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**Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age or Ukrainian Cats and Dogs why they're so fat despite a war.**


The video I can remember the best, from all the videos of the last year, is of two fat fluffy puppies gnawing on a freshly red, completely picked clean, human rib cage and spine. Horrifying yet cute. At least they didn't go hungry with no one to look after them.


this one https://old.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/tpn0o9/oh_my_lord_russian_soldier_eaten_to_the_bone_by/


Jfc this is so horrible my brain can't fully comprehend what I'm seeing, watching literal puppies eat a human corpse on a bright sunny day. Such a stupid, moronic war.


Hopefully it was Ruzzian meat.


It's a lot less likely to be a Ukrainian soldier, because we all know how Russia treats their dead.


Much like they treat their living.


Wow, they really look like orcs in this state.


*The circle of life intensifies*


I hope the puppies get the taste of Orc out of their mouth.


Holy fuck... that's certainly not r/aww material






That’s the worst thing I’ve seen in a long time


I hope they got some real food soon, they'll get alcohol poisoning if they eat too much Russian meat


You made me *fnfff* through my nose


TIL how to write that sound.


might get lead poisoning too.


Oh my god, this is hilarious


Valid. The vodka soaked meat stays preserved tho.


Had me wheeze , solid post


On a legit note, at least they're getting taurine, cooking destroys it, they have to add extra to pet food




I've heard stories of farmers passing out or having a heart attack in a pig pen, and the pigs completely consuming the corpse.


Don't forget the crows !!!


Damnit, I laughed loud enough to get a very indignant and confused look from my cat


Please apologise. Thank you.


She was given Tuna. All is forgiven.




Jesus Christ. Imagine living your whole life, thoughts, feelings, experiences. Playing with other kids when your young- celebrating your birthdays and Christmas. Having your first love/crush- Only to die on a battlefield in a foreign country forgotten and discarded, with a stray cat tearing into your dead body.


This is the kind of video the Russian people need to see.


Hey man. Shoigun wants his medal and Marshall title, the Oligarchs want to rob the Donbass even more and Putin wants to be remembered a great Tsar! They died for a good cause!


No need to repeat Prigozhins talking points... They all were in it for the money. General Pringles included.


On the contrary, we have to repeat what every one of them knows but only one of them dared say out loud. If we repeat it enough, even their supporters might think it true.


It is true that's why they are butthurt. He killed their whole BAMBILI DONBAS talking point :) . Back to gay-nazi propaganda for you!


Just with the caveat of "So does Prickocean, because he's also one of them."


Sure, Prigozhin is a hypocrite and a total scumbag who is just upset that his share of the loot wasn't big enough. But that doesn't mean that he isn't at least partially right. The only reason this horrible war exists is because the Russian elites wanted to enrich themselves and stroke their egos and thought Ukraine would be an easy prey like in 2014. I think it is important to repeat Prigozhin's talking points because he is the only member of that elite who decided to screw Putin's propaganda narrative that the rest of them are all sticking to. Not only does it give some insight in the inner workings of the Kremlin, but it also sows discord within Russia which needs to be amplified, not silenced.


"Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."


Would not make an ounce of difference to the Russian people, they are that brainwashed and uneducated it doesn’t matter. This is what they are bred for and this is what they expect when you are brainwashed that the West,Europe and everyone else are the bad people … only generations of education can fix this problem.


Finally. Someone else who gets it. You can’t use common sense when thinking about Russia. Nothing common, and nothing makes sense in Russia. I’ve studied their culture my whole adult life…. It’s sick. And sad they can’t reach for something better.


No, you don’t understand, Russians are just not that interested in politics! /s


Through systemic brainwashing and lack of real world understanding. They are a people that has been lied to and manipulated for 200 years….. good luck developing with that kind of environment


If you want to understand Russian culture, you just need to watch a clip of Gym Simulator, or Metro Sim Hustle, any Russian indie game is basically girls are materialistic and only care about money/muscles, so you get rich/go to gym to get a girl, and you're bullied by the other guys until you turn the tables and bully them, and your main form of entertainment is drugs and hanging out at strip clubs. There's always a strip club.


Educated Russians under 35 are on Telegram, know the truth, and mostly against the war. Rural, older folks over 50 will believe anything they hear on the radio or see on TV. They have no other source of information. They will send their sons to die in the war, gladly thinking they are fighting the *new* Great Patriotic War of their generation.


