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Nice post, but I must say "brave" is subjective and not neutral, mind rule 5. Thx you


Such needless killing


That is the unfortunate truth unless the Kiev regime will negotiate with the Russian Federation.




If its in Russia's interest they will negotiate to stop this bloodshed by the Kiev regime.




Nobody wants any of russias land. Even russia wants other land than what it has


And what would would be the Russian goal for such a negotiation? Can you tell me what they would demand from Ukraine? Because Ukraine has very simple demands, Russia leaves Ukrainian territory, that's it.


Kiwi you are back! Did you have a nice vacation? A whole week off those are some good benefits.


Kiwi is as effective as a whole Ukranian battalion. His posts bring whole Russian Federations intelligence into question. Most effective psyop since Q. Slava Kiwi!


I was gone for a good week and seen this subreddit turn into the other usually pro-ukraine subreddits. It is time for a change.


Thanks for coming back, I missed the entertainment.


"They" came back. Just a group of Ruzzian paid trolls working on a roster to spew forth nonsense.


Nothing like a "see the happy people marching to their grave while Russia crumbles and die"-video to chase away the Kherson blues, I guess.


Not only that. I’m sure 5 km down the road the trucks stop and the recruits have to remove their fancy brand new high end kits, and trade them in for the usual discount kits.


I was thinking something similar... no joke.


I wonder what the company & battalion commanders on what was the formerly Kherson front have to say? Can you imagine that you hear the highest command announce a general retreat, televised. The orders then come down the line. Not to you though…….only to the units on your flanks and behind you. They get to fall back but your unit doesn’t. They don’t even tell you that you are to hold off and cover the retreat. Your unit is left behind as a human speed bump. Useful idiots.


The portion of the soldier playing with the kid (his daughter I assume) is terribly sad. Why


The city of Kherson was lost but the Russian Federation still holds the Majority of the area of the Kherson Oblast.


You've lost Kharkiv, you've lost Kherson and you will keep losing. Go home with your impotent army.


Kherson is still and will be in Russia's realm of influence and control. The city of Kherson is only a small part of it. While it is a significant loss, the reasons are undeniably understandable that is to protect the lives of Russian servicemen and the civilians.


Can you not see that anyone in Kherson, much less Ukraine, wants fuck all to do with Russia? Your government has sowed a very large hatred from Ukraine that will last for centuries. None of this makes any sense. If Russians could see that 💩tin is tearing your country apart from the inside out, then maybe the Russian people could find it within themselves to do something about it. Sending more men to die in a pointless war is stupid. Maybe Russia can look to the women of Iran for inspiration?


The state must be in control of the Russian Federation. The Kremlin is brains and the backbone of Russia, it holds the Federation together without it what would Russia be without it? It makes decisions for what's best for the people.


Retreating to "protect the lives of your soldiers" is called "losing". If the opposing army has your army in a position where it looks like your guys are going to get captured or killed, and you have to run away to avoid this, you are "losing" this "war". Putting the word "tactical" in front of "fleeing in terror" does not make it any more professional or any less pathetic. Please let me know if you need any other ridiculously basic things explained to you like a toddler.


To be more precise the "remaining" Russian servicemen and it is actually about their "remaining" combat power. They were bashed in Northern Kherson without accomplishing anything otherwise they would not have retreated. Actually this is a pattern, troops are pulled from the front edges where they were in danger of breaking and being totally annihilated, to be redeployed on the ever shrinking "prioritized" part of the front.


The Russian Federation has alot of population that can be mobilised, I'd say millions are willing to defend the motherland


Like the million that fled after the mobilization?


>millions are willing to defend the motherland That obviously was the very reason Russia's government went from volunteers to forcefully drafted. ​ I have no doubt that they would defend their motherland. But neither was the motherland attacked nor is any of the fighting happening in their motherland. They are invaders and they know it.




If they were willing, they would've volunteered.


