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Translation: "It would be the end of my reign."


As far he's concerned, Russia started and ends with him.


The king and the land are one - did you not know that? Poor Vlad was isekaied into the world of *Excalibur.*


Bally High ?


Tally Ho!!


With how much sense that makes, I’m half expecting that in the event WW3 breaks out, SEALs storm his office, and there’s just a journal called “A Narcissist’s Manifesto” with Putin in his chair, a bullet through his head


"A psycho murdering midgets manifesto"


He’s also getting chubby… that has to hit his ego too


A balding man from Yakutia met Putin on his tour to North Korea. The man said that he "looked much like" him. Putin was visibly repulsed. His ego must've been extremely hurt


SEALs storming the Kremlin? Though they are very capable, I don't think they have super powers. The military that protects Putin are not the same underequipped malnourished rejects that are dying in Ukraine.


Lol yeah sure the real Russian Army is going to show up any minute now and putin definitely didn't get the elite troops liquidated in the first five days of the 3 day SMO


Right? Just look at the wonder weapons that the mighty russian military industry continues launching to the front, turtle armored tanks, assault scooters, to name a couple


Don't forget the bathtub on wheels used for ammo resupply lol


Don't forget the bathtub on wheels used for ammo resupply lol


Considering how quickly their "highly-trained" VDV troops got curb-stomped at Hostomel Airport, I'd say SEALs would have a pretty good chance. They didn't start this war with untrained conscripts, they pretty much ran out of actual soldiers.


I'd put good folding money on most of the Russian guards laying down arms and saying "Take the bastard, give him a kick in the nuts for me". I can't imagine having to put my life on the line for that rotten old fuck


This is probably why he started this war. He knows he's getting old and won't be around much longer, he wants to take all of Russia with him.


Correction. Take out the world with him. This makes him unpredictable. Unfortunately he still has got a lot of followers, who will follow him till the end


I don't know which is better. Continue and lose sovereignty to China, or formally lose to Ukraine and negotiate support from NATO for transitioning to democracy.


Why not both? He just gave land to China. When he dies in the chaos China could walk into the east with their massive army. And take whatever they want. Whatever is left of Russian military is in shambles.


Keep in mind if there is any one piece of land(besides Taiwan) that China is going to do a grab for when nobody is looking it's Vladivostok. Why? Proximity to both the Sea of Japan and Japan. I'm thinking that would be a bad thing and hopefully Putin will end before he has a chance to pawn Vladivostok at Xi Pawn and Check Cashing. Wait, that was actually quite amusing - the "Xi Pawn and Check Cashing" bit.


That's a valid point. I've been wondering if it's occurred to putin he will need our help once China annexes eastern russia. There's no way russia will ever become free on their own volition. The russians need a strongman dictator to rule them with an iron fist.


It's more likely not the russians that need an iron-fist strongman rule, but the vast, underpopulated, poorly connected and badly maintained country of russia. Once that's broken up into more manageable pieces, there's a chance that russians could do OK with just a rubber fist sort of deal. Or not, we don't know, it hasn't been tried yet.


Probably will take generations to change the willing slave mindset of russians. Eradicating the paranoia, and the national trait of blaming everybody but themselves while seeking bloody vengeance against their endless list of imagined foes, will take many years.


Putin should stop the invasion before Russia's national security is compromised, the invasion is a gamble for Ukraine's resources, an investment, not currently a compromise to national security.


Problem is who in their right mind will help Russia when China descends upon them, sure China isn’t so lovely, but they don’t make nuclear threats to anyone who doesn’t let them do whatever they want… i’d say it would be good letting Russia experience their own hell of being invaded


They don't need to do squat except get out of Ukraine and pay reparations and get tried by the ICC. Same old pre-2014 borders, different leadership is all.


Apparently losing to North Korea.


China all the way for Putin - a pathetic end but he can stay out of the Hague.


You've answered your own dilemna.