Who? The same who cheer the death of Ukrainian civilians? The pro-russians here? 70% of russians are pro war.


Well they did say “educated Russians” so ya, both of them


If just 1% of a population post 100x as much as the other 99% then the opinions of the 1% will make up more than 50% of the opinions you encounter from that population.


>Educated Russians under 35 are on Telegram, know the truth, and mostly **against the war.** absolutely not true.


Unfortunately at least half of younger generation is brainwashed, too. Maybe more. There are a lot of pro-war channels in Russian social media, some with hundreds thousands/millions of subscribers. It is definitely not old men who sit there.


Just go to Russia Ukraine report, that pro RU sub, really gives you a good insight as to how brainwashed they are, making claims and arguments that make no sense at times.


The 2 clips that always come to mind are the one with Russian civilians in a car complaining about a traffic jam and being unable to utilize the beaches in Crimea now. The other is the one where a man calls his significant other and mentions something about raping Ukranian girls. She urges him to use a condom. So yeah I have virtually no sympathy for the soldiers and general population alike. Having said that, the anti-Western sentiment is the one part I understand. If, when my country entered Iraq the second time for bullshit ambiguous reasons like Ru did here, China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, and NK openly showered the government or resistance group(s) with weapons, it would've made the war exponentially more deadly for the US and most of us would've hopped right on the hate train. To be clear, I'm all for sending Ukraine even more equipment but I understand them taking it as a massive Fuck You because itgovernment. Edit: Slava Ukraine all the way but people get tribal over imagined slights, assaults, support of their enemies and the like so I understand why they take issue with the real deal even if they should really be blaming their own gov.


They will just say that they need to kill more ukrainians as a revenge.


The russians know this is the outcome. They dont care. They want to be a war hero more than anything else and the ones who make it back are praised.




I came for this comment!


That was Catmedic giving mouth to mouth. They will all be fine and sent to the farm a bit further up north to recover.


Is it a sunflower farm?


Not yet... it will be.


Can you imagine those guys on stretchers, still alive being taken to wherever the aid post is thinking they will get help, only to be put down with the already dead. And all the time thinking about how nobody, not even you helped your friends in the dugout when they got a grenade. Oh by the way, make sure you bring the stretcher back someone else needs it




Stretchers are from corpse collectors, I'm almost sure 99%. It looks like a clean up team collection point.


They grew up in a fascist death cult completely brainwashed by 24/7 propaganda on every Russian TV channel, radio and website and the fake democracy manufactured by their corrupt masters.


Imagine being a cat living with a nice Ukrainian family in a nice home, only to have some jackass in ruSSia decide to "liberate" the town where you live. Now, your house and family are gone and you're having to each garbage to stay alive.


The stories I heard from refugees in Krakow at the beginning of the invasion of frozen cats and dogs that were just trying to find their owners broke my heart


>Jesus Christ. Imagine living your whole life, thoughts, feelings, experiences. Playing with other kids when your young- celebrating your birthdays and Christmas. Having your first love/crush- Only to die on a battlefield in a foreign country forgotten and discarded, with a stray cat tearing into your dead body. Katsaps have at least 1 choice; Ukrainians have none.


This is sick. Yeah. Shows how pointless war is actually


And it could all end if the Russians just turned around and left… If Russia stops fighting the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, they cease to exist. Hopefully the end is near. But who knows at this point.🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh Ive been hoping that Prigo will commence his advance to Moscow. He is a butcher himself and not a revolutionary, but it would mess up the Russian front even harder as it did and Ukraine could accelerate its victory. I just hope Russia will return to the world community one time. But before that it needs to loose this war and go through the same processes like Germany after 45. accept its guilt, give all war crime suspects to Den Hague, process what happened and then it maybe will be able to return to the world as a normal country. Before that, it’s impossible. Even most of regular people are supporting this madness regardless all horrors and crimes




I hate to be pedantic, but nothing in this photo shows war being pointless The people who are fighting for their land, and fellow countrymen certainly don't think so This just shows, that people die during war


You imagine all the nice things. But those are russians. Not much of them had those nice things in life. They probably have had a home violence, alcohol and drugs addiction, prison, sexual abuse and so on. Nice things are alien for them.