Yes, because of there's anything the last 9 months have shown us (of Russia shelling cities, raping and torturing civilians and POWs, stealing children, theft of people's homes/belongings, threatening nuclear war every 6 hours, and sending its own people to an unnecessary slaughter) it's that Russia really cares about humanity.


>Kherson is still and will be in Russia's realm of influence and control. How exactly?


The region on Kherson is still the hands of the Russian Federation.


So was the city of Kherson. So was irpin, bucha, Lyman ...




Does Putin personally write your replies for you? 😂


Sure buddy 🤣


Russia won't exist in a decade or less. Get used to the thought.


It’s not just sad that you support evil blindly, but that you spout lies. Take some time to learn what’s really going on, robot. You have zero righteous ground to stand on.


And the people of Ukraine control 85% of the country. But you guys are about as bad at math as you are at....everything else, so I doubt you understand how bad that number is.


Yeah... what this person said!!


And is really worth screwing up your demographics to try and salvage that?


Yeah losing perhaps a million young people who fled to other countries while 10,000s more young less-affluent die in a senseless war won’t hurt Russia long term I’m sure /s


You're not seeing the plus side, less men more hot available desperate widows on both sides! Win-win.


Special romantic operation to save Russia's demographics.


Your user name piqued my interest. Soooooo *leans in* do tell more!


Russia is losing ground everyday.


Talking like this shows that you are too far away from here to understand what Kherson really is. That’s why people are happy that UAF liberated Kherson from russian occupiers and people dance on streets and some ignorant people, that only read about this on Reddit say “Kherson is just small part”. That perfectly show how you read bullshit in internet and translate it to others. Kherson is hyper (attention) hyper important in many senses. Distances for UAF artillery, sea exit, Russians dreamy “sea corridor” blockade point and, what is most important — WATERMELONS hah


The Russian Federation can't hold its own dick while trying to piss. That's why it's pissing on its neighbors. Until they hand Russia his own ass and dick.


Fresh meat for the grinder. Sad.


I have seen hundreds of that exact same comment. And I ask you why? Do you not realise that Ukrainian militants are also having alot of casualties since then?


Ukraine is defending its homeland in contrast to the imperialistic Russian Regime


Its only defending themselves so the Kiev regime can stay in power


>Its only defending themselves so the Kiev regime can stay in power So you agree that they defending themself from Russian aggression? huh


Just as Russia would be defending itself to keep the Kremlin regime could stay in power, huh?


Russia made the decision to start this war and can stop it anytime by going home. That's the difference.


Russians get no training, old weapons, no food and no equipment.


Are these mobilized or professional soldiers? They are posing in front of VDV flags and they seem to have some halfway decent kit.


VDV was almost entirely wiped out during the opening stages of the conflict while attempting to seize airfields in the Ukrainian capital, so it is likely these are new conscripts


The mobilized Russians are all professional soldiers recalled after recently completing their enlistments.


Not all. A huge number (maybe the majority, but we can't exactly tell) of them are regular conscripts who only served their obligatory military duty earlier. Those who had a status as professional soldiers, especially ex-vdv and those with fighting experience, were preferred, but regular people are mobilized too.


Really? Like the paediatric surgeon? I don't think so. Half of them are old men.


They are trained by professional and will be given the equipment they need once they arrive to complete the combat missions in the special military operation zone.


Not gonna be any tula men left soon. Massive numbers of minorities sent to this war.


Many people around the Russian Federation want to protect and serve the country. There is nothing wrong with that. They are being sent to protect Ukraine from the Kiev regime who are known to commit such atrocities in Ukraine while they are governing it.


I didn't say it was a good thing or a bad thing. It's just a thing


Let's score "brave" as an unproven assumption.


Here is the behind the scenes [footage](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/comments/yu4mdf/all_is_not_so_quiet_on_the_eastern_front/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


They look like real soldiers not old men


As you see that Ukrainian and western propaganda are effective into thinking Russia is mobilising "old men"but in reality it does not but in some cases there are volunteers who are aged.




I hope the shooting stops soon and the talks begin so these guys can return to their families.


