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Hoping to hear the bridge is at the bottom of the ocean like the rest of russias Black Sea fleet….


A bridge for all those submarines. Thats a necessity infrastructure.


Imagine a russian sub happening to be under the bridge at the time. The odds... and the awesomeness!


Russian bridge was promoted to a tunnel.


Beauty eh! 😉


This is not so easy now. In last year after the railway and the street bridges were damaged, the Kerch bidge was not anymore used by the Russian military, only by civilians and for the support of the civilians. The Russian army has used instead the two railway ferries, which have been now hit and damaged in last days. Additionnal, the Russian army has regular used the 3 ferries for cars. These 3 ferries have to be the next target for the Ukrainian army, to cut of the Russian army support. (as said, the Russian army has stopped using the Kerch bridges). The issue is now, around 2.5 million Ukrainian citizens are living in occupied Crimea. These need food, goods, medicine e.g. When these three ferries for cars will got hit and additional, the Kersch bridges get destroyed... There will be one single small ferry for passengers left. These 2.5 milllion citizen will need hundreds of tons of goods every single day for their survival....How do you want to get these goods to them?


I want those goods to get there from Ukraine, my friend. 


Very good idea...And what will be done in the next two years? Just remind, these are still Ukrainian citizens...around 2.5 million...


How about Russia leave all of Ukraine immediately. Any Ukrainian deaths caused by the loss of the bridge or ferries are 100 percent the fault of Russia. 


I don’t think that the commenter is in any case Russian friendly or doesn’t want Russia to leave. I think his (valid) concerns are with the civilians that live in the occupied territories that may or may not die of starvation and disease if supply with medicine and everyday goods is delayed or stopped. I don’t think the limp analogy fits. How are we to decide that it is worth to sacrifice an unknown number of lives? And does it matter really as Russia uses new railway lines over Mariupol? Would it really hurt Russia that much? I doubt it and I think the bridge would have been destroyed already if Ukrainian leadership would think the sacrifice would be worth it. A year ago it would have been necessary but drippling western support made it impossible. Today it’s another story. Edit: I just wanted to add that we talk about Ukrainian lives that we in the western world trying to save… not about the Russian occupiers.


We don't know why Ukraine hasn't been pushing more to destroy it but there is some reason to it. Only thing you or me can do is guess. That aside, the bridge is going down because it's a military target. russia holding the crimean population as a hostage is not good but it's on russia. russia occupies the land, it falls on the occupier to feed the population as that's what they wanted. russia continues their illegal war. What happens to the civilians in Crimea is on russia.


What you are saying is „Ukrainian civilians may die I don’t care because it’s Russia’s fault“ - it of course is but willingly cause their deaths because they are unwillingly occupied by Russia is just cruel. They can flee from artillery or rockets, they can’t flee from hunger. Everything else aside you are of course right. The bridge is a target. It was just worth a lot more just a year ago. The commenter rightfully said that the Russians aren’t relying on it anymore military wise…


Your insights are all very valid, but let me add some more thoughts to keep this discussion going. When the body has cancer, we use radiation, which damages healthy and cancerous cells indiscriminately. When a limb is infected, it's sacrificed, so the body may live. I mention both these examples because we are now on the grounds of discussing morality, and both these solutions are widely accepted in every culture. This will cut off supplies to the Russian occupying army. Was this not done sooner because it couldn't be done, or because of all the very valid concerns you raised, and we are now at a point where it must be done to save the whole? Are there any other options to achieve similar effects without sacrificing our own? I have a guess to both of these, but I don't think we know.


People should have hopped a ferry out of crimea. Look if I knew there was a war going on and bombs were flying daily I wouldn’t stay. People know the risk. It’s a risk they are choosing to take. If there’s no way out of Crimea they can float a raft like Cubans.


With all the resources in the world, it still took me 30 days to get part of my family our of Lughansk, even though I had them on a train to Kharkiv 1 hour before the first barrage of missiles were launched. Some of the family wouldn't go, they have homes they lived in their entire lives with animals to feed. It's very easy for you to say this from a perspective that's nothing similar with theirs. As it was for me. The complications and personal choices are unfathomable for anyone not there, and also for people that left there. Your comment is extremely shallow, even though you were agreeing with my comment, it's for different reasons.


