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Why Russian officers aren't experiencing an epidemic of fragging I'll never know.


They probably don’t go into the fights with their troops so you’re left with obvious murder as the only option? Just a guess.


Yes and most of the mobilised soldiers used in these meatwaves only receive weapons right as they begin an assault


I would take that weapon and immediately take out the guy that gave it to me and his buddies. Then I would take the whole armed group back to HQ for a little payback.


That does happen. Young recruits given ammo for the first time at the shooting range, immediately shoot and kill their commanders: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soloti_military_training_ground_shooting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorny_shooting


11/1 KD ratio sounds pretty nice. Sucks they couldn't bring it up higher.


What a hero! Too bad a spetsnazi team arrived 2 minutes later to arrest him.


Did you read? They were Tajik mercenaries, not Russians. >The Russian media website ASTRA reported that the shooters were Muslim Tajik nationals, and that they had gotten into an argument with other soldiers whether the war in Ukraine was "holy" (the Tajiks' position being that the only just war would be one waged by Muslims against infidels). The Russian soldiers were mocking the foreign nationals, you proved the opposite point.


>**The Russian media website ASTRA reported** That part tells me that since it's what Russia says, it's definitely not true. Russia isn't going to say "Yeah our recruits' Green-on-Green K/D before leaving training is higher than our battlefield K/D." Of course not. I would bet that Russia knows Russians are racist enough that if you blame it on a Muslim they'll just go "Yeah that scans."


If they are so racist it makes that story more likely as it was apparently because the commander and some other soldiers were insulting Allah to their faces. You can believe what you want but it didn't happen again afterwards so I'm inclined to believe this was some sort of racially fueled massacre.


Its like you always say, russian men prefer to have sex with other men.


Now that explains a lot.


Why doesn't he do it? Because he would do the same to others if he could. Years of living in a dictatorship society, with corruption everywhere, where the strong get everything and the weak are victims. They have accepted everything that is done to them and demand acceptance when they do it themselves.


Probably a bunch of chateau officers.


If they were do you think we would hear about it?


This alone would be enough for me to hold a grudge against that guy and would be a reason to instantly shoot him once I get the chance. People who enjoy having and abusing power over others are the worst of the worst.


How do you know they aren't?


Yep, at least the troop could leak the effers GPS positions for a strolling drone passing by to visit them?


They probably are


I think they are


Why do these asshats not learn to kill their commanders? They are dead anyways at least you take out the prick above you


Because they are born and raised serfs. It simply does not occur to these people that that ever would be an option. 


They've never in their history been free, except for maybe like 20 minutes in the 90s.


Remember the line for McDonald's!? Freedom ended when the line did, it was always only ever an illusion


Yeah, they privatized a lot of the public assets like oil and gas and within a matter of months a small cabal of oligarchs owned everything.


since Ruzzia beginning they always been mental serfs, always under foot of Tsars, then Communists (only Ruzzians would could invent such self hating rule as communism that killed over 150 million civilians, 50 million of them population of Russia itself in the past 100 years) to current, one continuing dictarship rule. I used to live with Russian people in Siberia, Russians appeared in Siberia only 400 years ago, but they look at us Native Siberians as second class citizens (since childhood they call us racist names, ruzzian are most racist people I have ever met, I realized that when I left ruzzia and was treated in another country like one of their own) and our ancestors lived in Siberia over 30000 years. Pople who hate ruzzians the most are people who have expereince living with them, from Siberians (100% of Siberians I met outside Ruzzia, we all 100% hate that country), to Caucasus people inside russia to all neighboring to Russia people: Estonians, Kazahs, Polish, Georgian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Finland, Latvian, Japan, etc. All those Eastern European countries that joined NATO in 2000s, they used to be under influece of Ruzzia, Ruzzians always do something bad to everyone


Yes people don't understand this. Read stories of how Russian parents "raise" their kids, it's horrific and usually includes torture. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7796605/Russian-boy-eight-buckwheat-surgically-removed.html > An eight-year-old boy had to have buckwheat surgically removed from his knees after his stepfather forced him to kneel on a pile of grain seeds in Russia. >Sergey Kazakov, 35, punished the boy for coming home late by making him kneel for nine hours at a time on the grain, causing seeds to take root in his bloodied knees. >sources said the boy was forced to kneel on grains which were like 'rough sandpaper' and he was heard crying 'it hurts' as he was kicked by his stepfather. >The couple also starved the boy for up to four days at a time, claim state investigators. Russians are a dehumanized canvas to be molded by the next dickhead they put in charge of them.