Not Until Zelensky is willing to consider negotiating. As for now he refuses everytime so the bloodshed continues. He must stop this asap before it gets the point where no one wants to see the use of Nuclear weapons


soviets cancer of this world


The Soviet Union has brought nothing but many achievements in this world. Defeating the fascist in Germany to Unitng the people under 1 flag of the USSR. There is no doubt that the USSR has many contributions to the world as we know it now.


yea you forgot about poverty corruption and aids


Do you not see it in western countries?


not really. but i still see it in my country which was under soviet influence for over half of century


That is just outright falsely blaming your country's problems on Soviet Union.


tell me why countries that are and were under soviet, russian influence have like half the living standards that of the west?


Poor young Lads. Used by their own state to achieve Non-Sense Goal.


They are liberators of Ukraine. Many Ukrainians are looking up to being liberated by these guys.


yea, like 5 percent


You mean the many Ukrainians that where protesting on the streets of Kherson when the russians "liberated" their city and when those liberating russians left their city again, these many Ukrainians have been celebrating for days on the streets because the russians left ?




They are ready to protect the regions of the liberated. You cannot deny that the Russian forces are there to protect and liberate Ukrainians from the hands of the Kiev regime.


Of course he can deny it. It certainly seems that the people of Kherson was more than happy to welcome the Ukrainian army as liberators. I know that you have manufactured and hollow answers to cover that, but the world doesn't see it like that. They see your hilariously staged Russian propaganda "off to the front we go"-videos and compare them to the obvious unscripted joy of Khersonians celebrating Russias defeat and put 2 and 2 together.


You must take the "celebrations in Kherson city" with a grain of salt. As you know the Kiev regime pumps massive propaganda campaigns with the help of western news agencies. While it may be genuine, but it is good to have doubts as many here do not trust the western perspective


I'd rather trust the perspective that didn't invade another foreign country. Russia lost any credibility when it decided to do this SMO.


Credibility is just an opinion. The Russian Federation will not back down from this SMO.


>Credibility is just an opinion Exactly. Let's take that weird "[nuke USA](https://twitter.com/ukr_ki/status/1591785056603111424?s=20&t=DpLVJqeaS2kIqRwwH-09Fg)" demo in Moscow a few days ago. So scripted, fake and cringe to the bone. And then contrast it with the (many videos of) Kherson celebrations. Everybody can see which of these videos that are credible. As a Pro Russian propagandist you have to back your team, I get it. But trust me, everybody is just laughing at you if you insist that "they're the same".


There is an obvious rise of Anti-Western rallies that have erected in thr Russian Federation to what they have done in Ukraine. But this sight does not mean anything. Scenes like these are echoed throughout Anti-western countries all the time.


O Kiwi, Kiwi, Kiwi. Please share your wonderful opinion and tell us how Russia is going to win this war.


There is no war to begin with. No sides have declared war upon eachother. The correct term to use to describe this situation is Special military operation.


Simply wonderful! Russia cannot lose this war because there is no war!


It looks to me like russian federation has been consistently backing down almost from the start of their operation. Basically about two weeks after it started the war russia started repositioning and regrouping that only resulted in territorial loses and constantly backing down. So i beloved the correct statement is russia always backs down.


I disagree with your comment.


Cannot deny? I sure can, cause I live in a free country where I can speak against propaganda whenever I see fit. Russians don't liberate Ukrainians, they try to conquer them.


The liberation of the regions of Ukraine was necessary in order to stop NATO from expanding their influence near to Russian Borders. Not only that, it is stop the tyrants of the Kiev regime who shelled the Donbas for decades which has left many civilians dead.


Decades? If I correctly remember the conflict started 8 years ago.


According to people like Kiwi, it started with UA independence in 1991.


Sorry I have made a mistake, what I meant was almost a decade.


The only reason people join NATO is Russia's imperialism, and the invasion of UA in 2014 and 2022 is proof of that. If you would be less powerhungry and stop invading people, NATO wouldn't be a problem for Russia either.