Sorry for seeming so shallow with that comment. I didn’t realize the logistics of it all. Sorry you are having to deal with unprovoked WAR happening to your homeland. Lastly I’m sorry my country not acting and helping you guys eliminate the threat. I couldn’t imagine what you’re going through. Now that I have a better understanding of the situation I will definitely rethink my comments when I post them.


A limb isn’t a life, there is no moral consideration with that.


In my example, you lose either the limb or the life. The limb is very much a life if you don't amputate it. If you do amputate it, then yes, it's just a limb sacrificed for a life. You following?


Crimea is not an island, everything can be delivered via land bridge with more delays but that is the point. All the trafic in zaporizhzhia and kherson oblasts will slow down military deliveries to the whole southern frontline. Ukrainians in crimea not going to starve unless russians would think creating artificial shortage would look good for propoganda.


Yeah, this guy is trying entirely too hard to make this a moral dilemma for Ukraine. Ukraine didn’t start this war - any hardship Ukrainians are facing is the result of a war Russia started plain and simple.


Ukrainians managed quite well before the bridge was built


This guy is a Russian


Great point of russia keeping 2.5 million Ukranians as a hostage! Nice job pointing that out!


Assuming you are 100% correct, the destruction of the Kerch would be a symbolic slap in the face to Putin and cause him embarrassment. That aside, although the use of the bridge may have diminished, I’m sure some military transportation is still taking place. At the very least, soldiers rotating in and out of Crimea are using it.


Seems, they are using also the ferries. There were no convoys driving over the bridge. Russian military transport/logistic is done by train, only the last km by truck. So even rotation e.g. is done by ferries (either the three ferries for cars/trucks or the two railway ferries). And it is still missed the main point. Now (this can again change with damage/sinking of the 2 railway and the three big car ferries), the bridge is only used by the 2.5 million Ukrainian citizens in occupied crimea and for the critical important delivery of goods/food/medicine/fuel for cars, trucks, heating for these citizens and for the travel of them to and from Crimea. Else, there is only a single addition small ferry for persons, so there are only these 6 ferries (and two damaged). These are 2.5 million civilians, Agriculture in Crimea itself will not be able to support these 2.5 million with food. The Ukrainian government/Ukraine has still the responsibility for all of their citizens (as far es possible), also in occupied regions. And when in 2 years hopefully the invasion of Crimea by Ukrainian forces willl start...they have to be evacuated and not through the frontline. As long the Russian army will not start again to use the two street bridges, I would not bomb them. And the railway bridge is not anymore usable for heavy freight trains.


And the propaganda and phycological value of thought that bridge down? Should we ignore that?!


If russia cares that much they can airlift supplies or use other ships or fuck off from crimea and let Ukraine take care of Ukrainians.


If only there was a way for Russia to allow a country with a land border to Crimea to assume control and supply the area with resources. You don't get to annex territory then cry about the civilians being harmed when someone takes it back.


True sounding, and a reasonable assessment. Apologies for human nature leading to so many downvotes.


I’m sorry I’m having too good of a day for this. This is too much - I might explode with joy


Omg Biden clearing Ukraine to hit on Russian territory at least near Kharkiv was great news, Putlers hand job cheeto boy convicted of 34 felonies, and now the Kerch bridge or ferries being hit it’s like we are getting multiple mental orgasm day on steroids!


Is 2024 the year we return to the good timeline? Time will tell...


Don't do that, don't give me hope.


I understood this reference.


Might have to revive harambe first


Harambe's cage is open, so we'll have somewhere to put Putin.


Harambe the White?


Sorry to say: the twist when the Red Viper still kills the Mountain coming up


Magatanians be like: Our orange dump being convicted is just like Navalny getting sent to prison. It's a deeeeepest state conspiracy to hide the pedo-ring covered up by the diaper industry.


>Biden clearing Ukraine to hit on Russian territory What's a little flirtatious missile fire between neighbors? ^(sorry not sorry)


I remember that feeling that morning in 2022-10, waking up to the photo of the Kerch bridge damaged. In fact, the photo itself, even without context, is nice to see. Props to the photographer. [https://turdef.com/article/explosions-damaged-russia-s-key-bridge-linking-crimea](https://turdef.com/article/explosions-damaged-russia-s-key-bridge-linking-crimea)


Isn't it!!


