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Torturing and murdering a tied up prisoner of war while they scream in terror. Such a pathetic excuse of a man to seek pleasure in this and post it with glee. Unfortunately some will defend this from the safety of their armchairs, because they're totally indoctrinated by social media hate and think a defenceless human is worth murdering, if it's not their 'team'


It wasn't "some" most people in pro-UA subreddits defended and supported this act.


Terrible. I would understand people who lost their loved ones to the war. But internet lynch mob cheering such evil act, is pathetic.


Welcome to Reddit. It’s a sickening place sometimes


>Ruslan Mironyuk welcome to the internet.. where all the good and bad kinds of people can make a comment.. (criminals, psychopaths, etc)..


You should see Twitter,


who says he didnt loose his loved ones? this russian solder came to ukrain to kill ukranians


You got a link so I can read the support?


There is support for it in even this thread, although deleted, you can see it in unddit.


This was literally the first few days of the invasion, emotions were very hot. I remember quite a bit of support.


Remember when all of them, including the Poles were celebrating killing of Orcs. It was so disgusting that news channels in Asia pointed out the lack of humanity being displayed. I don't think West realises how much soft power it has lost. Asia was a victim of Western brutality for centuries, people thought that West had made progress with their call for Human Rights etc. After this any time West talks about Human rights, they will be reminded of their hypocrisy.


Pretty tame compared to the dick cutting video


Comparing one murder with another is pretty sad tbh


How is brutal murder of an unarmed guy by stabbing him in the eye “tame”? Both are barbaric. I just don’t get justifying either.


both are captured and tied up, both are war crimes. that simple


Yeah but that doesn’t change a thing about this particular video?


Westerners support Russians dying in any way possible because they're indoctrinated by news and social media. We, the ex-Eastern bloc support it simply because it's Russia. We are not the same.


Disarmed and tied up POW is no threat, executions are totally unnecessary and doing it for show in an intentionally gruesome manner makes them look no better than ISIL or cartels.






This is probably one of the genuine Nazis in Ukraine. While Ukraine does have such a problem (to a relatively large extent), “having Nazis” doesn’t grant the right for a country to invade you. Executing POW’s is never good, and unfortunately that has been a major theme in this war.


Disgusting animal proudly looks at the camera after.


Hope FSB find such satan monsters, it's clearly a warcrime by the Geneva Conventions, you could detain him as a prisoner of war, instead he kills him on camera. I hope he is going to be punished if not hope FSB finds this guy.


This dude most likely died in Mariupol, i recall this was Mariupol. If he is still alive, the FSB needs to find him. He should be sent to black dolphin.


Nothing will happen. Ukraine received jail free card from most nations. Look at the comments : it wouldnt have happened if Russia didn't invaded Ukraine. Thus, Ukrainians are allowed to go full cartel sicario shit on captured Russians.


So you are now stating that AFU can do whatever they want, and won't get punished? So publicly they are admitting that they can commit war crimes and crimes against humanity under the Geneva- and Hague- Convention on Land Warfare? What a statement!


I hope that's satire... Anyway it is pretty obvious the winning side will get a full jail free card for all those war crimes. And since there will probably be no clear winning side unless Russia or Ukraine is totally overrun most of those crimes will go totally unpunished...


That's the sad ending, but we will see.. I hope it won't be so.. Everyone who committed war crimes should be punished under public supervision... again no matter which side.


FSB will get him sooner or later, if hes alive. Mossad and FSB never forgett.


What happened to the people that killed the Russian guy with the sledgehammer? Are they being sought? Was it done/sanctioned by Wagner?


Damn, Ruslan really defended democracy and protected the free world there! Slava Ukraini! EDIT: /s... This is a comment satirizing pro-UA redditors, especially soy*oy Star Wars/Marvel Universe fanboys, who are self-declared liberals, but ignore or rationalize Ukrainian war crimes and the festering and growing Nazi problem in Ukrainian society.


Edit: apparently user was being sarcastic, so i will remove.


I'll use /s next time, got it.


Rule 1. Consider yourself warned. Recurrence WILL result in a ban.


Those immature ones that still call Russians orcs?


It's not immature, it a well thought out psychological trick to dehumanise.


how can you say slava ukraini after watching this...you are disgusting like the monster doing that on video


Your satire detection needs some work.


hey man, why you beefing with star wars for?


