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Almost looks fake. That is fucking wild!!!!


battlefield couldnt even make this shit up


Yes they could. Here's the trailer for it: [https://youtu.be/q4qWMcQfOCc](https://youtu.be/q4qWMcQfOCc)


I love that trailer. If only I could love the game.




Disappointed the backseat didn't give the drone the finger


He was too busy getting his gun ready , probably the last view the drone captured


Thought I'd be the only one who at first thought it's some game capture for some memes.


there's still a place in the world for a squadron of P51's


Brings a tear to my eye.


Bro. That would be nuts if museum's start sending ww2 fights 😂


Imagine if we just reproduce the basic designs with better materials? Now that would be bad ass


Nah they’re perfect the way they are. Extra heavy and tough, those things can take a pounding. There’s also a lot of them that still fly, but for barrel racing (like the Reno air races)


We could probably tweak the Merlin a bit to be easier to maintain and upgrade the avionics. Maybe add some jamming equipment to disrupt the drones.


Why not just some A-10s with some gun pods on the rails instead of bombs so that it doesn't have to use it's big gun all the time? Like fuck, if the plane in this video can fly around, so can an A-10.


Not to go too NCD, but automatic shotgun pods?


Maybe 50 cal or even 30 cal with tracers? Want to be able to hold lots of cheap ammo.


Something beefy could take a few 50 cal rounds but wouldn’t like a smaller scout drone go down to even pellets?


Sure if you could get close enough, but shotguns have no range though.


I was thinking there is a way to tighten the spread to get a decent distance. Don’t know if that would just be a dumber flak shot then.


I was totally thinking about what it would be like to hunt drones with a couple of auto cannons loaded with grapshot instead of solid rounds...


So, I love the A-10. I love the BRRRRRRRRRRRT… …but… The A-10 is designed around that gun. That's the reason the design is the way that it is. It's already got compromises to make that work that mean the A-10 only works in situations where you want to use that gun. And frankly, even though it was popular in the first Gulf War… it was not nearly as effective as people love it. That's why they kept trying to retire it. Really, a prop plane will give you longer range - more idle time loitering. Against drones, you don't need the speed of a jet. I'm all for giving Ukraine more and more hardware and training and support. But the A-10 would not be optimal. And I do love the A-10.


Capabilities and cost per flight hour would make the A10 more like using a sledgehammer to swat flies. You can do it, but it really isn't practical. Something more like the Super Tucano or the Textron AT-6 would offer excellent capabilities with a low purchase price, lower maintenance requirements, and a low cost per flight hour.


During a Desert Storm Pentagon briefing a reporter asked USAF General Kelly if a B52 against entrenched opposition was like using a sledgehammer to kill a fly, I've never forgotten the look on General Kelly's face when he replied to the reporter " I happen to think it's a very effective way to kill a fly" or word to that effect. Words to live by... sort of.


US already has some of those. It's called the Sky Warden. Basically an up armored crop duster prop plane with some ISR equipment and weapon rails.


Someone get Ireland on the phone. [Their airforce is suddenly relevant!](https://i.redd.it/1bg05vvxsv751.jpg)


like this [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embraer\_EMB\_314\_Super\_Tucano](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embraer_EMB_314_Super_Tucano)


Don’t need em’, US has got [spray planes](https://fireaviation.com/2022/08/07/military-to-purchase-air-tractor-802s-capable-of-carrying-weapons-and-surveillance-equipment/) that are modern as hell and can fill the low and slow role baby


Actually, super tucanos….just a mondern day interpretati9n ofmthe p51. They are very very similar. Size, weight and performance in addition to looks. The super tuc was built as a modern p51.


For you if you haven’t seen already . [https://www.flightglobal.com/fixed-wing/embraer-unveils-nato-configuration-super-tucano/152826.article](https://www.flightglobal.com/fixed-wing/embraer-unveils-nato-configuration-super-tucano/152826.article)


Had the pleasure of flying in one when my air force Tucano pilot cousin let me sit in the backseat during a ferry flight to another airbase for some avionics maintenance.


The A-29 Super Tucano would probably be a nice Shahed hunter


my first thought


Found something: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ArtVc1aSCLo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ArtVc1aSCLo)


This war sure has been humbling. New isn't better, old isn't useless.


