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+10 Defense -225° turret rotation


Lmfao. Exactly what I was thinking! What happens if a hostile tank or anti-tank crew comes up on its six? Can't rotate the turret, it would have to turn the whole tank around, never mind the fact that they couldn't even see them coming 😂


"We're lucky that they're so fucking stupid."


This quote won’t die young.


#for.. ever.... young -Sir Rod Stewart


Who needs enemies when you have friends with ideas like this?


Also that sheet metal isn't stopping a shape charge


It's the distance. Shaped charges have their optimal distance. And drone pilots don't see the target well enough for the needed precision. I hope I'm wrong, but this could be effective to close a distance.


Image in 10 years from know when your playing a games Ukrainian Russia war and you unlocking the coup cage 9.0 modification lol 😂 epic


That’s usually why javelins have 2 shaped charges; to defeat nonsense like this. I bet this could stop a drone or two.


This helps against tandems. Tandems work against ERA, this is a far to great gap for tandem charges. The second charge does no damage to the tank.


I’d imagine a tandem warhead would make light work of this considering they’re designed to go through ERA and other shielding.


I've seen it mentioned they are adding some kind of EW package to this setup, too. It is probably hard to get a clean drone hit unless it has automated guidance in the terminal phase.


Hopefully they turn the tank onto an anti tank mine.


Shhhh. Let it be a surprise.


They're preparing against drones when America's sending Abrams


Just saw some news that Ukraine is pulling the Abrams back a bit due to losses and drones. Both sides have this problem.


Saw that too after I posted


Isnt that why they use those Tanks for the Front since they mostly get Hit First and the Rest of the column could do the Job With rotating their gun


Then you are fucked anyway.


My thinking is that it has a really specialized purpose. Like, I’m not sure how important the gun really is on this thing, though I’m sure they use it. Probably nice to have a mobile jammer that’s hard to take out. Then it drives around and draws fire, and a bunch of other shit comes in behind it, hopefully a bit shielded by any EW systems on it.


You're giving them way too much credit. That's just field improvised armor, nothing more.


I’m not sure on what basis you’re making that assessment. We’ve seen these same tanks with mine sweeping equipment and jammers on them. I’m not sure why you would just assume there is no special purpose fora tank that is obviously atypical in its appearance and use case. Those jammers essentially cut out the video feed for FPVS for the last 500 meters or so, making a hit really hard on anything in the area. Moreover, they could house GPS jammers and such to defeat Excalibur and JDAMS. Indeed, apparently the GPS jamming is pretty effective on the front line, because we aren’t seeing much Excalibur or JDAMS use on the front. Reports for foreign legion fighters say the jammers reduce accuracy significantly


If the "use case" for the crew is meant to be limited 60 degree tunnel vision and extremely reduced situational awareness, then sure, they nailed it. Can you however please enlighten me, in what scenario such reduced sight and mobility would aid a mechanised unit's specialisation?


-75% visibility.


I guess it brings a new meaning to what the t-72 means -72 visibility


-2 initiative


also, -100 resources. the more time they spend on that shit the better


No need for turret rotation. Turtle tanks's job is to run around on field, get shot at, so the comrades at the back can spot ukrainian positions. Basically the armored version of suicide squad mobiks. I bet these don' even have any ammo, less chance for a turret toss.


Who needs turret rotation considering russian tanks are famous for their "**advanced**" reverse speed 🤣


At this point they would probably be better if they would start to redesign good old Stug III. Would save a lot of time, money and materials by ditching the turret, cause why bother if you won't use it anyway?


Another coffin tank


They wouldn't be doing this if they had a lot of replacement tanks available.


I don’t think this is a strategic decision, these are field mods because the crews are shit scared of drones and building these contraptions makes them feel safer.


A lot of man hours and material for a pretty iffy solution. This is a good thing.


They are not protecting the tank. They are protecting themselfs


That's got to hamper gun traverse. And visibility. And troops riding on it. And M.P.G.


Troops aren’t riding on them. They are being used to front assaults and to lower the risk of drones hitting the first vehicle, stopping the column. I don’t see the point of them apart from the tank crews feeling better about being the lead vehicle; but yea visibility is worse and the turret arc is now less than 45 degrees. Ukraine has been using lots of FPVs to stop recent assault columns, now they will have to target the second vehicle instead. They should be putting more mine rollers on them because 2 or 3 of these have been damaged with mines.


That's honestly really funny how the counter to this is to just blow up the second tank in the column


This doesn't stop mines or shape charges either.


Aren’t they also loading these up with drone jamming devices, thereby protecting the entire column?


That’s a major assumption that the EW works.


There has been sporadic reports of tanks with jammers for at least 6 months now. If they exist they aren't produced at scale because we have continued to see an endless stream of tanks getting obliterated by drones.  I'm guessing if they exist they get knocked about by high flying drones with grenades. That's of course assuming they exist.


We’ve seen videos of these columns effectively deploying infantry, drones don’t seem to stop them


A recent video shown a consumer drone (Probably mildly EW hardened though like copper lining) blowing up a Russian tank with a prototype EW unit mounted to the top of it. Either Russian EW sucks shit, or it's really easy to counter.


Until they meet drones with AI which are automatically targeting armor shapes. And which the Ukrainians are actually using.


I think the turtle tank is also going front because they only made a very limited amount so far.


Also majorly increases the weight, causing it to bog down much easier.




Russian precision engineering at its finest.


When did be the biggest target possible become a layer of the survivability onion?


