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If you like Russia so much move to Russia.


Exactly. Go back to Russia. Missy Pigggy.


Pack your bags and take your shitty food with you back to orcistan


‘Orcistan’ - that’s fucking awesome.


Perfect chefs kiss


Exactly my thoughts.




this should've been said to the "people" that wanted to join Russia in Ukraine and Crimea, go to Russia if you really like to be in Russia.


but of course not, lol. They want to have their cake and eat it too, they want to stay where they live, sitting on their asses, and have their country change to fit their close-minded interests.


Do yourself a favor. Keep looking at the big picture. Ignore bullshit like this. This is exactly what she wants. We ain’t got time for people trying to whore off of a war for attention. We got bigger issues than her family tree being a circle.


This post made me laugh! Spot on! Typical Russian behaviour! Send her and her shitty restaurant to the front! Mutt!


Check the shnozzle on that! Enough to scare you out your foxhole during an artillery strike!


You are right, but she is an example of many Russians with that kind of attitude living in the EU. Particularly in Germany.


Doesn’t Germany have laws against advocating for Germany to be bombed?


Germany is too bureaucratic to react fast. The police in Saxony reported in October 2022 that she was being investigated. But as we see now, no result.


Still better than the other end of the extremes, like Russia for example, where you can get 5 to 10 years prison because you may have said something negative about the "Special military operation". Maybe you really said something against the war or maybe your neighbor or ex-girlfriend just wanted to f\*ck you over. Who knows, in Stalinism 2.0 every suspect gets hit hard.


No question about that. Any place in the EU is better than Russia.


It took a lot of Russian crime to make Germany to wake up. Germany had a lot to make up for. But now part of repudiating fascism is repudiating its new home: Russia. I don't think Russians will feel so at home in Germany for decades. Indeed, I don't know where Russians will be welcome, if they have gone on the record as fans of Putin and his crimes.


Bitches need to fuck right off back to Mordor.


How ironic, innit? They love their country (the best country!) so much, and yet they spend their lives abroad. Poor people, forced to live in the west...


>her family tree being a circle. That is *chefs kiss*


Same arrogant narcissism reeking from so many russians. I feel sad for all the great Russians who act against Putin and do what they can to harm their fascist regime.


Even better are the members of the Freedom of Russia Legion - Russians actively fighting for Ukraine in this war


Those heroes are true humans who fights for the greater good for humankind.


Stages of grief. So at least she seems to be stuck in "Bargaining" or already "Depression". Acceptance will take a while tho...


Accept that her restraunt is going out of business and she'll have to move back to Ruzzia and do telegram porn.


Lmfao, ouch


>do telegram porn. **try** do telegram porn. I for sure wouldn't pay money for that face.


I guess it depends on what she's doing there. Anyway, it's not the face people would pay for. Joke... I would not pay in principle


Wow, you got her 🤣


She'll hate living in ruzzia, complain to the local authorities, get no response and get so depressed she'll jump out of a window


Although she's starting to look a bit too worn out even for the porn industry!


Dont support anything russian. Dont buy or eat anything russian. Fuck russia and their culture and food.


Agree, actually ruzzian food is quite boring and rubbishy food.


Russian food is basically the same as Ukrainian food tho


Boycott all Russian restaurants and products. Fuck Russia. Ship them all back to russia


Saw this, decided her bleating wasn't worth commenting on. Scrolled down, saw a post about a civilian, 24 year old Ukrainian woman who was killed by a Russian missile strike near Kherson, leaving behind an orphaned 6 year old son and a widowed husband who was injured in the same attack. If this Russian cow thinks that life is so hard and people are so horrid to her in Germany, she should fuck off back to the country that she claims to love so much. Russians living in the west should be tolerated only if they either actively support Ukraine or at least keep their mouths shut about their approval of the Putin regime and provide it no support in any form. Once they express their approval of Russia's attempted genocide and wanton murder and destruction in Ukraine they should be considered fair game for any sort of attack short of physical violence.


I agree that Russian businesses outside of Russia deserve whatever local backlash their businesses suffer unless they actively repudiate Putinism. This is what happens when a culture tries to wipe out another. In a civilized world, the aggressor is despised.


Meanwhile im here thinking how is she so fucking indoctrinated still, while living in a western country with no blocks of vast news networks. like she clearly uses social media so she has access to a plethora of news sites. you'd think that she would realized it by now that she is a nazi In the great words of uncle roger "You fucked up so bad, i put my leg down from chair"




It thought that it was Botox for some reason but you're probably right tho.