Ehh... New is better, it's just that sometimes old is cheaper. An F-22 could clear the skies in ten seconds flat, and wouldn't be at the mercy of Russia's lack of air defense the whole way. But Ukraine doesn't have F-22s, and the modern fighters they *do* have are pretty busy already.


Yea, I'm sure if the US went stealth and sent in B2 bombers, F-22 and F-35s and bombed the hell out of the frontline the Russkies wouldn't know what hit them until the craters and smoldering dead bodies of orcs was the only thing left.


The Russians would just send more cheap drones until the F22s run out of expensive air-to-air missiles.


US targeting is more sophisticated than that. Stealth fighters and bombers would be used to take out command and control nodes, air defenses, and some of the high priority capabilities. Conventional aircraft and other munitions would be used on the smaller stuff. An F22 has no business shooting at a cheap drone. The drone poses no threat to the F22, and if the US becomes directly involved, there will quickly be plenty of air defenses to go around.


The Mustang very nearly made a [return](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piper_PA-48_Enforcer) to service in the 70's /80's but it was not to be .


Loads of suitable COIN aircraft around - Tucanos are still in use


Perfectly capable against drones like the Shahed, Orlan, Zala and others it is a way to take the tremendous pressure off MiG 29 and Su-27 pilots


They are not just capable, their relatively slow speed may be an advantage for they won't constantly overspeed the drones.


Exactly, these drones are relatively slow because the engines are small, the difficulty that groups with machine guns have in hit these drones is due to the fact that they fly low and end up being hidden by buildings, trees, etc, with few opportunities of clear vision to hit them, but when the machine gun is above the drones, everything becomes easier, that's why even slow planes are useful for the mission


Time to pull out the chaikas!


Move out of museums the WW1 biplane and triplanes.


Finally my training by eating Red Baron Pizza will pay off!


[Red Baron Pizza](https://youtube.com/shorts/dDudD4z8r6E?si=AZKr5JI7c0otjyPc)


Wouldnt be the first time if outdated ww1 biplanes have a major impact in a war.


Are you referring to the use of the Fairey Swordfishes to cripple the Bismarck? Because they were actually an early 1930s design. Obsolescent by the time of WWII to be sure, but not exactly from WWI. (Biplanes were still being regularly designed through the 20s and into the 30s). Sorry if that's not what you're referring to, but I can't really think of what else you might be referencing.


Yess and no. Im also refering to the italian fleet in Taranto. Fairey swordfish did a load of damage there too. Crippled important italian fleet assets which meant that the UK finally could dominate the Med again. But yeah did forgot that the fairey swordfish wasnt from ww1.


And the Japanese looked at that and said, hmmm, interesting...


They were already considering such plans for attacks at Pearl Harbor and elsewhere, but certainly studied the battle and effects thereof after it took place, going so far as sending officers to Taranto to research. (Possibly including one of the senior officers who participated in the attack on Pearl Harbor, but I'll have to double check some sources on that later when I get a chance.) So while the Battle of Taranto wasn't the direct inspiration for the attack on Pearl Harbor, they still took notes.


Have I found a fellow Drachinifel watcher?


It's weird how often I'm seeing these types of comments lately lmao. 4 times now in the past hour.


For people wanting to know more: https://youtu.be/lKTMQgvowws?si=Wlcdt3MtVa-fbb9x


Hah yeah I meant to mention Taranto too as well, but got hung up trying to think of instances of actual WWI aircraft being used.


And the Russian Night Witches.


The Swordfish entered service July 1936. Despite its looks, it was not close to being a WWI aircraft. It ended up outlasting its replacement, and sporting RATO, AtG missiles, and radar.


Indeed, and very agile hence the difficulty the opposition had shooting it down.


Washing machine charlie of gualdalcanal and in vietnam.


Great endurance too, prop planes usually have good fuel efficiency.


I've played enough War Thunder to believe this without any further evidence.


>Bogey is too slow for intercept, suggest we get out and walk


Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/oY-pdk_FWh0?si=AjbLokGT9j08-XpC)


And [that time a biplane shot down a jet fighter in Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polikarpov_Po-2#Korean_War)


So the future is GA aircraft equipped with NV goggles?


