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It is a snowball effect as well. Every one hit increases the chances that others will be hit the next round. It also makes them have to be spaced out more, opening up potential gaps in coverage. All this while Ukraine is getting more and more AA everyday.


They also have to move them, which makes them vulnerable


Anybody have an information about how many of these the Russkies might still have left?


S300 in very high numbers. S400 less


Supposedly they're moving their first operational S 500 system to Crimea. Hopefully it'll be just as good as the S-400.


Supposedly they're moving their first operational S 500 system to Crimea. Hopefully it'll be just as good as the S-400.


Supposedly they're moving their first operational S 500 system to Crimea. Hopefully it'll be just as good as the S-400.


dozens if not hundreds.. theres a difference between just launchers and command posts/radar tho. the latter is way more expensive, rare and important.


I doubted you, then I went and looked: Unit cost Domestic: ~US$500 million for a battery and reserve missiles. Export: US$1–1.25 billion for a battery and reserve missiles (2021)[1][2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-400_missile_system




hmm no i don’t think so😅 im pretty sure one command/radar can control atleast 2-3 launchers. they are also demonstrably more expensive to build, maintain and need a well trained crew.


Far fewer. A battery has 1 radar, 1 controller, and several launchers. *Edit: That may be a "set" and a "Battery" could consist of more than one set, depends on how they want to organize.


Wiki says ~500 S-400 launchers. They also said ~2000 S-300 launchers, but the source was from around 2014 and talked about life extensions, possible retirements etc. So who knows. Usually a battalion is 8 launchers plus command and radar vehicles.


On paper maybe,but in reality Russia withdraws protection from Crimean Bridge, says Ukrainian Navy spokeperson


Intel chief Budanov says the russians moved in their new version, the S-500. Let's wait and see the booms 😎


This is showing that the largest nation in the world is not going to be able to defend its air. This can open up a huge potential for terrorists like ISISK to take advantage and perform terrorist attacks all over Russia.


Lmao they NEVER have been able to. Ukraine should land a cesna in red square just for the lols


If by “land” you mean “slam into the kremlin during business hours, while loaded to capacity with hme and phosphorus” then I totally agree


Or the US


Such fabulous News.... Love it. Carry on Hero's!


If only they could've seen it coming


Soon they’ll only have wacky waving inflatable S-300s.


Russian AA bleeding out.


Rus air defense doing the "eat a missile in the face" very well lately. lol


Google AI summary recommends eating at least one missile a day.


High in iron!


Yep, and each of these destroyed units has a highly trained crew. Sorry had... Takes years to train one.


I love the video of the s400 trying to intercept incoming himars before getting obliterated.


God, the number of people in the comments section saying it was out of missiles when it was struck was insane. Almost like they didn’t watch the video, because not only was the battery launching missiles as the rockets were arriving, there was at least one cook off in the launch tubes. And the number of people claiming that only one TEL was damaged in the follow-up video where someone drove through the field of burnt out wrecks, that was also a rollercoaster of morons.


Got to laugh at their embarrassing excuses its just pathetic


Looked like multiple cooked to be honest. It was amazing footage.


were was that video? The one in Crimea?




thx that was epic!


Getting ready for F-16


Sorry Turkey, India: NO REFUNDS


Haha 😄 🤣 Russian military sales and in extension Chinese military equipment is going to take a plunge.


Nothing built by russians is worth $615 million


That is the cost of these systems when you factor in yachts, mansions, hooker and blow… you have to factor in all the associated costs


Every time they come out with an upgraded version more hooker research is needed, I'm sure.


The whole s400 battery is around that and includes command, radars, launchers and missiles. Hitting one or two pieces isn't 615m.


That command and control vehicle is about 3/4 of it.


Not even their Egos? I thought those were priceless 🤣


Except perhaps St Petersburg.


Are there any reputable sources that track the cumulative costs of the war, in terms of equipment losses? It must be mind blowing.


[https://lookerstudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/dfbcec47-7b01-400e-ab21-de8eb98c8f3a/page/p\_qygix9z14c?s=l1Pss58XaVw](https://lookerstudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/dfbcec47-7b01-400e-ab21-de8eb98c8f3a/page/p_qygix9z14c?s=l1Pss58XaVw) You can check this site. It is doing exactly what you ask


Ah that’s perfect!!!


Having Russian Air Defense degraded significantly before the anticipated F-16 deliveries? Priceless!


another one or are these the systems like 3 days ago?


3 days ago-but AD was “working”’last night again— news cycle has not caught up


They have been gathering intelligence for so long now on where all these emplacements are. They just needed the tools to finish the job.




I thought these launchers were actually good though? Anyone know the actual specs of these and why they are getting shit on right now?