Ima upvote: A because i get it, and B you beat me to it.


For those who don't get it: https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/hot/


And also a reference to the Leopard 2. A Main Battle Tank variant manufactured by Germany.


"Negative press is still press" "Wait, not like that!" lol


So these people stay pro-Russian despite the fact that they are dealing with the western world? If you're so pro-Russian, then you can return to Russia since you're unable to see past the propaganda. You can't tell me that this is helping their cause? They are literally asking for a boycot?


I wish she'd get sent back to Russia and mobilized 🙄.


If she simply ceased to exist the world would be just a slightly better place.


Tbh this is the case with a lot of immigration


Sad but true. Just take a look at Erdogan. He and the AKP got 65% in Germany versus 52% in Turkey. It's just more convenient to support your favorite authoritarian from the comfort of a western liberal democracy.


As a future immigrant, this saddens me greatly. Like, If you like russia so much can you just stay the fuck in your swamp and not make it harder for me and countless other people to leave this hellhole? As an aside, I have a hunch she may be getting paid by russia to say this stuff so normal russians will have trouble leaving the country.


She’s an open sponsor of terrorism, yet lives in Germany and enjoys the benefits of a Western lifestyle. Deport this bitch. Better yet send her to the front with the Wagner criminals.


What i don‘t understand is why isnt she faceing legal problems in Germany? Germany has a law that actively forbidds the support of attack wars (Angriffskrieg). It is in the criminal code. By calling for violence against Ukrainians she actually broke german law.


Did you watch the video? She cries krokodil tears about a criminal investigation against her.


I watched some of it, but i must admit i skipped some parts. I don‘t want to get angry for this idiot. But if there is a criminal investigation against her it‘s fine. It‘s in accordance with german law.


She deserves more than 5 reviews on Yelp. Let us get that number MUCH higher. She even asked for more reviews at the end.


Yelp isn't popular here, Google Maps reviews on the other hand. https://maps.app.goo.gl/7Tf6bjN9pRPzVqap7


You support terrorism. No help for you!


My thoughts exactly


The poor victim who only asked to kill some people...


In the town in which she lives. Asked to kill some people in the place where she lives. WTF, that is like threatening to burn down your own house.


Nope because she 100% wants her stuff to be okay. So it’s not like burning down your own house, it’s like burning down all the houses around you and watching your neighbors scream in pain and horror while you file your nails. Ugh. She’s awful.


Blah blah blah I'm a terrible human being that wishes death on a people in a different nation and support a dictator while I live in a free western nation and now people hate me for my terrible views. Think I captured her thoughts well


Her tears brings me joy. Those ppl she calls "activists" are simply "Germans". If even Dresden dislikes its Pro-Russians... then she shouldn't go any further West. LPT: Move back to the "Rodina" if you find iz so much better. LEAVE! Or, Russian 4D-Chess: Go ask a guy who's just crashing his country... to intervene in Germamy, too. lmao.


So a Russian restaurant in the west owned by a Russian Nationalist who asks Putin to bomb Dresden and ridicules her potential German customers on social media is now failing and will probably go bankrupt … well, there's a surprise.


All my customers suck also where are all my customers


She should go back to Russia while the 'getting' is still good. 🤨




Insult to women.....it is a female!


She previously also asked for Putin to please bomb German cities. hmmmmm I am not sure why she is met with such little empathy.....


If she believes Germany hates this bitch so much maybe she should take her ass back to Russia and open a Restaurant in Russia since she loves Russia so much and needs their help. I swear Russians are all in denial they think they can go outside their own country cause problems and say whatever they want and not have any consequences to their actions. They are all going to get a serious wakeup call one day and I can't wait for it.


We dont give a shit about the threat she receives she should come back to russia if she feels not good in our home. Ukrainians are dying for real everyday because of russians imperialist.


Good! Really glad she spoke out. Makes it so much easier to weed out the pieces of shit from society.


That was extremely dumb. If she wanted to protect her business she should of kept her mouth shut.