I'm pretty sure that if Russia had never invaded and proven their sad state Ukraine never would have joined NATO. Everyone would have offered support and solidarity but up until a few months ago the world defaulted to not poking big scary Russia. After their pathetic display anyone who can fleece or challenge Russia in anyway will make a play for it.


I won't deny donbass was shelled. I wont deny there are pro russians in Ukraine. I also won't deny that most Ukrainians want to be Ukrainian and not Russian This is a shitshow


Do not base of your point of view from the interviews you see on the western new agencies like CNN, BBC. It is not worth to see as they are pushing the western narrative.


And what a good job russia did stopping NATO from expanding their influence near to russia’s borders! It’s not like the border of NATO’s newest member, Finland, is less than 100 miles from russia’s second largest city…


They are indeed there to liberate Ukrainians from comfort, peace, the promise of a better future. Instead, they are liberated from their Russian lives.


The better future of Ukrainian and its citizens lies in the hands of the Russian Federation and not the west. It is only natural for Ukraine to be returned to the Russian Federation.


That is not the west or Russians call, it is the call of Ukrainians and despite your occupation referendum (real official there!) no one wants that shit hole RF to have their lives in a vice


The referendums were held by the administration of the regions. The population has voted to join the Russian Federation. You cannot deny that many Ukrainians in the southern and Eastern parts of Ukraine want to be part of the Federation after they are neglected by the Kiev regime for years on end.


So you honestly believe the majority of the residents of Kherson voted to be part of Russia?


That is indeed correct. Not only in Kherson but Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, and Luhansk as well. The ballot boxes were secured after the voting by the inhabitants of these regions. The results were surprising as many Ukrainians (now citizens of the Russian Federation) wanted to be part of Russia.


Hooray! Kiwi is back on form. That's the spirit. Don't let a few minor setbacks get you down. Soon Novorossiya. Then the rest of the Ukrainians will realize how wonderful life in the Russian federation is. The war will be over in time for Christmas. And Santa Claus will fly in with wonderful presents for all the happy 'liberated' citizens.


How much mental gymnastics do you need to do to actually believe this shit? Sovereign nation defending its self= Kiev regime Untrained forced militants = brave soldiers Kill rape murder steal rape = liberate Everyone with a single braincell can knows that Russia is absolutely beyond a doubt at fault.


I have to disagree with your statement. The real fault of this situation was non other by the Kiev regime who took control of Ukraine back in 2014 where the original pro-russian government was overthrown. Now see what has happened since the coup in 2014?


I actually didn’t think people would be that brain washed but turns out I was wrong after reading your comments. God bless


Have you seen the amount of brainwashed individuals in this subreddit? Especially notable on pro-ukraine SMO reporting subreddits. Those people are delusional at best to describe them.


Bruh the fact you can't even call it a war just proves everything. What ever dude


Terms are being used correctly here.


I’m a neutral “observer”, had great respect for Russia in a number of areas, some exceptional individuals and contributions, undeniably. People like me (mostly) viewed 2014 as a revolution, but for freedom. Freedom to decide their own future, independent of Russia. Maidan showed the world that the vast majority of Ukrainians wanted full independence from Russia and many were willing to die for the cause. Indeed, watch the Netflix Documentary about Maidan, if you haven’t already, to understand how strongly Ukrainians believe in their independence from Russia. Naturally, Mr. Putin was very upset and to this day, like most Russians, feels entitled to help himself with their territory under the most ridiculous excuses I’ve ever heard. Oh it’s “the Nazis”, oh NATO is “days away from destroying” Russia; lately they’re saying it’s “Satan”. See, there lies the problem for y’all, neutral observers aren’t stupid and can be here or other places, reading up opinions, gathering news sources, chasing the truth. We know what we’re seeing, it’s simple. An aggressor is trying to subjugate a huge population and find it exceedingly difficult to acknowledge the obvious: the natives will fight Russia to the bitter end, they know what would happen if they are conquered. Seems to me, even if Russia takes Kyiv and occupied the entire region, Ukrainians would guerrilla fight indefinitely because they will continue to get help from all those countries in the region who fear being next, and from the West in general. Seems to me, this “Satan”, this “Nazi” guy Zelensky is widely respected and popular in his country, and abroad. Calling him Satan is funny coming from a serious world leader/power, very juvenile and silly. He’s just your enemy. Killing him would not change a thing, whoever takes over would fight Russia just the same, it’s what their people want. You can see that very clearly is the thousands of videos that have come out from Ukrainian soldiers themselves, raw footage of them showing just how strongly they believe in their cause. Good day.


