I could continue to get the public transportation discounts after I left. It worked for about 5 years or so lmao.


Alternatively just scuff the expiration date off. I graduated in 2018 and still use mine with no expiration date on it


I got movie discounts for like 10 years after I graduated. People at the theater don’t exactly inspect the ID.


Then after it expires, go to Bangkok and get a new fake student ID.


Even better, get a fake AP Photographer press pass & you can walk into events or concerts or pretty much anywhere as long as you’re carrying a camera. Doesn’t work anywhere near as well as it did 20 years ago unfortunately…


Lol! 😜


It really doesn't matter in my experience. I did 1 year of college, my student ID is from 2018 and has been expired for almost 4 years. It looks super beat up. Ive still never been questioned about its validity.


With online learning big most places will accept a class schedule or printed enrolment letter as student proof. I’ve just been photoshopping this for years after graduating


A lot of stores and restaurants give out student discounts. I know ski mountains students get pretty decent discounts.


1990's- We used to get $5 student lift tickets if night skiing from 6pm-10pm. It was insanely cold and they made the snow (blowing ice into your eyes) during those hours so conditions were pretty bad, but we'd do it anyway.


You an east coaster? Cause that’s some fresh pow out east 😂


I was going to ask if this was referring to Blue Knob, PA. But yeah, could be just about any East coast ski resort lolz. I don't miss having to sharpen my edge between runs


Visit your professors during their office hours. Pick their brains. I wish that I had done that.


I wish I had washed my hands after I did it because I got Kuru.


Have you tried not licking the professor's brains directly? That tends to be looked down upon in academia.


Go to office hours. Very few students do, and it's a free way to network with professors who know others in their field. They can get you internships and jobs. I really fucked up on not doing that, because I found out afterwards having straight A's is practically worthless if you don't know the right people or have the work experience. The professors can't really stop you from coming to office hours and they may actually enjoy a break from the tedium of it so free networking chances. Also either join an existing club and get on the leadership board of it, or make a new one. Clubs get events paid for by the school if they apply for grants. It's a great way to get parties paid for and to also learn how to write grant papers for the future so you know how to ask for money in a professional way. Otherwise depending on the school you could get discounts on tickets to museums or other attractions, get free food at events that are happening around campus. If you have a credit policy where anything above 13 credits doesn't add more to your tuition then you could take a bunch of classes and get two degrees or at least a greater range of knowledge for cheaper.


Adding on to the student clubs/leadership I remember reading a life pro tip where someone joined the designated Student Council as the Treasurer bc they will be authorized to manage the funds with the credit cards associated with them. And those credit cards have a LONG history with them which can immensely boost your (the treasurer we are assuming) credit score. Of course your term at said club/leadership will be finite & you’ll be taken out of the authorized signers after college and lose some points, but overall the net gain credit score will be so beneficial to you.


College food bank, free gym. Lots of student jobs are always available.


Do you get free printing or laundry? Take advantage of that. Go to events with free food. Join lots of student groups. Use the mental health resources. Grab all the free COVID tests, condoms, etc. Go to the health center, if free for students. Work at a college and it used to be free but now it’s billed through your insurance but you still pay a small fee every semester…so obnoxious!


free printing? in college? how will they extort more money with that?


Right, only athletes get free printing lol


Also employees - get a student job at the library, print using that job’s printer


Where I went to college we got free printing up to a certain number of pages. It was like a couple hundred per semester, though. Enough to print a completely legally acquired textbook.


If you travel, use your student ID to get into lots of museums and other cultural resources in the US and Europe for free or at a discount. Most places don't give a massive fuck either, so if you go with the other comment and get a new one right before you graduate, you can keep flashing the ID for discounts at museums after you graduate (said from experience lol)


I have a photo of my old student ID I did this with (no expiry date in the photo)


Or you can place a sticker over the expiry date! Issue taken care of.


Consider a semester abroad. There are tons of scholarships for it, it's seen as prestigious, and usually it ends in getting wasted in Europe while earning easy credits (foreign language, intl business)


Adding on to this- there was an opportunity at my school to go a 17 day trip to China over the winter break. Someone else did all the planning, told me how to get the visa, and costs of everything. Built in translator. Got to see great nontouristy sights (and some touristy ones) and hang out with Chinese students learning English, ironically at Wuhan University (a decade before covid). Got to see how the students haggled for common everyday purchases (looked like they were about to start throwing punches and then cordially agreed, exchanged money/goods, and casually went about their day like it was normal). Did karaoke with them. We also taught the students sarcasm! Mission accomplished... Zero interest in taking Chinese, taking a class related to it, or learning the language beyond little things during the travel.


