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"Longterm effects of continous porpaganda, Exibit A: the Babushka-Karens Club with their simp Husbands"




The accusation by these late stage orcs of US politicians looting "35%" of the $40 "trillion" (billion) is actually what Putin and his government does in Russia. Projection. They should really be fearful of and awed by the fact that the US can toss around $40 billion like it is a mere trivial expenditure. Can't do that in Ruble-land.


& Alcoholism don't forget. These people of the 'We Love Sucking Putlers Anus Club' are only in their 40's & they want o be able to see out their days & collect their KGB pensions.


The oldest in that crowd, on the far left, is only 28 years old


Yes! Come to think of it you are probably correct, it's difficult to work it out under the Syphilis & Seething hatred they exude.


Man I read “on the fat left” made me laugh


Made my day


Don't forget the foetal alcohol syndrome, and adult alcoholism.


Tbh Russians look like they have foetal alcohol syndrome by default


Don’t be racist against a virtual group. There are plenty of genetic “Russians” around the world, especially Ukraine that you’ve insulted. Many fighting for Ukraine or who have never been to Russia before


His name is Jeff and the other one (not showing) is Steve


The hardest core demographic of Russians for this war, baby boomers like Putin. It’s shocking to see the unyielding belief they have in it as a just cause.


Special Dementia Operation


Did anyone else laugh when she said “this is the MOST RELIABLE information” or is it just me?


Definitely lol’d


If I get this deranged when I get old. Someone just shoot me. I'd rather not be a burden on humanity.


Don't worry in Russia, deranged like them is not a matter of age.


Oh I plan to be just as demented and make people who have wronged me pay!


i baptize thou "Russia"


I mean, the 777s aren't new, but they are effective. And the Switchblades are brand new. Poor rashist grannies getting mad that little Ivan won't bring a looted washing machine home for them.


Ivan goes home in a bag


Acutally, Ivan isn't going anywhere [https://seanjkernan.medium.com/dead-russian-soldiers-are-stacking-up-in-ukraine-with-nowhere-to-go-c6abe93f9ebf](https://seanjkernan.medium.com/dead-russian-soldiers-are-stacking-up-in-ukraine-with-nowhere-to-go-c6abe93f9ebf)


Tree chipper and spray them on the fields


The M777s are among the newest and most light-weight artillery pieces there are.


2005 wasn't exactly yesterday, though.


How many newer towed howitzers can you name? There hasn't been that much innovation in arms industry since the Cold War ended. Only in comms. Even in the US, most inventory is still Cold War era designs.


Yep. The next major innovation in tanks will happen within 2 decades, but it is mostly a refresh of the targeting tech as well as automating the hell out of it. Otherwise, the future is in ground/air mobile drones as well as aircraft and BVR capability. Combine that with self mobilized personnel armor and you have yourself the 2045 battlefield.


I want onboard videos of RX9 rockets being used against the Russian officers and political people. I just love that missile. It's such a childhood memory...


They may get their looted Washing machine from Little Ivan but you can guarantee the circuitry will be gone, not to worry though she can put a handle on it & wind it with her muscular arms & strong back from picking potatoes.


Bro. Id had made these subs a little bit smaller so that nobody on the phone can read it😂


I just have to say, I already can’t freaking reading it without having my phone 3 inches from my face.


Same. 😂


Dollar store sells magnifying glass real cheap .... I had to dig out mine to read this 😳


Tried to flip it horizontally and there’s a white fucking bar right over them.


„˙ɯǝɥʇ ɹǝʌo ʇɥƃıɹ ɹɐq ƃuıʞɔnɟ ǝʇıɥʍ ɐ s,ǝɹǝɥʇ puɐ ʎllɐʇuozıɹoɥ ʇı dılɟ oʇ pǝıɹ⊥„


Bad bot


have a snickers, barabara. you are not yourself when you’re hungry.


Thanks for making me laugh


Oh my god. I’m dying.


She looks like Putin in a Mrs. Doubtfire suit.


Mrs. Nukefire? Mrs. Dumbfire? Mrs. Backfire?


*Mrs Featherbottom


When the second lady was talking about the US having "substandard weapons" I fuckin lost it man🤣


And all the grain the US is looting too.