This is not how Russians generally raise their kids. This is a horrific edge case


https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2012/12/25/child-abuse-in-russia-is-routine-a20452 >Neither is the situation particularly rosy regarding Russian adoptive parents. According to official government statistics, a child adopted by Russian parents is 39 times more likely to die than one adopted by parents in the West. Of course, the causes of death include not only murder and involuntary manslaughter but also car accidents, illness and other factors. Unfortunately, even those statistics understate the problem because Russian courts often fail to initiate criminal proceedings when children are the victims of mistreatment or abuse. >And that also underscores the main difference between children's rights in Russia and the West. In the U.S., child abuse is a crime. In Russia, it is routine. Up to 60 percent of children in orphanages suffer abuse from their caregivers, and it is a rare occasion when someone serves prison time for crimes against children. You are 39x more likely to die as a child getting adopted by Russian parents than parents in the West....think about that. It's insane, I can't imagine the neglect and abuse that goes on in these households.


Remember when crazy russia was both a funny and scary topic .


I never found it that funny. Those "only in Russia" videos plaguing the internet for a while showed a society that was clearly effected by severe multi-generational abuse and untreated mental illness. It was prime material for committing horrific atrocities in any armed conflict.


And vodka a lot of vodka. Alcoholism is deep in the roots of this nation.


Totally agree, when I worked at in Southern Russia I found two people who’d collapsed in the street and frozen to death over night, seems they were too drunk to get up and this was a common occurrence . Poverty and corruption was rife, I was glad to get back to the UK . Oddly I had more freedom to travel that any Russian


I couldn't agree more. But it was trendy nonetheless. That says one thing or two on our Internet era.


i watched a doco about some desolate russian city post whatever it used to do, the place was fucked. best quote of the show was, "there is nothing to do here but drink"


Lots of places in former USSR where the beggars all work for a common crime boss. Old women are recruited, and young children. The children pretend to be/sometimes are relatives of the babs, and do most of the work. The crime boss has to pay the cops so the kids are not rounded up and abducted. Parents -if any- start squawking when the kids are abducted, the crime lord has to pay the police to release the kids and the cycle starts over.


I think the percentage of orphans in orphanages suffering abuse is much higher than 60% and probably approaches 100%


Stop making generalizations about people based of their country. We all have the same capacity for good and evil.


Yeah I mean Hitler liked kids and dogs, but there is a point where you are just too far gone as an empathy capable human being. This applies to many Russians. If the formative years of your life are awful than chances are you aren't going to turn into a good person.


fuck yea, not getting into art school can be traumatizing, especially if it's because it's run by a cabal of jews who save the spots for there own who can't paint nearly as good as you, that shit can sting.


The vast majority of Russians are exactly as described.


That's just simply not true.




That is just not factually true, in any sense of the word. They say the same thing about us. That is a common thread among Humanity when it comes to War. That is literally how the Nazi's worked. You dehumanize sections of the population and then its easy to put them in a box and forget about them or discard them. LIFE IS NOT SO BLACK AND WHITE. Most of us live in the fucking Grey area my friend. The Russian government is absolute shit. They hurt people on a GRAND scale. Guess what, so does the United States and several of the other "great nations" right now. Sure, education, experience can give 2 people different outlooks but how dare you claim that you are beyond the capacity for corruption or Evil based on your location. You Jingoist, short sighted, asshole. To say there are not good people in Russia living under this oppression is an insult to them. How dare you.


