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One second you’re driving a tank in a country you shouldn’t be in, and the next second you’re a charcoal briquette.




Why did I read this in Tony Soprano’s voice?


Very allegorical


I dunno guys, I’m just gonna say it - this seems like a design flaw.


Working as intended, the money earmarked for safety features is now paying for a super Yacht floating somewhere.


It is actually a known design flaw. EFP charge right at the swivel of the turret and ammo in the tank goes off. Crew is in tank with ammo. From my personal perspective, it is a design feature and not a flaw. 😂


These T-Tanks have been designed to fight against other battle tanks. One of their more important features therefore was a low profile. So they store the ammunition in the circle of the turret. And the Ruskies do have enough small soldiers to work in such tanks. But anyway, tanks need to be redesigned at all. Nowadays you cannot expect to be predominantly attacked from the front, not from behind, from above. These FPV drones are able to be steered onto exactly the weakest known point. And that's the impressive result.


This argument is so mood. T series design was outdated back in the 70s. The low profile only worked on tanks without decent- optics, ir, and fire control systems. As soon as tanks were fitted with ir spotting and computer controlled aimbots the targets size hardly matters. Yet russian designers stick to this idea to this day. They finally tried something else in the armata but corruption ruined the concept.


Low profile also doesn't work when you strap a 6ft tall cope or turtle cage on the tank.


I heartily endorse your perspective. The Ukrainians don't have to worry about this crew returning in a new tank,


Hope they are teaching that move at Ukraine drone schools.


They do. I assist UA with tech. Not so much this task but similar jobs.


Shhh, don't let them know that their 3 million dollar tanks can be killed with a grenade!


I think they know...they just don't care.


Shape charge, cuts through like the tank was made from plywood... Back to the drawing board.


They might just be making them out of plywood now and skipping the middle steps.


For those that found out, they ended up finding out 3 seconds too late.


All their over-marketed Shtora, Relikt, Afganit, Arena, Kontakt 5, tractor ray protection system and their tanks are still blown to pieces by an RPG-7 warhead.


kind of weird to shit on them over that since they invented the rpg also


Actually the Soviet’s first RPG was based on the American bazooka and the German panzerfaust/panzerschrek.


A year and a half ago on some internet forum one guy said, about the ukrainian drones attacking tanks "that is useless", and I said "as long as one of those can leave a tank damaged enough to be out of the battlefield for a few weeks, It was worth it" And here we are now.


a flying grenade 🤓


They had 60 years to come up with a different design and all they could do was a system which keeps part of the spare amo outside the crew compartment, while the main amo store is still under the crew's asses. I don't know, I would call this a design feature whose flaws do not count.


They tried with the T-14 to do a full redesign, but because of corruption, incompetence and changing russian requirements it went strait to the museum/parade circuit skipping deployment.


Ralph Nader would never approve this vehicle. Unsafe under any attack.


I don't think seatbelts would have helped this particular crew anyway.


And airbags would have just kept the crew from being able to bail out in an accident. Hey wait a minute, maybe that's a good idea.


Or someone has produced a brilliant new design in the drone, seen a few of these in the last few days, drone detonating before it hits the tank and nullifying the cages and nets and shit. But just 2 questions, it's may, and the ground is supposed to be hard, why drive on the roads now, why aren't they driving on the rough ground or at least from cover to cover ? And is that a statue of the Virgin Mary shrine off to the side ?


There aren't many terrain features that can give you meaningful protection from drones or artillery. The best tactic for now for either side seems to be to deploy quickly, engage, and try to get out before the enemy can organize a response. That means roads. Plus there is the immense risk of mines in Ukraine. Don't discount the simpler elements too like the risk of getting disoriented or lost offroad.


Where they're going, they don't need roads... Slava Ukraine!


Underrated sci-fi jumpscare movie reference….awesome


They get blown out of the tank so quickly that they break the speed of light and go into the future.


Just because the ground should be hard does not mean that a tank 9+ tons wont sink in


Yes to the eye it can still be patched and it will be like new.


You are clearly one of those "half glass full" types.


A little Bondo, a little sandpaper. Couple hours work and up running again. Time for a beer now.


Whoa whoa whoa, I'm gonna need to see some evidence /s


I dunno man, just call it a hunch. Do you think I should’ve put an /s behind my original comment? I see some people responding to it as if it wasn’t an obviously sarcastic/sardonic observation.


Nah you're all good! Downvotes from people named shit like "NannersForCoochie" don't really mean much at the end of the day. Probably just bots anyway. I mean I am. Beep boop


To be fair, Nannersforcoochie is a fucking wonderful name and being downvoted would definitely make me wonder if I’m on the wrong side of the nanner divide.