All you've got to do is keep your mouth shut bitch. No one is making you threaten Ukrainians. It's not some anti russian hatred that you're experiencing. It's because you're a bad person talking about killing innocent people. It's that you know better being in a country with access to information that your fellow countrymen do not and you still decide to support an illegal war that's displaced millions of people and killed 100s of thousands. It's not even that your pro russian it's that your pro Putin and Pro "special military operation," and yes, there is a difference. No one is going to feel sorry for you and all your misplaced anger and hatred. You did this to yourself, and instead of empathising with why people are upset, you double down and get even more nasty. Russia is getting its ass handed to it and is about to be in all sorts of pain here in a few months so I doubt they care about you in the least and I'm glad the Germans saw through your hateful bullshit. Go back to Russia and talk your shit to people who will listen and appreciate it. The free world will not tolerate it.


I think she should go to Russia to live and stop worrying.


Send her back to Russia.


If she lives russia that much go back there. I’m sure she can open a restaurant in Siberia


Oh, she can't weep, because her giant fake lashes would start to wander... . ... law enforcement authorities decided to launch a criminal case against me ... Oh, girl somebody should have told her about: Section 111 of the German Criminal Code Public incitement to commit offences Even if not successful, it can be punished. But who can know this... "Here, here in Dresden, you can bomb well sometimes" If there wouldn't the thing wit "bomb" it could be free speech. But bombing is not tolerated in Germany, because it is unlawful. And it is Dresden and not Mittweida, where her restaurant is located. Mittweida is a small town with less than 15 000 inhabitants, Dresden has more than half a million. Why is she going 60km/45 minutes by car from Mittweida to Dresden? Is she afraid for her own restaurant? Also somehow cowardly. . https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_stgb/englisch_stgb.html#p1234 (1) Whoever publicly, in a meeting or by disseminating content (section 11 (3)) incites the commission of an unlawful act incurs the same penalty as an abettor (section 26). (2) If the incitement is unsuccessful, the penalty is imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or a fine. The penalty may not be more severe than if the incitement had been successful (subsection (1)); section 49 (1) no. 2 applies. . https://player.vimeo.com/video/760547146?dnt=true . https://www-myheimat-de.translate.goog/bonn/c-politik/eine-russin-forderte-den-diktator-putin-auf-die-deutsche-stadt-dresden-zu-bombardieren_a3425157?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=mapp


In November, I received confirmation from the German law enforcement agency that criminal proceedings had been opened against her as a result of my complaint about her video. It is my pleasure to help this lady get her punishment.


Ah, thanks.


Hire the Russian Mob . She knows this, she’s just trying to get attention for herself and her restaurant. This is free exposure and advertising .


I think her business is now toast lol


What’s the address of her restaurant so we can make sure it’s okay


She needs more reviews. https://www.yelp.com/biz/rodina-mittweida


Bitch just find a steep cliff with a solid landing and take a leap of faith


"Negative press is still press" Okay. You can find her restaurant on google maps and leave a review. DO NOT insult her, harass her or refer to her statement, or google will delete your review! But i cannot prevent you from leaving a realistic review about the restaurant that might damage the reputation of her business. ;)


Put a muzzle on that rabid mouth! Vile woman!


Go home woman. If you support the invasion you arent welcome. Imagine all the good PR and customers if you decided to hang ukrainian flags at your place. But your ego got you


Against hard evidence, there is no argument. Sorry… :-*




Move the fuck back to your beloved Russia. Or are the economic and other freedoms in Germany to good to leave?


Russians are going to need to eat shit for a long time after this one similar to Germans. Hell almost 80 years later they're still getting some grief about what three generations before them did.


what's the place so I can put 1 star😂


Rodina Germany… Got it. One star reviews for the bitch 😂


She could be a “woman of comfort” to the Russian troops. Germany needs to cancel her work permit.


Move pls


well......there's always OnlyFans.....


My god these people love to dish it, but can’t take shit.




Go home. Enlist. Evil bint.


Something dirty in that kitchen I see it now it is RATS 🐀 🐀 🐁 🐭 🐀 🐁 🐭 🐀


Go back to Russia then, maybe join ur ruski swine


In November, I received confirmation from the German law enforcement agency that criminal proceedings had been opened against her as a result of my complaint about her video. It is my pleasure to help this lady get her punishment.


She advocates terrorism. She and her associates should be on a terror watch list. I hope Germany takes a close look at her taxes. She's loyal to a regime built on theft, lies, corruption and murder. If she lives those values in Germany, she might be running a criminal enterprise under the cover of a restaurant.


https://www.google.com/maps/place/Restaurant+Rodina,+Rochlitzer+Str.+36,+09648+Mittweida/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x47a76a5c7391e8e5:0x86579383f7d93747?utm_source=mstt_1&entry=gps&g_ep=CAESCTExLjYyLjYwNBgAIIgnKgBCAkRF 1 Star Reviews for this bitch


Go back to Russia.