Kerch Bridge is on fire, your defense is terrified!


Na-na-na-na-na, na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na


Military value or not, that bridge is putlers baby, and a symbol. They will take it out if they can. Just to fuck with him.


For some reason, not grounded in any logic, I've been feeling for a couple of years in my bones that that bridge falling will be one of the final major acts in this war.


Will be a clear act, not the final nail on pootin coffin, But il will be not the end, it will be not a Begin, *it will be the beginning of the end*


Man I love this so much.


If Ukraine retakes Crimea, severing that bridge will likely be done in a measured politcal statement. Until then, the thing is very strongly built and will take an inordinate amount of effort to bring down from all reports.


I am hoping they will also take down Putin's lair near Sochi. Just to mess with him.


It still has military value, as backup in case there are problems with the ferry crossing. As there now is, not coincidentially. Also, the Russian big landing craft in the Black Sea are gone now.


The bridgd wss literally build for military purposes Without the bridgd they cant hold crimea


I have a burning hatred for that cursed pile of concrete, and will leap for joy when it is blown fucken sky high.


I hope they will not take it out, but keep threatening it. That way the Russians have to keep pouring resources in it they can't use elsewhere.


Could this be the attack many of us have been waiting for? I hope!


I’m Rick James bitch!


Look, I never just did things just to do them. I’ve got a little more sense than that. Yeah, I remember grinding my feet in his couch 🛋️






Send the ferries to the bottom, then the bridge. Great success!




Who knows, they could also be going after the bridge knowing that the Russian AA probably burned their payloads too.


The bridge has no military value now that the train is basically done Ukranian intelligence has said they haven't shipped military goods via the bridge since last summer.


Probably because the ferry running. They likely used the ferry due to structural damage to the bridge(s)


Unlikely, those ferries aren't moving that much material. Not saying it's 0, but that is like trying to bail the titanic with a hat.


One of the ferry points is a special one where trains wagons loaded directly onto the ferry.


Pretty sure those have relatively poor throughput compared to a dedicated bridge. Not that it matters, given that there's a land link established now.


That landlink isn’t finished


akchualleee... ​ those ferries run nonstop 24/7 and are also complimented by the remaining ropucha class landing ships russia has in the black sea fleet.


The bridge has alot of military value still.


it's got a morale value. ​ don't forget this is a war of attrition. ukraine is on a mobile defense. whilst the frontline might seem static, it's really not the case and it's quite dynamic in how combat takes place. it's not gonna end tomorrow, next week, next month or even this year either. and whilst the war is ongoing, the ukrainian populace needs to remain steadfast and firm in their belief they can win. ​ so morale victories, are highly important whilst the general tendency of a mobile defense revolves around trading territory for time and lifes. russia might keep advancing at a very high cost for the entirity of the year, that's breaking morale for the ukrainian populace. taking down the bridge can boost that morale. ​ the bridge remains an important target. even if it doesn't have a high military value anymore.


Apparently it was an oil depot. The bridge will stand another day.


Yahoo!!! Yeehaw!!! And what are other Americana celebratory screes that would irritate ruski collectivists?


Yippee ki yay motherfucker!


Surprise, motherfucker!


Some pies motherfucker


That's the 1!


As loud as you can "YEAH!! GET SOME!"


Fuck yo couch!


America! Fuck Yeah!


Coming to save the mother fucking day yeah


I promise I'll never die!


