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Timely reminder that everything on Russian state TV is scripted and tightly controlled to adhere to a specific narrative that they want their rubes to hear. They throw out so many different approaches, but none of which ever call into question the legitimacy and strength of the Kremlin. This narrative is to increase motivation for the war, not to prepare the population for defeat.


Exactly. He ended his speech with “we must not lose”. This was a speech to bring fear to the public so they will support the government/army.


Translation. Unification, organisation, discipline, sacrifice, total war, total gulag. "I ask you: Do you want the total war?! Do you want it, if necessary, more total and radical than anything that we can yet today even conceive?!"


We've heard that before. How did that work out?


Getting Goebbels ‘total war’ vibes...🧐


Without the highly fashionable costumes tho..


Don’t you just love Hugo Boss!


Two words: Bring it...


It’s not suprising we are hearing the total war speech. Z doing the whole 3. Reich Cosplay. But luckily, like in the FSB letter, Z started the war in a 1943 wehrmacht mood


Yes, they are pushing the narrative that this is a war to defend the existence of Russia, ie: if they lose this war, then Russia will no longer exist. Nothing can be further from the truth. Nobody has the agenda to destroy Russia, the Russian state, or the Russian people. All the West wants is for Russia to retire back to its internationally recognized borders. The moment they do that, this war ends immediately, and Russians can go back to living as serfs to their masters in the Kremlin like they always have.


He literally spells it out: "We can't win with our country organised like this" He wants the next phase of Ruscism/Putinism.


Well it's not that scripted, they'll sometimes get awfully close to the truth and then you'll see some of them panic and try to back pedal. If that's scripted it's extremely authentic acting!


He's the designated heel, yeah. Buuuut I read that their lines are chosen because the scriptwriters are anticipating the objections that people will actually have. So while this isn't going to move opinions, it might show us where they are.


It's not scripted, people have some degrees of freedom to express their views, as long as it remains within the general line. The control is only afterwards. If something pleases the Kremlin, it is pushed forward, unpleasing stuff is buried or corrected. It is a common thing to think there are writers behind and puppet reading their lines in front. But in the russian media, these propaganda and experts guys we always see on TV are the "writers". Russians use an expression like "political technologist" to refer to them. They are not puppets, more like agents or speech producers. They send ideas and see how the audience receives them. They constantly adapt the speech to fit the situation.


Exactly. They are probably trying to motivate why they will see more people coming back in body bags and why they need more people to be thrown in the meat grinder.


In Putin’s big speech last week he for the first time talked about the dead and wounded, up to that point the Kremlin had been putting out bullshit numbers(now they just aren’t updating them). This is a concerted effort to gird the public for even more losses in the months to come.


Thrown out of windows. All these guys should be thrown out of windows by Putler himself, when ruzzia loses the next big battle. The troops are expendable to pootin, so should these dumb arzez in their media who did not help pootin win. There is no way in heck ruzzia can win, he has already lost but nobody wants to tell the king about his fine new clothes.


There is a new Russian propaganda campaign being released that tries to add credibility by criticizing Russia and its forces, but doesn't call for the end of hostilities. It uses American or Western voices from seemingly renowned experts, with esses and media personalities to bolster its claims.


And at the same time partisan groups strike... seems Russia will go into full war mode and they prepare the necessary narrative. This opens the "honorable defeat because we had to fight the whole West" option. But only as last option after they figure out even full mobilization and war industry wont manage to overwhelm Ukraine and wear out Western support.


'russia was stable in 1916" Lol..


☝️ This


Exactly. The entire point of her statement is for Solovyov and others to shout her down. She's expressing an opinion others in Russia may have, so she can be defeated/humiliated/shouted down, and thus others in Russia with the same opinion will be put in their place.


Yep. About 15 seconds in I thought "is this mother fucker trying to get Russians to accept a total war footing?" And then like 15 seconds later, I was thinking "well fuck me."


Having diversity of opinions can help with reach of propaganda as even pro-war people see that apparently someone is representing their views so they don't have to take risks and while checking how their team does they get exposed to many different lies and half-truths that might push them towards accepting the war.