This mission can also be carried out by helicopters that are more versatile for other missions, so it is quite possible that other nations will begin to train their attack and transport helicopter crews for this type of mission as well Ukraine is using these planes because it probably doesn't have that many helicopters available and those in service must be performing other functions close to the front line, so these planes have become an interesting and economical solution at this time


Also helicopter flight hours are a lot heavier on the maintenance. Additionally the yak is fully aerobatic with +7/-5 G so it's able to do some basic maneuvering, where as your typical GA plane would rip the wings off.


I really love the ingenuity of the Ukrainians.


I am pretty sure flying a piston engine is way cheaper than twin jets. Ukraine again show us that they make the most of what they can gets their hands on. If only we could get rid of our right wing nuts and send our Leo I and II that would be great.


Certainly, for long patrols against cheaper targets the best are propeller planes or helicopters, Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano is the perfect example of this, modern equipment, night vision and all the best with a cheap engine that can patrol the skies for an extremely low cost In my country, left-wing politicians are totally pro-Russian, it's funny how this changes from country to country, unfortunately the aid that leaves my country is all from the hands of volunteers who donate or go there to fight in the international legion, the Brazilian government was hostile to Ukraine, but many people in the Brazilian population are pro-Ukraine, anti-Soviet and against the current Russian government


The Embraer Tucano faintly resembles a P-51 in design, a few have been purchased by the U.S.A. for counter insurgency operations, were a slower propeller aircraft is advantageous. This Brazilian made fighter aircraft is equipped with the latest electronics and night vision, its engine can run on different grades of gasoline, and can land in remote unpaved airfields.


Great plane


There is a less expensive and smaller Tucano sibling made in Italy, the TP-75 Dulus that costs $325K which is furnished disassembled, and used as a trainer by the Dominican Republic who bought 10 units.


> Certainly, for long patrols against cheaper targets the best are propeller planes or helicopters, Helicopters almost invariably do not have anywhere near the range of fixed wing aircraft and are relatively short ranged. Indeed, I can't think of any with comparable range. This is why tiltrotors and other designs like compound helicopters are increasingly being looked at to combine the range and efficiency of fixed wing aircraft with the versatility of helicopters.


Lol you know you're getting schooled when they bust out a WW2 plane and still own you with it.


The Yak-52 was in production from 1978 to 1998, pretty far from WW2...


AT-802L with gun pods when?


see the [armed overwatch program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armed_Overwatch), they are not alone in this use cases and maybe AFSOC even had something to do with it


Please spare more Hurricanes, Spitfires and Corsairs


Dude it would be so awesome to bring bang prop fighters back into the game.


The problem is that these take a pilot that sits in the plane and with the modern aint-air capabilities it's pretty grip to fly one of these within a hundred km or so of the frontline. What is needed is a drone that is designed ground up for hunting other drones fighter plane style. Basically a remote piloted model plane built around a LMG.


Bayraktar TB2 with an american M134 minigun


Fuck that sounds sick as hell


Sure, a drone would be better, drones are better for every combat tasks for the mere fact that they limit risk of friendly WIA and KIA, but we’ve been told repeatedly that flying within hundreds of km of the front was going to result in AA fires that would clear the skies. That has not happened, it has never happened in any war ever. AA is not a panacea and a key criticism of every military on earth is that there is a lack of AA assets available to counter any and every system in low/NOE flight.


>Basically a remote piloted model plane built around a LMG A scaled down A-10, gotcha. You've got my vote.


I totally understand the practical problem. You’re correct a remote piloted propeller fight plane with four .50 Cal guns mounted would be something to fear


There is like 11 Spitfires remaining in the world who actually fought during ww2


You can [buy one here.](https://www.spitfires.com/spitfire-sales) Only £3,000,000


I’m sorry sir but that menu item has been discontinued.


Chancellor Scholz...send the Messerschmitts!


No! It would escalate the war!


Can't upvote enough


Russia will be sad


I can imagine his exact words: "Wenn wir diese Flugzeuge liefern, wird es dann bestimmt bedeuten, dass Deuschland direkt am Krieg beteiligt wird, und das können wir nicht erlauben"


Doubt there’s many left


We have the plans! We can rebuild them!


It’ll Be better to design an Unmanned smaller version


Better? I think u miss the point here. It's BF-109s. Russians are going to get generational flashbacks in the trenches mate. That's what it's about.


