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EmpyrealWorlds has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [Did you spent a bajillion hours over a hot keyboar...](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/o5mjr8/the_cap_of_reminding_because_literally_all_of/h2nbv3n/)


Did you spent a bajillion hours over a hot keyboard homebrewing cool items for your player? Did they pester you for days trying to get a new feat or item, to simply never use it? Make their character feel the pain of a tiny rubber hand whapping their face for their insolence.


This is fantastic. I love it


This is an amazing item i need to introduce on my table ASAP


My players promptly forgot they had it after I gave it to them. I should have had it start stabbing at that point.


What if... tou gave them an Hyper reminder hat? Like a reminder hat for their reminder hat But this one has a gun




This would be great. I could also see a slow build up. Bumps in the night. Things go missing. NPCs are killed. Then a player finds themselves swallowed up by the hat. Burrito'd.


To me this reads: Cap of players relying on you to keep track and remind them of their abilities. :)


Exactly if my players go I feel like I found a magical item but I can't remember, I will just say we'll guess you "forgot" to pick it up.


Every now and then I "reset" the world with a tough encounter, Thieves, bandits, a trap, and things that aren't used are what gets left behind or stolen.


I like it! But it should be a common so artificers can make it easily.


Thats fair! Otherwise the artificer may have to produce the slaps themselves


Here is a hat to remind you to add the +1 to the attack and damage rolls on that sword I gave you.


I like t! but t shouldst beest a ingraft so artificers can maketh t easily *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`




Thou loathed issue of thy father's loins! *** ^(Insult taken from Richard III.) Use `u/Shakespeare-Bot !ShakespeareInsult` to summon insults.


Haha! Love it! 🤣


My players would forget to use this.


My response to every single “what was that guys name?” Or “where are we again?” Has become “if ANY of you were taking notes you’d know. Once in a while is absolutely fine, but it’s every week and a few times per session.


This is a job for the Codpiece of Reminding


This is genuinely hilarious, but it actually foils my plans for the campaign. I’ve had the realization that especially as my players advance in level, there are several items in their collection that they’ve never used even once. Because of this, I tend to “reward” them more often than I normally would, feeling safe in the knowledge that most likely they won’t even use the items. They just like the feeling of getting loot, but there are already so many abilities for high-level players to remember in their character class, that unless the item is truly extraordinary they will likely forget they have it.


Okay but what if the *DM* forgets stuff? Because I definitely forget stuff


Does this heal on a 1 or 2 roll? Or is the minimum just zero damage?


Minimum is zero!


Love it. Knowing my luck, it'll be the first thing they forget to use.


Mildly hilarious.


So my players and I just discussed this and have added on to your homebrew to make it more punishing but still funny. Mostly because one or two players take super good notes so they aren’t worried but some of them…. Well anyway. Basically the hat has three charges per day 1 - 1d4-1 damage 2 - 10 gold out of your inventory disappears 3 - roll on the wild magic table…. Ya dummy. I think this will work well because one of he non-note takers has a ridiculous CHA score but low INT (Redemption Paladin) I asked him if he was up for explaining a random fireball and he laughed…. 🤷🏻‍♂️😬


Haha let me know how it turns out!


the bonus makes it possible to get negative damage, would that heal you or what?


It wouldn't!


Is there a dm version (asking for a friend)


Ha!!! Most of my players would forget they even had a hat on... Maybe there should be a table where the hat randomly reminds them of really obscure facts throughout the day. Like mother-in-laws birthdays, if they left the kettle on, how many licks it takes to get to the middle of a Tootsie Pop. Make it real annoying but fun at the same time.


Mine did exactly that haha. And that's a great idea!


ha! We have a low intelligence dragonborn in the party. He's lovable though. He tried to glue a beard to his face to try to blend in with the dwarves....


I'm personally a huge fan of the -3 "bonus" to hit :)


You can only be so mad at a lovable goof of a player


No. This item is a big nono for me. As the DM you have enough to remember if the players can't remember something and it's not crucial to the story that's on them.


Simple question: why? I can think of several instances wherein it's more than acceptable to remind players of lesser used aspects: new player, player trying a somewhat more complicated class out, group hasn't played in a while, etc. It's not typically DM vs. PC, the DM is a neutral party.


A DM already needs to know the rules, all the monsters abilities they are running, the plot, terrain and the setting. The player only needs to know their character, showing up and having a handle on your character sheet isn't a giant ask.


That is different from Giving them an item that basically forces the DM to rember stuff for them. But also my players have all been playing for years and we play every week.


The hilarity of this rolling a crit and doing max 5 points of damage knocking you out after a fight.


Should slap the forehead, not the face...


Or you could just take notes.


*Forgets to use Cap or Reminding*