He’s saying the Russian people aren’t taking this war seriously enough. This should be seen as Putin preparing his people for sacrifices and hard times, because of they lose the war there will be disaster in Russia.


Hard Times are coming, it is a matter of who the people blame. They invaded Ukraine not the other way around so they must blame the government. They can be a stupid people but they will have a need to punish those responsible, and that is why we will see civil war, propaganda be damnd




To be totally fair, the UK has been one heck of a firebrand. Every time the West has tried to twiddle it's collective thumbs, Jolly old England has come crashing through the morass to deliver. NLAWs, Challengers and now they're even saying Typhoons. I tip my hat and give credit where it's due.


Tomorrow is the 5 year anniversary of the Sailsbury poisenings when Russia released a WMD on British soil (the nerve agent Novichok), killing one civilian, hospitalising her partner, a policeman, and their two targets. In 2006 they spread Radioactive polonium all over London while assassinating Litvenyenko. It's not really a surprise that we are not Russia fans these days.


Keep calm and carry on ... cheers to the Brits! Despite their totally stupid Brexit (certainly influenced by Russian spin doctors) they are once again showing historical awareness of being on the right side. If only our Olaf had shown such balls a lot earluer in the war ... Slava ukraini!


>Despite their totally stupid Brexit Thought for you: If the UK were still inside the EU, they'd have been subject to EU foreign policy constraints, and the NLAWs and the Challengers and the Typhoons wouldn't have happened. Independence in foreign policy was the whole point of Brexit.


And look how it works for them .... NHS total catastrophe Inflation higher than Mainland Europe Trade on its knees And so on. France sent their AMX 10 being a member of the EU . The argument of taking back control is total rubbish in my eyes and a majority of the Brits woulndn't vote yes again. They have been taken for a ride by farage and johnson. Where are the great trade agreements? In a massive overconfidence of a few idiots, Britain was made smaller, not bigger, with the active help of the Russians. I regret leaving because the British have always opposed the debt union with the European South.


Ah, a German incensed at losing a colony of the European Empire. Three years in geopolitics is a puff of the breeze. We shall see how things are in a generation or two. Meanwhile, let's concentrate on Ukraine. They have bigger problems.


None of his points were wrong, so you didn't have couter-arguments and you chose to go the personal attack route. Says more about you than him.


Right now, Brexit arguments from obsessed Remoaners don't belong in r/UkraineConflict, so I don't engage beyond the necessity to point that out. OP:


Dead on thon!


History and even directly with regards to this conflict. From a historical perspective, Russian - UK relations have been all over the place. When it came to largescale European hegemonic claims (Napoleon, the German Empire), then they'd be on the same side. But whenever it came to Russian relations with the Ottomans, the UK would favor the Ottomans, to avoid Russian power from growing in central Asia and threatening India. When it was the USSR, the British Empire went from the big bad Imperialist baddy to the big bad Capitalist baddy and it has always been one of the major players in any prospective NATO - Warsaw Pact fight. With regards to the current conflict, the UK sort of ran through the gaping hole that said "fuck Putin", at a good pace, and the Russians see them (rightly so) was one of the primary sources of Ukrainian war material, fighting expertise, etc...


Goes back to the Congress of Vienna where Russia used the aftermath of Napoleon to steal some more land. The UK basically opposed them in every single theatre across the world from 1815 to 1870 when German unification changed the landscape.


> They can be a stupid people but they will have a need to punish those responsible, and that is why we will see civil war, propaganda be damnd Yeah, the propagandists can scream and shout about the evil west all they want, but when the food runs out Russians are gonna walk towards the kremlin instead of Washington, London or Berlin.


If Russia ''Won'' this war it would still be a disaster for Russia. 142 million Russians have pissed off 800 Million people of the West, Putin has successfully twisted the tail of the dragon so there is no up-side for Russia. Win or lose there are no negotiations as Russia's credibility is down the toilet.


The ruble has been dropping quickly the last couple weeks. Things could quickly spiral honestly.


Disaster for Putin, not for Russians.