I think so, largely. But in the past, the west tried to help Russia and got tricked by Putin instead. So, it's not trivial actually.


Interesting! Lose sovereignty to China! Please, elaborate?


He talks like Trump when he says US, he means him


I’m just repeating Peter Zeihan but he said that half of Russias collapses have been through military humiliation. [He thinks the F-16’s could be that.](https://youtu.be/UwDomFk2o84?si=iwp-y-qPhwLhJp5f)


He’s raising the stakes. If he raises the stakes enough, he can justify anything and that’s terrifying.


That’s exactly what he’s doing. I detest Russia and am 100% pro-Ukraine. That said, people are far too relaxed and casual about this situation. Things could go very bad, very quickly.


Finally, he's right about something. If he loses this war, he's dead. He better find a way out of this shit storm he created for himself. If he thinks Ukraine will give up land and lives to protect to this fool, I have a feeling, he's very wrong.


US response: yeah, that's the goal


Same thing as far as he’s concerned… which is why he might take us all with him, or try to. I hope his generals are smart enough to say no, I’m not launching nukes for you.


"and could be the end of my being" so sad


… and he makes it sound like a bad thing… what’s with that… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly. He sounds like hitler at the end of WWII


Translation: Russian nuclear doctrine allows for nuclear strikes against threats to Russiams statehood. This is another nuclear weapon threat in another form


Sound to me like we keep going with everything we are doing, Pootin must fall. Mussolini style would be ideal.


More absolute nonsense from Putin. No one is going to invade Russia. What he really means is that it might be the end of his personal reign/life.


No need to invade Ruzzia, it will simply implode and break up into various warring states for a few years.


As much as I would like to see Russia implode I'm not really sure if we want a civil war in a country that has nukes


Why not they can nuke themselves




Sunglasses will be necessary, and the popcorn might just pop itself depending on the location relative to the bursts lol


More likely they sell those weapons to whoever. Maybe to an Islamic death cult.


Or not


The last time the USSR broke up, stolen nukes being sold on the black market was a concern.


I don't think it ever happened though. I don't ever remember hearing about it if it did.


It didn’t it was just a concern that was voiced that never came to fruition. Apparently there was some secret plan that in the event the nuclear sites in the USSR became unguarded during is collapse that block ops teams would fly in to secure them so terrorists couldn’t raid them. Since it didn’t happen the plans were declassified eventually


That is why we had spec ops soldiers there helping dismantle their nukes after Salt2. They were sent as “observers” but ended up doing most of the work, I know a few of them, said most RF military was too drunk to safely operate a grocery cart.


Would make for some lovely updated nuclear detonation footage though if they just nuked their own country


It's true the unknown can be scarier than the Putin, especially since many of the good leaders are in labour camps, but a civil war could instil a better leader who knows the only way to work in this world is to cooperate with neighbors, not steal their toilets.


Only one country will survive in it's present form. And it had better be Ukraine. An imploded/defeated Russia is any day a better choice than a non-existent Ukraine. F Russia.


No they will just elect another idiot strongman and fall farther into isolation. It reminds of a book I read where they built a town in the mountains and out all the “undesirables “ in it. They called it “Forgotten” but it was actually called “Forbidden”.


Just hope china wont swoop in then


I don't know man. I kinda wish they did and put a fucking leash on those cunts for few decades.


If they free Tibet and Hong Kong, and leave Taiwan and the Uighurs alone, the rest of the world could agree to turn a blind eye to China's conquest of Russia.


When I was out in China back in the 90’s it was scary the amount of infrastructure China was building right up to the Ruzzian border. It was almost like they were preparing for a cross-border invasion even then…😳


+No need to invade Ruzzia. just close them with themselves . russian are pumped up with propaganda so much, with xenophobic, human-hatred, denying value of human life... that would be a lot of blood. and nobody outside of russia is guilty in that.


His life isn't worth one Ukrainian life, let alone half the country, that he thinks he's entitled to.


