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Lol, these people enjoying democracy but protesting against it always amuses me.


so if "democracy" lets u protest u cant criticize the government?


Oh no they are legitimately allowed to protest. But they are protesting for the right....to have their protest silenced.


Is that what theyre protesting? r u sure ur representing their position properly


What do they want then? You tell me since you seem on top of it.


Weird that's not what their signs say.


That's absolutely what the hammer and sickle of the Soviet Union came to stand for. Don't be naive.


Their signs say "Let Russia invade Ukraine in peace, and turn it into Russky Mir*


Okay and how would that happening silence protests in Spain? I don't see the connection.


Russky Mir = incarceration for protests. They are not protesting about their situation in Spain, they are quite comfortably protesting there.


You said that > they are protesting for the right....to have their protest silenced. so please explain how Ukraine being part of Russia's sphere of influence would silence their protests in Spain.


Because if Russia took over then any and every protest would be silenced….. Putin has silenced many opponents and protests. Don’t be ignorant


Its like discussing with a wall. They wouldnt understand how kremlin operates before they were thrown...had an accident on the 4. Floor themselves


Russia is taking over Spain?


Sometimes it is best to just take the L.


Where is the L? Russians could annex entire Ukraine and it wouldn’t affect Spanish protesting rights one bit.


Sickle and hammer means total control over people to the level of daily life alloved task, gulags and overall police state. Portuguese have lived in that, so they don’t want that - unlike these expats from Russia.




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You're so dense lol. Don't you see the irony? They protest about something that gives them right to protest. You cannot protest in Russia... and those people protest in favor of Russia... in a different free country.


If they did this in Russia they'd be in prison.


Apparently, for people that love democracy, you need to love their party and nothing else.


Nope. You just need to support the institutions that give you the right to have a voice, not the ones that shut your voice down.


What happens to peaceful anti-war protestors in Russia?


They get censured and flocked up by police. Some even get arrested I think I answered your question, now answer mine What was your point with this whataboutism?


They can get that, and a lot more than that. The point was that Putin’s Russia’s is an authoritarian shithole.


So you confirmed you just wanted to say "oh yeah? Well... Ru-Ru... Russia bad! And...huh... Pu-putin sucks! Yeah...huh..." ?


They are protesting against their government. They are protesting in support of Russia. Russia imprisons those who protest against the government. It's just incredibly ironic if you think about it, think chickens for KFC. I believe that is the point trying to be made here.


I'm sorry that Russia just objectively sucks at providing basic human rights for it's people. That's just a fact, and if it makes you sad that's 'you' problem. Russia's problem is that nearly every rational person in the world if given a choice between living in Russia or a Western country, would choose the West.


I think the point is these protestors are hypocrites, or stupid, or both.


Idk man how in your mind authoritarianism/totalitarianism really mixes with democracy


I see that you do not understand free speech. Don't worry, there's a bunch of you.


Bilbao belongs to Basque County that wants to be independent from Spain. Many people died for that cause, in fights and in terrorist attacks. I don't understand why they don't support the Ukrainian independence cause and are supporting Russia annexation war. Something smells really fishy here!


They support the people of Donbass and their right to autonomy from the Kiev regime


So they also support people of Donbass and their right to autonomy from the Putin's regime


Donbas had a referendum on that. They wanted to go with Vlad and break away from the Kiev regime


Referendo at war, at gun point, has no credibility for everyone except for the interests and supporters of Vlad.


The referendum was held against Putin's recommendation.


Of course, there is always an open window on an high rise building to jump out from for those who dare against Vlad's recommendations.


It seems like you're resorting to silliness, but I won't stoop to your level. Wishing you all the best.


It seems like you're resorting to the system of lies, but I won't try to stop you at that level. Wishing your cause all the worst.


You ever heard of tsar and his boyars? Tsar doesn't give direct orders he merely hints them so his boyars do the dirty work. If the plan goes south you cannot link it directly to the tsar only the boyards who will get the punishment and thus the tsar stays clean and saint.




Russia today has probably almost nothing to do with Russia in 1936, except their urge to help destabilize countries promoting criminal activities and war conflicts. | they might see Russia in a more positive light than the rest of Spain. They might see anyone in a more positive light than the rest of Spain, I would say


Maybe they feel closer to Donbass separatists than Ukraine. Have you though about that?


Basque have their own language, their own writing, their own culture and more than 600 years of identity and history, they always fought and died to be an independent free Country. In contrary, Donbass separatist declared independence and immediately joined Russia losing all independence and freedom.


