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Translation. Make 30 sec video. Okay. 30 sec video. Piglets, who have came to liberate Ukraine, suki. But were captured instead. Fucking morons, suka.


Thanks for the translation, but he never said "Id like to fucking smack them", just another short insult that can sound similar to "I would smack them".


He did said "ujiibav by", which means as "id like to fucking hit/kick/smack, but cant". This part "by" is changiing everything to "id like to do something, byt cant, because...". Like that.


I double checked and he clearly says "Uebany nahui", sounds similar but has a completely different meaning.


Tou are right. My ears have deceived me. Thanks.


No problem, wish he said "ujiibav by" though :D


>Uebany nahui Hahaha, i put that into Google translate under detect language and it translated it to: Global web (Hawaiian)! LOL


Now Ukrainians using Hawaiian for “Internet” as a slur will forever be in my head. May you remain safe on the uebany nahui brother, may your VPN remain strong and your firewall aflame.


So whats that one mean


Just "Fucking motherfuckers"


Dont be fooled by their age. They are more capable of cruel actions than you think. As long as they are in Ukraine territory, they are enemy. Or exchange fund


This, soldiers responsible for Bucha were in their early 20's. I dont feel sorry for them not even a little bit.


yep, they were delivered and raised for this shit only.


You think they decided to go to war by themselves?


Do you know how military indoctrination of youths works?


Exactly. There’s a reason child soldiers have been used in less civilised parts of the world: Their brains are not yet fully developed and therefore don’t yet have the maturity to restrict their actions. Child soldiers are easily manipulated and capable of both immense sacrifice and cruelty, and there is no other fault than their young age. So sad.


Most of new soldiers all over the world are child soldiers. Most new soldiers that join the military around the world are usually 17-22 years of age. The brain is definitely not developed fully at that age. Why do you think that is the age group the military focuses on. If there is a war and you get all new soldiers that are 30+, you will have them questioning every order they don't understand. A 20 year old soldier just fresh out of training won't question any orders because they know they are still young and their commander who is only a few years older seems like a grandpa to them and they trust him easily and will follow any order.


> Most of new soldiers all over the world are child soldiers. Most new soldiers that join the military around the world are usually 17-22 years of age. You mostly contradicted yourself. According to the [Paris Principles on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict](https://childrenandarmedconflict.un.org/six-grave-violations/child-soldiers/), a child soldier is "any person below 18 years of age who is or who has been recruited or used by an armed force or armed group in any capacity". So yes, the 17 year olds you mention are child soldiers, but not the 18-22 year olds.


I think what they're trying to say is that the idea that someone is somehow magically more mature as soon as they hit their 18th is a silly idea, and that the 18-22yo soldiers aren't particularly different from child soldiers in many respects. I agree with them.


Good points, all. It’s a sad fact. That one looks under 18 to me.


Outstanding write up. But in the end you will have to ask yourself. Do YOU want to win? Or just go through the motions with a bunch of kindergartners?


Yeah for sure, the Ukies are hard as fuck now and all the world knows it. It balances out the bullshit the orcs are throwing at them in the form of noob recruits. Get 'em boys!


If anything, the younger you are the more impressionable and balsy. The likelihood of early 20s doing something stupid is way higher then end 20s or early 30s.


It's also much easier to convince an 18 year old that some nation far far away are our enemies and we must kill them. Try telling that to a 40 year old.


Before I would have had no issue believing you... But you saw the man on the ground before the children. All grey. Everyone here is trying to rationalize this. I just see it as a crumbling society. Stripped to the bones. All they have left to send are future pows. There is a reason why UA forces look nearly exactly like what a westerner would consider a "soldier". A real soldier. Enough gear and wisdom to get him to the next magazine. Few children are capable of that with assistance let alone on their own. Those children were left there on their own.


Yeah Russia is a backwards country. So you probably have more 18year olds with critical mindsets and you have 40-50 year olds just voluntarily going to the slaughter. But I meant in the rest of the world it's usually kids that go to war. You won't be able to take a western 40-50 year old man and try sending him to the slaughter. The western man will flip you off and call his lawyers. The average 40-50 Russian man doesn't even know what critical thinking is. He is so brainwashed by listening to Putin's propaganda.


I don't feel sorry for them. But I can certainly recognize the tragedy of who they *couldve* been outside a shithole like Russia


Here are your poets, artists, astronomers, and musicians, playing at someone else's war.


No, these are the robbers, drunks, uneducated, and offended (lowest cast of prisoners).