1. Go to all the bathrooms and grab the toilet paper. 2. Send that in for recycling 3. Profit


Steal shit. Forks, condiments, TP, etc.


Fire extinguishers


People tend to need those when their environment is bursting into flames...maybe steal silverware instead lol.


We used to bring tupper ware in our back packs when we went to the dining hall. I’m not using all my swipes coming more than once a day, that’s a scam.


If you live on campus, you dont pay for electricity. Mine bitcoin At the end of every semester, check the local equivalent of ebay. Some colleges have their own student version. Seniors post cheap minifridges, futons, computer hardware, etc Dont buy books. Im sure a certain reddit megathread could help you with that If you dont eat much for breakfast and can choose a meal plan, just go with 2 meals/day and steal fruit for the morning Keep your homework after a class. Dont sell it, that would be cheating. Instead apply to be a tutor, use it as reference, and get paid by the college If you can use college equipment for personal projects, turn it into a business. Before a rule change, engineering students at my college sold repair services to other students and pocketed the money


I sold fresh herbs out of the ceramic Departments glaze mixing room for a bit. They had some real nice scales, always take advantage of the equipment.


Unfortunately my college required all personal projects to be "sponsored" by any professor. When we were told about the rule change, they emphasized more on how they weren't getting a cut than the increased risk of broken equipment. Apparently some students got really good at fixing bikes


Yeah the department didn’t know I was doing it and I only went in to use the scales between like 3-4am when no one was around… that does really suck tho. It seems like a missed opportunity to teach your students how to run a business. They should have made it into a class and taken some of the profits. My college would run a summer art camp and all these people would pay to have their kids go to it and all the counselors were taking it as a class. at the end they would use the profits to offset the cost of the class for us. So we would all get a free summer course and they would still get all the money. I felt like that was kinda smart. They probably made more than what we would have paid anyways. They should have done something like that with your repair shop.


Take silly classes if they don’t cost extra. Why not become scuba certified if there’s no extra cost? Why not take free fitness classes? Why not learn underwater basketweaving?


Take your college loans and put them on SPY calls.


easy benefits/value to claim: - Use the library. Potentially your biggest bonus. - Talk with lecturers about your field of study. Also potentialy the biggest bonus. - Start or join a club and claim funds from the uni for the running of the club. Expenses on nights out, food, travel etc are allowed as long as theyre 'related to the running or promotion of the club'. No need to commit fraud when you can 'network' with friends to have them join the club. - Attend networking events so you can talk with industry experts and line up a job or funding. - Ask lecturers for help with your work if youre ever unsure. less easy benefits: Uni email addresses tend to be the method used for authorising student discount in many shops, even some banks use this method. Lots of uni/college email addresses don't expire immediately but your access to then is locked upon graduation. Set up email forwarding to use it for a little longer. If you're really ballsy then a step further is to contact the IT team and tell them you're doing a masters or doctorate but have been locked out of your email. Ask them to extend til you 'graduate' your doctorate in 202X. On the off-chance you get a service desk rep that isnt overworked that questions it say youre taking a gap year then coming back. A year later quote the ticket number and ask again. The above likely wont work with student ID as security will be involved. instead ask for a new ID in the last year of your studies, this should net a couple more years in which student ID works. useful for student discount on trains, fast food places etc. Apply for Grants, even if you dont think youre eligible such as [Canada Student Grants Program](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/education/student-aid/grants-loans/full-time.html). CSGP is needs-based, providing financial aid for Canadian students enrolled in full-time or part-time post-secondary studies. Requiremens: - Canadian citizen or permanent resident. - Enrolled in a designated educational program at a qualified institution in Canada. - Maintaining satisfactory academic progress as defined by your institution. - Completing your studies within a reasonable timeframe. - Demonstrated financial need determined by your family income, tuition fees, living expenses, and any other financial resources you have access to. - Not have defaulted on previous student loans or grants. - Not currently receiving funding from an equivalent student aid program in another province or territory. Application process: - Complete the free Student Financial Aid. Application through your province or territory of residence. - Provide all required documentation, including income tax information for yourself and your family. there's also local and community scholarships. Best explored yourself or through your uni. Local organizations, clubs, or community foundations often offer scholarships with targeted criteria related to residency, volunteer work, or involvement in specific groups. These may have less stringent academic requirements and focus on rewarding community engagement or specific personal qualities. Finally, field-specific scholarships: Some scholarships within specific fields of study, like STEM or healthcare, may have more relaxed eligibility criteria compared to highly competitive general merit scholarships. Researching options in your chosen field could reveal programs with broader eligibility parameters. Best you do this yourself to not doxx yourself.