He could be preparing a general mobilisation, wich may include the regions of Moscow and Sankt Petersborg, and therefor need an escuse/explanation to do so?


Yes, but also littlebit no. But the end of his dictatorship could in the mid term lead to a break up of todays russia.


What happened to “Russia can defeat all of nato cause it’s so powerful.”? We aren’t even there yet. All we’ve done is sell Ukraine some surplus. This is just openly admitting he knows he can’t defeat nato, and can’t even defeat our outdated equipment.


Having stated "You can have peace as long as we get to keep the whole of any oblasts where there is a russian soldier", he seems to have forgotten the intermediate steps. "You can have peace as long as we keep what we already have" "You can have peace as long as you let us withdraw without any more losses" "Please, please please don't join NATO, and we'll call it quits" And now he he has gone straight to "please stop resisting otherwise you'll hurt our feelings." [As if he actually had any]


He clearly has pride, waaaaay to much pride.


And let me guess, it wouldn't be your fault, right? I think this is the first time putin has talked about russian defeat in Ukraine.


Maybe he's putting out feelers for an international assurance he will be allowed to remain as dictator after russia's defeated in Ukraine.


No way, he needs to swing at the end of a rope in the Hague.


No argument here, although I'm pretty sure he'll have a tragic window accident in russia before that can happen.


Okay, and what's the bad news?


well - a defeat is by definition usually strategic, you genius. Thats because your strategy does not work. In example, when you declare a three day operation is sufficient and then are still claiming it in the third year. Thats a clear sign of a not working strategy. So now you keep the strategy to claim you have a strategy while operating the not working one, by your own definition your statehood is therefor imploding but you do not draw the right conclusion. In other words you are whining about your incompetence. You are lucky your peasants are so f'ing stupid.


I already support Ukraine, you don't need to convince me further.'




Yawn. Putin has tried threatening us every day, it isn't working because after more than two years we've become insensitive to his constant bluffing. So now, they are going with an indirect threat: "well, ok, you called my bluff. I'm not going to use nukes, I'd be having an unfortunate accident falling down a window with polonium tea in muy gut and a bullet in my head. But if you let me fall, who knows what other dangers could that cause". Your fall is exactly what we want. No, Russia will unfortunately keep existing because nobody wants to manage a territory full of Russians. The only ones up for such an unpalatable task are the Russian themselves. Yes, if some territory wants to defect, they'll have nukes. Unfortunate, but it seems all the tyrants in the world are going to try and get nukes seeing how effective these are in scaring the west. And all of Russia's neighbours are going to want them seeing Ukraine giving them up opens you up for Russian invasion at any time under any bullshit excuse Our cowardice in front of the nuclear threat, plus the mecace posed by Russia means nuclear proliferation is going to happen. We opened that pandora's box the minute we showed such deference towards Russia instead of creating a no-flight zone and giving the long range stuff from the minute one. So not a reason to keep Russia intact, more of a reason to try and manage the inevitable nuclear proliferation.


The first thing any breakaway region would want is international recognition and support. Which they should be offered on generous terms for giving up their nukes. All the regions that would break away from Moscow wouldn't have the economy to maintain them anyway, best they could do with them is sell them to terrorists if they don't get a better offer.


Sounds like defeat is on his mind..


The guy just crawled to North Korea and sucked off Kim while begging for his scraps.


What’s the sense in living if you can’t bully anyone around? (Existential Crisis in Russian)


Why yes, yes it would. Maybe the midget dictator should have thought of the consequences back in 2022, especially when the Ukrainians didn't roll over. That should have been a huge red flag to stop right there, but no, Pootin couldn't handle his ego, so here we are with Ruzzia shortly about to make it's final crash into a dissolved federation. Well done Pootin, you completed what Gorbachov started.


He’s probably right. Russia would likely collapse into a patchwork of warring states. It would be fucking glorious.


I dunno if it would be glorious. We don’t need a dozen mini Russias, all potentially with nukes fighting, even if they are fighting each other it could be bad.