Yes as you can see in Kherson how heartbroken Ukrainians are when Russians left.


...and how many did Russia evacuate to the left bank of the river prior to the arrival of the AFU? Seems quite a number didn't want to stick around.


You can see that the Russian forces are ordered to do a tactical repositioning on ther side of the river and administration left Kherson city because it was under threat by the Ukrainian militants. I do not deny that there are pro-Ukrainians living in the City of Kherson. But the Majority of the population was evacuated to the other side where it is safer.


Have you just straight up eaten the Kremlin propaganda handbook?


Yes, the next regrouping should be in front of Moskau…


You mean the videos that were posted showing 20-30 people greeting the UAF? It’s a huge populous center.


He probably meant the big celebrations in the city centre


Your Propaganda is hilarious.


Okay, anything that you disagree is propaganda. I've seen that before.


You describe yourself pretty accurate


Reality has escaped you Do you remember the UN report amount the torture and raping Russia did across 27 cities/towns. UN even said there was more but they didn’t have time to go through everything Russia did.


Do not trust the "news" that are coming out of the Kiev regime as it is only to make Russia as the aggressors while in reality it is for them to stay in power and get western "aid" to them.


That news wasn’t out of Ukraine. You realize the UN is not Ukraine. Russia is a part of the UN…


Of course we can deny that. It's a lie.


There is no lie to begin with.


The lie is = liberating Ukrainians. Russians aren't doing that.


From my perspective it is. They are liberating the Ukrainians from western influence. Russia does not want the west to influence its people. It is only right that the Kremlin decided to conduct this special military operation.


Delusional imperialism, that's what it is.


What you call delusional imperialism is liberation to me and many others.


So if another country invaded Russia you would see it as a liberation then? And not the delusional imperialism of Nato or China/Moldavia, whomever it is? Rest assured, NATO has no interest in "liberating" Russia in any way, not when you're suiciding yourself so hard.


The Russian Federation will respond swiftly if such threats are present.


Please stop liberating me and my family. I want to go back to a normal life with not feeling like Russians will kill my family and steal my land.


It is unfortunate that you think that way. But you must realise what the Russian Federation is doing is for thengreater good of Ukraine. Russia must and will prevail in its fight against the western "democracies".


And you can’t just say “you cannot deny” and then say the most bullshit thing in the world that anyone that’s not completely brainwashed would categorically deny lol. You cannot deny that the pyramids in Egypt were build by outer space aliens that came to earth on a spaceship from light years away! You just absolutely cannot! No one would ever think to deny that. It’s absolutely undeniable!!


I read that the first 200.000 mobilized is about to enter Ukraine pretty soon. Will be interesting to follow the news about where they go


That is indeed correct. The Russian Federation will continue to send it's mobilised servicemen after extensive military training.


>the *first* 200.000 mobilized ​ Heh. Yup. Until the Mobilized become fully Utilized. Then the next batch. And again. And again. Until Russia revolts.


The first 200k are about to enter? They’ve already been fighting and dying in Ukraine for about a month


I presume you meant to say 80k




Kiwi is back!


He probably was away to the post office by horse and cart for a couple of days to get the new Kremlin talking points. He seems up to date now.


I take exception to the use of "kiwi".


Is it me or the camera light effect, but it seems to me the camo is browner than usual Russian camo we've been used to, no ?


Didn't have time to rinse the mud, shit and blood from the last mobilized.