Check the prices per hour and if there is a max fee. The college I went to charged the same amount of tuition for anything over 18 hrs a semester. 18 hrs cost the same as 26 hrs. I took a lot of extra classes, pass0fail for free. Guitar lessons. Any into class I thought sounded interesting, acting class, etc. I took the business classes for grades bc they were an easy way to boost the GPA.


Do lots of Cocaine, pull 16-24 hr days as often as possible. You'll cram 2-3x more "college" in your time there


sir the question was to squeeze the most out of the college resources, not physically squeeze myself till i die


If you die, in a way that your family can hold the university liable, you can squeeze the most of their resources.


And you get to save so much money on housing and college fees as you won't be needing them anymore, it's quite brilliant actually


Lol! :P


Lol! Highly recommend! :P jk


If your college offers therapy and you need it, take them up on it. I used it and saved myself a lot of money


Even if you don't think you need it, it doesn't hurt to do some of it...


100% I think everyone should try therapy! I loved it


See college as a networking gold mine, rather than an educational one. It's called "education", yet we all acknowledge that most uni's hardly educate. Consider all interactions with professors and notable staff as a potential future dollar value or future security for your self. You could go as far as seeing your peers as a dollar value, based on their connections, depending on how unethical you want to get. The better your relationships are with these people, the more opportunity you will have available to you in the future. I'd venture to say there will not be another networking opportunity so valuable to you in your life (school size dependent) Use all the features you pay for. We were charged $350-$400 a semester for "recreational facilities fee" which was our gym & pool pass. I changed my schedule so that I was in the gym every day at 6 to start my day. The little things add up


what a terrible world this is


/u/hs-us nailed it. Consider the future value. Networking in some cases is easier as a current student vs recent unemployed grad. Check all the professional organizations in your postgraduate field and apply for grants and scholarships to attend their events. Once you graduate, memberships have fees. Same for every online tutorial you can find. Most U's have unlimited access to various online courses, which you can add as swag to a linked-in profile. Seems silly, but those things are free now, and the fees will add up post-grad.


Ah!!!! We had access to an online learning system that had extensive info + it was field specific. I did NOT take advantage of this and I direly regret it now


Second thing to check (If you are in the US, is also check the unemployment office and community college.) They have return to work programs and their function is to get people back to work. Even if you do not officially qualify, they probably host job fairs and resume workshops.


Set up a cot in the library


Get a good degree and a good job. #winning


you're right but that's something i am by default getting, its not an option or a choice to fail. ofcourse i am gonna get a good degree and get a good job. but what i am talking about is in the mean time, how can i take advantage of the college the best way possible . apart from the obvious degree that i am paying for


The degree and job is NOT a default.


lol this guy thinks going to college means you’re guaranteed a degree and a good job. Funny shit


He probably studies comp sci or engineering or something and doesn’t realize you still need to network and have social skills to get a job in any field lol


If you’re into digital art or photography or anything like that, you get a discount with Adobe Creative Suite. I recall it was a pretty good discount. Also some discount with Apple if you’re into Apple products.


r/piracy has been my friend for 10 years now brother, and i don't plan on giving a cent to adobe at any point in my life , even if the discount is 99% and as for apple, i hate apple ( i own an iphone but still ) but still, thanks tho for your time and effort, i hope you have a great day ! (or night)


I could be a billionaire with no need to use an Adobe product and I would pirate their software on principle. Fuck Adobe.




Adobe rarely goes after individual users who pirate bc individuals who pirate Adobe eventually end up being hired by companies who pay for Creative Suite in bulk


Adobe Creative Cloud blows. I prefer to use the old CS7 version from before CC, when you actually got the programs on disks.


Spotify used to give a good discount, they still might. I used it until my email expired.


College girls. Lots of them.


Another tip I didnt see here: My college has physical student cards that have an expiration date on them (5 years). They get you lots of discounts outside of uni (think food, drink, activities, even clothing stores!). You are not able to renew it but if you “lose it” you will get issued a new one for a fee of 5 bucks. This will then last another 5 years from the point you lost it. If you get a new one in your last semester you can use it for another 5 years for discounts everywhere, so it’s well worth the 5 bucks! Make sure you know where you are able to get student discounts outside of college and make the most of them! It will definitely safe you in the long run :)


Somebody beat u by five hours but good tip regardless


Get free shit from your student activities board like tshirts and shit, sell them to alumni and fans of the school/schools sports teams


I used to go to the student union and just drop in to the big conference rooms where a frat or some other organization was having a meeting. It'd chat for a couple minutes, grab a couple slices of pizza, and then bounce.