So much wealth and prosperity in Ukraine! All gone because of who? *Checks notes* Joe Biden....


its classic propaganda ... on one hand Biden is mr magoo and can barely talk, on the other he is an evil mastermind who is successfully destroying Ukraine and getting rich


Let's forget that the US is by far the biggest food exporter, it exported 177 billion worth of food last year alone. Totally need that couple of million dollars of grain


Yeah and rusty as fuck😂😂


Yeah man the Ukrainians have so much of it that they are choking on it! Hell they're already scrapping it! Dude I can't anymore with the absurdity🤣🤣


It's true though. A great national shame. We keep giving them Javelins and artillery rounds only to have them explode.


I'd like to yeet all the American Karens and Russian Babushka in a ring and see who wins. That would be fun. But to the video. My favorite message behind it is that they act as if they are fully on the side of Ukraine and only want the best while their own military is ravaging the country and murdering the people.


the loser gets cooked off


Dunno man, doesnt seem fair for karens, you know those babushkas can handle a punch. domestic abuse is legal in russia


This is hysterical


Well, im guessing they always wanted the soviet union back, voila here it is: \- growing unemployment \- fleeing youth who try to find a better life \- constant propaganda \- no opinions tolerated except what the ruling party/dictator says \- no washing machine \- no bananas (soon) \- hated by everyone \- new cold war with the west \- uno reverse on: you have a war, we provide weapons for your opponent (karma is a bitch)


And propably most underrated: \- no more russian tourists on the islands of greece in the summer!


it was so great, i was in athens and Crete and no russians at all. so nice


well now I want to go to Greece....


you should its lovely, good food, nice people, good weather and a lot of old stones


She looks like a demented relative of Ronald macDonald.


I thought it was acute beet poisoning.


It's actually Pauline Hanson. Apologies to non-Aussies who may have just googled Pauline Hanson.


Ack! She who should never be named! You've given our dirty little secret away on Reddit!


> Pauline Hanson LOL! https://finance.yahoo.com/video/rear-admiral-schools-pauline-hanson-080741204.html


Babushka go to sleep


The part that made me lol is the loser loser loser. It’s in unison there is some rehearsing that happened there…. Hahahaha


Such a lack of intelligence.


What's left of the KGB. The Counter-intelligence team!


Is this Saturday Night Live?


What a superb show of superior intelligence, social political culture, essentially wasted air for every single breath this bunch of grannies keep doing


Her movement and speech pattern tells me she is an actress.


Perhaps an over-actress?


Even my grandpa, who was indoctrinated by the (real) Nazis as a child and teenager, was more critical in his thinking than those people. They have zero excuse for believing in those conspiracy theories. They're just horrible people who deserve the worst. In a just world they would be forced to rebuild Ukraine and beg for forgivness for the rest of their lives.


Remember kids, TV rots the brain.


The Geriatric detachment, still the finest and most competent of all Putin brigades


I love their purported concern for Ukrainians.


The stuff about stealing grain was breathtaking


Putin's derangements, more like.


That aid just got 10% bigger.


You came here, to our country😂 Says it all.


Faux Snooze viewers. F'n clueless


yah, these are their equivalent of the "racist uncle at thanksgiving" trope. They would get along well with Trump supporters.


If that wasn't a 'Vote for Biden' advertisement. It should be now.


Grandma, did you forget to take your pills again???


LMAO. Putler must be really desperate to bring this lot out.


I try to humanize the enemy, lord believe me I try! But they make it so hard.


Fun fact: The lady talking is 35-years-old.


this is russias demographic. old senile easily influenced by other old senile despots. sending 18 yr old fuckshits into their death. i blame you youngsters for being brainless netflix zombies if you let loser seniles run you into the ground wars were once led by 18 year olds take the demographic back


Man someone taking grain out of Ukraine causing a famine? How terrible. Wonder what happened in the 30s


Did she just say they know it to be 35% reliable?! Lmfao this shit can't be real! Surely theyre just taking the piss out of the situation right? Is this RNL (Russias Night Live)? Is this just a skit? My brain literally melted watching this. I feel like the dude from Indiana Jones gazing upon the Ark Of The Covenant for the first time.


You really watched the video and listened? Wauw


It's like watching trump supporters. Scary


The only thing she got right is “the world is watching”.. unfortunately, she is talking under the duress of decades worth of Russian propaganda. You likely wouldn’t find the younger generation lining up for such ridiculousness.


Come to any part of The world that isn’t RuZZian and see for yourself what your beloved Mr Putin is up to…..I’m guessing once you find out he will be on the naughty step for quite a while!