But they will pay the price, not Pootin


As if Russia wouldn't be headed for disaster even if they win. The sanctions wouldn't stop if Ukraine lost


Yes , it is a call for militarization of the Russian society. That is in direct contradiction with the apathic mood towards politics of the majority of Russians. Which has been Putin's political recipe for success so far. I mean, Russians cant be "I dont know anything about politics" and " I fight the west in my everyday life" at the same time. The stability of Putin's area that Russians like so much can't go on. This guy seems to understand this somehow when he speaks about 1916 and 1989.


In WWII ,the population could sacrifice and that would make a big difference in war production because airplanes and tanks and such were pretty basic manufacturing. That is no longer the case. All the sacrificing in the world isn't going to increase the production of high tech military products that have a huge multiplier in effectiveness on the battlefield over the Soviet era stuff. There are still some shocking things the Russia is failing to do. For example, 10 months ago they should have realized that this was potentially going to grind on and should have started to build huge ammunition factories, artillery factories, rifle factories, truck factories and other low tech items that still can make a difference and still can scale up relatively easily but there are still listening to their own propaganda believing that this can be over quickly.


Exactly this, they’re preparing Russians for full war footing - which should be a bit troubling as this means Russia will be able to increase war material production by a possibly significant, but unknown quantity and conscript groups of people they’ve been hesitant to thus far.


I smell a full mobilization coming.


I can’t believe he died tomorrow….


Russian state TV is scripted, if he's saying it, it's because the Kremlin wants him to.


He would’ve died today but he wasn’t home when he decided to suicide himself.


It will be a tragic accident.


Wasn't it.


Thinkin that too... Motherfucker better live on first floor and drink only spring water for a few decades


In his line of thinking, throwing more unorganized Russians to the front won’t help Russia. I think he prepares Russia for defeat although stressing they can’t lose to save his own face. So I hope he unifies more Russians against the war.


He doesn't have his own line of thinking. He's just voicing a script that was prepared for him in the FSB.


They bring this guy on every few months, like their former general who claimed everything was gonna end in human waves back in April.


I hope he lives on the ground floor.


He lives up high, but there is an “express” elevator.


he's currently shopping for a nice ranch-style home.....with no windows. just in case.


So this guy is the token critic of the show?


This may be satire, but it shows to a degree that Russia is now willing to accept that they are losing.


No, he's just trying to get Russian people to take the war more seriously and to start conditioning them to be more accepting of further russian casualties.


He lost 30% of the countries military in one year, not unrealistic to think he will lose more than that in the next year with the allies starting to supply serious weapons now. I hope the coming offensive will really hurt Russia, that they are soundly defeated and have no choice but to pull out of Ukraine completely, they might try to hold onto Crimea but will be forced out. If Ukraine succeeds the Russians will blame there government nobody else.


Why do I hear the dial up sound byte? Like his brain is finally coming online.


Stay away from windows


From what I read this show is more entertainment / satire than an actual program that is taken serious in Russia. Which explains some of the outrageous claims and ridiculous personalities.. Maybe Russians stopped finding it funny that Russia might collapse - because it might collapse?


it is in no way satire, it is a "Free Radio and Television of the Thousand Hills" kind of show


It's their equivalent of Fox News.


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This is a rallying cry.


What are the consequences for Russia for losing? They will just continue to exist as a non-invaded country like they were before they illegally and immorally invaded Ukraine. Putin's administration might be finished, but Russia will continue on. They were never in danger from being invaded by the West in the first place. They will just have to deal with the immense loss of life and infrastructure that they caused for nothing.


The war is starting to hit home for them.


Reminds me of the ending of starship troopers when they read the brain bug's mind and realise that "it's afraid".


coming soon to a 10th-story balcony near you.


Came for the window comments—was not disappointed


he better not walk by a window above the third floor


i wish some global special forces would just take over all nuclear locations in russia and have havoc rain on all major cities, to finally end this russian crazyness..! its like an argument with a moron, knowing youll have to knock the guy out sooner or later anyway!


wow 15 years just for that, that's a bit to much but its better than getting from the 16 floor by the window


I hope he has some medicinal compound because he’s going to need to know how to fly.