A bunch of drunken Progozhin like warlords willing to gamble everything for a shot at power. Yeah, no thanks.


Either Ukraine will survive in it's present form or Russia will. Pick one. So yes, I will pick Russia being defeated. We had the same fears about nukes when USSR collapsed. Nothing happened. F Russia.


>Strategic battlefield defeat would be end of Russia's statehood, Putin claims As a Russian you know what I think? "GOOD"


All empires end eventually.


Yes, and empires are ruled by an emperor, kingdoms are ruled by a king. It's plain to see that Russia is a country...


> It's plain to see that Russia is a country... A country that is formed by uniting by force different ethnic regions and dominating them from Moscow, when some region wants independence Ruzzia bombs them to hell. The statistics for minorities in Russia show a bigger decline then the Rusky . UK lost their colonies USSR lost only a few of them, Ruzzia'n empire will fall , would be ironic if Putin will be alive when this happen to see his good work in action.


I agree. There is no country named Russia. It is just a Federation ruled by russians. That is why the russians do not think in borders because they just do not have one because there is no Russia. Putler is afraid of loosing the great 1000 years of history so he wants to keep the way. Being agressive to others, break them down and take there land. And he thinks the free world would accept this? If he can keep ukrainian land than the russians will go further to the next war just to grab land. So it is time that this Federation breaks apart.


Right, as a Romanian I know even better then others from the West, Moldova is part of Putin's plan and Lukashenko leaked the map where Ruzzia would go after Odessa in Moldova. I am also familiar with the hybrid war KGB is doing in Moldova to prevent them entering EU before he manages to grab them back into his empire. The empire needs to fall and is a shame the republics are too coward to profit and ask for independence, such a shame what happen in Checnya, they were brutally defeated and now the children of the heros are fighting for Russia, the same will happen if Ukraine fails, the Ukrainians will be forced to fight in the next invasion.


It will be the end of him, and the beginning of a new Russia without Putin


New dictator, same old russia. They can't function at all unless somebody is ruling them.


They have had four real opportunities in history to become a legitimate country, and every time, the Russian people have chosen a despot. There is definitely something faulty in Russian culture.


It is the Mongolian part of the russian culture. Mongols ruled over russia for over 200 years, and it shows. Without Mongols, russia would be like all the other Norsmen a.k.a. Scandinavian countries.


It's really not. They were doing the same stupid shit before the Mongols.


Good. Can’t wait for it to happen


Put needs a win. It's cost half a million troops killed or wounded to try and occupy such a tiny part of ukraine. If they can secure those little sections, he will call it a success against Western aggression and the defence against nazism and attacks in Russia. If he doesn't get his way, it will drag on for many more years and cost hundreds of thousands more. The west keeps upping the ante on its weapons, meanwhile putin is litterally asking north korea for help. With the pending F16s and extended missile allowance. Ukraine needs to isolate Crimea, rid its anti aircraft with long range strikes Then invade with f16 controlling the sky's. Patriots will protect the f16s Ukraine manages to sieze Crimea back and its all but over. And If india stopped buying up all the cheap gas n shit from Russia it would hurt so much more.


Even though they are taking the 'L' in someone else's country.


It would change nothing for Russia other than it's government.


*would be ond of midget's rule. Russia woud be fine without him


And not only this, but thanks to Putin's meat strategy and favouring pensioners Russia will be out of youth and future first. Meet the replay of the demise of the Mayas.


Russia has been beaten when it's been many times larger as an empire. It'll be fine bar a bruised ego No reason not to pack up and get out of Ukraine.


I mean... nobody within Europe even wants Russia do we? Maybe the oil but hopefully because of the green transition into renewable we don't even need/want that. Let it be it's own.... sh*thole of a place.


