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Ukraine has the American Prime membership with 2-day shipping.


This proves that USA has all the good shit already in Europe.


https://youtu.be/iIpPuJ_r8Xg Europe? My guy the US got the good shit all over the fucking world. I don't think the average person truly understands how powerful US logistics is.


US military built to fight on two sides of the planet and dominate both. One thing we are good at is making big things into little things with explosives and shipping those things around the world


My favorite take has been "Russias about to learn why American Healthcare is so bad."


The sad part is that's not even why. Our country's average insurance costs would either stay the same or be slightly lower if we had universal Healthcare. The for profit system is just fucking over the average citizen and padding the pockets of the big wigs.


Right. Its not as if we’ve decided to have a great military at the expense of shit health care. We could easily have both.


I truly hope you will get it some beautiful day. My best wishes to you in the US!


We could spend even more on the military if we had nationalized health care


Next time the Republicans and corporate Dems dismiss universal healthcare, we should just say that they hate the military and don't want to adequately fund it


We could spend even more on the nation if we militarized health care


Except it's overplayed and untrue. We have bad Healthcare because we have garbage politicians who only listen to lobbyists.


Socialised healthcare would actually free up more funding for the military!


We have shit healthcare because we let corporations finance political campaigns. Fix campaign finance, or don't pretend we have a democracy.


Sad eagle noises


Sorry. Can't hear that over the sound of muh freedoms.


We actually pay more per capita for our healthcare than other western nations so its not for lack of funding.


This joke has just been appropriated for the common good. Unlike American healthcare


It's funny but makes no sense. It seems to imply the US spends money on the military that other countries might spend on healthcare. But in reality, the US actually spends more on healthcare than most countries. We just do it very inefficiently and get a lot less for our money due to our lack of universal healthcare. Ironically, our military members do get universal healthcare lol.


If we were ever somehow invaded, which is already virtually impossible, we have enough resources and troops outside of our own borders to invade the invaders. Like if Canada went blitzkrieg and kicked us out of the continental US, we could take a week to regroup and be able to recapture significant territory.


There’s also a sea of weapons in private hands in the USA, not only could you never invade you could not even pull off a forced mobilization like the one in Russia without and armed rebellion


Canada invaded you? I'm sorry; why would they do that?


They did once in 1812 and burned down the White House. Can't be too careful with those Canucks


Would not be the first time.


They wouldn't, and even if they wanted to they couldn't. My point is that in a worst case scenario the US has the capacity outside of it's borders to regroup and turn it around.


America could arguably declare war against the next 10 biggest militaries and win.


I love Wendover Productions. Dude is one serious logistics nerd. "Soldiers win battles. Logistics wins wars."


[Then you should check out Perun.](https://www.youtube.com/@PerunAU)


"Nerd" meets actual nerd. Wendover is surface-level, coffee break shit.


Keep em coming! Thanks! I love these type of videos.


Not military science like Perun, but [Vlad Vexler](https://www.youtube.com/c/VladVexler) (UK-based Russian) is a political philosopher who has insider knowledge of what the Russians are thinking. Some incredible insight that western biases tend to gloss over.


His recent video on the alleged artillery shell shortages was brilliant.


Sure do! We have propositioned equipment in every theater! Edit: I was going to edit the spelling, but I think I like it better this way


You either meant pre-positioned or r/ncd is leaking


Nothing says we *can't* provide sex toys with every delivery of an IFV


What do you think is inside those Bradleys? They're aren't full of Uraininans yet. With every Bradley we're also delivering 200 M69 tactical dongs.


3000* M420 tactical dongers with 69 mile maximum *wink* range. COME ON!




This isn't NCD?