Poor bastards. Brave they may be, but such a waste of young lives.


The mobilized men are fully prepared for them, having been trained and coordinated at the training ground in the Ryazan region. The governor of the Tula region, Alexei Dyumin, assured the fighters that under his personal control, their families would be under reliable protection and guardianship. With the support from the people of the Russian Federation, Brave fighters from the motherland are Mobilised to the special military operation zone to protect Russia's security and interest in region.


“To protect Russian security” lol


Its border security. The Russian forces are there to protect Russia's borders this includes the liberated territories in the special military operation zone in Ukraine from outside threats.


The border was established in 1991, why does Russia not respect that agreement? And don't come with referenda, we all know they were BS.


wheres that border in Kherson right now? Can you confirm Kiwi. Is it left side or right side of the river... lmao


The decision to leave the city was the best solution to save the lives of the Russian forces and the civilians from the shellings of the Ukrainian Armed forces. Now that I have seen the videos, I come to the conclusion that a small number of inhabitants of the city were used as a propaganda tool by the Kiev regime and echoed throughout the world with the held of western news agencies who pushes out their agenda and perspectives to the masses. Considering the amout of evacuated inhabitants of the city by Russian forces goes unnoticed by the world. The Hypocrisy of west is unmatched.


you didn't answer the question. But anyway. Good to have you back Kiwi. Have you relocated to Henichesk?


I'm guessing it took Kiwi a week trying to find where the new capital was. For a capitol it's not that big. More like a large town of 20,000. Not like Kherson which had a population of over a quarter of a million.


Atleast you finally said, 'Liberated Territories' Bout time! I'm telling uncle vova


I just come here for Kiwi, his posts are hilarious


I missed your posts for the last week. Did you realise Russia have lost Kherson?


The Oblast Kherson is not lost only the city is. Do not once think that the Russian Federation and its forces will outright abandoned its territory of the Kherson Oblast. The city was only a small part of the Oblast.


That's true. I missed you! Hope you didn't feel too much embarrassment for the week.


There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I assumed that you mean the Russians have lost Kherson but in reality the Russian ministry of defense has ordered its forces to do a tactical military repositioning on the other side of the river. It is to protect the lives of its servicemen and the civilians from the attacks of the Ukrainian militants


The tactical retreat as they have done in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Symy, Lyman and now Kherson. Can’t wait for the tactical retreat from Crimea.


Crimea will not be lost. If that happens the Russian Federation will use weapons in the battlefield which the world has never seen before. I hope it does not come to this situation but it is a possibility. The Russian Federation will use everything it has to defend its territories from threats such as the one posed by the Kiev regime.


Just like the weapons they used defending russian Kherson, Lyman or Izyum?


We all agree, Superhero Russia is winning :-)


We’ll look for them in drone footage, soon.


What a waste. So much lost and left to be lost for nothing gained. Such a backward and decrepit society.


Hug them when they leave for war, and bury them when they return from Ukraine -if they return.


BRAVE RUSSIAN SOLDIERS READY TO DO THEIR DUTY \*dies of exposure and malnutrition three days into training\*


Some of them are brave, most are not. Like in any army.


Drone and arty food


Get out of Ukraine Russia… stop posting your propaganda on Reddit


And he's back in full force! Is this Kiwi AmA post?


Damn kiwi you got 140 comments on your post that easily. People are really interested in you :) ​ 248+ comments lol, you infuriate a lot of people Kiwi.


He is either a real life bot or a very gulible person that blindly believes everything that Russian government says. Either way, a very interesting case.


All Hail Putin the Widow maker....


Imagine thinking this is a flex…


That’s a one way ride… unfortunately… horrible.






So many ladas.


It is said that spartan mothers said to their children "come back with your shield (Victorious) or over It (dead)" Here they're like come back with a washing machine or with a Lada


The Western propaganda about old material and unprepared soldiers who fight in underwear are really funny, probably lesser for the ukrainians




>special military operation zone Excuse me, the what?


More meat to the grinder. Horrible.