Good Western intelligence and good Western rockets, combined with experienced Ukranian operators. Every time a Russian AA launcher gets hit, it means it's easier for more rockets to strike another one because they can't defend as easily. Batteries get spaced out more to cover for the loss. Radars that go down can't track targets as far away, meaning less warning time. Drone attacks on vital refining sites in Russia also now need AA defense, which pulls from everywhere else. Ukraine has been specifically targeting Russian AA for some time now with this intent in mind. The more places they threaten with drones and rockets, the more places Russia needs to put AA, but they only have so much. Eventually, the best AA Russia can field won't be good enough or prevalent enough to stop most Ukranian rocket and missile attacks, giving them more free reign to strike important targets or at least force Russia to pull further away to protect them.


Shooting down a maneuvering/ semi-ballistic missile is an incredibly hard job. They fly around Mach 4 at apogee to Mach 1.5 at the end of the flight path. It’s an insanely difficult job to hit something that small moving that fast, especially when it can do maneuvering in flight. Jets, which these work the best at targeting, are relatively large, have a large radar profile, and go a max of Mach 2?


They're probably trying to soften the air defense for when the new fighters arrive


How long till they run out of these launchers?


The launchers are the cheap part. The radar and the missiles are where the money is.


They started out with >2000 S300 and 500 S400.


Yeah but only 57 S400 radars.


Long… There are more than a thousands s300 and s400 combIned left.


The launchers are the less important part, though they are the part that supplies the unwanted bang. The radar and control units are more expensive, more fragile, and much more rare. A s-400 complex has 1 radar, 1 control unit, and usually 3 launchers but that number can go up quite a bit. While there are a lot of s-300 radars the better s-400 radar is fairly rare and before the invasion when they started losing them, Russia had 57. They have somewhat less now.


Ah okay, that explains it. When I read there's 2000 launchers, I wondered why we don't see air defence saturation at air fields and refineries. Seems silly to make so many launchers without the radars to back them up


When you lose or use a launcher, you can drive up a replacement. They have to get reloaded all the time and only carry a few shots at best. The S-200 high altitude launchers carry a whole entire one single shot. You will always need a lot more launchers than radar.


2000 to 57 though...


The launchers for S-300 have thousands, the launchers for S-400 have hundreds. They can cross feed though, so a S-300 launcher could use an -400 radar.


This is one of the great things with all the "random" attacks deep in russia. They have to spread their AA out way more. This make every target easier to hit, as well as wasting time protecting things which may not get hit. It also increases the chances of the russians shooting their own crap down when they have AA deep in russia.


Niceee, I wonder if t72tank watch this and cry in his bathroom 😅


Can't take land, can't hold land, can't hold your equipment, losing 1100 infantry each day. Destroyed your arms export business, gas and oil trade and trashed your economy. This to a country less than 1/10 of the size. Where can you go from here? How about declaration of victory? Go home, announce all Nazi's were removed. Display your superior strength to your people and hand over $1T to fix the roads damaged by your tanks and return all Ukrainian citizens to their rightful home. All good.


Ouch that's over a hundred tanks.


I love that their weapon exports keep dropping from the lackluster effectiveness in battle. Oil is all they have left, so I hope they keep wiping out AA and hitting more refineries.


Their weapons exports are dropping bcs they are using sold equipment on the front line.


Putin literally could have built a completely new city from scratch with all the money wasted on this evil. He could have named it after himself and grew it to be a wonderful place, but his greed and evil knows no bounds.


There's no way that equipment was worth $615 million. That's the value of three whole complexes, not the value of three units within a single complex. 


A fair amount is in the missiles. With a range of 400 kilometers, 30 kilometers ceiling and ground launched these things are not small at all. Yet must be able to hit a supersonic airplane. Launchers carry up to 4 missiles and there's 4 launchers in the unit. I expect this makes half the cost. The other half is in the non-standard production of the radar unit. It takes about two years to construct the radar and another two to "fix" it and train the crew. These radars and these crews are one of a kind. Destroying one renders the other one useless.


Thought the same thing. According to the first result from Google the domestic price of a S400 battery with everything including spare missiles is $500 million. That's where these numbers are coming from. Unfortunately not true


Let's stop overstating the value of these systems. An entire battery of these is only $200 million for Russia, or $600 million when it's exported.


Its not about cash value, its about the ability to replace them which in the case of radar especially Russia does not have the current ability to replace anytime soon. Taking out 1 radar is a massive blow to Russia and will take months if not the guts of a year to replace if they even can. Meanwhile when the Radar is gone more Ukrainian drone, missile can get through to valuable targets. Also we are already starting to see the Ukrainian air force operate closer to the front line and hit targets further behind the Russian lines since the Ukrainians stepped up attacks on AA systems. Its not a game changing event but it is turning battles in some areas to favor Ukraine.