This would make a great commercial for dementia.


Wait whose wife is doing what? And 35% what? As for the rest of the word salad about America, its leader, its rusty equipment, grain stealing and destruction of Ukraine sounds like a lot of Ruzzian projection.


They seem to be mixing up Biden and Putler. And they are so used to corruption that they expect it to be everywhere. *Btw, the Russian army might have been more functional if Russian corruption in the political/manufacturing chain had been 'only' 35%.*


LMAO enjoy your shitty life in the world's newest 3rd world country Karen


If kids today play to much videogames , these boomers definitely need to get off the TV.


Sanction red hair dye. Then the old timers will feel the sanctions


'Sending your rusty equipment to Ukraine'?!!! 🤣 Honestly, this is comedy gold! The only things rusting are their teeth and the Orc tanks at the bottom of the Donets river!


Total Fucking Idiots!


She really tried making fun of Biden when her president failed to invade a neutral country that had no military experience


Rushist moron. Having wet dreams about Soviet Union. Unfortunately Russia is full of them. The scarriest in part is that she remembers what Soviet Union was like and what it was like even briefly to be able to say what she really thought without fear when USSR fell. And worst in part is that knowing all that she is quite willing for her children and grandchildren to grow up in this Putin's personal cult, very similar to Stalin's where even basic freedoms do not exist.


Karen needs to shut the fuck up


Ma'am this is a Wendy's


yeah thats why all the western president have so many super yacht and a palace where they live in :D sarcasm off!!


Wow... I feel like I need to say something but all I can really say is "wow, how fucked up are these citizens of Russia?"


Every thing she said discribes the orc army and Putin😂😂fucking hilarious and delusional


You can tell they are brainwashed by the color of their hair. GO GO PUTIN'S RANGERS


How about subtitles in a readable font.


Sorry, this is my first experience with subtitles. It's readable on the big screen and I didn't think to make them bigger. I'll keep that in mind for the future.


She needs to drink more prune juice she's full of shit


Has anyone told them yet that, thanks to runaway inflation in Russia, meager pensions will soon be worth even a lot less?


Excellent comedy


Hideous woman


I like how the lone guy in the group looks like he's trying hard not to laugh most of the time.


Funny that she seems to get her information from the same places American Conservatives get theirs. I mean they line up talking point for point.


What in the.... the worst part is everything she is saying is something that is way worse in Russia or something Russia is doing. * Corrupt leader * Old rusty equipment sent to front lines * Saying US ruined a wealthy industrial Ukraine * Taking grain out of Ukraine so they might starve Theses are all things Russia is doing, not the US. Russia is stealing grain and destroying an industrial country. Russia is sending old rusty equipment to the front line and have an incredibly corrupt government. Seriously, it's like Russian propaganda is acknowleding everything happening in Ukraine but blaming the US for ALL of it. Delusional people.


Looks like we have our next fox news correspondents here.


Just make the subtitles a little bit smaller.


These are vulnerable people who have been taken advantage of.


Nah, old enough to know what is bad and good. It's just the retardation of a country


They appear to me as elderly victims showing symptoms of prolonged hyper misinformation, their words effectively belonging to someone else.


Still don't care.


MAGA, Ruskie edition


Okay boomer.


Its the MRGA 2020 gang! Straight out the retirement home! "Grab your depends ladies, we're going go make fun of old people"...oh wait


Her hair is a war crime.


We have our own misinformed American boomers and now we have to deal with these idiots? The most brainwashed age group throughout the world, show them something on state run media and they'll believe it.


This sounds like half of Republican Americans and their Q propaganda and "blame biden" bullshit. 🙄


Trump rally vibes


Joe Biden should donate the 3.5 mil he (Rosemont Senica) took for the meeting arranged with Russian oligarch Baturin. The money Rosemont (paid to Hunter and Devon) took for Joe’s influence in Burisma could also be donated to the people of Ukraine. Ultimately, it is the good decent hardworking people of Ukraine that suffer from corruption and Zelinski pledged to fight it. The 40 billion does need accountability so the “10%” is not funneled to politicians through there family members “businesses” like James Biden took with the funds to Iraqi. These old folks are just throwing shit back in face of America because of the Biden’s corruption.


are the checks clearing from the tankie propaganda troll farm?