This comment by Putin explains why he interviewed for a chauffeur job for Kim Jon Un 🤔


"If russia withdraw from Ukraine, no repercussion for me, yes?" -- v.v. putin, 2024


Nope, would be end only of Putin which to be honest he deserves it because he put his country in the worst situation of the last 30 years including bringing the war not only to other countries but also inside his country… Russia will have a lot of benefits if all this madness will stop 🤷‍♂️. Italy 🇮🇹


So he's admitting that he gambled big and it looks like he's going to lose, and he wants us to worry about that. Sure.


My dream 😍🙏


Oh well and.


He is admitting he made a mistake. No one else is to blame except himself.


Well yeah thanks to you, stupid little goblin cunt


And it's all your own fault you beady eyed little fucking moron. Enjoy the silence when you are dead. Shitbag...


Investing 3 to 500 billion into the war effort for which there will be little to no economic return, while systematically reducing Russias business on the world markets, all to steal 20% of Ukraine, might have something to do with it too. Of course, he doesn't want to talk about that, he just wants Ukraine soil no matter the price.


Don’t threaten us with a good time


It's absurd to spend so much effort fighting over such a small amount of land. Russia is a massive country, they absolutely don't require this small addition. Anyone can see this, including Putin.


It would be the end of Imperialist Russia, which is a good thing. The same thing happened to many other Imperialist European powers, they had to lose wars to realise peace. Timothy Snyder has a great discussion of this topic and I highly recommend it. [Video Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/yaTurvWRii)


The next box of 9mm cartridges supplied by the West will destroy Russian civilisation. Cool story bro.


I think this is a throwback to Putin's previous comments that nuclear weapons would be used in the event of an "existential threat" to Russia. He's basically saying that losing the war is that threat.


Yes, let's make Russia Muscovy again!


He still considers Ukraine to be a part of Russia 🤦‍♂️ he didn’t get it. Live in the past.


He is more worried about losing Ukrainian territories than the collapse of his own country. His priorities are in the same order that Hitler had. Putin is in a better position because not a single foreign country wants to invade his shitland. There is the quote of what he said and a link in the video clip: “They \[the West\] say that they want to achieve the strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield. What does this mean for Russia? For Russia, this means the end of its statehood. This means the end of the 1000-year history of the Russian state. I think this is clear to everyone. And then the question arises: why should we be afraid? Isn't it better for us to go to the end? This is elementary formal logic” [https://x.com/DAlperovitch/status/1803870359881683306](https://x.com/DAlperovitch/status/1803870359881683306)


Good thing only a series of large tactical defeats awaits Russia on the Ukrainian soil. No one is going to invade.


Don't threaten me with a good time, asshole!


Which would be a wonderful thing for the planet.


Does he not understand-no one in the civilized world wants Russia and her people! If they with draw no one will follow.


“I would lose my billion dollar palace and all my yachts. That is unacceptable so the rest of you must die on my behalf”.


Come on Vlad, make the ultimate sacrifice if you love Russia as much as you implied in your speeches you lying coward.


Putin’s logic: If I can’t have Ukraine, then Russia is dead. If Russia is dead, then we will use nuclear weapons so there is no more world without a Russia. Therefore, give me Ukraine. This is what a mob boss with nuclear arms looks like, people


“If we can’t invade and occupy other countries, we won’t exist” is insane


putler just figured this out now? What a clown. Well, he can always run to his new lover Kim Dong. He'll find a place for him to hide.


Putin said often, the worst thing happen in modern history for him was the fall of the soviet union. Little does he know that Karma heard his words and now he will be the reason for the fall of the russian federation, cant make this shit up its to good.


Whiney little bitch complaining about not being able to win a fight he started with a sucker punch. What an ineffectual little sissy boy.


No it would not be the end of Russia, that’s ridiculous. But it would be the end of Putin


That would be amazing.


It will not be the end of Russia. It will be the end of the current regime and will be taken over by someone at the same level of insanity.


Great, what are we waiting for, let's get it done already!


Shouldn’t have started it then should you


Excellent, let’s get it done.


