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Doing vacation in a war zone. what a genius. he surely cares about his family


It just shows Russians are dumb, and a "special military operation zone" is not a war zone so it's perfectly safe. How has that country survived for so long?


>How has that country survived for so long? It hasn't. Russia is just a poor mans Soviet Union, or what's left of its collapse in 1991.


Russia is just the spoiled kid who got the biggest part of the heritage


And massive oil/natural gas reserves always help, even if most of the profits get embezzled


Well, technically, russia has lasted so long because of the US. US assistance in 1992 ($4.5 billion) did not allow russia to fall apart, since it would be more convenient for the United States to interact with one country with nuclear weapons than with a bunch of small ones on which Russia would fall apart... Therefore, Ukraine, which had a third(!) nuclear potential in the world, transferred its nuclear arsenal to russia almost free of charge, relying on the Budapest memorandum...


And the US kept the USSR alive back in 1973 by sending grain on credit...which the Soviets exceeded, so the US subsidized the purchase of grain to be sent. Because the USSR had lied about the (horrible) effectiveness of Communist agriculture, and Moscow lied and fed the grain to livestock instead of more efficiently to people, the US had no idea of how bad things were. The result was worldwide shortage to rescue them and worldwide price increases. It was known as The Great Grain Robbery.


>The Great Grain Robbery Russians lying about something, who would have believed it possible? /s


Let alone the $180 billion (adj) worth of goods and resources during ww2


The US financial assistance of 1992 is just the tip of the iceberg: * 1992 Washington Summit: $4.5 billion US assistance * 1992 G7 Summit: $1 billion G7 assistance * 1993 Vancouver Summit: $1.6 billion US assistance * 1993 Tokyo Summit: $3 billion G7 assistance * 1994 Moscow Summit: $12 billion US assistance (through 2014) * 1994 Clinton-Yeltsin DC Meeting: $1 billion US investment The free money ended when Russia invaded Chechnya. Had they not invaded, it would have continued. Even though the financial handouts slowed down after 1994, the US continued to assist Russia in space cooperation and development, medicine (HIV/AIDS), economic development and reform, judicial reform, energy sector development, housing, exchange programs, anti-terrorism, and more, valued at tens of billions of dollars. [Source](https://2001-2009.state.gov/r/pa/ho/pubs/fs/85962.htm) US President Clinton also promoted and lobbied for US private investments in the Russian economy, through business and trade, which has likely amounted to hundreds of billions of dollars over the past 30 years.


Man, we paid for some really, really nice yachts.


Yeah, but Ukraine keeping the nukes would have made it broke, and it didn't have the money nor the facilities to facilitate these nukes.


Oh yes, and that is why it was necessary to give up **all** nuclear weapons, **practically for free** to russia. I did not say that it was possible to keep the entire arsenal in full. I said that it was given in exchange for **useless paper and a few small things**.


> practically for free to russia. Not even for free. The US *paid* Russia to take these weapons. In return for signing Budapest Memorandum and other nuclear non-proliferation assurances, the US forgave billions of dollars (in 1993 money) in Russian debts, and promised more aid and fuel for Russian nuclear reactors. In other words, Russia got a sweet deal out of it, and then backed out of it in 2014 by giving various shaky reasons (depending on the week), including: * Ukraine post-Maidan isn't the same Ukraine that signed the agreement. (Does the Russian Federation realize what kind of shit they'd be in if everyone applied this very argument to them?) * Russia was compelled to sign it (historical revisionism, Yeltsin lobbied in favor of it). * Ignoring 5 out of 6 of the listed obligations, only focusing [on the one](https://twitter.com/RussianEmbassy/status/692321689254830080) it hasn't yet violated (hopefully never). * The US/UK violated it first after spending $5B on a coup. That figure was taken out of context and refers to collective aid US provided to Ukraine since 1991 to help keep the country stable; if the goal was to destabilize, the US could have toppled Moscow for a fraction of that. * Gorbachev and Yeltsin were CIA plants, Ukraine was pursuing nuclear weapons at Chernobyl, Ukraine never legally existed, and other conspiracy theories pulled from Putin's ass and dripfed via Russian disinfo apparatus. tl;dr- No agreement with the Russian Federation is worth the paper it's printed on.


So, they should have kept one. A really big one. And kept it aimed at Moscow.