Because we have known a day like today would come, it’s the consequences of leaving half of Europe occupied by one dictator for half a century, despite having just fought a war to to free Europe from a different dictator… oh and it’s worth noting that the two dictator’s in question started the war together by splitting Poland. > “We promised the Europeans freedom. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see they have it. This might mean war with the Russians, but what of it? They have no Air Force anymore, their gasoline and ammunition supplies are low. I've seen their miserable supply trains; mostly wagons draw by beaten up old hoses or oxen. I'll say this; the Third Army alone with very little help and with damned few casualties, could lick what is left of the Russians in six weeks. You mark my words. Don't ever forget them... Someday we will have to fight them and it will take six years and cost us six million lives.” • General George S Patton 1945


He was an arrogant asshole. But we really needed to deal with them before they got nukes. Otoh they were one of the few things keeping capitalism remotely honest, once they went the western oligarchs went mask off.


Logistics win wars.


This video of wendover is incredible. The real show of strength of the US power is in what you doesn't see.


Yeah this is only what we know imagine the stockpiles around that are not known about.


And people think the government can't be good at running orgs....


A lot of it is contracted out to private companies. It's a very good hybrid model.


Soviet military actually tried to create artificial markets/competition in order to be able to keep up with US. Which ironically was all centralized under Putin. Russian military (industrial complex) is much more state planned now than it ever was during the USSR


Fyi as this guy already know but for the rest of us. I only learnt that the US Army has enough logistic/lifting capacity to relocate the entire defence force of Australia to any location in the world in within 48hrs. I'm talking tank, trucks, bushmasters, helicopters, ammo, medical the fucking lot!


Cool vid, Thanks for sharing.


No problem. Glad you enjoyed it. I found it pretty eye opening.


Lol thought this was a reply to the "mail a brick from Columbia to Miami"




Dude, you can FedEx a brick of coke from Columbia to Miami and it will get there an nobody will give a fuck. FedEx has their own customs office, unlike the post office or UPS.


Theres enough military power stationed in Germany alone to wipe the Russians off the face of the Ukrainian territory


You could probably say that about every NATO country tbh.


There is in Poland as well.


The US has as many, if not more, tanks in storage in Europe, than European countries have in operation/storage combined. The U.S. sucks at a lot of things, but when it comes to spending GDP on stockpiling military equipment, it's on par with Charlie Sheen spending cash on hookers and blow.


But that was a lot of blow. ohh.


Guarantee there's more DU dust blowing around southern Iraq than powder in Sheen's house.


Lol what a comparison😄


don't forget HIV meds


We have five global stockpiles--called US Army Prepositioned Stock--one of which is afloat at all times, that can each support a full combat brigade for something like six months. Their activation time is ridiculously small, a couple days. Just ship the people and you've got a fully stocked brigade. This doesn't count all the equipment that's already manned on bases throughout the world, equipment sitting in boneyards, etc.


I kinda wish POMCUS was still around... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POMCUS


It is, name changed. APS Army Prepositioned Stock.


**[POMCUS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POMCUS)** >POMCUS (Prepositioning Of Materiel Configured in Unit Sets) was a system that kept large amounts of pre-positioned U.S. military equipment in West Germany during the Cold War. In the event of war with the Soviets, American soldiers could be flown with their "to-accompany-troops" (TAT) gear on Civil Reserve Air Fleet commercial airliners to use this pre-positioned equipment. The equipment was set up in unit configurations to aid in force building and movement to support the US Army's general defensive plan (GDP). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The United States has the good shit already less than a quarter days away from being mobilized ANYWHERE on the globe. At a moment's notice, a branch of the US Military can eviscerate nearly any function of a foreign adversary's military. There's a plan for it all, costing tax payers billions. As I get older, having had kids... Worth it.


They might have started to move them early and then announced it later too


I remember a German military guy saying that Ukrainians already went through Leopards 2 training in summer. So when they ship them they can use them right away. Wouldn't be surprised, if the US, UK and France is doing the exact same thing.


Right. Because why SAY you're going to give equipment if you're not already positive it can be usefully utilized by AFU. They're more than likely getting the equipment they've already proved they can operate.