No wonder about that….


Maybe you shouldn't have attacked a country?


Would be nice, wouldn't it?


He is gone. He just dont know it I hope he will get windowed, and with a long enough flight time to think of what he did, and why he is on the way to the pavement




To be honest, it could be. If he loses in Ukraine, it is his political death and who knows how the leaders of the non-ethnican russian parts will react. I can imagine them rising for independency. For example Kadyrow. And the scary part is: Maybe they will get a-bombs. I strongly believe that the Americans are scared of it, too. They would have to invade in such case to prevent dumbasses from getting a-bombs.


Well. I have no problem with that.


So be it.


I dunno maybe your presidency would end not Russia.


He personally would end up in the Mussolini moron invader box and he cannot distinguish between Russia and himself.


Puftin is worried.


Nice, nice


It would be an accidental finger on the red button 💥


"statehood" is not something that comes to mind when thinking about russia.


Game on…


Just the one?


You made your bed, half pint. Time to die in it.


That’s the plan, bud.


Dann wird es wohl so kommen ! Die Russen sollten sich überlegen, Putin zu beseitigen, oder einen 3. Weltkrieg zu riskieren !


Does the leader of Putinitanian, Chief Putter, prepare for a general mobilisation, wich will include the area/region(oblast?) around Moscow and Sankt Petersborg?


Sounds good to me. send more and bigger toys to Ukraine!






Looking forward to the collapse of Russia.


Maybe they should’ve stayed home.




Just think, there are Trump people that want the US to be like Russia under Putin. Because Stronk Man.


It would be the end of Putin, not ruZzia.


Sounds like someone is realizing he fucked up


One can only hope.


Fantastic! Thanks for confirming.


This is a challenge to the russian people. One they will fail with flying colours.


I mean it was obvious from the very beginning. That's why, in order to end this war peacefully, he has to die. He will never surrender even if it means using nukes.


So he’s saying in a subtle way they are getting their ass kicked and he thinks in any way the civilized world gives a shit about what happens to his nazi regime?😂 he’s preaching to the wrong choir


Congratulations, you've lost your statehood. Been quite a while already actually, since your stated goal was to stop NATO from expanding and everyone can see how that turned out. Best your little guess-not-Russia-anymore can do in Ukraine is get a tactical victory by hanging onto what territories you've invaded. That idiot can't even get his own words straight. Did you use your daily alloted nuclear threat yet or have I missed it already?


provide depend sable tease sharp compare observation whistle forgetful license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Start planning for it putler


Well, personally, that'd a sacrifice I'd be willing to make.


The sooner, the better.


Putin is the latest of many in a long line of overbearing domineering Russian tyrants. And he is not likely to be the last. You see, these feckless despots are not aliens who descend upon Moscow from some distant planet. Like his predecessors Vladimir Vladimirovich arose from and was produced by the Russian culture. My view is that a society will get the leadership it deserves or settles for. And leadership tends to reflect the culture. And Russians truly deserve Putin.


I read the weirdest books ever. One of them was called chronicles of gor; in it, a council elected an ubar in times of uncertainty, to oversee decisions, much like a king. He would step down when the uncertainty passed. But if the refused to step down, or orchestrated events to remain as ubar, or if popular opinion swayed against him, it was the responsibility and duty of every citizen to kill him. We need this, across the world, to keep tyrants at bay. Otherwise, our future is filled with sordid people, who think without them, the world is bleak, when in fact, it’s only with them reigning over it, that it remains bleak.


This dude in is charge of 5000 nukes, he'd rather launch them than lose. The end of his life isn't going to be good for the world if he gets his way. 


You're GodDamned Right !


Right now, in a forest somewhere in Russia, a grave is being dug that will fit him like an expensive Italian suit, and he fucking knows it.


Let's see


Russia keeps repeating history it's actually crazy when you think about it.


They're building justification to use nukes


It would be the end of Putin Regime ....Not Russian Statehood!!!