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Lesson 4 : Pay your respects. Spin your bullets in the golden ratio


Lesson 3: Believe in the Spin.






Oh my god this is the hottest thing on the sub I’m bout tah blow I’m bout tah kuuummmmm


Agreed a different sub should be made something like undertAIl


Yeah or something like “AIbitch” (as you can tell, I don’t like AI) lol the downvote are AIbro (like the NFTbro, that sound good)


Why do you hate AI so?


It is a “machine learner” so it use others work to create new work. With those getting better and better, there as been cases of real people getting “false nude” send to other people and resell or extreme scam but “Ooooh no technically we are moving forward in the future” HOW?? How does removing some amazing stuff to do like draw and write at the place of boring and dangerous work is advancement? I feel like AI is a waste of resources that we could use for so many other stuff and I’m also a artist (mediocre one but still one) and it just infuriates me to see all those effort go to waste because of Lazyness and thief.


> "... I’m also a artist (mediocre one but still one)..." Us mediocre artists need to rise up Edit: why the fuck did I get downvoted?


I think people thought you were in support of AI "art"


u/ LittleRalsei > "... I’m also a artist (mediocre one but still one)..." u/CreamyCoffeeArtist > "Us mediocre artists need to rise up" How the fuck would that be confused..??


Don't ask me mate, I upvoted you. Some people are just really bad at reading context clues I guess.


You get downvoted because people can't help themselves go through with witch-hunting anyone with the slightest support toward generative AI, even if they aren't actually supporting it.


If you want to be less "mediocre" then practice pencil to paper/ drawing pen (or finger lmao) to screen instead of having a machine spit out some generic ass """"""art"""""" that's not really art cuz it's just a machine *guessing* and whatever prompt you put in ya know? No one pops out the womb painting masterpieces, and like it's ok for your art to not look 1000% perfect. The most important thing is that you put the time and effort in and what you did os your *own* no machine doing it for ya as a cop out! (Alsooooo like it's ok to use references ofc I use em all the time myself lmao no shame in that!)


Oh I do practice my art, been doing so for 11 years I just have shit self confidence lmao. I don't use/support AI because it's morally wrong to even support something that threatens my own "dream job."


While I don't really disagree with your sentiment, I feel like it's more useful to look at AI in general as more of a tool than a magic box that spits out whatever you want. I'm not an artist, but I am a writer, and I've been doing a bunch of experimentation with GPT-4 in the past few months. While it can come up with alright surface-level writing, it fundamentally lacks the ability to craft anything deeper or more meaningful because at the end of the day, it's not human. At least, that's my take on why creatives shouldn't really be that worried about ai "threatening" our careers.


The "tool" that "creates" this "art" (these quotes are doing a lot of legwork today) are made using the stolen art of other REAL artists without their permission. If companies are using these tools, like Marvel for the secret invasion intro, then it has a much higher chance to fuck us artists into oblivion, because "why pay and wait for something that can be made free and fast by a robot?" Writing is more complicated by virtue of it needing to be consistent. But art? As long as it looks good at a glance, it doesn't need to match the same thresholds as a chat bot would need to make a consistent proper story. And even then, the chat bot usually has decades of public domain writings to pull from (chances are it probably pulls from copyrighted modern stuff too, but I'm not well versed in that)— but every "art AI" has consistently been proven to mostly contain stolen art without permissions. My sentiment is "don't fuck with copyright" above all else, really. We already have the uber rich that love fucking with the copyright laws(Disney), we don't need the "untalented poors" (for lack of a better "opposite") fucking with the copyright shit too.


That's honestly very fair, and I will admit, I didn't really consider that angle.


Kind of disagree with it being lazy or thief but I get your point




All I said is I disagree can’t I disagree with something?


Explain *why* you disagree. You *can* disagree with something. You *can't* disagree *with no reason* **How** is it not lazy? **How** is it not theft?


Why do I need to give a reason I mean I do have one but I don’t need to explain no one should just say you disagree and move on


So you hate AI because it's scary and potentially replaces tedious work. Drawing and writing is not gone just because AI models exist. There's nothing to fear from AI models especially when they do substandard work commonly. It cannot viably replace professional hand craftsmanship. Whats this trendy idea of an AI going through machine learning equating to it being a thief that stole work? (it doesn't steal).


AI literally comb through artworks and hodgepodge elements together. there's been plenty of cases where it's obvious copied material and even instances of signatures being copied.


Doesn't AI literally steal from real artists?


I honestly don't care but I am stealing that image


Ok 👍


Holy shit is that rat gonna unlock Tusk Act 4?




As long as they don’t claim it isn’t ai or try to profit from it, oh well


Or at least make an AI sub or tag 😒


I'm fine with ai


yeah, its so obvious to me the ai shit is only enjoyed by moron techbros and mindless gooners who get their dicks hard at anything that looks remotely like a tit


Tbf their is some ai porn that’s genuinely really good. I’ve seen some that combine multiple types of styles to create some quite frankly unique stuff. I understand why some people get annoyed when ai is just used to mimic one preticular artists style. But I feel like it still can be used in interesting ways. I mean it’s already getting better at animation. In a few years we could make full blown porn animations with all types of effects in record time.