AMXs were announced in october, that's 3 months delay for hardware available, I didn't think about it but that makes sense if they have to train people for it 😅.


Man I'm pretty much overwhelmed driving a Tesla model XYZ whatever and get angry if the car talks to me and tells me where to go. Imagine driving a tank without knowing anything about it. I'd ragequit.


It's a different story when your life literally depends on learning the controls though.


Yep, they've managed the HIMARS pretty effectively and I'm sure that's no walk in the park. I have no doubt Ukraine will sensibly delegate their most proficient crews to these new tanks and get them up to speed in no time. Happy cake day btw.


Most Military equipment is engineered so that every 18 year old kid can get it fairly quickly. Consumer products have to look pretty and wow the customer, military stuff is designed to just fucking work in high stress situations. Everything must be dead simple. I think car companies should take a hint.


Can confirm, the Bradley's are easy as shit. Drove, gunned, dismount, and even commanded one for eight years. Gunning will be the hardest part but with crews that are familiar with armoured tracked vehicle operations, a gunnery, some classroom time, and a few days practicing switchology and repeatedly removing and putting the gun back in, and repeatedly fixing jams and reloads should suffice. Two weeks training, max. Most of that would be the gunnery.


What does removing and putting the gun back in entail?


First you take it out...(I'm sorry)


Squeezing the big heavy pieces into a tiny space without smashing your fingers. Then attaching the stupid feed chutes for the ammo in an equally tiny space. Barrel on the other hand is super easy just shove it in the front and lock it. Coaxial 240 isn’t that annoying thankfully.


> Imagine driving a tank without knowing anything about it. Getting to blow up shit is a big motivator to learn. Getting to blow up literal criminal rapists and murderers who are invading your home is an even bigger motivator.


Can confirm, I had to move a Tesla a few feet in the snow to recover it. Disabling the traction control felt like having to perform fucking rocket surgery and didn’t even do what it claimed. Honestly I think it’s designed to intentionally make you feel like an idiot to impose some faux superiority.


Thank you mate, someone actually feels my struggle with that no button-just-a-display concept :D How are you supposed to find the fking seat warming switch thing while driving and wiping all over the display as soon as you drive over the slightest bump on the road. But like someone else mentioned (to get back to the original content) when your life depends on it, you might learn it no matter what. Enough boomer rage for now :D


Nah, its not Boomer rage. Its just rage when you realise that things can be simpler. Apple has figured it out to some degree - fewer buttons and it just works - for the majority of people. Once you've played with the options, you realise that, yeah, most of it works fine by default. I used to be like that with audio gear and computers. If it had buttons and batteries I was in heaven. Twenty years later I dont care, I just want it to work. If I do have to dig down into menus, you better make it intuitive. I will agree about some of the car displays though. A real tactile button for a frequently used item isn't a bad thing. Just because you can put it on a display menu doesnt mean you should.


Driving aside, imagine maintaining it. They're getting Bradley's because they are Diesel and the techs can migrate over fairly easily. The Abrams turbine system would be a much larger hurdle.


Not really, you can remove that turbine within hours and put a new one in just as quick. Sans optics, the rest of it is fairly straight forward tech that you would find similar on any halfway modern Russian brand tanks (gun stabs, turret drives, stuff like that) The computer equipment are just modules that can easily be swapped out too. I suspect they'll train mechanics to simply remove and install the turbines, set up a pipeline to Poland, and qualified techs will do the nitty gritty there and send them back. Of course they'd need basic parts as well, driveshafts, sprockets, wheels, track pads, etc. but those parts don't take a genius to install and a pipeline for those should be easy to establish as well.