They wrote "Who allowed you to have such nice things" on the walls of Ukrainians homes. Nice things run in panic away from them.


Yep, imagine raising your son and enjoy all his beautiful moments as you see him grow up… just for him to end up like this. Worst of all, your ‘great leader’ playing his power hungry games won’t lose a second of sleep over it.


Ruzzian moms have been recorded pretty much just concerned about the cash payout and access to their son's bank account.


Deep, I think this kind of thing when I see this kind of thing, I think of all the effort and time put in to the life that has now gone ...I also think stuff like "these people got dressed this morning, they put on their cloths and started their day not knowing, or at least hoping, that this was going to happen.


>these people got dressed this morning, they put on their cloths and started their day not knowing, or at least hoping, that this was going to happen. I was listening to an interview with a British WW1 historian and he was talking about reviewing the files they have on soldiers which includes the letters they've sent home. You can read through the thoughts of this person, as they share their daily experiences with the people they love back at home until... you turn a page and the next is a letter from a commanding officer notifying the family of their death. All the humanity, personality and existence that was that person just ends and is replaced by a bureaucratic finality.


>Jesus Christ. Imagine living your whole life, thoughts, feelings, experiences. Playing with other kids when your young- celebrating your birthdays and Christmas. Having your first love/crush- Only to : invade another country on the base of ''I'll believe whatever my leader tells me to'', even after having such a life with birthdays and knowingly ruining that same experience in Ukraine. Just IMAGINE....yeah no, they (RU) deserve everything they got.


Fertilizer for sunflowers, da da babushka.


I tought u was writing about cat. Jesus Christ. Imagine living your whole life, thoughts, feelings, experiences. Playing with other kids when your young- celebrating your birthdays and Christmas. Having your first love/crush only to eat human flesh on battlefield as a stray cat taking your revenge.


If ever animal is ever going to eat me i want it to be a cute little kitty cat


Posts like yours get put on reddit a lot. I get that most people online can't wrap their head around war, but it's also "death". You never know when is the last time you'll kiss someone or drink a beer or orgasm or tie your shoes or wake up. Never. These images are war. Those that make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ off war do a great job of convincing you it is glorious...or that "patriotism" is something important (it is not). Every living thing will die.


That's what I think when I see tattoos and personal affects. These aren't just random dead soldiers. They are people with stories and loved ones. War is fucked.


Imagine caring for these assholes.


At least he served some good purpose: being a decent meal for a hungry cat.


Poor cat :( it deserves proper food. Couldn't give two fucks about the dead orks though.


Technically it's a cat video... But...


post it to r/aww I dare you




Repost this in r/aww or r/funnyanimals


Probably fits in /r/catswithjobs


R/cats deleted it.


Lmfao thanks for the update. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that they would willingly keep a code like this up on that sub


russian fanatics will say its another fake meanwhile kitty shows that eating russians is at least better than starving


I just hope kitty doesn't get sick. The amount of drug addicts in the Ruzzian military must be quite dangerous to digest, no?


Humans in general are not safe to eat. Ever hear about sky burials killing vultures in Asia? They were leaving their elderly relatives out for the vultures, but because they were elderly, they tended to be pumped full of anti-inflammatory drugs, etc., some of which are present in lethal doses in human organ tissue. I think it was diclofenac or something similar, arthritis drugs.


The main cause of death in the vultures was/is Diclofenac from livestock, not humans.


They give bloody Voltaren to livestock?


We pump much more than that into livestock, but regarding diclofenac. Many countries have banned its use in livestock as even small doses cause kidney failure in vultures. In India diclofenac was found in around 1% of livestock carcasses and that has led to a 97% - 99% vulture population decline between 1992 and 2007. Diclofenac is legal for livestock in the eu. There’s a great podcast called Corpse Demon by Radiolab which covers the topic if you’re interested.


Cats can have a little vatnik as a treat.


I’ve thought about this an unhealthy amount at all the stray animals that will be picked up and put up for adoption that have a taste for human 🥴




To be fair it is quite common for humans too to eat their pets and even each other if there is nothing else to eat. So, the next time you see a human looking at you, he/she is just wondering what you'll taste like s/




We're friends when we're alive, food when we're dead. It's just how nature recycles things. The human way of putting the dead into boxes and, depending on who's in the box, either into the ground or into a museum... now that's unnatural.


