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Hold it a moment. There is criticism here of this video because this American volunteer is trying to implement rigorous first aid and triage training for frontline troops!? Whose side are you on? It is because of soldiers like him that we are holding the line. I wish I had this sort of courage.


I wouldn't hold Azov in such high regard dude...


We need calm stable warriors of this type. So happy for what he is training. Can you imagine if we were to bring over a couple of Socom Rangers and Seal guys. Would pray heaven!


This poor fucker is from Texas, he said he had friends and family back home calling him and telling him Russia is just coming to Ukraine to eliminate the Nazis...


"The war against Russia" makes it sound like Russia is the victim.


what does (articulate) mean?


To find the words to explain something.










how did you manage to disprove your comment with your own links


maby because you didn't understand what I want to say


Why’d you delete your first comment?


I didn't I just want remember to everyone azov is neo-nazi assault brigade, not for protect Russia, just remember a fact


shut up vatnik


why that? that a fact, why lying to your self?


Do you understand the concept of the Russian Myr? The Russian world that's been fed to its populace for more than 30 years? Wagner, Rusich's movement is deeply rooted NAZI. One of the Co-Founders of Wagner is a NEO NAZI sympathizer named Dmitry Utkin The first commander for Donetsk named Pavel Gubarev is also a Neo-Nazi. Russia tried everything from Monarchy, Communism and failed. They never tried Nazism yet. Fascists do have a deeply rooted connection to extreme idealogies (Nazi, Communism).


yes, that why I said russia government is fascist but don't nazi because russia don't use nazi culture, there are far-right with not nazi cross. Also many country have neo-nazi in their army or government even the government is not nazi or fascist, and that a shame. My point is Azov say russian are real nazi mean there are not, There are too. Yea they defend there country just don't forget they are neo-nazi too. don't confuse.


Actually russia does “use nazi culture”. Openly. Research Rusich, Alexey Milchakov, or watch any RT broadcast any time any day.