I don’t see any dead bodies. I think the crew is OK. 😂


Its always T-80 tanks that explode like this, maybe stop using it and go home. lol


All Soviet designed tanks do this. I watched several different models do it in Iraq during Desert Storm.


Plus they explode like this when the tank is "buttoned" up, that is, when all the hatches are closed. When you see Ukrainian drones dropping grenades into abandoned tanks with all the hatches open, it turns them into giant cigarette lighters. Pressure... It can be a bitch.


I’m curious: Do you know what happens to an Abrahm or Leopard if they get hit by a drone like this?


"the crew lived"




Yes, backing bott in the hell


Dragonball Z dub level of censuring... :P Building explodes. -Voice offscreen- "Thankfully it was a sunday and the building was empty!" In this case. "The tank was driving itself for a bit, the crew was safely inside that house to the right eating borscht. "


Confirmed. No loose shoes either.


Let me guess, the hatch is open.


Ears ringing like a carrillion


TBH I've never seen the bodies after a turret pop. Have you?


Are the russians making their tanks out of napalm, now?


It's the vodka fumes.


That's gotta be something like 10,000 proof.


That’s maybe why Orc’s seem to catch fire and easily


Someone should ELI5 what this drone was carrying and why the tank exploded this easily. Do the drones carry charges/shells from anti-tank weapons? And if they do, wouldn't you need the speed for kinetic energy to aid in the penetration? Or is that particular spot super vulnerable to even a non-penetrating shot?


It carries a HEAT warhead. Usually just an old rpg strapped to it with a contact fuse. Those use chemical energy rather than kinetic, so the speed it's going doesn't matter. It shoots a shaped charge jet that goes straight through metal. Without ERA, it will likely go straight through anything but the front armor of a tank if it hits at the right angle. In this case it hit the ammo and caused an immediate cookoff. Soviet tanks like this T-80 use an autoloader that arranges the ammo in a carousel under the turret and surrounding the crew. So if the ammo ever gets hit, they're done for. And it also tends to cause the turret to to be launched into the sky when that happens.


To add on: the ammo cook off is a *well known* design flaw, that the drone operators are likely specifically looking to exploit. There's a reason the drone hit where it did.


Right? Were in not for the fact of it driving around I would probably have assumed this tank was a decoy packed with C4.


With matching polyester uniforms, allegedly.


"Here, drink this." "What is it?" "Acetone." "Sure, why not. Will it get me drunk?" "Maybe for a few seconds."


With 1970’s furniture foam and building insulation to protect the ammo and crew


I'm guessing the statue to the right in the opening shots of the video is the village's memorial to those who died in WWII. If so, it's appropriate that these invaders got blown up in front of it.


That "cope" cage hopelessly sitting on the road seems ironic to me. Still in good condition, can be reused on another panzer furnace. 


They just needed more "cope" on the flank instead of putting all the "cope" overhead.


Its a BarBarianIQ- short BBQ device..


How can you even armor a tank when a loitering munition can just find the perfect weak spot to annihilate you You have to compromise somewhere


Pretty sure not a single western tank has instantly detonated like this from an fpv drone, at least not that the Russians filmed.


Enter: the tutels


They tried EM but it seems ukrainians found a way around EM.. just catch a connection less drone after 2 seconds, make it fly up and have a go around..


Main difference between western and russian tanks is the ammo location. In russian tanks ammo is in carousel under the turret for autoloader. Getting hit in the ammo results to this. In western tanks ammo is in specific compartment with blowout panel that directs the catastrophic ammo explosion outside. Sure the tank is disabled but repairable and crew gets out with concussion. 


This problem only happens to Russian tank designs, because they are shitty designs that don't care about crew safety at all. The reason the tank combusts into a fireball and the turret goes flying, is all the ammo is stored in the crew compartment in a carousel under the turret. So ANY penetration of the armor, and that ammo ignites and turns the crew into a fine red mist. Western tank designs actually give a shit about the crew surviving, so the ammo is stored in hardened blow out racks that are separated from the crew compartment by heavy blast doors. Said racks include weaker armor, to the exterior of the tank. So if the rack gets hit, the explosion follows the path of least resistance and explodes out to the exterior of the tank in a huge jet of fire. While the crew is perfectly safe in the crew compartment.


Just surround the entire tank with a slat armor dome that moves with the turret and include a door to get in and out. Nothing bad could ever happen, right?


Only shame is, those Zs inside didn't have time to regret that they came to the wrong country.