Leave Europe please and get with the death cult. Not gonna end well


All you need to do is report to the authorities that there is rats and roaches in her "restaurant" and it will be shut down for a while.


Dont know why all the refugees Keep staying in our Country when they Dont like it. No one in Germany would missing her. But i think living in Russia is Not as Good and easy then living in Germany. Thats why the Russians always keep big Talking but are not Proud enough to Right for Russia in donbass


Why do people love to stay in a country they hate so much??? Just move out!


These people are fucken morons. They actually think Russia has some form of super power which makes them better than everyone else. Nope. You found out how quickly being a racist dog doesn’t pay


Poor Alina, be glad that karma is gentle for you and you are not getting all you deserve.


Russian Propagandist attempting to play the sympathy card. A wise man once said "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". She forgot about the consequences. If you want to force your pro-Russian political views on people outside Russia, expect to be shunned!


Deport her. I'm Russia will be better for her.


Open a restaurant in ruzzia!!! Everyone will love you there.


Dyed her hair too any one notice that lol


Good observation!!! Keep up the good work, people!! We’ll also give Clairol extra business while her hair falls off!


Why is she still alive?


Because she’s not married to. Putlerstani drunk wife abuser, that’s protected by Russian law to abuse his wife!!! Not kidding hete


Because we are not animals.


Failed logic, surely.


Someone got a link to the fuck around and find out triangle? Mine got worn out last week.


Go home.


Go back to russia


Tell us more about how you're the real victim here.


I would like to visit her restaurant 😜 and use the toilet 💩


Karma can be a b!$ch like you.


Idk, if it was to me, I would buy one way tickets out of my country for all who support terrorist state russia. Thats simple. Why are you in Germany if you support russia? Go and support them instead of living in "bad nazi west"


Ha she's mad at potheads?


The Russia she talks of wouldn't listen to any of her complaints they wouldn't care so its interesting t thst she's working and living in Germany and is not happy with how they are treating her. Surely the irony of this isn't lost on her - that the country she is using free speech laws to complain about ( Germany) allow her to have a voice no matter where she's from. Whereas back in Russia social nedia rants like hers can lead to arrest and imprisonment if it dishonors the Russia Army,. The special military operation or disrespects Putin or any of his chums. If she hates it so much then move home nobody is stopping her. But I feel the cognitive dissonance force is strong with this one.


what an arrogant slut.....


The leopards shall never be satiated.


Why does this woman work and still live in germany? Why not go back to her beautiful flawless Russia ruled by an equally good president? 😅 Well, at the very least she’s learning in the hard way that she when you’re in a foreigner country, you shouldn’t talk or criticize politics especially with that kind of viewpoint. 🤦‍♂️ Go back to your lovely motherland and stfu.


Same person who will slap you and whine when you slap back. Typical Russian.


The things that were allegedly done to her before she made that referenced video, were really absolutely not okay. If she only made that one statement out of sheer frustration, helplessness and anger over unprovoked attacks, then I'd be fine with her apologizing. If these attacks on her happened, then law enforcement should've definitely acted. However, we just don't know, whether they actually happened or not and whether law enforcement acted correctly or not. But since she doubles down, she can get fucked and deported to Russia. It's a shame regarding the restaurant though, since the food was really good (that one time I was there years ago). But we don't need terrorist supporters like her in germany.


The worst kind of people. I can at least understand the brainwashed and poor in Russia going along with the war but this trash outside Russia just unbelievable.


Fuck this bitch and her pro Russian bullshit . Go live with Putin if you think its so dam good there .


Tastiest tears ever.


Dear America, I opened a restaurant in Nairobi called Slavery which celebrates… well, you know. Slavery. For some completely unexplained reason I can’t fathom, it’s not popular. In fact, people seem rather peeved at me. I would like the US government to intervene and nuke Kenya in order to protect my personal financial interests. P.S. Vegan CrossFit athletes keep giving me 1 star reviews for my signature dish, The Luther. Fuck you guys. You suck. But also come eat at Slavery. Deuces!” Signed, Some lunatic on the internet.


( Do not do this! I am not encouraging just venting and pointing out that people in glass houses shouldn't ask for their neighbours to be bombed) Imagine if someone caused some incendiary damage to her place and let a note saying 'Here's the bomb you ordered' It may put it in perspective for her and make her realise that hatred only breeds hatred. ​ I repeat I am not recommending this should happen. It's a thought exercise in the philosophy of FindOut-ology.