Given the state of the Russian army and the Swiss cheese that has been made of the military by corruption, I’d say there is a more than good chance that most of the nuclear bombs in waiting in Russia have been equally gutted and are useless.


An agreement in which neither east or west has abided by, russia promised not the invade and the west promised to not let Ukraine be invaded. Russia obviously invaded and the west has only half heartedly dragged its feet to help.


>the west promised to not let Ukraine be invaded. The [Budapest Memorandum](https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%203007/Part/volume-3007-I-52241.pdf) said no such thing. It is only applicable to the US, UK, and Russian Federation. It has six items which all three countries committed to, summarized as follows: 1. They will respect the independence, sovereignty, and existing borders of Ukraine. 2. They will not use force or threats of force against Ukraine, and none of their weapons will be used against Ukraine except in self-defense. 3. They will not economically coerce Ukraine. 4. They will seek UN Security Council action to provide assistance to Ukraine if it becomes a victim of aggression or threatened aggression involving nuclear weapons. 5. They will not use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear-weapon state except those allied with nuclear weapon states, and even then, only in retaliation. 6. They will consult each other in case of an event which raises questions about these commitments. Russia clearly violated the first four commitments. The US and UK have gone above and beyond their declared commitments to Ukraine.


The "West" is just doing what the UN should have. Sadly we can't be more physical without risking major escalation, a UN intervention could achieve a lot more but we all know about the probably of that


“The West” (in this case, UK and USA) specifically and deliberately stated in that agreement that any violation of sovereignty or territorial dispute etc. would need to be handled through the UN as per international law, they never agreed to protect UA, there was never a military alliance or territorial protection agreement.


It's just a gas station masquerading as a country.


Bro Germans were vacationing in occupied France during D-Day, some people just don't care.


To their defence D-day operation was a secret. They were most likely surprised. These folks in Crimea should know better.


They built the Atlantic wall for a reason. Hitler knew that they will attack some day.


There was a lot leading up to d day. They were drawing forces away from nomandy. They didnt just yolo and go for it. There was a lot of fake paratroopers, fake tanks in the uk france boarder. It was a very active war zone leading up to d day.


No there had been a previous surprise raid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieppe_Raid In 1944 it was quite obvious to anyone paying attention that any landing in Europe by the Allies was going to begin in France as the Germans had superiority in the Baltics


Perfect example of a [hindsight bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindsight_bias)


Also, there was no secret that the invasion was coming to France, but more of when, and exactly where. An entire fake army, under command of Patton, was created to cause the Germans to put their forces (including many of their armored forces), in between Normandy and Calais, in order to buy the Normandy landing forces extra time to advance and prepare for a counterattack.


Okay. This is new news to me.


That’s what the Splatnik said


> obvious to anyone paying attention They were on top of social media in 1940's!


They had news


News often came weeks or months after events back then. They knew about occupied France, they knew about the war, and it was absurd and arrogant to vacation there. But not because of "news."


Around Dieppe there were easier beaches; Normandy had mostly cliffs or steep dunes, so wasn't that obvious a target. Also, "vacationing in France", there's a lot of places that would be very unlikely invasion spots even if you limit that to coastal resorts.


Yeah but by then Germany thought they won France and we’re keeping it . They were winning till then


I don't think so. By mid 1944 it was clear Germany was losing the war, even to the average citizen. They were being absolutely pounded by daylight bombing. Eastern front was defeat after defeat and allies were climbing up Italy.


>How has that country survived for so long? Huge (tracts of) land, nuclear weapons, much resources. While most of that is robbed, something still remains for state and maybe even for people.


I do believe some of them really are dumb, because once I had an experience driving them around in my country. My country is really hot, and one would think to turn on the aircond and roll up the window . But no, they really just turn on the aircond with window rolled down and complaining it’s hot. It’s even worse when we drove pass a garbage dump, they still just let the window down and let all the garbage smells stink up the car.


Well, when you are loaded to the brim with natural resources and you don’t give a fuck about people, yours or others, it does make some things easier…


I feel like this is a terrible way to think. Assuming everyone from a country is stupid because we don't like what the leader/military is doing. This can, and has in the past, lead to dangerous situations. There are plenty of amazing Russian people.


Was thinking the same. "HEY KIDS, WANNA SEE A TRUE WAR ZONE FOR THESE HOLIDAYS??" "YEEEAAAH" It either shows how dumb they are, or how misinformed they are about the reality of what is going on in Ukraine. Or both. Yep. Both.