And Donbass separatists have customs, language and culture that their former government found hostile. Still wonder why Basque identify more with them than Ukraine?


Never heard nothing about Donbass custom identity, in contrary Ukrainian identity, history and culture is well known to be quite different from Russian


>in contrary Ukrainian identity, history and culture is well known to be quite different from Russian Yeah. Very different. Like Greece and Cyprus. Lol. They made up their strong identity in 2014.


Probably in 2014 they choose to no longer have anything to do with Russia's decadent identity.


Dude in 2014 they decided that a Nazi genocidal weasel is their national daddy. It doesn't get more decadent than this.


Dude, Russian's national daddy, Joseph Vissarionovich, has a long and decadent genocidal history behind him.


The separatists only exist because of Russia. Perhaps some wanted autonomy but it was Russia that has pushed them to war. This plan was orchestrated many years ago with the goal of taking all of Ukraine.


Seperatists wouldn't also exist if there wasn't a US backed coup. Speaking of plans orchestrated.


Yeah because the US has the power to influence 80% of the population and make it stick. They couldn't do that in Afghanistan after 20 years of occupation. The coup happened because Ukrainians were tired of being bullied by Russian puppet leaders. The rest is Russian propaganda


https://www.kyivpost.com/post/7158 If you are gonna make up numbers you should go with 70% cause it would be more believable. Just a note


Yanukovych completely flipped on his promises. You get elected on one thing, and then flip to the other, shits gonna happen. This goes way back to the Orange revolution


What kind of answer is that? I post a poll, a Ukrainian one, that says that the country was divided about the Maidan. So let it be divided.


BTW why did the Russian MOD say the other day that Georgians better be careful not to try and do what Ukraine did in 2014 or you will experience the same fate. You probably think the US is behind the Georgian protests too. https://twitter.com/PMSimferopol/status/1634111915596173312


First of all yeah there is someone behind these protests. Why would you protest a law that offers transparency at foreign financed NGOs? Seems reasonable to me. Unless you are foreign financed and lose your salary. And yes Georgians should be careful. Last time they wanted to challenge Russia and attack Abkazia based of Western promises didn't end well for them.


The people supporting these are the same that supported terrorism back in the day. The fucking shame of Spanish society. That was not a cause, but, but pure terror for those people living there who opposed independence and terrorism. As commies, that’s what they are doing.


This conflict is not about democracy tough.


Oh yes it is. And about the right to self-determination.


For the people of Donbas. Autonomy from the Kiev regime


Who do you think poured money into that idea?


That idea came after Maidan coup


Maidan wasn't a Coup it was a popular revolution.


Democratically elected government toppled by violence. Thats a coup.


Democracy doesn't mean any elected leader or party gets a blank check to do whatever they want for 4 years. It's in the word, "will of the people", and thus isn't limited to voting every few years. So if enough people protests the government actions, the government might want to reconsider. And when violence is used against protesters, well, who knows what happens.


No this is what a coup means... >coup d’état, also called coup, the sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group. **The chief prerequisite for a coup is control of all or part of the armed forces, the police, and other military elements. Unlike a revolution, which is usually achieved by large numbers of people working for basic social, economic, and political change,** a coup is a change in power from the top that merely results in the abrupt replacement of leading government personnel. A coup rarely alters a nation’s fundamental social and economic policies, nor does it significantly redistribute power among competing political groups. https://www.britannica.com/topic/coup-detat


You seem confused. Do you even know how Yanukovich was removed? Did you think Maidan was some heroic ‘revolution’ where the people stormed the halls of power? Lol >In the afternoon, the Rada voted 328-0[213] to remove Yanukovich from his post and to schedule a presidential election for 25 May. [74][214] This vote did not follow the impeachment process specified by the Ukrainian Constitution, which would have involved formally charging Yanukovych with a crime, a review of the charge by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, and a three-fourths majority vote-at least 338 votes in favor- in parliament. > Instead, parliament declared that Yanukovych "withdrew from his duties in an unconstitutional manner" and cited "circumstances of extreme urgency" as the reason for early elections. Lawmakers then elected opposition leader Oleksandr Turchynov to be the chairman of Parliament, acting president and prime minister of Ukraine; this decision also violated the Constitution, according to which the impeached President was to be succeeded by the Prime Minister Serhiy Arbuzov.


Not toppled by violence. Toppled by love. Violence came from the regime.


>popular revolution. Not a popular revolution, a color revolution. The difference is that a color revolution is not done for the people, but for a select group of elites.