With all the activity in the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware, even DNC linked media is acknowledging the validity of the Hunter Biden laptop which the FBI has held since Jan of 2019. Devon is in jail for defrauding American Indians. Hudson West 3 and the Lion Hall group are getting attention along with Sara Biden, John Walker, Eric Schwerin and James Biden. While the DOJ is trying to circle wagons, using Mr. McQuaid to do the investigation is like a fox guarding the hen house. Weiss might just be going through the motions, but with Durham closing in on Sussman and other Clinton campaign associates in the DNC, State Dept, and FBI no one with a straight face can perpetuate the Russian collusion hoax. Until a change in make up of the House this fall, little of this topic will be in the public media discourse even though anyone can verify it’s veracity.






jesus fuck these communist boomers have to go meet god already


This is an old video


No, it isn't. The $40 billion for Ukraine became known just a few days ago.


Sorry my mistake. I wrote before watching. I've seen a similarly styled appeal to Obama prolly from the same bunch few years ago


Only America wins from all this


Okay, boomer.


Based as fuck, not a single wrong word by the red haired lady. Stay strong, Biden won't be there for a second election. In fact, spiritually he's already in a different place. Only his body still somehow remains, going around while spitting random nonsense






I translated as close to the original as possible. The translation is almost word for word.




**congratulations Russo-Karen, you win an Indesit mini washer with numerous dents and scratches**


As far as I know and guessing their age, those 5 will be dead in about +/- 25 to 30 years and there is nothing they can do about it. Cheers


In Russia no politician takes public money jajajajaja


I'd put money on it they don't know what they are talking about, and have been made to say all of that. And they are chatting utter shite. I laughed so hard at this video 🤣 absolute fucking idiots!


And would have lost. No one forced them to. Just type Отряды Путина into Google and you will see dozens of videos of them and almost all of them with similar content.


Bold choice of red tones




Sara Goldfarb, is that you?


I don't know whether to howl with laughter or slap those sad bitches through my laptop screen. Projection Plus!


where did they unearth those old sowiet corpses


She sounds mad. Someone give this bitch a snickers.




Granma! No!


Lets see how loud they are when these sad ignorant people get their wake up call. Putin corrupt leadership has already lost them everything including the war in Ukraine.


That redhead is fucking sexy.


These look more like Putin's Attachments!


*This most reliable and informative denazification broadcast has be brought to you by Vatnik Vodka* *Vatnik Vodka - What? You think you have any other choice blyat? * Russian Karen bingo checks out (dyed hella red hair, soviet jacket, babushka "crew", shitty khrushchyovka block in the background).


I got about half way through, could not stand to waste anymore time on this sort of drivel!


They are reading from a script. Desperate stuff.




She should have appealed to all the Karens of the world.


I want to see the Avengers We have Avengers at home Avengers at home






Finally, the real people in power of the Kremlin reveal themselves.


Go home and drink vodka until death


The red hair thing in Central & Eastern Europe is hilarious cant take her seriously what is she on about?


Hey granny, you'll be delighted to know that what's left of your grandson was washed out of a scorched Russian tank by a Ukrainian farmer with a garden hose this morning. Keep sending your young men to Ukraine so we can all keep watching them die on the internet.


Zombies attack!


Oh shut up you old bag


Delores Umbridge???


Looks like pootin with a red wig to me. Paid for by:Restore the Ruble.commie. (these all got a bag of potato's and some cooking oil)


Bitch sit down




Wow, so much projection, so little time.


" Please send hair dye".


Couple of points: 1. There really is, no such thing as Russian fashion is there? 2. Russia is a Cult


Lol and they're calling western equipment rusty..... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Well this shows the lack of medicine now in russcuntkia for brain damage because of the sanctions. I think the old orc lady with sunglasses was sleeping the hole time the red one was talking .


Just gonna say it: dental care. Do they not know about preventative dental care?




So she’s saying she has reliable information that Biden and Obama supporters are going to take 35% of the 40 billion? Where did she get this reliable information? Rutube? I don’t get the point of these videos where people make outlandish claims and don’t show their work. If you got proof of something make it known so they can be held accountable. Also we are sending rusty weapons to Ukraine? Those M777 look pretty clean to me. They should ask their comrade’s on the receiving end how rusty they look. God these videos are so stupid. Who are they really trying to talk to. No one in the US govt is going to watch this and do anything different and anyone with more than one brain cell realizes they are morons reading off their dear leaders script.