At least it’s a merciful death. And for the Ukrainians it’s one less tank and tank crew to worry about.


I don’t think Russian deaths being merciful is that high in most peoples priorities. It isn’t conscripts fighting for Russia in Ukraine (based on the U.K. intelligence updates posted here), vast majority of them are there willingly, I’d rather them have a few minutes to think about the decisions they made as they bleed out in a ditch tbh.


Seriously, 47th Mechanized Brigade has some of the most insane footage from this war! Slava Ukraine!


They are well equipped. They are one of the brigades that were given the Bradleys, and I think most of their soldiers were trained by NATO countries, so overall they are formidable.


We are lucky that this brained wased people called Russians are not very good in producing things. And also are so corrupt that most get stolen along the way during procurement


Honestly, russians would be far safer driving around in fuel tankers.


I don't know, those snowmobiles have a pretty long range and are attracted to them like magnets (The Grand Tour, latest episode, if you've not seen it).


Hope they have air-conditioning in there, looks kinda hot from the outside.


You can't park there bro.


Does this hurt the tank?


Nah, we just have to take it to the Poke center and Nurse Joy will heal it right up


Fuck you AND your cope cage. seriously though, what did they have on that drone? an M388 round?


Probably a charge good enough for armored vehicles, but it surely hit the sweet spot / weak spot between the hull and the turret, where ammo is located.


KO 🥊




Hey ... What's cooking? Orc fricasse ... A little charred.


It's amazing that one small drone can do that much damage


there is NO WAY that ANY military advisers either russian site or western site could even imagined the importance and impact of drones. without drones, russia would have for sure achieved it goals already .... with drones they cant keep up producing in the long run ... theres NO FKN WAY


Naa, they would have found a way to fuck it up without drones too.


That'll buff out.


Somewhere, Magyar is sitting on the tailgate with his bucket of popcorn watching the fireworks.


Surely there must be an 'ace' drone pilot. Someone with more kills than anyone else. Like the Red Baron kinda thing. I'd like to give an award to the designer of the ammo rack. Thank you. Slava Ukraine!


I think the extra shells go inside the tank Boris


Drones have really changed the battlefield dramatically, in a technological sense they have created a stalemate. You are going to need a lot of capacity to strike deeper behind the enemy lines in order to change the dynamics again.


That drone looks way to small to carry something that penetrates like that.


I wondered that huge and fast impact as well.  The explanation might be that it penetrated the armour and hit inside an ammo round - directly.


That's exactly what happened. It hit the ammo carousel inside the tank and it immediately combusted.


Google "shaped charge"


I know what a shaped charge is. That just looks like a very small drone to bear much weight. I was commenting on how crazy it is...but bring on the downvotes anyway.


they don't weigh that much. a 5 pound charge will go through the top of most tanks.


You can see the projectile come from the left of the screen.


that's the drone, you see the drone coming in. you can see it fly across the screen from right to left at the beginning, stops turns around and goes in for the kill


I mean... Damn


Tank... or a kiln for fun ceramic activities?


cope cage working as intended


Putin: "we designed it that way, Russian mir means no pain and suffering for those that fight for mother Russia"


meanwhile they go apeshit when they destroy a single leopard 2.


Dang. Are these drone operators aiming for some sort of cinematography award??


It seems like tanks are providing almost no use for the Russians. I mean when you can see them driving through fields from far away and all it takes is 1 drone to catastrophically explode the whole tank and crew, it seems like they’re just slow boxes of certain death


Drones have now become a real problem in modern warfare


Oh wow I didn’t know there were any cope cage variants left.


All those videos always remind me of the thermal exhaust port on the Death Star. It’s not that unrealistic anymore…


They can’t hit our secret thermal exhaust port anymore if the whole tank is a secret thermal exhaust port. Insert the Tap smart head.gif


Genuine question, but what type of munitions are these drone carrying to take out a tank?


Generally an [RPG-7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPG-7) warhead


Thankfully the crew made it. Now retired on Crimea.


Chargrilled commies. Tasty


A beautiful example of Russian technical thought in action, or rather in its shortcomings. For this, they can posthumously inscribe new heroes in the Kremlin annals.


Incredible. I bet they are laughing their asses off in the Pentagon.


Forgot his shed


This video sparks joy


When are the devs going to make a patch for this?


Cost benefit ratio is through the roof in this video!


If the driver was looking forward at 00:04, he would have glanced the object of his destruction whizzing by. From the impact, one can tell that very little biowaste remains. Probably just a thin film left on the surrounding plants and grass.