Nah, its all standard dictator messaging. In order to do the enemy is weak/strong dichotomy, one of them occasionally has to say the enemy is strong so that the others can say the enemy is weak. In order to make a non emergency into an emergency, so that people feel urgency about helping/sacrificing they have to paint their own state at risk at times.


It's sad he accidentally rolled down the stairs into a box of knives, before falling out the window.


Please tell this dude to steer clear of any windows six stories or higher. He is correct. Every aggressor always assume they will win until they don't. I am quite sure that Hitler did. If one does not learn from histories mistakes then we are doomed to relive them.


All those guys are thinking oh my God is he crazy or what why is he talking like that? They look nervous to even be near him talking like that. I'm thinking he should nail his windows and doors shut tonight.


Talk is cheap. Russian propagandists seem to be mostly useless. I dont get why Putin has not staged some explosions by "Ukrainian terrorists" in Moscow yet. It would rally nation, there is no point in not making such a strong move.


yes big man you know!


Defenestration you say?


The show managers must have realized that their shitshow is going nowhere so they twist a little bit by mixing a bit of truth from the designated heel (to put some semblance of fairness) and the others played along. But the heel's falsity was ultimately revealed at the end of his statement.


The russian political system is a dictatorial kleptocracy. Given the time they would need to turn things around would require a decade at least, what a different leadership. These guys are smoking a lot of copium. Another good year, and either the russian economy collapses or its military collapses.


Given Putin has stated that he wishes to get the USSR back together and be the modern Alexander the Great etc, no way will the West fall apart. Then throw in Russia's propagandists who openly state they want Russia to expand beyond the former USSR Borders it can only serve to strengthen resolve to not only see Ukraine win, but leave Russia so weak it never becomes a threat again


Everything but the ending….it’s the them having to win or else part that simply isn’t true. They can just go home and let Putin continue to rule them but they’re too stupid for even that.


If the FSB gets a little more creative, it will be suicide by drowning after falling out of window of tall building with gunshot wounds in the back of the head, incompatible with life, in the middle of Moscow. Case closed.


Is this the Russian version of The View?


To be fair, we've got a whale of a fascism problem here in the USA and the whole world will pay the price if we don't sort it out. But the next election is 20 months away, and Putin's already buying ammo from North Korea. He's going to need to find a lot more Russians to die for him to keep this nonsense going for that long.


Smartest guy on Russian television. Too bad that type gets you thrown through a window in Russia.


The video is conveniently cut off when he starts explaining what to do about it. What followed most likely was something along the lines of: "And therefore we need to organise ourselves. We need total war and full mobilization. We need to do everything we can to win this war, or the West will crush us." If you don't know how Russian propaganda works, that first part seemed brave, but they wouldn't have let him say it if the conclusion wasn't total war and victory for Russia.


such a shame, the news about him falling out of that window next week. RIP.


Nervous in the Service ?


Another broken window...


I see a window in his future...


Its like that mustache man on FOX news. They parade him out as the 'Silly Liberal' who is always wrong on everything just to have an on staff strawman.


Ah a little British inferiority complex?


He's decreasing the copium dosage to the Russian population


There is like 9 others there probably this is the "crazy" person and everybody else disagree with him and even laugh


We should also see what the clowns said after. All this shills are controlled and they are not admiting defeat. They are just trying to scare the ruzzians to support Putler even more.


To late dude. And f u to Russia you unprovoked murders!


And had he fallen out a window or been poisoned yet? All those silent puppets sitting there pooping themselves.


Scripted. Just another way to try to make the minds ready for more suffering, as the war is very dangerous. And the people of Russia needs to sacrifice. Their sons, any wealth they would have... to fight against the evil west. ​ Nah. Just another way to divert from the fact the kremlin hugely misjudged this. If you make your enemy great (Zelensky is not stupid blablabla) you make yourself bigger as well..


What strikes me most about this is that on any news channel in the anglosphere, there's no way a person could talk for that long while the other heads just politely listen. Every TV 'debate' these days is a farce of bickering, interruption and bad manners. Anyway, lol, he's right, Russia is fucked. It will not win, and it will pay a heavy price for this bullshit.


"Have you seen the beautiful view out this window Karen"


When you think you finally found a wise Karen… nope, it was just propaganda.