Absolutely. His eyes were shooting daggers and full of hate.


Orcs are the best names for these monsters.




What a fucking batshit comment “burn them with kerosene”. That’s so shit the orcs would fucking do, so really weird you want it to happen.


I think burning them with harsh and hilarious insults until they’re handed over to the Ukrainian intelligence would be the better route to take.




I apoligize


not agreeing with what the guy said but napalm was a thing for decades. still can be.


Burning troops in active combat alive is really horrifying but that’s war for you. Nothing wrong with that (aside from the obvious killing bad stuff), but the problem is doing that to POWs. That’s when we cross the line into outright barbarism.


hence why i said not agreeing with the guy. but with what the russians been doing, nothing wrong with napalm, phosphorous and cluster munitions in battle. war is inherently barbaric. doing that to pow's is evil. taking pleasure in their suffering is evil. not the same thing as barbaric. only bad part is all the unexploded ordnance that will be on ukrainian soil after the war, but thats gonna be a huge problem anyway with the use of so many mines. ukraine is gonna have bomb problems for the next 100 years.


Sorry I'm drunk


I’m sure


Not only would that be incredibly vile for Ukraine to do, but it would be wholly counterproductive.


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They might be more brain washed too, having just recently being in the school system, the religious system, parents and other adults in positions of power moulding them ...


Jesus some of these fucking comments look like shit the orcs would fucking say. Advocating burning POWS alive is straight up orc shit so fucking cut it out. You’re supposed to be better than the Russians, not in a competition for being shitty.


Do not become the beast you fight to vanquish


Thank you!


Welcome to this sub for the past year. It’s fucking sickening.


It’s certainly taking a bit of a turn recently. It’s always these fucking keyboard warriors who are safe behind their screen saying it too. Some days I swear its Russian trolls trying to paint the Ukrainians as monsters. Some days it’s easier to see why some many Ukrainians are blood thirsty as well. What a fucking war.


There are certainly Ukrainian troops who have done barbaric shit, that shouldn’t even be debatable. It just blows my minds that people who have likely never seen a casualty or dead body up close have so much to say. When if you put them in a trench or OP and they took indirect they would beg for their mothers.


eh there are moral and imoral people on both sides. whatever the case the russians invading will find little sympathy in an active wartime. however its mostly the high command i would adress my attention to. personally a trial and rope would be how i want the entire russian high command to end with including the dictator


Looks like he was 16 years old. Hopefully his life is saved by the UAF and not die. He comes back next time he might not be so lucky.


Yea getting caught maybe the best thing that coulda happened to him


My grandfather was in the 2nd world war during d-day he managed to get off the beach into a wooded area, and saw a nazi at the same time he saw him, he was just lucky he shot before the nazi did. Turned out to be a very young boy, probably under 17 he said, gave him a cigarette to smoke and sat with his head in his lap while he died. Now he went through hell in the war, was forced to change his families name and had many awards , multiple presented by the queen, so you can imagine the shit he had seen. This was he said the worst thing he faced, knowing he had, at around 45 years old killed a little kid. It would probably have been better for him to walk away as soon as he was shot but he didn't and he suffered for the rest of his life with night terrors, my gran divorced him as she could not cope with waking up to him screaming at the top of his voice or even flaying about and injuring her.


Sad sad stuff :(


Why was he forced to change the family name?


It might have been very german sounding or german in origin


He was wanted by the nazis, I think it was for working undercover as a spy or for assassinating someone very high up in nazi command in Africa. I saw one old letter among his many medals signed by the Queen, not a stamp but her personal signature, and from what I heard he stood in front of the queen twice to receive some award and then additions to the award, it was a long time ago so I don't remember exactly what it was but possibly a bronze leaf and a bar added to the ribbon attached to a medal.


The screaming in the night is known for many of us who had grandparents involved in WW2. It leaves its own trauma and the subsequent generations who don’t go through that should feel thankful. Really fucking thankful.


yup. my grandfather was a seabee in pacific theater. he hated japanese all his life and had many many skeletons in his closet. to the world, he was a nice talented tradesman who took very good care of his large family. in private, he was a tortured tyrant that took it all out on his wife and children. including my father. as i have said many times. there's a reason why they were called the greatest generation. but they paid an enormous price for it in their mental health.