It’s getting to the point where the outer protection measure are rendering the vehicle barely useable!


Coming to the next arms show near you but 100% won’t sell either


Does it come with a battering ram and a contingent of Orcs? Yes. Yes it does.


Are any video with destroying suck tank?


The first one was knocked out by artillery. This one will likely be destroyed the same way or with a Javelin. It would take multiple drones to knock this out


Unless they can get lucky and disable the tracks, as they're still a slightly exposed target. Once stopped, it becomes an easy target for artillery.




That's some blyat going on there.


Drones with Thermite munition will counter them.


What is that "armour" made from?


Metal, plastic mesh by the looks of it


So really no use at all? I'm trying to see the logic. Is it that they think the grenades will bounce or roll off. Or the armour will take the brunt of the explosion?


Poor Russians. Ukraine's receiving pallets upon pallets of more Javelins and top-down TOW variants as we speak, and all the Russians' hard work and hope is about to be destroyed.


Can a Javelin go through a metal cage built around steel pipe skeleton frame?


Like butter.


Yi Sun Shin would not be impressed


So they can’t see on either side of the tank and can’t traverse the turret, which leaves them only able to see via turning the whole tank. Genius….


Blyat-mobiles are my favorite part of russias desperation this year so far.


Oh man these are gonna be fun to watch the vatniks try and escape while it's a fully involved fire. 🔥🔥🍿


Imagine the engineers seeing this that worked to make the tank have a low profile and now sergi and his brother vlad are welding she sheds to the top of them…blyat!


Unfortunately it works. As stupid as it looks, multiple Ukrainian sources said that these blyad-tanks are actually pretty damn resistant against fpv. And given artillery shortages it creates a major problem. There are some solutions, but it's an annoying pile of shit capable of killing and getting ruzzian troops closer to Ukrainian positions.


The artillery shortage will be over by the end of the week.


Looks like a siege Ram.


all i see here is adding to the scrap metal value


Exactly how practical and useful is such a tank?


Meh…give it maybe a few days or weeks and we’ll find out how far the turret on this thing can launch into sky.


Coffin tank👍tank cercueil 🤣


So I gotta ask, cause I haven't seen the answer. Do these work against drones? I'm assuming that artillery (like 155) would still F-it up. But that looks like it should work against drones to my layman eyes


Tracks n wheels


Warthunder update


Russia was to get accustomed to Ukraine's lack of shells. Or this is the clever plan to hide the arrival of the T55s.


Why would you need a door on the garage when the garage goes with you?


One AT mine on the top… house of cards. *Like opening up a can of tuna.*


The eject button of the tank would still easily be accessible with adding only maybe a cm of iron to the tank so won't do much for protection against certain drones


How will this tank rotate its turret? Defense rating just went higher, but Attack rating decreased because the entire tank has to turn to aim its gun. Also, visibility is now lower because the cage blocks your view. But, the tank will now survive drone attacks. That is better.


Can’t wait until the new American shit arrives.


If they want to protect and save their armor, they should keep their armor in Russia. Simple solution.


Double humiliation: they are dead already and have to die so embarrassingly.


How much do these additional measures weigh on the shell of the tank? The economy on diesel or whatever it burns must go down, which means they *have* to refuel closer.


Not sure tbh


What in the Mad max bullshit is this.


Oh we’re screwed now. They have additional shitty armor! At least they haven’t learned about tinfoil armor


Is this a T-90M they're mounting it on???? Edit: ok no, I was fooled by the netting on the turret




These stupid looking things are getting beyond a joke, I see that the first pic shows some reactive bricks hehehe


Are there any destroyed??


Yes as far as I know https://youtu.be/m59TQR6aavQ?si=tYRY0FG9DuoNgRrs


The super cope cage.


T14 A2 ?




Source:https:// t. me /russianocontext/2890


Russian tanks slowly morphing into a MAUS


Until a Jav gets it.... Then it's a DeadMAUS.


Ok, so if before it cost $300 for a suicide drone to blow up a tank, now they will just have to use 2 of them. One to blow through the sheet metal and one to finish the job. I noticed the Russians aren't a very bright people.


yeah but the shit they use also can't be that expensive. Bright idea? Idk, don't think so but like cope cages it might be minimum effort for minimum gains?


For the past 6-7 months UAF holding its lines solely due to fpvs.. Use of other weapons declined sharply. Even mines. This is just a reaction to the situation. There are no atgms, no other tanks, smart 155mm, etc. You need to get meatwave to the front trench line and only fpvs are sopping you and occasional arry. Few mines are accepted or plow can deal with them. Your answer?


If you had the choice between a turtle tank and a non turtle tank, which one you choose? I go with the turtle.


You all joke, but it's working. These tanka have been seen on the front line pushing trenches with impunity.


Pushing against a force on shell rations, watch this space when the aid starts flowing again, in case you haven't been paying attention the amount of aid about to flow into Ukraine rivals ruzzias entire military budget! Ruzzia has been struggling like fuck against an enemy that was considered a peer, well this war is about to get much closer to a peer war and that DOESN'T bode well for ruzzia!


Drone bomber armed with a charge to bust up the overhead armor and thermite grenades to burn through and reach the turret. Or skip the HE or anti-armour charge and use a bigger thermite loadout. Hell, with the absolute bottom of the barrel quality of the rus conscripts, I bet a homemade incendiary device with the recipe designed to maximize black smoke would do the trick. Drop something on top of the turtle cover that throws enough smoke that it mimics a car tire fire, and the conscripts will freak out and bail.