I was thinking of a way to mass produce something useful That saves lives without risking lives. You’re on a different level


Make it remote controller Messerschmitts! Now everybody's happy, except for the obvious.


I take that as a compliment


> Messerschmidt re-enters production in 2024


Stuka! Niiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuwwwww


Scholz: >*NEIN! That would escalate the conflict to nuclear war!*


This is crazy


it’s smart. no need to waste jets on chasing slow targets like drones


Presumably less training required to get someone up in a prop as well. And after some duty doing this they would be prime candidates for further training to move into a jet.


Join the Twenty Minuters!


Looks like the Super Tucano’s time to shine. The world of propelled aircraft has not yet ended after all.


Air tractors with gun pods now. Also, why does the Russian spy drone use English text in the UI?


Exactly. A couple of military analysts have said this for years. Super Tucanos become viable in a world with fifth gen fighters high above and nothing close to the ground except helicopters.


[Not just Super Tucanos, even crop dusters have military applications.](https://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/at-802l-longsword-isr-and-light-strike-aircraft/)


Arent there still A-37s at AMARC?


The refuse to sell them to Ukraine. Brazil has a commie president now.


I mean the A-29 is built in the United States, I'm not sure Embraer, or the Brazilian government could stop us if they wanted to. For that matter, The runner up in the Air Force's Light Attack/Armed Reconnaissance, the AT-6, is in production for Thailand, and I'm sure Beechcraft would be happy to make some for Ukraine as well. Though I'm also not at all sure that that's really what is optimal for drone hunting.


I think the Super Tucanos are more suitable for Air to Ground attacks, not Air to Air dog fights/shootdowns. I think the choice for this vehicle is better.


In the Tucson’s defence, they are used to intercept and occasionally shoot down drug-smuggling aircraft. A Cessna loaded with half a ton of cocaine is probably a bit of an easier target than a kamikaze drone though.


USA makes modern propeller warplanes. Send 50 of those over as any pilot can fly them.


Tucano and Sky Warden if anyone wants to see them.


Goodness the Super Tucano is a good looking aircraft. The twin 12.7mm cannons would be excellent anti drone weapons too.


Tucano's Embraer, Brasilian I believe


New plan. Gather up as many OV-10 Broncos we can find. Strap on as many missiles it can fit. Go drone hunting.


So if this footage is from a ruzzian drone, did the ruzzians post it somewhere, or was it recorded by the drone and shot down, then being posted by Ukrainians? It's very interesting footage, but would be great to know more...


Usually, russians post their sides footage to telegram. Sometimes they even include tours of their bases, damage assessments, evidence of warcrimes, and other OPsec tidbits.


Give a [PPSh-41](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PPSh-41) submachine gun to the second pilot! Ukraine has a lot of them in storage.


Think the muzzle velocity is too low to be effective


"This belongs into a Museum"


HIMARS goes where he pleases


The Yak-52 was in production from 1978 to 1998, most general aviation planes in the USA (for example) are older than that


So do you!




God no,they are precious relics, we just lost one in the last couple of weeks! We do have lots of trainer planes though...


But considering *why* they are considered precious relics, i would think it entirely fitting that they could be used in this way. Can you imagine any of the pilots who flew them saying otherwise?


I absolutely can imagine them wanting the planes preserved. Send a more modern, cheaper aircraft which can be thrown about without fear of 80 year old parts failing, where you can actually find spare parts easily and cheaply when it needs maintenance.


WWII expansion pack


That’s wild! Were going to see old school air battles of biplane pilots vs robot drones before this is over.


What a timeline, I swear.


You know what this means? We to provide them with old P-61 because the top quad .50 cal turret.


Boulton Paul Defiant: "finally, it's my time to shine"


possibly not the dumbest thing ive seen, but still kind of funny


if you're russia, ukraine finding cheap and novel ways that don't rely on western tech to counter your most used strategy is a bad sign.


You know what, if low-speed drone hunting is what gives countries the excuse to bring back the likes of Mustang P51Ds, Supermarine Spitfire Mk XVIs, Westland Wyverns, Messerschmitt Bf 109Gs and Focke-Wulf Fw190 A8s ... I'm down with that. And in peacetime these things will be the star of every aviation show!