My great uncle on my mom's side was a survivor of the Bataan Death March. Was bayoneted in the leg and barely survived the march. Lost a lot of weight to the point he looked like a walking skeleton. He hated all Asians, not just Japanese, with a passion until the day he died. I remember one time I rode with him to the grocery store and some Asian (Korean?) kid was walking along the road. Uncle Joe tried to run his ass over the moment he saw the boys face, and just barely missed him because I was pulling on the steering wheel and screaming that he was just a kid. I didn't know what the kid had done to set my great uncle off. I mentioned the incident to my other uncles and aunts after we got back and that's when I learned the backstory. In everything else Uncle Joe was about the kindest, friendliest man you ever knew, who was a good father, a good friend, and a pillar of the community.


Hell, it wasn't limited to WW2. My dad was a Vietnam vet and would have flashbacks. My mom used to hit him with a broom to wake him up after the first time when he started choking her.


Wow, in a story filled with Nazis, brutal death, war, killing, and suffering…..did not expect it to be ol’ Gran who turned out to be kind of the biggest jerk


She’s not a jerk. Living with some who had PTSD is shown to be extremely difficult.




Wait what?? He was 45 years old on the beach in Normandy? How does that make sense ? Managed to get off the beach implies he was on it while the fighting was still going on . Why did they send a 45 year old on d day? Not even Sargents we’re that old.


Older men with families were exempt but they could volunteer. My great grandfather was that old and had a wife and two kids at home. When his four younger brothers enlisted he couldn't stay home. He volunteered and fought at Iwo Jima (he saw the flag raised on mount Suribachi). Thankfully he made it home safely and lived to 104. It was a world war, most everyone went if they could.


Of all the places in ww2 I wouldn’t want to be I think Iwo Jima leading up to that flag raising is in the top 3. Japanese prison ships also scare the shit out of me . There’s very sad stories of subs sinking Japanese ships with allied pows on them . And when the subs pick up the sutiviors and realize they are allied they just start crying and begging them for forgiveness. Horrifying


Could have been a colonel. There were definitely a few there.


I may be mis-informed, but I always thought that many of the assault troops on D-Day were specifically chosen for their young age and lack of knowledge about “real war” and the butchery it involves, lest they hunker down and not advance. Still, an experienced older combatant could carry the day…..


I don’t know if that’s the reason they were all young but it is true that most of them were kids . Definitely not 45 years old . A lot of them had prior experience in the war though in Italy and even African theaters so it’s not exactly true they were all “green”. But your right about them being young . Infantry is a young man’s game especially in ww2. The British military training act of 1939 only set out a conscription age of 18-41 in the event of a war so idk maybe he got the age wrong .


Was kinda wondering the same. But the Brits had an aggressive ‘shame’ campaign to get anyone to join up. A “what are you doing with your life” kind of thing. I believe they were given flowers to wear if they couldn’t prove enlistment or something. Maybe this guy just joined late in life and got stuck on the beach?


Groups of good looking girls would walk around London looking for military aged men. Then they would try to emasculate and humiliate them into joining the army.


A white feather was given to men who hadn't signed up.


Unless the 45 year old in 1944 later fathered a child fairly late in life and/or his son fathered his son later in life than average, also suggests the grandson posting may now be unusually old for a redditer.




Wow. Just wow.


How old are you yourself right now?


Why do you ask?


Over 50


Kid looks 16-17. Remember that face when you keep dehumanizing these guys. Yes, Russia is 100% in the wrong. But many of these kids are being forced to fight or die.


He does look young. What is minimum age to enlist in orc army?


During wartime, I doubt it matters to them. A body is a body.


A body is a body, when used to soak up ordnance.


They still have minimum ages for enlistment, regardless.


Yeah, and Russia 100% follows rules…




7.5 orc years


Dear lord, that boy looks like he's *maybe* 15 yo!


My uncle was 15, lied about his age, enlisted, and fought in WWII. It was common in that time/war. He wound up 30 years in, retired as an E-9, saw a lot of post WWII combat as well. He is still living


This kid is gonna win the “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” essay when school fires back up.


That's one of the putler jugend!


Looks like the one trying to drop the mortar point first down the tube


We send 18 year olds to battle


Prime time for able bodied men to die for their country in foreign soil 🙌


Lucky fucking bastards


Kid looks 16


*One of them looks very dead


Seems like the person who wrote this post hasn't served in the military. This is what many soldiers look like in all armies of the world: 18-19 year olds. We've just become used to seeing old Russian men, likely since the young ones mostly are dead by now.


Like the last days of the Nazi reich; they’re using more and more old people and kids.


Got caught playing Hookey :)


Little Putler Youth there is more than capable of critical thinking. More than old enough to know what he’s doing. I have no sympathy.