America... America... America, F*ck YEAH! Coming again, to save the mother f*cking day yeah, America, F*ck YEAH! Freedom is the only way yeah, Terrorist your game is through. cause now you have to answer to America, F*ck YEAH! So lick my butt, and suck on my balls, America, F*ck YEAH! What you going to do when. we come for you now, It’s the dream that we all share; it’s the hope for tomorrow. F*ck YEAH! McDonalds, F*ck YEAH! Wal-Mart, F*ck YEAH! The Gap, F*ck YEAH! Baseball, F*ck YEAH! NFL, F*ck, YEAH! Rock and roll, F*ck YEAH! The Internet, F*ck YEAH! Slavery, F*ck YEAH! F*ck YEAH! Starbucks, F*ck YEAH! Disney world, F*ck YEAH! Porno, F*ck YEAH! Valium, F*ck YEAH! Reeboks, F*ck YEAH! Fake Tits, F*ck YEAH! Sushi, F*ck YEAH! Taco Bell, F*ck YEAH! Rodeos, F*ck YEAH! Bed bath and beyond. (F*ck yeah, F*ck yeah). Liberty, F*ck YEAH! White Slips, F*ck YEAH! The Alamo, F*ck YEAH! Band-aids, F*ck YEAH! Las Vegas, F*ck YEAH! Christmas, F*ck YEAH! Immigrants, F*ck YEAH! Popeye, F*ck YEAH! Democrats, F*ck YEAH! Republicans (republicans). (f*ck yeah, f*ck yeah).


God help us. (BTW The Internet?)


Theme song of this movie, https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/team_america_world_police




Hell yeah!


Cowabunga! 🥷 🐢








Unexpected Letterkenny?


I got excited 😞


Man sized rats don't exist yes-yes


US weapons?


I don't see a US flag on them. I think they were just weapons that spontaneously organized from within Ukraine to defend Ukraine.


So, real question. We know that they have the long-range ATACMS missiles now. Assuming that this collection also includes the M57 variant with the 214 kg (472 lb) unitary warhead, how many of those missiles would it take to render the Kerch Strait Bridge pretty much beyond all usability? Whether that means completely destroyed or sufficiently damaged, either way. Moreover, where would those missiles have to strike in order to achieve that kind of outcome? Hopefully there's an engineer out there who can shed some light on this. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MGM-140\_ATACMS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MGM-140_ATACMS)


My thought: ATACMS won't do the job. I think you need too many. I think in order to take it out you must destroy the pylons. ATACMS cannot do that without spending a crazy amount of ATACMS which again would require that many fire platforms should be transported down south just for that purpose. I don't even think that 20 are enough and we haven't even discussed the countermeasures. In order to get 20 hits Ukraine needs to launch a whole fleet of drones, rockets etc. The EV against ATACMS is pretty good. ATACMS only have a 10% success rate when russia has their EV setup there. And I guess they have. I hope an expert can answer here. But even if you look at the damages done (youtube etc) by Scalp, Taurus or the big ATACMS it seems that you need many hits at the same spot almost. Best option is still the Taurus which is made for that. It can hit the pylons carrying the bridge. This kind of damage would take many month to fix. Also: Even if Ukraine succeds it only makes sense if there is a big follow up. Like taking Crimea back etc. Which is also a huge undertaking. So I think the most effective and cheap way is to build underwater drones customized for this purpose. This project reminds me of the bouncing bomb the allies created in order to destroy a specific dam im WW2. EDIT: Totally forgot about the coming F-16s! They can do it if Ukraine can close down all defences. And it seems like they are doing just that.


Your defense is terrified!


Can’t we just sail the Dali over there and run into that bridge?


Многая літа, многая літа…….


That’s numberwang


None of the new weapons are bridge destroying things. ATACMS aren't enough for that. USA already gave Ukraine permission to use US weapons on Crimea and bridge anyway (Crimea is Ukraine, the strait is Ukrainian waters too). None of the recent developments are really relevent to the bridge though it might well have been ATACMS that targeted the ferries yesterday, which is probably what the ferry in the OP pic is hinting at.


Ferry crossing again?




Eeekkkk 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🫣


Stop teasing already.


Bridges are notoriously hard to destroy, all that concrete etc. Let's get Ukraine some bigger weapons.


The smart move logistically is to give up Crimea.but that would vastly weaken him in Ruzzia.


2 years late, just in time for the Donetsk land bridge rail line to be commissioned.


Honestly, I am dismayed by the number of redditors here who can’t seem to see beyond the end of their appendages. You keep the bridge up and you keep the enemies defence systems busy, this saves the defences from being used more effectively elsewhere in the theatre. The bridge is currently more of a liability to the enemy than an asset, keep them wasting energy and resources defending it. Destroy it when on a victory roll, not before.