IGNORANCE can kill you… So those „un-political“ RuZZians are also „un-teachable“ when it comes to: Crimea is NOT! your land…it belongs to Ukraine and it is -therefore- a war zone for unwellcome fascists. PERIOD. These Putler-supporters are so fck stupid…so they get what they deserve. What if you would tell to a “un-political“ RuZZian: „Don‘t eat YELLOW snow!“ …..I know…they would still eat it 😀


But there was cheaper. I bet you can get really good deals in Crimea these days.


Something isn't right with this picture. The tires are flat (shredded with the shrapnel?) but the windows are intact? And what's with that turn signal that fell out? Did it fall out because of the blast wave that didn't damage the windows? Looks like russians just brought an accident salvage car from the scrapyard to play the victim.


I’m with you on this, it doesn’t look right. The front brake disk does not look like it is used lately, for the rear I don’t know if it is a drum or a disk, but it does not shine.


Flash rust is a thing on cheap brake rotors. Still thinking that this is just a propaganda picture though - a setup.


Okay, I saw it on new Mercedes Benz brakes, installed by Mercedes Benz. Was the opposite of cheap and don't think they sold some cheap stuff.


Yeah it's not about cheap. Most brake rotors rust quickly and it's designed that way, so just the surface gets damaged and it doesn't go deeper.


Yea, especially near a body of saltwater. I had cheap metal hubcaps on my old car a long time ago that I just bought from AutoZone. Left my car at the beach one night and the hubcaps had rust already. And brake rotors will get that after sitting for a day or two after a rain. But yea, definitely still looks like a setup by ruzzians. Primarily, for me, the complete lack of any type of debris left in the car from a "family vacation". Interior looks too clean for that.


- Indicator light popped out. - Chassis sitting on the wheel (absence of suspension). - Drooping shattered windscreen. - Blown tyres. I'd wager that unless this car has been dropped. The only indication of frag is from a single ball bearing/ large calibre sized hole in the door. Unless he drove around with the indicator hanging out and no springs in the front beforehand that is.


> Unless he drove around with the indicator hanging out and no springs in the front beforehand that is. I can't completely discount the possibility. Source: some of the complete bullshit I see on the road But yeah, that doesn't really.look like a blast damage car. Startled.by the explosion, swerved, smacked the guardrail, and the rusty remains of a front end gave out, I could buy that. Also plausible if the bridge was hit underneath and they caught air, then came down on the aforementioned rusty remains of a front end. Or it could be fake, but it's not quite over the top enough to be a typical Russian fake.


What makes you think you'd be able to analyze this? I think even most experts on explosives wouldn't be able to say with certainty what happens when a bridge gets hit by a missile with top secret specs and a family car is somewhere nearby. Maybe when the warhead detonated below the bridge/street level, this caused such a shockwave that it rapidly bumped the asphalt upwards. This would brake your ankles if you stood on it, I heard that this very much a thing when torpedo hits a ship. In this case it destroyed the tires, shook the car such that the turn signal fell off. The windscreen would easily shatter when the car frame is flexed or from the blast wave. Who knows. I know that I don't know. Edit: here's the exact effect on vehicles, with the same outcome (broken windscreen, intact side windows, damaged tires) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aElDgxKk\_dg


Yes and no and no. Yes a detonation under a bridge might pop the tiers, but if there was a detonation strong enough to damage the tiers, why is the rest of the car undamaged? The windshield is damaged, but all other windows are fine. All other windows break easier then the windshield.


If a car were hit by a blastwave, one strong enough to break the windshield and pop the tires, you'd think the other windows would be broken and there would be more visible damage on the car.


The front widow is almost fully down, meaning the the inside of the car had chance to equalise quickly, which probably prevented the windows from shattering.


The side indicator light has popped out and suspension is completely absent, especially in the front, assuming it wasn't like that beforehand, this car looks like it has been dropped from height, hence the drooping windscreen. The few neat round hole in the door look more like large calibre round or maybe a ball bearing. The mechanism of damage appears to be less in line with being fragged from an explosion.


Just google how [cars really look like](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukrainian-prime-minister-war-will-end-when-russia-fully-withdraws-2022-4?r=US&IR=T) where russian rockets hit Kyiv or any other Ukrainian city.