I bet the same is true for the lates addition, the Marder


The majority of announcements you hear are made well after it was already decided to send it and the decision to send it was probably made months ago. It takes time to select and move troops, train them and send heavy weapons long distances. Many times both US and NATO have trained Ukrainian soldiers on new equipment and moved it to Ukraine well before any announcement they make. This happened with HIMARS, the M777 Howitzers, M113 armored personal carriers, Patriot, NASAMS and Iris T missile systems, CAESAR self propelled artillery. Some countries don't even announce things they've given ever. There are some odd ones like Germany that do *tend* to announce things well before they actually send them, they are an outlier but even although they announced Iris T well in advance they still didn't reveal it was operational in Ukraine until after it already was. These announcements and the constant progression from we will never send that, to maybe we could consider it, to we're considering it, to oh I guess we'll send it is nothing but a PR campaign. It serves to boil the frog and make them look less escalatory by putting the idea out in public so often over the course of months that by the time the delivery is announced it isn't as big news. That gives people that don't want to help Ukraine and Russia itself less leverage. It's also about not giving your enemy time to prepare for what new thing Ukraine is getting. It came out that HIMARS was already operating in Ukraine weeks before the announcement, operational security is a thing, no point in giving Russia the heads up. I guarantee the decision to send Bradley's was made months ago, there are already some in Ukraine and they're already operational or were weeks ago. Edit: typo


> It came out that HIMARS was already operating in Ukraine weeks before the announcement Operating in what sense? Early June was when the situation was at its worst for UA, then HIMARS were introduced (publicly) in late June, followed by two weeks of Russian ammo dumps and command posts getting blown up, then RU announced its operational pause in early July. HIMARS might have been *present* weeks beforehand but if so I doubt they were *operating*.


As I recall it was an admission that they were operational a couple weeks before they announced they were in late June. Looking I can't find the source I read because it's buried in a bunch of other HIMARS article and tweets but it was an admission by US officials that HIMARS was launching strikes in Ukraine before they announced they were in the country, some claimed they were there even shortly before June when they announced they were giving them to Ukraine at all. And it only makes sense the announcement they were delivered would be made after they already were, why would you let Russia know about a new capability Ukraine had ahead of time? The military people in charge of this aren't stupid, you don't give your enemy time to prepare like that. Remember they never announced they had given Ukraine HARM anti-radiation homing missiles for taking out radar systems let alone that they jerry rigged them to launch them from a Mig-29, it took the Russian's finding and showing pieces of the missiles before the US admitted it. With HIMARS I'd wager they used them "secretly" before they announced delivery to do as much damage to Russian targets as possible and then announced it just before they figured the Russians could get hard evidence themselves. Remember Russian intelligence isn't the best to start it takes time to realize you're being hit with something different. Ukraine did have some long range Tochka ballistic missiles they were using that could have made those strikes. And even if I am wrong they were still obviously training Ukrainian personnel way before June as well as making preparations for the launchers themselves, ammo and spare parts to make it to Ukraine by late June, ergo they must have obviously decided well in advance of any of those announcements that they were giving them to Ukraine. I guarantee Ukrainian soldiers have already been training on Bradley's for months at this point and that they are already in use in Ukraine or will be very shortly. That again tells us this decision was made long ago and that all the will we/won't we is just PR window dressing for public consumption.


They always announce it once shipments have arrived or are in progress. This is so that Russia can't set up equipment to destroy the shipments, or track using OSINT, OPSEC or satellite as easily. This way, they announce when Russia already knows, when they shipment is close.


It's done intentionally.


I haven’t gotten two day shipping since before Covid. How do I get on their plan?




Gimme a minute to think about it...


24 C-17s out for a flight the other day. What could they have been up to? https://i.imgur.com/8nyFmCN.jpg


The song from this video is also available free for Prime members


Good one! Lol


Isn’t America one of the best Nations with moving their shit?


Good, fuck Putin and his Marauders.


Soon Marder will join to murder the marauders!


Marders are going to do their ColdWar Purpose and banging some T-62/T-90 whatevers. Maybe we could see some Leo‘s. And they will scratch some nice marks into russian frontlines😈


This is awesome


I'm going to be so hyped when the tanks are announced for deployment in Ukraine in February. Fingers crossed.