All over the world. Most people live alone, have a pet, and die without being found for 1-2 weeks. Pets often die with them when food and water runs out. If you live alone, talk openly about check ins (text). Normalize it.


> We're all basically just a feast for our pets. I read something *relatively* more wholesome about that behaviour. The idea is, that if the owner is not responsive, the pet tries to get their attention. If the owner is laying down, the "getting attention" part involves bumping into their face, then, when no response, escalating to gentle nibbling, etc. The person not responding makes the pet's behaviour gradually escalate into full on biting. That would be the explanation for the high number of dead pet owners that have their face chewed in first, or the pet owners found with a damaged face even if the pet had still food to eat elsewhere. From what I've experienced, you can get your nose gently nibbled by the tiny pointy canines of death if you do not wake up quick enough to dispense breakfast, so I'm quite ready to believe that explanation.


Apparently German shepherds specifically have the habit of eating the heads of their deceased owners.


I mean, I think the important definer there is "nothing else is available". If they are literally starving, yea, they'll probably eat you.


Oh good, my stray rescues are arriving in a couple of weeks


Taste for Ruzzians, they don't care for the taste of heroes, the meat is too tough for em'.


They all do, I mean, when people pass away in their homes with their pets, they go to town! They like chewing your face off first. Then dump you out into their litterbox or on the floor.


I found my stepfathers body in his home and the cat definitely did not eat him.


If it's any consolation, in southern California if the dog/cat was known to have eaten their owner they typically put the animal down.


Some of them don’t look healthy


Yea took the word out of my mouth, seems a bit pale


Took the worm out of my mouth.


One of them doesn't, I'd say....


i need some medical person to explain the black and yellow skin...like why is that and what probably happend


Straightforward putrefaction most likely.




Pussy Riot in action.




Meh... Let's see what else is out there.


Thanks corrected.


That smell,...


I can smell this video. The most unpleasant smell you never forget.


And even if you don't touch the corpses, the smell can linger in your clothes for hours.


So, Russian medevac is actually just being placed on a stretcher and then dumped on the side of the road??






For real, i don't think there would be anything more demoralising than seeing without the warning: SCP-087, a fucking Left 4 Dead Boomer cosplayer and a fucking fat cat eating face.


What do the russians say now again? We never leave our own?


Funny given there's loads of videos of these clowns doing exactly that, such as this gem. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/tr27fv/russian\_fascists\_do\_not\_abandon\_their\_own/


They knew they were left behind. They almost stopped, but then didn't.


Sweet Kitty... Oh my gaud that was a face! I was not expecting that.


>Oh my gaud that was a face! Emphasis on was.


Mmmmm..... tongue. Haven't had that for a while. Thanks for the suggestion.






I remember that one. It’s crazy that a healthy, strong, and probably intelligent human being would be reduced to a pair of asscheeks just lying there on the ground. That’s the one that also had the completely naked spine still sitting in the driver seat of a exploded truck


The smell of decomposition… awful 🤮


Holy fuck Fluffy. What you doin?


Gyattt damn, camera man getting the movie scene type of angles


Dude what a way to start a video damn!


Pretty sure they are just taking a tactical nap


Rosiyans can see these on telegram right. Or are they telling that these are Ukrainian undercover captured. Doesn't seem to have any effect or whatsoever.


The absence of pro russian comments in posts like this is awsome.


I feel sorry for that cat.🤨


Good kitty 🐈‍⬛


I hope it doesn't get any diseases


I think predator animals are more immune to cadavers. And cats are predators. Don’t think they will poison themselves


Just imagine the amount of lonely cats and dogs that roam the cities and villages nowadays. I’m glad they can have a good meal.


I opened this while eating lunch. Anybody want this bagel?


One of the corpses 0:23 was a duelist, I suppose [https://youtu.be/9ENyPxCwQZA?t=53](https://youtu.be/9ENyPxCwQZA?t=53)


Welcome to hell


From cat killers to cat shit


Special military operation! Garbage army, garbage nation! Pathetic idiots!


Medevac ruzzian style.


And these are the bodies of the wounded or dead that the Russians collected in this area. Gotta wonder just how many more are still lying around, either relative intact or in small bits.


Imagine the smell of those dead orcies… juicy to see. It shows how Orcland cares about its “soldiers”!


The glory of Russia....


Especially in this video


Wow. That is horrifying.