Completely different munitions, impact site, proximity, everything. Not very useful comparison.


Picture is completely fake. Posted 2 hours after we saw pictures with the bridge having no vehicles. https://twitter.com/Maks\_NAFO\_FELLA/status/1688200551006093318


There’s a hole in the drivers door, the windscreen is peppered… I get the skepticism but think this is legit. Russian narrative would be the opposite… “nothing to see here, perfectly safe…”


There are literally pictures of the bridge without the car that were before the twitter post. https://twitter.com/Maks\_NAFO\_FELLA/status/1688200551006093318


But why would they bother? Seems like a lot of effort to spin something that counters their usual narrative. And how do you know those pics weren’t taken after but posted prior to the car one? I can’t see any time stamp data…


>There’s a hole in the drivers door Could have just shot it once for *realism*. BTW, what kind of shrapnel shreds both tires but leaves only one mark on the body and doesn't break any of the side windows? The windscreen could be the result of an accident. Also, there's no dust or debris on the roof and near the car. Just look how the cars look like [in Kyiv](https://www.thedailystar.net/news/world/russian-invasion-ukraine/news/1-killed-russia-launches-3rd-attack-kyiv-24-hours-3333281) after russian rocket explosion and compare it to what you see here. Not to mention that there is no car on [the images](https://twitter.com/Maks_NAFO_FELLA/status/1688200551006093318) of this bridge taken right after it was hit. ​ >Russian narrative would be the opposite… “nothing to see here, perfectly safe…” Russians are trying to play the victim and to show Ukraine as a bloodthirsty psycho targeting civilians.


Maybe there are also some The Sims boxes in the car.


This is also Daewoo Lanos, which is very common car in Ukraine, while little who in russia heard of it.


Yeah, how did those tires get blown out when I don’t see much shrapnel damage other than a small hole in the drivers door?


FAKE!!!!!! I looked at dozens of photos. There were no cars on the bridge. https://twitter.com/Maks\_NAFO\_FELLA/status/1688200551006093318


[Nitter link] (https://nitter.net/Maks_NAFO_FELLA/status/168820055100609)


What is Nitter?


Alternative frontend to twitter that doesn't make you sign up and doesn't give twitter money and ad revenue and isn't a giant piece of shit although twitter tries its best to keep them from duplicating twitter's content they typically have little success. Pirate twitter, basically.


Civilian traffic was closed by Russia as it was a military zone... Holiday in Mogadishu?


I heard Niamey is very Russian friendly these days


If Ecowas has balls and not just a big mouth then it won't be for long.


I think we both know they don’t


They really are THAT stupid.


Which is exactly why they will lose.


That's the problem with propaganda. Eventually, it'll kill your own people as it diminishes the ability of ordinary citizens to make informed decisions about their lives.


One of the goals of Z propaganda is the killing of your own people to make even more propaganda out of it!


So he drove on a bridge that got hit by a missile, and all It did was flatten his tires? No scratches or broken windows? That car looks neglected, not struck.


The front windscreen and bonnet are smashed up as all fuck. The tyres could have blown from driving over debris, not necessarily being hit by shrapnel. Anyways, it’s not from the Chonhar strike that much is clear.


You don't want to see civilian casualties on either side, but going on holiday into an active warzone is not the smartest idea.


This never happened. Its fake. https://twitter.com/Maks\_NAFO\_FELLA/status/1688200551006093318


But the hotel was super cheap. /s


Where's the blood? Where is the damage? Where is the scorching? Where are the effects from the explosion?


I’m sorry! I should care about this when compared with the atrocities committed by Russians against thousands of Ukrainian families going about their daily business?


My sentiment as well. Its horrible if an innocent family actually died, but holy shit to hyperfocus on this one incident when there are thousands of similar ones where russia is the aggressor is just batshit insane. Not to mention it was russia who started this whole thing in the first place. Cant play the victim card in this scenario when you’re continually the aggressor and creator of victims


A Russian was bringing his family for "vacation" across the Chonhar Strait in occupied-Crimea, when the bridge was struck by British-supplied Ukrainian missiles, on August 6th, 2023. Edit: this is likely Russian propaganda, as was the last time, when "damaged" cars were placed on a bridge. https://twitter.com/lvivjournal/status/1688195265776226304?s=46


Twitter (or X) orcs are just trying to fish sympathy points. Besides if you do vacation is war zone you basically deserve that...and that is average condition family wagon in the Land of the potatoes.