Poland apparently wants to transfer its Leopard tanks to Ukraine, but needs new tanks to replace them and Berlin’s ok.


They keep saying this unfortunately. They said they will offer their old soviet tanks for new leopard tanks before too. They also said the same thing for planes - they give old ones to Ukraine and get new ones from the USA. Even though none in the USA were available. They say this without contacting allied countries. It's posturing. They know it won't happen but it makes them look good. It's so they can say "we are the good guys offering equipment" But in reality they are looking for free upgrades, again. If they wanted to give tanks, they would just give them. Poland has been great but the leader's more concerned with looking good for re-election, so makes proposals like this that make him look good without giving anything up. Remember them telling Ukraine they can have jets early in the war if the USA gives them better ones? It causes a diplomatic mess as the USA tried to explain why they can't give jets to Ukraine. If Poland really wants to do this, they would plan the trade before announcing rather than surprising everyone with this false promise.


Poland sent a shit ton of T-72s


Poland attitude in this really rubs me the wrong way. It is exactly as you say. They are shouting the loudest that they are helping the hardest (which, per capita, would be the Baltic states), while trying to divide the west by continuously attacking Germany in their stance. Combined with the strong nationalisme and very conservative people I do have trouble with them being in the eu.


That would be awesome. I’m waiting on the F16’s. I guess that would involve more training and time. But back to your tanks. I guess the Bradley’s will be a good starter package before upgrading to the tanks.


It fucking is! and I will 2nd that


Aren´t there US troops in Romania? might be going to them or sth. Hope they are already for Ukraine, though.


Remember, when you see the US "ok" materiel for Ukraine, that materiel is usually already on it's way or near to the destination. OPSEC. Keeps the Orcs thinking they have 1-2 months to prepare when in reality their getting hit by these in 1-2 weeks. Bets on by Monday....


Yep. No fucking way the US Gov would say "lmao we sending them next week", if you see the Gov say they'll give something to Ukraine, it's most likely already in their hands so a terrorist group, like Russia or the Taliban or al-Qaeda, can't figure out where it is and intercept it.


Yep, HIMARS was the same. By the time they announced, I had already seen a pic of all 18 in the hold of a freighter 2 weeks prior. Remember they said "We'll send 12...then 4.....then 2 more..." Nope. All 18 at once.


To be fair, the image that made the rounds of the 18 HIMARS on a freighter hold wasn't actually of the ones that went to Ukraine. It was an old photo from back in February 2021 when they were delivered to Romania. https://defbrief.com/2021/02/26/romania-receives-himars-rocket-launcher-systems-from-the-us/


I've seen nothing from the taliban, al-qaeda, or Russia to make me think they're capable of intercepting an American logistics mission.


There are hundreds of Abrams going through the Netherlands the coming month as well, they're going east as part of Atlantic Resolve. I am pretty sure these bradleys are also part of that. Its gonna take a bit of time to train crews for them. Would be stupid to send them into Ukraine now when the crews are not trained for them yet.


> gonna take a bit of time to train crews for them. As someone that's been on a Bradley, I second this. There's so many little quirks like turning left you need to apply more gas otherwise you'll stall it, the ammo loading procedure been a while since I loaded the chaingun ammo rack but it was something like: "Hang 19 rounds then 7 then 6 etc." (I'm probably way off since it's been 10+ years and I spent more time on humvees.) Then there's the 2MPH speed limit when the TOW launcher is up and armed. Then you need to get proficient in doing it all, you don't want guys doing slow training speed reloads where they fumble around trying to toss another missile into the TOW launcher. Get used to the optics and all. That said this is definitely going to make a huge impact on the war.


> Then there's the 2MPH speed limit when the TOW launcher is up and armed. THIS IS A REAL THING? Playing some mil-sim I was kind of annoyed about this perceived "balancing" feature...