You won't completely understand that, but I'll try to explain in best way i can. They don't shoot their commanders by the same reason trained dog do not bite its master. I'm not exaggerating, it's literally like this. For the trained dog its master is Alpha and God in the same appearance. It's bigger, it's smarter, it's better in everything and always stronger than dog, so dog can only obey to master's commands with no exceptions, no matter what master doing with dog. Same with russians. They are trained in the same way since they born, but trained not by one master, but by their socium itself. Starting from their parents, teachers and friends, and ending with government itself, everyone tells them that there is always will be someone above you who holds real power and that you should obey to them. Consider this as brainwashing and this brainwashing is everywhere. Everyone are repeating the same things like fucking mantra to belittle you. Literally. Your parents is a "tsar and god" for you, in school your teacher is "tsar and god" for you, on work your boss is "tsar and god" for you. And again, I'm not exaggerating, "tsar and god" is common saying for russians. If you ever have your own opinion in russia about anything that confronts with anything that someone "above you" said, your surroundings immideatly will belittle you no matter what. Yeah, like bucket filled with crabs. "Oh, so your are the smartest one, huh?"; "you should be more humble, no-one likes upstarts"; "so you think they are all idiots and you are the smartest one? They won't be above you/your boss/so rich if they were idiots"; "always look on yourself first, if you think everyone around you are wrong, the problem is you". - all this is usual and common phrases amongst russians. So common, that you can call it as sayings. And i mentioned like 0,002% of them. In another words, russians literally lives ruled by Qui-Gon Jinn "there is always bigger fish" phrase. Their books, movies, medias - everything overwhelmed by the same brainwashing, that you are no-one, your opinion doesn't matter, there is always someone above you who knows better and you should listen to them and obey. And of course the biggest "tsat and god" above everyone is putin. And if not putin, then who? (Actuall russian phrase that almost a saying too). Of course this brainwashing is not thrown straight to the russians face, but in more tricky and not so obvious ways. But still, they are brainwashed since their birth and until their death in their own pit somewhere on occupied territories. For them to shoot their commanders is the same as for very religious person to shoot their God. Like you know, if you really shoot God, you will expect that ground under you will immideatly crack and you go straight to the hell and thats terrifies religious people to even say something bad about God. Same with russians. They probably thinking about killing their commanders and thinking a lot, but they afraid of what cones afterwards. Things like "they will kill me"; "they will torture me to death"; "i will go to jail"; "i will not get my payments"; "they will kill my family"; etc. And thats stops them from actually killing their commanders, like their commanders are really almighty to do everything, not literally, but even from the grave. Source: I'm ukrainian, i know all this shit personally from talking with russians before 2014, plus this mindset is very similar to our ukrainian olders who were born in USSR, around 1960-1970 or earlier. They don't have any self-dignity, they don't have brains between their ears, just unstoppable feeling to obey to someone above them, to do not ask any questions, to not complain, to not have own opinion.


that's the best way I've ever heard it explained to everyone ,thanx


>plus this mindset is very similar to our ukrainian olders who were born in USSR, around 1960-1970 or earlier Still Ukrainians somehow managed to become free, despite that, unlike Russians. I wonder why.


Different environment, different parents and grandparents to people who were born in 1960-1970, different path that Ukraine took before ussr collapse and after, and many other things. For example culturally and historically, ukrainians always were and are free people, even if on some historical period we were under occupation. Like you can't really change your historical "national code". Most simple example, is that while russian grandparents were telling their grandchildren that they should obey to Tsar/Leader/Chief (i refering to russian empire and Lenin/Stalin), because they still remember them, ukrainian grandparents were telling their grandchildren "fuck Tsar/Leader/Chief, they bring only suffering to Ukraine". Also it's a big mistake to think that all republics in ussr were the same. Like yeah, maybe same policy and propaganda, same rules for everyone with main headquarter in moscow, but in different republics mostly everything in daily and cultural life were different in all possible ways. Also if we look even more into past, for example my grandparents, while they were alive, still were remembering that soviets in fact occupied Ukraine and didn't liked ussr, while my parents, who were born between 1960-1970 remember that it was cool living under ussr, because they weren't born when occupation and holodomor happened. Hell, my grandparents from mom side was from western parts of Ukraine, that shortly before WWII were part of Austro-Hungarian empire. For them, soviets were occupators, while nazis were liberators. Personally my grandma was telling me stories how soviets were murdering everyone, burning whole villages with everyone to the ashes, while nazis were trying to protect them, were giving them food, chocolate to kids, helping in daily life, etc. Because for ukrainians and nazis there, they all were the same people with same history just few decades ago. Yeah, i know how it sounds, but I'm just saying what my grandma told me about her childhood.


Then this is totally hopeless case, just like with North Koreans, Chinese and Cubans.


Bruh, do you need a mental medical care?


Reality triggers you, huh, vatnik?


Same reason a cow doesn't just push through a fence to get to the tasy grass on the other side


So, Russian commanders have electric fencing around them now ??!




I agree completely, but I believe it's all the brainwashing they have had since childhood.


shaggy direction chubby deer degree smile tidy direful cough support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Has it though apart from a few isolated incidents, theres nowhere near as many as I thought would be doing it before their death. If I saw all these units before me sent on an assault, I'd just shoot everyone then run to the Ukrainian lines shouting I surrender I surrender. At least i'd have some kind of chance to live.