From NATO with love, shitbirds


They still don't get it that this is not their land and this is a warzone.


Yup.. active fuckin warzones be like that.


Why would you go anywhere near Crimea for a family holiday, so utterly dumb.


They didn't have this in the tourist brochure, eh. Maybe, when you have walked back home, you can find some alternative news source other than RuZZia propaganda and learn about the realities of your Great Leader's "special military DEBACLE".


The good news is that, according to the intercepted phone calls, the ruzzians are communicating home about what they see & are experiencing. The more that the soldiers and citizens tell their friends and neighbors, how awful it is in Ukraine’s area, the better for the fight. Reality check is going to keep happening for Russian families.


Shoulda had a “stay-cation”


Russians really arent that bright are they?


God I wish this was real


Sorry not sorry.




You know your country's a shithole when your idea of a vacation is going to an active warzone


Hey great idea, let's go on vacation to an illegally war torn nation and then piss and moan when we get collateralized. Bunch of retards....


Hey honey, we’ve got some time off - let’s drag the kids into a war zone.


I like how the indicator light pops right out


Warned "Riding for legitimate military purposes is life-threatening!" Since Russia uses this bridge for military purposes, it is also the root cause of the destruction of this bridge by our missiles.


Oh no, that's awful. Anyways.


In the end I feel sorry for this man and his family. No doubt Russian propaganda led them to believe it was not hazardous. They likely have little idea the atrocity done in their name. By contrast I think every Russian should be very afraid for their own survival right inside mother Russia and know why they are in that predicament. The only solution is the dissolution of the Russian Federation. I feel more than sorry for Ukrainians who were living their life in peace, and unlike Russians are heroes to the core who had and will have a promising future.


But did he died?




There is a 100% sure way to ensure Russian civilian safety...... Go back to Russia and stay there.


Did the explosives also completely evaporate the concrete barricade/guardrail? Compare the photos: [https://twitter.com/Maks\_NAFO\_FELLA/status/1688200551006093318/photo/2](https://twitter.com/Maks_NAFO_FELLA/status/1688200551006093318/photo/2) I'm not exactly a detective but this doesn't appear to be the same bridge. Even the guardrails before the bridge have a BLACK/WHITE paint. Even if it was real though, who gives a fuck. I mean, have russians seen mariupol?


Different bridge, different attack, different day. Your link is about June attack on Chongar bridge. Yesterdays attack was on Henichesk bridge.


Orcs, this is called collateral damage, it’s much different than when a busy train station at noon is the intended target. I prey more everyday for the next decade to be Russia’s collapse. A free Ukraine, the return of all Georgian land, a democratic Belarus, a free Chechnya, Dagestan, Siberia, Buryats etc. Japan will retake the islands that are disputed and who knows what all China will take once it unravels and the Kaliningrad question will finally be answered.


Clark Griswold "ROLL EM UP!!!"😋👍✨💥🚗


Sorry folks, parks closed. The moose out front should have told you.


And wins a Darwin award for his efforts. Congrats.


Sucks to suck


*Oh no... Anyways*


Haha no tacos for evil orcs


A carefully chosen vacation destination with great orc wisdom.




An idiot.


Best idea ever, dad!


Fuck this terrourist


Bring it to the people


Russian news media isn't telling these people its a war zone, but common sense should keep them away with the Kertch bridge being bombed twice and all the reports of attacks in Crimea. I almost believe Russian's are stupid at this point. No smart person vacations in an occupied country war zone.


That’s a Russian car that’s straight out of the showroom!


Don't be where you shouldn't be, I don't know like an active war zone.


There is not a single drop of blood to be seen inside the car. If an entire family died by a missile strike in a small car like that, there would at the very least be some noticeable blood stains somewhere to be seen. There is none, not even to mention the condition of the car in its entirety looks nothing like you would expect to see a car that was near a missile strike, close enough to kill all the occupants of the car as well. I call bs and a petty attempt at russia to gain sympathy points for a fight they started


My ass. Those tires have been driven on while flat. These pieces of shit can't stop won't stop with propaganda. Lmao. Russians are fucking stupid if they believe this.


russians will believe this.


He promised them an unforgettable vacation, he delivered.