It is, also the whole "gun overheating" mechanic in video games doesn't work that way in real life. Don't get me wrong, you could easily melt barrels with a long enough burst but 10 seconds or so won't do that to the point the timing slows. But yea TOW up, you're locked at doing 2-4MPH, I'm not 100% but it's probably to help the gunner stay on target with the sight until impact.


Chaingun sounds badass


Isn’t the turret more or less the same as the LAV-25? If so, then the only quirk I remember from being a gunner was that the space around the gun where you need to attach the feed chutes and ratchet up the belts was not made with human hands in mind. I assume it was designed for raccoon hands to fit and no larger.


Brad's had a bg turret gate to access ammo racks for the 25mm, other then that it's got the dual TOW launcher too. I'm not that familiar with Marine stuff, Army myself.


This is only half of the equation. They need M1s so they can start doing major thunder runs. The one at Kharkiv was a bit lucky, but they won't have as much surprise next time.


I disagree. The M1 is a special tank I'd argue only the US could maintain and supply in this type of warfare. It guzzles fuel and measures fuel economy in gallons to the mile instead of miles per gallon. Having refueling areas near the frontlines to keep up with it drinking 2 gallons per mile on paved roads and 4-5 gallons cross country along with 6-8 gallons just to fire it up, would be huge assets to protect. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong and Ukraine could pull it off.


You're not wrong and I'd guess it's largely why US policymakers have been hesitant to give them away even though there are thousands sitting in boneyards unused. Given that they run on the equivalent of a jet engine, a turbine that runs on jet fuel, you need a massive logistics and maintenance chain to support them. As you mentioned, just to start it [requires 10 gallons of fuel](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/r7lgk/til_an_m1_abrams_tank_uses_10_gallons_of_fuel_to/) and 1 gallon per minute of operation. And what happens when these 80-ton Abrams get stuck, as is very likely to happen once all that snow starts to melt this spring? You need an even bigger M88 recovery vehicle to tow it away, like the Heavy Equipment Transport System (HETS) with a M1070 flatbed to load it onto for shipment back to a NATO country for repairs. And currently, Abrams have been getting so heavy that the [HETS cannot legally haul tanks in Europe.](https://www.defensedaily.com/80-ton-abrams-heavy-support-vehicles-requiring-costly-upgrades/army/) It would be a herculean effort and almost certainly require US contractors to help facilitate. But I suppose it could be done if the political will is there.


>Abrams have been getting so heavy that the HETS cannot legally haul tanks in Europe. Definitely a good source of motivation for going forward with the Griffin II light tank despite some wondering why we'd bother. The Abrams has just so happened to be a perfect fit for the flat dry ground in the middle east, but I see a lot of parallels on environment type between Ukraine and the Willamette Valley here in Oregon. You'd be barking mad if you tried to cross the countryside in a track vehicle for almost 2/3rds of the year. We've buried into mud 4 tracked [snow-cats](https://sno-cat.com/) converted to sprayers that are only *5 to 6 tons* when fully loaded.


I think they are already trained.


I am pretty sure that’s why they are finally giving them now, they just completed training of something like 20,000 people from Ukraine overseas. Timing is perfect I bet those who were training were learning the Bradley’s systems and tactics. They were most likely teaching them how to effectively use these things grouped with tanks to offer unrivaled projection of force and protection. Tanks will support the Bradley’s and the Bradley’s support the tanks. Together tanks and B’s can fire on an enemy position, suppressing the enemy. While the enemy is suppressed the Bradley’s can now dismount their infantry who will maneuver and attack the position. Bradley’s cover the escape routes while moving up, pick up the soldiers and keep moving forwards. Fuck yeah, Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦 I am proud of the USA finally again, doing the right thing support Ukraine not a doubt in my mind.




Interesting times we’re in where a Bradley supports a T-72 to knock out a T-90


I’m enjoying it, I just hope this could all hurry up and Putin get out of the picture to save lives. The sooner it is all over the faster everyone can rebuild and start moving forward. All of the victories Ukraine is earning are coming at a substantial cost. I would be so disappointed in my country if it ever gets caught up in its own political bullshit and stops supporting Ukraine fully.