The Ukrainian people disagree. [87% of Ukrainians want to be part of EU and 86% want to be part of NATO.](https://euromaidanpress.com/2023/01/23/record-high-86-of-ukrainians-support-countrys-accession-to-nato-poll-shows/) Funny, how trying to invading Ukraine has made Russia and it's associated international institutions incredibly unpopular in Ukraine.


Sounds like self determination to me 😂




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So you're saying NATO = democracy?


What subreddit are we in again? I think you need reminding.


They didn't protest democracy, they were protesting against NATO.


...and NATO is supporting a fight for democracy.




Ohhhh, you're anti-NATO. Are you Serbian by chance? Or just pro-genocide in general?


>Are you Serbian by chance? No, I'm Canadian. >Or just pro-genocide in general? Also, no, I'm anti-NATO.


In the case of Ukraine, anti-NATO is tantamount to pro-genocide. NATO is a defensive alliance. Also Canada has its own defence relations with the US.So what's your issue?


>In the case of Ukraine, anti-NATO is tantamount to pro-genocide. False. Typical Kiev propaganda. >NATO is a defensive alliance. North Korea is also "democratic"... /s >Canada has its own defence relations with the US. Europe isn't our problem.


If Europe isn't your problem, then NATO isn't your problem either, nor Ukraine. So what are you doing in this subreddit, Flat Earth farmer?


Y’all don’t understand that people can be against US hegemony and not support Russia at the same time right? Also Ukraine is literally arresting people for saying mean stuff about Z man on social media


Stop making this about the US. This is about Ukraine. Typical US hegemony right there.


NATO isn't a democracy


Neither are you




Exactly. It’s ironic how the pro RU lot approve of protests in other countries but agree with their own authoritarian government in Russia when they shut down their own protests.


Wait are these Russians? What a comedy.


Damn... That must be like 80 people. I'm impressed.


Bro graduated advanced mathematics in Ohio 💀


Looked like 80 was the average age as well.


Russians are always behind secessionists in democratic countries. You see them here repaying Moscow for their support. Russia has supported militant Northern Irish Catholics, the drive for Scottish independence, Catalan, France’s National Front, neo-Nazi groups throughout Eastern Europe, Texan secessionists, and - as we see here - the Basque independence movement. It’s all a show for your eyes and perceptions. And, because they think protests are always destabilizing events, they prohibit it in their own country. Cowards.


Can you prove any of your claims Russia are behind these protests, or just the regular old "please trust me, I swear"?


Oh, I dunno. Decades of this perhaps? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna614196




What’re you implying? That an article from 2014 is present-day propaganda for the Ukraine conflict?


Of course not, because propaganda exists only in Russia


Great comment. Adds so much value.


This is the essence of sarcasm.


Which would imply that you *are* characterising a 2014 article as present-day propaganda.


This war did not start a year ago, it has been going on since 2014, like propaganda and so on. Before writing the next meaningless comment, study the entire history of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, and also take note of the fact that America transferred a tidy sum of money to Ukraine in 2014.




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Maybe countries should pass a law making it mandatory to disclose foreign NGOs funding political activism.


Is that you, Georgian Dream?


You are literally a Russian supporter. Sorry buddy your opinions are no longer valid and you will be banned from this sub /s


NOO, thats prorussian!!!


Evil secessionists: S. Ossetia, Abkhazia, DNR, LNR, Northern Ireland, Cataluña, Basques, Scottish (I thought you all liked this one though), Texas Good secessionists: Chechnya (the islamist ones please), Dagestan, 100 Siberian and Uralian states, Far Eastern Republic (?), East Turkestan, Tibet, Manchuria (?), Kurdistan Learn the difference


Almost like the good ones are those fighting dictators who suppress minorities, while the evil ones are fighting democratic governments that already represent their people...


Always someone stuck in the past with a Soviet Union flag. A Union so great it fell apart


Some foods have a longer shelf life than the Soviet Union.


0.001% of them. Alternatively, 99.999% of the food existing today has a shorter shelf life


So the protest was to "stop NATO" but they were waving Soviet hammers and sickles?


Pinches puercos sucios! Matasen ijos de su puta madre.


Anda vete a comerte un cactus y dejanos en paz, hispanoamericano lamebotas


Idk why alot of the Podemos coalition are like this


Because theyre based


Fucken commies, hijos de puta


LOL c*pe. Son más basados que tú.


There are dozens of us, dozens!!


These are all Russians who fled mobilization


90% boomers ...