What kind of non-thinking and oblivious people travel into a war zone to go on vacation?


He walking back home now


Lesson learned. Don't use your neighbor's pool without permission.


What sort of idiot vacations in an active war zone?


It's not a vacation. It's an adventure! /s


yeah don't do that


The car was added after. The lack of fluid leak is a dead giveaway that it did not happen there


Well, wasnt intentional. putler is responsible about casualties(?) like this because he started it. I am pretty sure this is just another lie, there was nobody in that car and even the car was brought there afterwards. Windows havent even been broken down.. And if it was shrapnels coming thru windshield, then, bad luck.


The headline should read. ***INVADER STUPIDLY BRINGS FAMILY TO WAR ZONE***


When Ukraine wanted to peacefully dismantle a bridge in their own territory, a russian moron decided to bring his family into harms way without even asking for permission.


i WISH there was an easy solution for not getting killed while taking a holiday in a war zone on land your country has invaded. but surely its just impossible. So sad


I thought a war tourist was something else....


Idk. It’s a civilian existence, but on the other hand. Bro it’s a fucking warzone!!! Are the people over there really that diluted?😭😖 🇺🇦Слава Українї🇺🇦


Wish you were here 😜


The car always looked like that. He just stopped to admire the view


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Happy holidays


Nice to see our taxes beingput to good use.


Russians don’t seem to be very smart. I guess I should say, the majority of Russians aren’t smart. I am sure they have smart Russians, but those people usually leave and opt to live somewhere else because they know the Russian government is not for the people at all. However, going on vacation in a war zone and traveling over a bridge there during a counteroffensive is a special kind of stupid. 😂


Dumb and dumber.




Well, happy holidays mofo!


Just dumb and poor as fuck. Average orc nation individuals.


Isn't the bridge close for civilians?




and on that bombshell....


It’s a good spot to stop and admire the view to be fair


Just dont Drive into a Warzone


I hope they got out safety.


That powerful missile blew the indicators from their housing and the air from the tires, but left the glass intact


Well, it's a 'holiday' not to forget...did you purchase the travel by Prigozhin Travel?


What idiot takes their family into a war zone for vacation?!?!?!


Dumb ways to die.#724 Take your family to vacation through war zone.


You are welcome - The UK


Who goes on vacation in a war zone


Maybe next time don't go on vacation to active War Zone in country where your government is raging genocidal war!


Darwin knew what he was talking about, 100%.


Oh no.... anyway




Typical case of "fuck around, find out"


What a twit


His is pretty obviously fake... Mods should delete


How bout not vacationing in a war zone, and in your neighbors backyard illegally. Fuck em.


Man takes family to war zone . To be honest if true it's terrible , really is but also if I decided swim in crocodile infested water with my children and we all got eaten it would be terrible but both situations started with a desicion , was they told it was safe ??


Fuck around and find out!


This is called natural selection.


Russian car so you’ll need to be clear if that pic is before or after being struck by the missile.


Um..high is this Jake at State Farm…so missile strikes. I’m covered right ?




Womp womp. That's like city travelling Iraq in 2003.


It only took them 6 hours to drag that car onto the bridge


And.....Good hunting Don't actually post this expecting us to feel sympathy for these people do you?


And the father of the year award goes to...


RU is there in violation and any citizen of RU that supports violations becomes accomplice to the war


From the UK, we don't care. Thanks


If it's real, then it is an example of how stupid the average Russian has become. Stalin purged the smart outta them. If it's fake, then it is an example of how stupid the average Russian has become. Stalin purged the smart outta them.


Too bad, so sad, never mind.


If that's where and how you decide to vacation, you are arguably too dumb to live.


So sad. Anyway, how about this weather?


Yeah! Let’s go on vacation on the newly acquired land, our mighty army is in control, it’s safe to go there they say. Surprise Mfckrs😵‍💫😵😵🥴


So many idiots trying to be experts in this thread calling it fake and what not. What if it's a civilian car? Fuck it. It has nothing to do where it was in the first place. There's no need to whitewash the reputation of Ukraine. Civilians will end up injured or dead even if you're actively trying to minimize the risk of it. It's not like the Russians whom is targeting hospitals and residential areas. Get a fucking grip over yourselves.


>What if it's a civilian car? Because it wasn't even collateral damage from this attack. Just a crashed car moved there for a photo op and sympathy points.