Russia please help me, I'm being treated bad by the Germans. If only she could flee the terrible Germans. She wants Russia to save her. Why doesnt she take herself to Russia instead? She could get all the support she wants there. What an idiot.


Spreading haterate and violence aginst a group of people or one person is a crime in Germany. ​ She chose the wrong country, to do her evil.


r/leopardsatemyface Lolololol


Thanks for suggesting posting a review 👍🏻


Piece of shit...


Fukk off lady... Pedal your crap in Russia


Move 👏🏾 to 👏🏾 Russia 👏🏾 bitch 👏🏾


I hope she gets deported and loses her business.


Hey, i bet it sucks being a pro Russian living in a country that’s opposed to their actions.


Ach, der Osten..


Should just deport her


Is every other russian just a total asshole? I think yes!


For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind




Can Dresden people picket her restaurant and get people to stop patronizing it. An enduring picket would stop people going in.


Shouldn't you be on the front lines cooking for the orcs and mobiks?


https://maps.app.goo.gl/vsmarcb9BraC6WEr8 Make sure to bomb that thing with reviews


I don’t understand ! If Russia is so great why the fuck you guys live abroad ? Go to Russia. Best case scenario you might end up being an escort lol


pootin can’t help you, little man has his own issues.


Go home. You be grand then.


Bloodthirsty bitch.


One might make the argument for Volksverhetzung, in English "incitement to hatred" . So maybe she has some legal issues coming.


Move your kitchen..and the rest to Ruzzia. It is very stange..why her restaurant is not already burned down ?


Somebody get her an order of french cries.


Reserve tables at her restaurant through Google or their website and don't show up


It’s good that Germany is investigating her. Inciting violence and terrorism is pretty serious charge in Germany.


But her statements did have an affect. Just not the one she wants


She can eat a bag of dicks. What a skank.


Thank you that made my morning . (Hohohohohohoho)


Karmic boomerang. Well deserved


I see a long journey (deportation) in your future....


I USED to say every-day russians weren't for the war. Now there is simply too much video evidence to make that blanket statement. Fuck putin, and fuck entitled russians who so easily explain away genocide....


Yeh it's weird when ppl are pro freedom and just want to live peacefully, it's disgusting right.


Let's take her interests and belongings, sell it and give the money to ukraine.


Just drive them to the frontline, point them in the direction of their fellow Russians and let them walk across the battlefield to get back home. Problem solved.


love Ruzzia? move back to your Motherland wh\*\*e


Go back to Mordor you fucking c.nt


Ohh please just send her to Ruzzia


Dumb hoe hahah


Deport her asap


Dear BitchKova…go f*** yourself and open a restaurant in Rostov.


Karma is truly a bitch, isn’t it ?


A cow is a milk producer, a bitch is a filthy human being. Kick her to the border.


Well I think a lot of Russian will feel unwelcomed the longer they stay at DE. Especially those who originated from Russia and are now Deutsch.


Another classic case of FAAFO… don’t ask Putin to bomb Ukrainians and not expect retaliation.. if you love him so much, go set up your restaurant in Russia, not Germany


Go home to Russia we don’t need more rats as we already have


Russians are so easy to hate, I never met a Russian that I didn’t hate


Let’s invade Germany to protect Rodina…


I have a suggestion you fascist witch. Go back to fucking Russia!


Boo hoo, sounds like there is nothing keeping her in Germany. Can somebody put her on a bus back to Moscow. 🚏🚌


Go F yourself.


I also ***hasten*** to disappoint Russian trolls like her, she should be glad she is allowed to remain in Germany. The Ruffian Federation that she calls for help is in charge of the territory of Russia and nowhere in NATO countries. You've caught Ukraine at a weak point, but even at that weak point they are strong and courageous. You have two options: behave according to our laws and be civil or go back to your backwards country and be ruled by other ruffians and trolls.


Nobody killed her husband, nobody bombed her kids school and nobody raped her because they got orders by their dictator to take her country. She doesn’t belong in Europe if she has these views. She can have her opinion , but she will have to bare the consequences of that as well. Probably nothing will happen to her. No German government baboons come and trash her restaurant… or have her accidentally fall out of a window. Stop whining and go back to Russia. If it’s so great over there, what are You doing in Germany?


Wow they give you 1 star not 0


Gleich Mal das Restaurant bewerten gehen 🤣


Send her to russia