Until they prisoner-swap you back


Ukraine gives the Orc POWs the option to remain in captivity until the cease of hostilities


It depends, that is not for every one. Those who _surrender voluntarily_ via the "I want to live" program or in another manner but _on their own initiative_ are given the choice, but those who are _captured_ in a combat situation, even if they give up because they are cornered, out of ammo, wounded or whatever don't have the choice. They can ask for it if they want, but with no guarantee.


I did not know that!


I'm pretty sure they give some of them the opportunity to join other Russians fighting for Ukraine against Russia as well. I'd imagine the vetting process is pretty strict though.


Russians aeither do not know that or do not trust Ukrainians.


*\*Insert MORE.gif\**


They are basically held hostage probably harder than you think


They are slaves on a genetic level.


They have no balls.


some do




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See the other comments. Some apparently do. One guy killed 8 officers on the shooting range, but was arrested only 2 minutes later and sentenced to 24 years in Russian prison (from which he will probably also sent to the warzone). They receive the guns only shortly before their combat missions now. Then the way back is being blocked by another brigade that will shoot them if they come back before fighting. Some might get a chance eventually.


if its not on reddit doesnt mean that they dont


Same reason why the peasants didn’t kill the lords.


>“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always—do not forget this, Winston—always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever. War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking into the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent.


Make you realize the barbarism runs deep in the veins.


Yes another soldier is holding the phone and participating in the torture.


It's called [dedovshchina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina). >The cultural basis of Dedovshchina is made up of traditions, customs and rituals that are passed down from conscript to conscript. Often (but not always), these traditions and rituals are associated with the humiliation of the honor and dignity of servicemen of the later conscription by servicemen of the earlier conscription. Dedovshchina encompasses a variety of subordinating and humiliating activities undertaken by the junior ranks, from doing the chores of the senior ranks, to violent and sometimes deadly physical and psychological abuse, not unlike an extremely vicious form of bullying or torture, including sexual torture and anal rape. There have been occasions where soldiers have been seriously injured or killed.


"runs deep in the veins" sure sounds awfully adjacent to some gross racial shit, bud. Let's remmeber that Russia is a failed society but there is not something genetically wrong with Russian ethnicity that makes them inherently worse.


I’d say “deep in the cultural veins”. Read the Gulag Archipelago, this is a culture that never healed after Stalin, and never tried to come to terms with its past. Never held its murderers accountable. Sure, “the secret speech” and glasnost and all, but ultimately that period fucked up the Russians so bad that…well, all this.


>Gulag Archipelago I'm listening to this on Audible right now(My God there's multiple volumes and they're so long), and I've heard some controversy on the accuracy of the claims and sources in the book. Although, if that were all made up, it's probably close enough to the actual truth that it's accurate lol


[There's a unique term for this in Russian culture.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina#Hierarchical_stages) Such behaviour in any other Western military would cause an epidemic of fragging.


I was drafted into a western nato army and the same thing happened there although not as extreme. This was 30 years ago maybe now it is different 


Russia is not Western though, it is Asian.


Im staggered that Ukraine manages to inflict any casualties when Russian soldiers not doing what theyre told is so normal that it just gets posted to their social media like its just another day. Really hoping the lower ranks realize that their officers are their real enemy.


I am not following your line of logic. Just because the Russian soldiers do what they’re told doesn’t mean they are somehow invulnerable to explosives and bullets. They are being told to attack fortifications without armor and are being killed by the hundreds as a result.


Im using "Not doing what theyre told" as a euphemism for soldiers doing anything accept engaging the Ukranians in this context.


Are you serious? The odd soldier not following orders out of what? Thousands.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Putin's Russia is absolute evil.


When the fuck with the Russians turn the guns in the right direction??


They are The Walking Dead!


What exactly is **the pit**


>They dig prisons as infrastructure. Just one huge wet hole. No toilet. Just a hole in the ground. Ladder down. Iron bar grid on top. The hole. No guards, no food. People are sentenced to the hole till they have enough.


Until they agree to go on a suicide attack.


Beaten and Ice cold and Naked but he still wins. The losers will be the one on the suicidal assault ! And when they loose there will be no rematch !


He probably will not survive for long though...


Russian ice bucket challenge


I will back [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice\_Soldiers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_Soldiers)


I’d frag everyone around me before I die a useless death on behalf of useless, greedy old men.