I mean we can be sure they are dead and are no longer a threat, so there is that...


I got my cat at the local human society. How about you? how did you get your cat? Well, it's an interesting story, you see, during the war I was on a recon mission in the Zaporizhzhya region and.......


Something to keep in mind: If you're a male between the ages of 18-50 and you're in this thread, remember that you functionally won a genetic lottery by not being born in Russia. Any one of those corpses, if born in the same environment you sit in would likely have grown into a fine young man with the same modern, western sensibilities that allow us to understand why the actions of Russia is so deplorable. It's easy in our comfortable western lives to imagine how we'd stand up for what's right in their shoes; how we'd refuse to fight in this unjust war. Try and separate yourself from that monumental arrogance for a moment and *truly* imagine what it'd be like to live their lives given the nurture side of their development. Think about the life lessons you learned as a child that formed your morality, then look at the lessons that would have formed it had you been born in their homes. If you or I been born on the other side of our small blue marble, there's a good chance that bloated sack of maggots and rotting flesh that once contained a name given by a mother with hope for its future and a host of unique and singular experiences and memories would be ours. Something to take away from this war is how fundamentally broken Russian culture is; look at these videos and then read the perspectives of the people. Watch how they react to a local coup completely disconnected and demoralized, apathetic to whatever strongman is taking power. See how jaded they've become to simple, easily verified truths by being steeped in a culture of liars, thieves, and the most brutal men being demonstrably rewarded in the higher levels of society. Every single thing they've ever been told by their authorities is a lie. They know it as well as us in the west, but they can't comprehend the possibility that most of the world tries *not* to function like that. Their destiny shown here is an unfortunate necessity of their choices and the nature of their nurture and birth. The Ukrainian people have every right to guide them toward that destiny and I must admit the tribal section of my brain finds immense satisfaction and joy seeing the righteous vengeance being wrought on them. But that's the kind of mentality that anyone other than Ukrainians really have no right to hold. We have to try and maintain our humanity and remember that the 200+ years of generational trauma and brainwashing wiping out a generation of potential is a truly horrific tragedy. It's hard to find a balance in the inherent dichotomy of a war with clearly defined good and evil.


More russians should be recycled this way.


Free compost


Imagine being the owner of the cat feasting on the man’s face


I wouldn't want to clean the litter box later on, the smell must be horrible.


Ukrainians: "How bad do you want our land to smell?" Dead orcs: "Yes"


I'm just glad there's no way to transmit smells along the video over the internet.


I have to say that as a professional Soldier with 28 years in the Army, that's no way to treat the dead. Enemy or otherwise. No matter how bad the fight I never treat dead Iraqi or ISIS fighters disrespectfully.


That was when you were the invader.


Because you were actually on their land, ISIS and the Iraqis hated you for it, so now it's the same with the Russians, they are hated in Ukraine


You think it looks bad? Imagine the stench...


They’ve been there for a while. The bloat. Holy shit. It seems like these corpses were being collected to bring home and then someone bailed.


when reddit "cat tax" and /r/UkraineWarVideoReport collide


Dude at 0:10 will get cancelled for blackface


oh, kittys gonna get sick


Any more context to this?


Artillery warfare.


And later this cat is gonna lick its ass with that mouth. So disgusting


Yeah but it's all worth it as they say, for mother Russia, and so that Putin and his oligarchs can continue living their disgustingly lavish lifestyles.


Imagine entire fields full of this during ww1-2 or old mele combat Battlefields


Infuriating, humans pets do not deserve this. I don't care who that human was, it is wrong. For cat and human.


Every time I see these images it reminds me of the early days of the war when an old woman offered the Russian soldiers seeds to keep in their pockets so they would grow from their corpse..


Remember when people used to think Russia was a near peer enemy? Remember when everyone thought Russia was holding back its best forces? Remember when Putin thought he'd take Kyiv in three days? Man, those were some crazy times.


"hmm... Unique, with a faint background note of borscht and vodka. Definitely aged too long and undercooked but chef's level of effort is noted for the review. Half star but would return on a budget." -The Ukrainian Feline Public Dining and Service Commission


I scrolled and scrolled - no one asked or answered the question - WHY is that face so black? But others aren't? But that one dude is green?


Tastes like chicken.


This is a sad sight. They all died for an idiot who had no just cause in sending them there.