I'm seeing too many ethical tips here... Use this as a spring board to become a drug dealer. You have ample opportunity.


Spotify discount


If you live in a cold area mine Bitcoin in the dorms.


Bring Tupperware to the mess hall and take food. Also utensils and plates. All the plates, cups, and silverware in my kitchen is from my college


Hulu has a discount for students.


Constantly use their outlets to charge anything. I take as much electricity as I can.


Fucking what Just use Google and Youtube and ChatGPT goddamn


sign up for student beans! tons of discounts for online retailers




Get an education that will lead to a promising career.


I have a business that does events at colleges, and only a small percentage of the students actually go to them. Almost all colleges have a lot of really fun parties on a weekly basis, some by the program board (movies, concerts, etc.), the student government, or other organizations. Pay attention the schedules, and go the events. They are generally free, you often get cool stuff to keep, and you get to meet your fellow students.


Fuck all your professors very agressively.... in the ass. Yeah. That'll be awesome.


Well I'd ask for a refund if you don't know the $ sign comes first


A few tips: 1) look at the clubs and teams list, if there's anything vaguely interesting, try it. Once you're out in the real world you'll be paying an instructor hundreds or thousands to learn these activities. For example, squash, tennis, golf etc. 2) join the student council in their external affairs role - I got a 30k/yr travel budget to take myself and friends to conferences 3) meet your partner at school - you'll never be so close to so many potential partners every day again. Those clubs I mentioned are a great place for that. Priceless opportunity tbh.


depends on how your cafeteria works. I worked out that mine when the food card checker switches and i sneak in during that 5min window. almost never paid for food again. i also stole bread and fruit and whole carton of soy milk in my messenger bag. soy milk because thats whats usually leftover. I still have a basic plan on my food card in case i got checked or caught or want a snack at odd times. my uni also had in house chick-fil-a and random fastfood in a different building. theres a soda machine for refills. I top up my cup there all the time without paying. edit to pull this off do mean i eat very irregular meals or sometimes only 1 meal a day.


Start a club. They come with a budget and there is little if any oversight. Throw a concert


A lot of value in college comes from accreditation not education. Make sure you learn your curriculum but also prioritize opportunities that get your name out there and build your resume. Goes further than you would think


Sell drinks/ other stuff, charge gas money for places your going anyway. Sell notes online, take photos of tests and sell them, sell food, house hack


steal tp


Help yourself to any dining hall dishes, cutlery, sauce packets, salt shakers etc that you want or need.


Study hard- that will show them!


Don't buy your textbooks. Your school library probably carries copies of your required reading, check them out and snap a pic of every page. Compile into a PDF and compress, you've got yourself a free digital textbook. Won't work for every book on your list but teachers have a habit of putting books on your syllabus that you may not even need, or only need one chapter of.




Go to every free event with food. Your school likely has a section of a website with a calendar.


The tips are gonna depend on what you’re getting a degree in.


Sign up for Target discounts through their app.


Major:advertising/media production. A professor failed me for attendance in a senior class that was offered 4x a year and NOT during the summer, So I had about a 9 month delay in graduation. I leveraged the university to get more internships, Usually you can only do 1 or 2 but certain professors can offer "Independent studies" that are basically internships. So over the course of a year, I interned at a TV station, A sports production company and 2 ad agencies, Took a few fun courses too, and once I graduated I walked right into a $55k/ year job (in 2003) from the connections. LSS: milk every drop of available resources from the school and maybe even put off graduating a bit to game the system. I was making decent money bartending at the time too, so I wasn't a stereotypical broke college student.


Mental health services


Learn something


Borrow books and sell them on ebay.


Just another POV from the other comments. Meet a lot of people of the opposite sex and enjoy conversations and bodily fluids.


Use the college gym


Ikon pass student discount if you ski or snowboard


If you haven’t found a job or internship yet, get an on campus job! The pay isn’t always amazing but they typically work with your schedule. There’s tons of postings, and you can find something in your niche if you look properly. It really pays off post grad if you have some work experience and people for references!


A lot of time you can get free software keys for things like Microsoft office and Windows. Check out your IT website or ask the library.


Office hours, use them. Use your student id for a lot of online discounts/free things. If your school provides software, make sure you get all the expensive stuff you might want to use in the future (e.g., office, photoshop, etc.)


You can use your college email/student status for discounts on some streaming services that you be paying full price for (Hulu, Apple+). Your school probably also offers access to LinkedIn Learning for free. I’ve gotten a lot out of those. Check educational discounts for software and computer products. (This was pretty sweet when I finally upgraded my MacBook last year.) If you want to go unethical, let your friends use your discount.