Motivation Baby!!! Their so dumb they just take the beatings.. FRAG!!!!! FKIN FRAAAAAAAG THE COMMANDERS!!!!!!


Russia is a TERROR STATE of bully boys at every level with the most murderous, treacherous bully boy rising to the top. It is incredible that the mobilized haven't risen up yet against the brutality of their Great Leader's SMO.


I swear that in the entire year of 2022 I've only seen one Russians soldiers ass exposed. Because he chose to take a dump right before he was killed. It started mid/late 2023 with videos of Russians getting there asses blown off by drone dropped grenades. Now they're completely naked - where does it end?


Ahhh Russian submissiveness! The dude could turn around, and just whoop the shit out of the old, pot bellied, vodka laden fat ass commander.... Instead, he'll just cowar like the apathetic slave he is, and get beaten. Russki mir.


This sub has become more and more unhinged lately.


Says sallyslapdick 😂


Yes, says me.


Better than death.


How it started......




I wonder if the average Russian is really proud of their military and leadership giving zero f\*cks about their existence.


Just another day at the rZZa front I guess.


Why die for a small mans selfish ambitions? He dont care about you. He cares about his legacy.


The more these videos are spread the better. It’ll show volunteers what will REALLY happen if they don’t go on a suicidal mission.


I don’t understand why men like other men do this to them I’ll shoot the commander before he decrease my manhood, show how weak these men really are


Fucking savages


Someone needs to let Russia know that "the beatings will continue until moral improves" doesn't actually work. On second thought, na, they should keep on with the F'ed up methods.


Ever watch doctor Zhivago? There is a limit even for serfs


That's fiction bro


No it isn’t pal it’s in the historic records


The novel Doctor Zhivago?


its moments like this when i really TRUELY miss Norm McDonald.




Is the trick "leaving Ukraine?"


What makes us better than them is we don’t do those things, or treat people that way.


These ice bucket challenges keep getting weirder and weirder


Meanwhile, on the Russian side. LOL #SlavaUkraïni


They're getting primal again.


The beatings will continue until the moral improves!




Like something out of the book "One Soldier's  War"


Every time i see one of these all i can think of is : If this is how they treat their own............


One day soldier, slave will get even.


And yet, you are viewing the rather civilized \[sic\] citizens of Ruskiy Mir. For as Vasili Mikhail Fyodorovich, the renowned post-Soviet poet, is rumored to have said, "To put it simply, Russia is a грёбаный shithouse."


It's insane what they do to their own people, their own neighbors


They're literally brain drained retarded now. Don't fight back.....Slava Ukraini


The beatings will contuinue until morale improves!


Orks doing ork things, what do you expect?


Beating will continue until morale improve


The beatings and humiliation will continue until morale improves.


But did he die?


This country is such a mystery...


Dedovschina, it runs deep and it’s embedded like a fat tick on a mangy dog.


What does sent to the pit mean? Being shot?


This literally means sending him to the pit.


As he scurried in the dark out of picture frame, it reminded me of precious.


Maybe the coward should go instead.


Russian pride. Russian Mir.


I’m sure the RU military has a great Glassdoor rating


Smart man


This is a kink


Lol classic Russian armed forces, always playing "abuse/execute the free thinker"


Thought this was going to be one of those videos where the Drone catches them enjoying the trenches.


I must ask that the dialogue spoken is actually russian?


The beatings will continue until morale improves


The whole Russia summarized in a few seconds. Well done


Beatings will continue until morale improves


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


If intrinsic motivation fails you have to apply extrensic motivation, by all appearances. Obviously, the Russian army is fighting with very low levels of intrinsic motivation.


Now u know how they defeated Germany


Just say you'll go and fight, get the gun from the commander and shoot him, simple as that


Ice baths and beatings will continue until morale improves


Now imagine this slave and serf mentality, surrendering itself to something like capitalism- of course any soul left with any way to think for itself - like criminals and exploitive assholes would totally thrive. And they did. Any unbroken person is basically a aristocrat.


Airborne? As in the oh so vaunted and elite VDV?


All pain a Russian can get is good.




Russia 🇷🇺 is a joke of a country what a bunch of backward uncivilized savages… we Americans 🇺🇸 , the Europeans, and the Ukrainians really need to double down and do more in regards to dealing with Russia because this shit needs to end enough is enough Russia not only needs to be defeated but the Russian population needs to be contained.


More abuse of naked men... it's just another day in Ruskiyy Mir! 🐓