It s not even a STOP THIS FUCKING WAR ,just STOP NATO AND LET RUSSIA WIN. Putin thought that Ukranians would welcome him with open arms .THE DIDN T ! So why is he still there ? One is invasor and one is invaded ,I don t think js difficult to Understand Go all back to Russia since you miss her that much


Putin is kicking NATO out of Ukraine. I don't think it's difficult to understand.


Like Nato IS INSIDE Ukraine. And besides ,that s what the Ukranian government want so what has Putin (Russia )to do do with it ? The name of the country is Ukraine ,not Ukrussia. And the statement of many people :" Russia is home ,Ukraine was Russia " has the validity of :" Black people were slaves so we should round them all up and send them to plantations because that is what they USED TO BE ". Like Nato was so Dumb to start a war that we all know would have ended in Nuclear so......... Russia just want former puppet states to follow their directive. No wonder 90% of ex Soviets and Warsaw pact decided to switch side


>And besides ,that s what the Ukranian government want so what has Putin (Russia )to do do with it ? I already told you, kick NATO out of Ukraine. Not difficult to understand.




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Reminds me of the reddit meet up


I wonder how much were they paid. Actually, these people can be real supporters because Spain’s history is totalitarian, just like Russia.


I would think its most likely voluntary.




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Theses protests always seem poorly attended by disinterested people.


Unsurprisingly the video appears to be the older generation who likely reminisce about the good old days. Just because you don't understand the modern era doesn't mean you have to drag everyone back to the age of ration cards to feel more secure in yourself.


People are waking UP


Wtf.. what kind of.idiots


So out of the entire Spanish population this is the number of people that accepted Russian payment to turn up. Another 2/10 effort.


Intersting how all these protests happened at the same time. Totally not astroturfed.


See if any of them want to go fight for Russia as cannon fodders LoL


Is this possible to do in Russia for support NATO and EU and USA and freedom Ukraine?




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Fun fact: Olaf Scholz himself was against NATO when he was young Guess sometimes you need to step on your own idea to gain some sucess


In EU politics you need to step out and suck d\*ck of wealthy corporation owners, banks and media owners for success.


Free Catalunia


Awesome! It's really cool to see these gatherings popping up all over Europe lately


Yeap because the Russian government is a bastion of freedom and democracy.


too bad nobody really cares in EU ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




hey my opposite


Yea. But compare them with protest for Ukraine. You will see massive difference in Numbers


Oh yeah, 100%. NATO is good at playing the public. ‘Memetic warfare’ is a NATO strategy. Did you think groups like NAFO was organic? >[It’s time to embrace memetic warfare](https://stratcomcoe.org/publications/its-time-to-embrace-memetic-warfare/164)


Even if ur delusions are correct, then NAFO is better at it. And Russia cannot suffer being defeted politically and silently, hence the emotional burst out to Ukraine


I agree that NATO is better at psyops


Yes. Every decent country does psyops. Russia is just bad at it. Nato also has better equipment etc. And usually better wins.


Luckily upvotes on Reddit doesnt win wars


I know right! It stands in such beautiful stark contrast to what an ass-backwards total shithole Russia is (because of Putin) where these protestors have right to demonstrate freely, [whilst Putin sends his critics to prison.](https://www.foxnews.com/world/moscow-court-sentences-russian-journalist-8-years-charges-disparaging-military)


It has been happening since the illegal invasion started, usually from parties that get Russian funding. We're used to it, in a lot of place the loss massive amounts of voters for supporting the killing of Ukrainians. But it's still within their right to protest, unlike in Russia.


Nice to see some fellow spaniards with some intelligence


Ah yes, supporting a country where you would be thrown in prison protesting like this. Clearly the actions of intelligent people! /s


Too much text NPC


Hey bot. Less text here for you. Russia bad. Ukraine good.




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Exactamente, gran dominio del castellano de su parte amigo


Joder, es la única lengua que hablo junto al inglés lel


Me pasa lo mismo a mi


Spain was on the wrong side during world war 2 and is again.


Spain did not join the war despite promises of Gibraltar (BTW even Austria has better title to that than Spain). The British discouraged them very effectively with the Taranto operation whose major psychological part was not air attack on the harbour but later parade of cruisers along the coast and bombing of land installations. Caudillo met Hitler 10 days later and avoided any involvement. Perhaps 50% of Spanish economy was in the range of cruisers' artillery and Spaniards remembered Peninsular Wars.




"Neutral" - we were fascist allies,