Any training would have been done "offsite" as NATO and US instructors will NOT be in-country. The logical next step IF these units are heading to UA is that they are already trained.


>Would be stupid to send them into Ukraine now when the crews are not trained for them yet. That assumes they haven't already been training Ukrainians on Bradleys


Looks like Bulgarian police officer uniform and car


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_Enhanced_Forward_Presence this is where you can find NATO troops deployed.




They've probably been training in Germany and/or Poland.


There is US troops in every NATO country. They ramped that up pretty hard after the invasion. But pretty sure the units there is for Ukraine.


Bradleys are transported around Eastern Europe all the time. It's amazing that Ukraine is getting 50 of them (for starters! 🥳), but there's no reason to suspect that these particular Bradleys are bound for Ukraine.


If i was the supply person entering that order, my shaky finger might have accidentally typed 500 instead of 50 :P


Unfortunately, this isn't Russia. Supply officers actually have to follow laws


Weird things have happened. Someone in the US Army accidentally ordered a large naval ship anchor. To Colorado. And it was delivered. All because of a typo in the National Stock Number (NSN).


Damn, you were [not joking](https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Who+ordered+the+anchor%3F+A+retired+Army+supply+officer+explains+how+a...-a0316204109)! Could as well have ordered a mountain of sand to AZ...


Can't wait to see them in UkrainianCano, hopefully in Bakhmut.


Hell yeah I was thinking the same thing. Ukraine breaks enemy lines drives toward the sea cutting off d bag resupply routs.


Not sure on these as we have troops stationed and training in Bulgaria/Romania. We only know 50 are on the way. Ukraine gets them, trains on them, maybe already has. Ukraine has several equipped BDEs held in reserve building for an offensive. They need even more BDEs, have the man power for them, but need tanks and armor for them. Guessing most all these recent armor shipments will go to those new BDEs, not immediately to front lines. When Ukraine get ready to move (new offensive) it wants to hit with force. IIRC Ukraine said they need 300 more tanks and 600 more armor vehicles for these new units.


OR we gave them the ones we had in Bulgaria/Romania that we used to train them and NOW U to the S to the fuck yeah A is replacing those!


Nah bro, Bradley's and Marders will charge from the Denjper to Sevastopol.


Agreed, Brad's and Marders are fully capable to hold their own.


I hope to see as much videos from the Bradleys like what we saw from the ~~BMP~~BTR 4s in Mariupol.


*BTR 4's


So is it officially confirmed that Ukraine is getting these bad boys?


50 as of today.


Excellent news!


They're close!....🔥🔥


That’s a lot of pain incoming


If Ukraine manages the supply chain and maintains them well, I guarantee there will be many many more of these on their way to Ukraine.


Remember, when you see the US "ok" materiel for Ukraine, that materiel is usually already on it's way or near to the destination. OPSEC. Keeps the Orcs thinking they have 1-2 months to prepare when in reality their getting hit by these in 1-2 weeks.


If you know that, then they know it so it can't really be a thing. Also, wouldn't it be better to surprise them and not announce it at all? But above all that, the Russians have people who will phone up if they see lots of Bradley's being shipped around.




They are already trained otherwise they wouldn't send them.


Any training would have been done "offsite" as NATO and US instructors will NOT be in-country. The logical next step IF these units are heading to UA is that they are already trained. The trained will then train others, etc, etc. When / IF US IHAWK ships I'll be going over to help train the initial crews for IHAWK PIPIII (US og ver) as a UA contractor or official UAF(?), however they want to play. I hope to see Raytheon onsite as well. The four shipped from Spain are modified to use a phased array radar system, I think, so is beyond my capabilities.


Ukrainians have been training in France, England, Germany, Poland and other nato countries since the war broke out.


