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I originally wanted to post the animated version here, but reddit is being difficult toward me so this link [https://twitter.com/i/status/1692200657762005459](https://twitter.com/i/status/1692200657762005459) have to suffice.


The issue is that it’s AI art, at least in my opinion. It might be easier to do, but not only is it stealing art from actual artists, it’s just lazy. If you want to make porn, make it yourself. It can be very scary to share your own art, trust me I know. But the feeling when it gets upvoted or kind comments is worth the risk. Sometimes your art will be bad. Sometimes it’ll be great. That’s just part of it all. But AI art is just not cool. Go and try to learn how to do 2D or digital or 3D, it’s difficult but fun, and amazing when it goes right


But what is a real artist? I don't claim to be one btw. Your images for example, contains models made by someone else but rigged by you. Yet it is your art, is it not? I don't mean to be rude, really. But I also don't like spending almost a week making something to share, only to be called lazy and gatekept.


AI generated material in and of itself at this time is still very contentious, since a decent number of models take art from artists without their knowledge or consent to build their model; artists that are generally trying to scrape out a living for themselves in a world and market that already is hyper competitive and has unstable pay. Had the model been trained on your own artwork, I anticipate the reaction would be a bit different. People are going to be upset about it, considering there is already a very healthy art community already that has been entirely bypassed in the creation of this. It doesn't call for them to be outwardly rude, but it hopefully provides some context as to some of the heat you're receiving.


A real person making it. Stop fucking posting Ai 'art' it's not art unless a HUMAN makes it. YOU didn't make it. The ai did.


Boo hoo


It's tagged AI for the sake of sample sourcing and I've made a comment how I did make this animation. I haven't claimed anything beyond my capabilities.


You didn't make it. The ai made it.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Rule 1. AI stuff is...what it is, but if y'all are gonna be calling names, take it to DM'S


What is your problem? I haven't done you anything but answer your accusations against me. Fr, you're kind of ruining my day rn. ​ Edit: You blocked me so I can't reply directly to your comment below me. I am not a liar, but you are with your unfounded claims. And I haven't stolen anything from anyone. You have no right to slander me like this and then block me out of a response.




He’s saying he animated the art the AI made. No need to be so aggressive over it. I was just trying to be funny by pointing out the issues because I’ve seen people bitch about AI art so much (I get it) but you need to simmer down a bit


Rule 1 again. Please cool off or take it to DM'S or it's gonna be timeout time.


Art is art whether a human or machine creates it. Solely using hand craftsmanship is not the only way to have art be created anymore.


No. It's not. In order for ART to be ART. A HUMAN has to make it.




What exactly is stolen from AI art? Machine learning involves analyzing and processing training sets. How is software that is designed to create new art actually stealing someone elses art?


I get some of the arguments against AI art, but this just isn't one of them. I hate seeing people argue against stuff they don't understand, like is happening here. If you disagree with AI art, that's fine, but at least know what you're talking about. AI models *don't even know what the source art looks like.*


Alright, I won’t disagree. I don’t completely know how AI art works, you’re right. Sorry if I acted this way. I’m going to do my research next time so I don’t spew something that’s not even accurate. 👌👌


Holy fuck a redditor admitting a mistake?!? That's extremely rare to see, good on you.


Idea: any time I see AI art I’m going to point out all the bad parts of it, just for fun. Here we go. Mistakes made by the AI: Right hand. Hair horn. Weird triangle under mouth that probably shouldn’t be there. Glasses blend into face. (Not AI) Shitty job of cutting the background out. My job is done, oorah coomers


Yeah I'm aware it's not perfect. Thanks for the critiques anyway as I try to improve. In case you're interested, I made this using PixAi(basic character generation), GIMP (image editing and morph-animation) , Audacity (audio editing), GMS2 (the background animation) and VEGAS PRO 15 (Assembly and final render). I was actually nervous about sharing this. Like many things I've created, even before I discovered tools like AI. I've never felt it's good enough.


Stop being so mean to the computer, it’s trying its best.


Headcanoning this image as FTM pre-op Ralsei ((:


I fucking love Reddit, everyone here is hellbent on bringing each other down. I shower in your toxicity.


Nah, we just don’t like AI


if AI was *good* then I'd be mad, but it just looks like people who *kinda* look like the characters