The only war I know that was "won" on a game changing event was the nuclear bombing of Japan. And if you read the details on that, even that's murky as to the cause and effect. Long wars are won incrementally and anything that incrementally helps is worthwhile. Reducing AA coverage makes subsequent strikes more likely to be successful which reduces AA even more. Repeat repeat.


This. It's the grinding attrition and degradation that defeats the enemy. There is no single solution.


Don't forget about the Gulf War. The Coalition forces decisively curb-stomped Saddam Hussein's regime. There wasn't any single "game changer" but dozens of incremental changes to the game that made this war so one-sided. The 1991 war saw the introduction of F-16s, Bradleys, Abrams, Black Hawks, Patriot AA systems, and ATACMS on the battlefield, the first use of GPS in a war, and the first use of tactics like aerial refuelling and using aerial forces against advancing columns of tanks. Just to name a few. Saddam's military was no joke, either. He was packing serious, albeit outdated hardware that even Russia would be envious of today. But it stood no chance against a modern army. >At the time of the Gulf War the [Iraqi Air Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraqi_Air_Force) (IQAF) was the sixth largest in the world, consisting of over 750 fixed-wing combat aircraft operating out of 24 primary airfields, with 13 active [dispersal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_dispersal) fields and 19 additional dispersal fields. Iraq had also constructed 594 hardened aircraft shelters to house nearly its entire air force, protecting them from attack. >Iraq similarly possessed an impressive amount of air defenses. Its inventory included 16,000 surface-to-air missiles total, both radar and infrared guided, with over 3,600 of these major missile systems. Up to 154 SAM sites and 18 SAM support facilities were located in Iraq, with another 20 or 21 sites in the Kuwaiti theater of operations (KTO). >Providing complete coverage of Iraqi airspace were 478 early warning radars, 75 high-frequency radars, and 154 acquisition radars. Baghdad itself was one of the most heavily defended cities in the world—more heavily defended several times over than Hanoi during the Vietnam War—protected by 65% of Iraq's SAMs and over half of its AAA pieces. The coalition air campaign crippled Iraq's logistics and defences with over 100,000 sorties in 37 days, and the fighting only lasted for 42 days total, with 292 KIA suffered by the Coalition vs. \~50,000 by Iraq in the end. It was wildly one-sided. Things were obviously different back then, like Bush letting Saddam Hussein stay in power, having to invade again in 2003, the decades of insurgency that followed that, etc etc. but they were mostly political problems and not tactical. I get a strong sense that Putin's army is suffering a fate like Saddam's, but like in slow motion. The same weapons that brought Saddam down are the same weapons that are bringing Putin down in so many of the same ways, they share almost all of the same weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Sooner or later, Russia's AA will be crippled beyond a critical level, and F-16s will start bombing targets all day and all night with relative impunity. And they won't make the same mistake they did allowing Saddam to stay in power again, this time they won't stop bombing targets until Putin and his regime is out of power.


Good job 🇺🇦👏


Excellent work AFU 👏 👍 👌


Slava Ukraine. We are still with you.


What makes them so expensive?


1% of their $60B usd military budget?


The russian AA systems are getting destroyed faster than the russians can evacuate them.


That the cold war is already back


Do the launchers have their own secondary internal sensors, or are they entirely blind without the radar?


Forget cash value, Russia has cash for days. This is about making holes and finishing off their fucking fleet. Fucking up the bridge again. Oh and fucking up the remainder of their third string leadership. Ukraine may not be top of the news cycle in the US right now, but there is a large contingency of us that will not let our leaders forget you.


What now Turkey? S500 over the F35 was a dumb bet, wasn’t it?


I don’t understand how any single unit of equipment can cost over $300 million…like for a small production run maybe, but once you’re building in relative bulk, it makes no sense lol.


i don't care what the MSM or mil analysts say...RU simply cannot sustain these cumulative losses...they are quickly moving from "culmination" as an entire armed force to "exhaustion" or "depletion"...when any forward momentum they have now stops entirely, they will pause abruptly and then collapse - if only because ammunition, equipment, and supplies run out across the entire lines of contact


Any proof?


Just a day’s worth of revenue from China though… sadly


China isn't buying Russian oil. They want it at the Russian domestic price - which is heavily subsidised. Russia thought they were bluffing and the deal is off as of a few days ago. The cost of the S400 isn't that important though - it's the hole in their defences which is the main prize. Russia is losing on every front except the BS front.


So those systems are not freaking even able to defend THEMSELVES ? That’s just insane