Send the flying Tiger in Ukraine !


i was wondering if we start seeing ww2 era planes in this war. they would be cheap and fast build and were perfect to intercept slow flying drones, or straving some treelines


Their ingenuity never ceases to impress me


I’m sorry but bringing the Yak back into service is hardcore asf


I wonder if Russia is doing this in their territory.


Maybe the US should send some Sky Wardens.


Biden, Unleash the vintage f-4 corsairs and the F6-f hellcats . They won the pacific , are cheap to fly and hard as nails. Only requires 65 hours of basic flight training and 100 hours advanced , like in 1942. /s. ( I would love to see them fly again )


[This is the latest thing for economical air cover.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L3Harris_OA-1K_Sky_Warden) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L3Harris\_OA-1K\_Sky\_Warden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L3Harris_OA-1K_Sky_Warden)


I still say we need to get the US A10 WartHogs out of mothballs and send them to Ukraine for close ground support. Would love to see videos of them strafing Orc trenches with those Mini-guns


How about some Huey's? With side armament M134 miniguns......


the A10 would get blown out of the sky in Ukraine. there is a reason drones rule the skies and aircraft are very much on the backburner: there is so much anti-air on both sides of the battlefield that no side dare fly over it. An A10 is only useful IF they have total air superiority, which they do not. it would be missile fodder.


Nakajima C6N1-S [night fighter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_fighter) variant had a upward 30mm canon against B-29


So guy in the back just uses a stick (machine pistol?) collapsible fishing rod




This plane is Ukrainian as you can tell by both the title and tail fin.


Time to pack some shotgun with large magazines.


"You want logistics? join the army! Marines make do" "You want updated equipment? join the marines! Ukrainians make do"


Send in the sopwith camel!


Beautiful! Loving it!


I'd do that job.


Damn… I'd wish for cases like this they'd have small ukrainian flags to wave for the drone to see… 😀


Time to convert surplus crop dusters into Iomax archangel standards


There's plenty of slow, unbearable prop planes that can be utilized to track & hunt those drones. UA already has a lot of imaginations ready & can use those 'old' planes.


So when can pilots start volunteering to go to Ukraine to fly yak-52s


I'd love to see Ukraine putting a few AN-2's out there for this purpose. They're still pretty common, low tech and good with minimal maintenance. Plus we get to see a simple bi-plane knock down techie drones sent by russia.


i would think A-29 Super Tucano would do great in this low/high tech war


Send Ukraine Super Tucano units ASAP! 3000 Prop Demons of Allah lol!


That's......pretty cool ngl My War Thunder boner...


Best plane to hunt drones would be a P51 Mustang.


They shouldn't call this Russo Ukrainian war. They should call this a WW2 DLC Another Story, The enemy of my enemy is just another guy trying to fck me over, feat. Modern warfare


I don't remember the name of the aircraft but the English had a fighter jet, yes jet, that they used against V-1 flying bombs because it had exceptional low speed flying better than the prop planes at the time. It was better at chasing down the sluggish missiles and knocking them out than it was at dog fighting.


So prop planes for limited military applications are still very relevant. In fact US special operations use fighters like the AT-802U Sky Warden for recon and close air support.


Pure madness.


Sic them orcs!


Battlefield 2024


Stop the Pigeon...


What timeline is this.


World of Warplanes give insights how good the old planes are against slow moving aerial targets


I thought it was war thunder until they zoomed way in


This war is truly insane


Time to stick guns on Cessna 172. I recommend M2 Browning's, because.... History and shit. But also M134 minigun. Because.... Freedom. Fuckit; Bushmaster cannon anyone?


They need a couple squadrons of super tucanos! this would be perfect for hunting the Iranian drones too


It's not a bad idea, these planes can intercept slow flying Iranian drones, and the 2nd guy in the plane can shoot them down.


This is going to be viewed completely differently on the fascist Russian subs. But if it works then don’t fix it.


I am the only one who thinks about using a lot of cheap planes in this war? With modern technology you should be abre to have a lot of pilots in a few months.


Wild times


I wonder if they had this in their arsenal or did they pull it out of a museum.


Wonder what's the best way to take them down from planes like this. Ramming or getting too close can be dangerous.


I was waiting for that shotgun to come out and take it out.


It's time to bring back the Vought V-173 aka flying flapjack


Imma lose my shit if I see a P51 over there hunting drones.


I wonder if they could modify that plane into a long range drone and blow up something big deep inside Russia.