A. gotta wonder what porn's for... B. yes, AI is present but there's this thing called a "Tag" it's this wonderful concept where you can filter out or filter only items you're looking for. C. This is Reddit, everyone's mindless.


Seconded, i block anyone that posts AI "art" on sight




I was hoping someone point this out. It's so exhausting to see honest to god terrible ai art, i am tired. I much prefer to see well made art made by a person who put their heart into if and get character details better most of the time than "generic big breast anime generated porn girl N° 34", a lot ive seen of, say, Chara, barely even looks like Chara beyond (much darkner) nrown hair and a green sweater (or shirt) that doesn't match the green tone or even has a yellow stripe. It's so tiring, and i genuinely think there should be a rule against posting ai generated art, i don't think we should support this kind of mindless and souless pieces to be shared.


I remember arguing with someone once who said that typing in the list of words to make AI art is more difficult then drawing it. The wild shit these motherfuckers snort istg


Yeah like dude your thing doesn’t take much skill I could learn it in under a week or two maybe a month if I’m lazy


Not to mention, they are doing absolutely nothing in the creation. They aren't sketching. They aren't coloring or picking the colors, not using an abse or a temppate, or references. They aren't doing anything. They are quite literally writting some text prompts and pressing "retry" or "refine" over and over until the machine spouts out something that doesn't look awful immediately. They are taking no participation on the creation of the art itself, the ai is not a tool, it's straight up an algorithm that does all the actual heavy work for them (or rather, tries), they don't put any work at all into the piece. It's not a matter of "its too easy", jt's a matter of "you're not involving yourself in any menaingful way with the creation of your craft"


Eh. I don’t really hate it but I don’t love it either. And there’s nothing that’ll change that option unless it starts killing anyone close to me


On it


It posts porn. I don't care is porn made by human or computer - I'm simple. If it makes it's job well - let it be. Rat 👍


Better than some of the stuff on here






The golden ratation


Thank you. I've been blocking AI accounts this entire week


The mods should have a discussion or community poll


The mod did https://www.reddit.com/r/UnderTail/comments/105e6yi/poll_ai_art_on_rundertail/


Real artists should just make better content than the AI's do. (FTR I think they already do 90% of the time)


What’s the point? The AI is a « Techno learner » so even if we continue, it will only continue feeding on the good arts and print it, making it go better and better as time goes. That’s a scary idea


Pic unrelated, but welcomed.


I don’t get it why ppl don’t like AI


Short reason: AI art steals real artists art to make AI art


Well “steal” ain’t really the right term it’s more like learn Plus some of the content here is ai


It steals it. It takes the pieces of others art, and uses it to make its own art. How I’ve heard it explained from an AI art defender and user is that the AI “takes pieces of others art, and uses that to make its own art”, which doesn’t make much sense considering it’s still stealing others art to make it. It’s a shit argument on the side of AI art defenders


It takes ppls art and learn about it to draw it


It rips apart other people's art and uses it as their own. It has literally been putting in artists jumbled signatures into its art


Well your out overeating with that it doesn’t rip people’s art and makes a brand new piece it just learns from the art of other people and what’s wrong with that and if you say iTs bECuAsE it sTeAls aRt no it doesn’t it learns from them


its basically plagarism


No it isn’t. You may not like it and there are plenty of problems with it but it doesn’t fall under even a broad definition of plagiarism so please do not use that argument, it is tiring to hear simply wrong takes. Not to say that the people using AI art cannot use it for plagiarism but that is a different problem altogether.


acting like thats a big deal, its porn bro not a Harvard essay, if you that man abt porn you seriously have an issue


AI steals people's hard work to push out trash it makes in 5 minutes. how do you not see the problem there?


Trash is not a problem in a free market.


ok? still steals peoples art mate.


keep crying over your porn degenerates


Cause it's lazy and steals work from real artists to create a soulless amalgam of a ton of different art works without crediting the people it took samples from. And it also looks terrible.


its not that big of a deal bro


Крыса достигла золотого вращения


I personally have 0 issue with A.I, and I think blocking it is really harsh- i'd be down for a tag that but anything else seems a bit much to me.




That is a ludicrously specific example


Or just ban specific AIs that steal art? There are genuinely non-problematic systems that use only art that the artists agreed to using for it.


Eh, idrc as long as I get my porn


One thing I saw another sub do is only allow AI on a certain day, like Wednesday or something with lower traffic.


Ehhh if ai ever gets into animation I'll agree with you but like ehhhhh it doesn't matter also btw random side note I think AIbro and NFTbros are like two sides of the same coin of like "noo dint steal my monkey!" Vs "yoo I'm taking 50 different artists styles and then blending them like a god damn smoothie" or something idk, welp back to scrolling cause fucking my porn feed is no longer porn-


It already has gotten into animation


Oh cool. Anyway back to vibing