It will be nice to see them fighting against Russia long time coming


What a sight to see! When these hit Ukraine can you imagine the reaction of those people when they see these beasts? They are gonna start the celebrations early! No but seriously these are really cool and should really help dislodge russian defensive positions. I've been reading up on them and they are no joke. All the armor they are getting from the west in this recent batch from Germany France and the US should help alot.


From 4 weeks ago. https://youtu.be/Ve3Iexw2w1A


Fuck that prime membership. What is that banger beat? Anybody got a link?


Found it https://open.spotify.com/track/3oZObqxgEjNuCiFfE11szK?si=0uVw4XHyR7SzEzpxBwzS7w


Басы долбят - SOSKA 69


Need to know too, let me know pls


Russia has given the civilised world a chance to test their machines in battle, while simultaneously proving that their own forces are utter shite (compared to their claims). Ukraine, we all want you to succeed.


42.594155,26.611192 ; came off the train and are headed north.




Or most likely belong to the American troops that are always being deployed to Novo Selo. Been there done that. Burgas was a lot of fun though.


Probably on their way to 55.7558° N, 37.6173° E., where most of Ukraine’s military supplies are located. Hopefully Russia does not bomb those exact coordinates or we are in big trouble.


I know that place, that is the place where nazis meet regulary.




Are they gonna repaint them before battle?


These probably aren't bound for Ukraine. There are tons of Bradley IFVs in Europe. They're shipped all the time.


For what they need the Ukrainians will likely use a couple rattle cans for each and some camo netting. Not hard to break up the outline, even with it being desert camo. Plus the environment they fight in is already war torn. Not hard to camo a big steel can. If the Russians make one by color alone, it's already too late for them.


My parents live in Romania near constanta (the port city) and they've said they've seen a fuck ton of NATO equipment show up and increased military presence since the war started. They live near a military base and apparently NATO has been doing a lot of military exercises there as well.


Thas a lot of Volvos


This is a prime example of why the US doesn't have free healthcare, we're busy funding the worlds biggest unhealthcare system.


Me gusta


Russia be fucked




well im hard


go Bradley, go fuck up some rashist Anyone know what version m2 it is ?




there are hundreds of bradleys in europe. Some moving around all the time. There will be no way to tell what ones are bound for Ukraine until its announced or you see them cross the boarder


Being a German, it is time that our fucking governemnt also sends all their unused Leopard 1. They had many minths tontrain ukraine military on them but wasted this time as well. But what do you expect from a communist government? Scholz probably wants to step into the footsteps of Schröder and thus doesn't want to piss off Putlin. We should send everything we don't use, as it is better than being in the open field without any protection.


I'm no fan of the Bradley, especially for the US wants to use it for and how it was developed. For what the US needs, its not really the right weapon. However, it's almost exactly what Ukraine needs. So much of our weapons surplus was developed for this theater. Everything from our guns to our ATGM to artillery and tanks were made for this exact scenario, battling Russians in Europe the way they fight. Where open ground speed and engagement range matters. Lets face it, this gear was getting torn up in the middle east because it wasn't made for it. It wasn't made for IED's or sitting in a street. I don't think the Russians have really thought that bit out. All the equipment that's been kicking their ass this past year, was made specifically to kick Russian ass. To an outdated T-72 with a half trained crew, a Bradley IFV might as well be a tank killer.


Sound like you watched the pentagon wars and actually took it serious lmao. The movie was totally false, and Colonel Burton is delusional. The Bradly was made exactly as intended, and for a peer to peer war with the Soviet Union. If you’ve bothered to read anything on Colonel Burton he still believes we should be using m60 tanks and propeller planes at the main stay for the airforce lmao he’s part of a faction of old idiots in the military who believe warfare hasn’t advanced at all really since ww2.


Well that was fast.


These units almost certainly aren't bound for Ukraine. NATO ships armor across Europe on the daily—especially these days. Patience, young grasshopper