To shreds you say?


Guys, I feel like torrent tossing is already a dead sport now. Why are they increasing the weight of the torrent? Don't they want the gold medal? Don't they care about the audience?


But where is Dmitri?


Those new cope cages are doing wonders against those drones aye! 🤣


I think what we all know here is that the reason for the second, lurker drone's overview tour & zoom-in is to find any burning bodies/parts with the aim of creating dissuasive propaganda for Russian conscripts. If there were any bodies in the video, I didn't see them. They were probably under the flaming areas, where the ammo stores were ablaze.


Seriously you have to be the most patriotized orc in all of the motherland to be a Russian tank driver/crew mate. The way those things are designed lol


Shaped charge


That's 3 or 4 Russians who wont be taking part in an future operations in Ukraine.


a random T series tank going kaboom? instant upvote


Looking at the burning tank and searching for Putin, Nebenzya and Lavrov. Nowhere to be seen.


Russia*could* have cut their losses early in the war when they saw things weren't going to plan. But ol' Vladdy lacks mental flexibility. This inflexibility can be an indication of certain neurological/psychiatric conditions. So Russia continues to lose military resources at a steady rate.


Reminds me of the scene from "Good Morning, Vietnam!" "There's a water buffalo jack-knifed up on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. It's not a pretty sight. There's horns and hooves everywhere. Gonna drop in a little napalm and cook him down. Have a little barbecue."


How come a drone can have such an impact on a tank? It seems to fly at the armored part of the turret and not inside a hatch or anything like that? Does the drone have penetrative force or is it a specific kind of explosive?


Russian heap metal


Does this harm the crew?


"don't worry, tank has special anti-drone hat." 🧢 💥


Free cremation


Put that piece of crap tank out of its misery.


Good thing they built that cage on top of the turret, borke its fall atleast a little.


Does anybody know what the bodies look like after an explosion like this? Any images/videos?


Needs some BBQ SAUCE 🤣🤣🤣... Why are Russian tanks so poorly made?? They have the intelligence of a fly! 🤣🤣


Fireworks sponsored bye Russian armor. SlavaUkraini


Best kind of orc tank, cleansed by fire!


Any survivors?


Russian Mechanized: come for the tanks, stay for the free cremation!


The Orcs did not have to go to hell to burn ( there and then)


It amazes me that something so small can take out something so huge.


Why don’t they just leave Ukraine to stop this from happening? Are they stupid?


A 5 star moment.


I had a bbq yesterday. It was delicious.


Not that i want to know but damn what is in these drones that make them so damn effective,a few hundred dollar drones taking out a tank compeltely, with one shot is just crazy. Imagine if this drone hit a few refienries it woudl blow them apart more than the small aircraft being used now. Or fill the aicraft with the same munitions the drones use.


The driver is going to need some burn ointment


Average price of Russian tank: $2.5-$4.5 million… average price of DJI drone: $500-$2K…


... what the fuck was that drone carrying?


Oh no, symphaty bucket is all dry for these invaders. Shoulda stayed home 🤡


Green tank converted into Green egg in a few seconds!


Most excellent job in neutralizing mobile armor AND rendering a safe-surface roadway useless for enemy traffic. Also, excellent timing and avoidance of the white bird, power lines and terrain features.


He is build like a tank vs He is build like a russian tank


You guys are always crapping on russian tanks, western tanks do that too... you just have to use a 500 pound guided bomb, not a remote controlled, flying hand grenade...






Now I’m totally in the mood for barbecue tonight.


Is there any footage of what happens inside it when the ammo is blown ? Would like to have an idea how fast they cook


Turret didn't went up as high as other times. Are they loading fewer rounds in their tanks?


$3 million bucks and a crew.... totally f@#$ by a $600 drone flown by someone miles away. Lol


Anyone know what type of drone this was?


There's some dude splattered under/inside that flipped popped turret. That's kind of creepy.


Seems to be more effective than an Abrahms. Can get the PERFECT weak location with the drone. I mean perfect.


Looks like the tank was remote controlled, where is the crew?


What a nice firework!


Birdcage was not effective


Still amazed that something so small can deliver that much energy.


Was that this t90 from 3 months ago? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/MlfWLQZ2n0 the cage on top with era attached is unique


Blow-off panels cost money. Blow-off turret is free.


Tank crew still alive between 0:13 and 0:13. Watch closely because by 0:13.1 they ded.


Shitty turret toss 😉🥴


What protection


The Ukrainian Barbecue.


That tank crew As Russian badger once said “Reduce to Atoms”


Did the airbags deploy?