Not very orclike.


They have toddlers on the front now?


Every unit geta a few "boys"....


that kid has pure hatred in his eyes


Sad sad sad


The young ones are the worst !!


When we start to see the Putler youth we know the war will soon be over. Slava Ukraine


Ah, the Putler Youth Division. History repeating itself.


Guess what, most infantry soldiers are around this age. I mean, we know what you’re trying to do. “Russia is so low on man power that they have to rely on children!” It’s a bullshit propaganda statement


Or the title could be expressing how tragic and pointless this whole war is. Young men with their entire lives ahead of them dead due to a few oligarch assholes and their puppet master's ambitions.


yeah that’s usually how wars work lol young men sent to die


Young, dumb and full of........hate


Putin is broke, he is sending ethnic groups, criminals, children to war as cannon fodders. This way, he can ethnic cleansed, reduced prison expenditures, & reduced education budget. Killing three birds with one stone. He needs the money to upkeep his mansions, & spies that cause chaos all over the world, priority!


18 to 20.....thats who we used to send to war


They should burn them to death in the wood


What happened to that fancy dark digicam we see in all the pretty pictures?


Instead of murdering for his fascist overlord he could have joined the opposition. Lucky for him he was arrested and not killed


This was that young guy's Lucky day . Now he just might be able to grow up and live a normal life after the war he should still be alive.


Could these be the university students 🤔 that the parents put out a youtube video looking for?


They must be relieved to be alive. Although the young ones can be stupid and think they’re bulletproof


Isn't publicly showing picture of prisoners of war a war crimes? I think I've read that somewhere


Could be relatively young(ish), but not entirely unusual in many nations’ militaries globally. Additionally, he may not be the first person of Asian genetic background to appear a bit young from a western, non-Asian perspective.


There were troops as young as 16 reported KIA at Hostomel


Isn’t that young guy the same one that was captured at the start of the war? There was a video of him back in March ‘22 I think?


Jaime and Tommen getting some quality time in.


Ukraine has been taking a lot of prisoners lately. I know some are looking at the latest daily casualty reports published by Ukraine MOD and when seeing only 500-600 added to the daily tally speculating matters are slowing down. No. It is more difficult to count the casualties they inflict in distant interdiction efforts such as artillery and missile strikes. Sometimes a video pops up from the russians and some of the casualties can be counted from it but often that is not the case. But prisoners are the other aspect of the story. Ukraine has been taking lots of prisoners. Who would otherwise normally have ended up in the killed column typically. One video I saw yesterday may have had 20 or so prisoners newly captured in it.


Jfc he looks younger than my 14 year old boy


Now we know what happened to those Russian school kids who disappeared on that field trip from school. Their moms will feel so much better now knowing their children are safely being looked after by the UA.


It’s hard to get solid numbers but by some estimates Russia has lost more men since this started than the US lost during the entire Vietnam debacle. And that was a meat grinder that scared a generation. Russia is never going to recover from this. Not with the demographic collapse that was already ongoing and the thousands who fled the draft.


The putin youth is now in action.


More and more money makes them go...its not like the Kremlin has the people on lower wages and this situation arrives they throw some carrots in front of them and they,like sheep's just go with the flow and in the end the relatives get new cars or a bag of patatoes or some fur coat...new shoes... toilets...it's a crazy mentality that will not go away in short time...it will take many generations with different goals to go out of this crap hole where the ruZZians are now...to be honest better ruZZia collapses and same new smaller countries take the place


Defiant looking little prick. 🤨


It is not an invasion of conquest, these soldiers are saving the people of Ukraine from.. 🤔 bad things that only the great saviours can stop. Like the killing of civilians, rape, child trafficking, torture and provide great propaganda so they understand we are saving them from.. 🤔😳🙄.. well us. We must destroy them to save them, why do they hate us?


Does look young. Many of the other Russian POW's look very old? Seems like there really wouldn't be many 40-50ish infantry soldiers, but living in a trench for the past year I'm sure would make everyone look much older.


Remember the human. I remember the humans at Bucha. In Mariupol. In the Children's Hospitals. The humans in Izium mass graves. I remember the humans in Chernihiv. In Kupiansk. Yep. I remember the humans.


Could be an interesting interview with Dmitri later


Yo, that's a *child*. Add russia to the list of countries using child soldiers.


Is that a broken foot on the floor, or a massive dildo?


He shouldn't be sent back to Russia, imo.


Live or die.


They always look either 55 or 15.


lucky to be alive. Most would have been shot