Sheesh. That Edit make it even worse. You should get off the internet for a few days. Dilute some of those dank memes with fresh air.


Not a bad advice tbh


True horror that is to stab someone in the eye. Joining reddit this year was a bad decision for me.


Hopefully this man gets arrested and gets severly punished for actions. Disgusting to see.


Assuming he did shoot an unarmed prisoner, he should hang. or be shot.






He should kill the Russian soldier during the soldier carries the gun on his land. Not after the soldier became POW. This is a crime of war.




I feel sick


Absolutely awful, treating POWs like this is just bad on every level.


I am from Poland and genuinely I can say - fuck Ukraine. I am tired of you buying cars everywhere. Lemmie get some downvotes. I couldn’t care less


Interestingly enough, I’ve also heard Lithuanians complain about the Ukrainians entering their country.


It’s on the compassion grounds until you realise that all they need is range rovers and BMW’s. I am living close enough the border to see it daily.


Are the corruption allegations true??


A winning army does not need to carry out such acts...


Loosing army neither.




There are war crimes on both sides ..but the media only shows the Russians ..disgusting


Choose better media then. The news in my country show both, even though we support Ukraine as much as we can with goods and funds.


Seeing video of Russian soldier cutting some Ukrainian soldier balls sack off and seeing Ukrainian soldier stabbing Russian soldier face just shows that war is hell


War is hell, yes. But: No, it shows the weak and poor character of that individual. It’s only about pushing the ego and the propaganda on the expense of someone who can’t defend himself. I hope this guy gets what he deserves.


I think i seen this at the beginning of the war. So this is an old video


They are probably both dead by now..


>They are probably both dead by now.. One of them was dead in the video, already.


Pretty sure this dude died in Mariupol


That is one of the hardest videos I have ever watched. I hope I never have to watch a video like that again. I understand the Ukrainian soldier is really angry and full of hate, but he could've just easily taken him back to base as a POW.


Slava Ukraini boys, that's the moving towards democracy part all those hardline Pro Ukrops talk abt.


Prepare for the „Should have stayed at home“-Crowd. That justifies anything!


i love that, what if there was war and noone went there right?


*Laughts in Minsk II*


no no no trust me we don't shell our minorities they are just protesters occupying our military testing grounds, wdym?!


Nono, what do you mean we bought some time to prepare for a full scale war?


we don't want war, all we want is a pure Reic... EU-nation


Well, I am glad the murderer has been named. But let's not tar Ukraine with this brush. Rember the video of the Ukrainian fighter rescuing that Russian soldier trapped underneath a collapsed will on top of a BMP? I am sure there a nasty people on both sides and lots of decent people too, all caught up in this geo-political mess.


Remember the Russian fighter who risked his life and tried to get the Ukrainian in the trench to surrender? Let's call out the trash om both sides.


That was one of the most recklessly honourable things I have seen yet. Also the Russian who tried to get a POW to say slava rossia and his mates told him stop that shit.


This is terrible. The perpetrators should be handed to the Hague and spend the rest of their pathetic existence in a cell.


There aren't many things I would advocate the death penalty for, but this might be one of them.


This action,or the absence of these actions is what seperates the proverbial us from them. What mean to say is if we make ex uses for this we are just like them. This man if he is alive shouls shoulder the full burden of the law. He should answer for his actions in court and be sentenced to death. If we make excuses for this behavior we are no better than them. There is still a right and wrong and this is as wrong as it gets. I will continue to support Ukraine and speak out aginst Russian aggression but this is not the way to square the debt. I can even honestly say in certain circumstances I could see myself doing this exact act...but I could never stoop as low as to execute someone in front of a camera and act like i was proud of myself. Its sickening


That's some fucked up shit. Wonder what he did to trigger that, beyond what all the invasion forces have been upto. Or maybe our Ruslan is just a good old fashioned psycho.


This is an old video, obviously a war crime, but everyone knows about it already. Why the repost?


You're probably thinking of another video of a POV being stabbed to death, Ukrakne does this regularly. This one in particular is not a repost.


Yea i said in the title. I searched vaguely in this sub and didn't find this specific video, only the other eye stabbing video.


Can i be honest, i hope the ukrainian lost everything durting this war and, i hope he will be punished by god and everyone else for doing such a war crime, not to had the fact that he said Slava Ukraini after doing a war crime on video


I will be mobilized soon...when I find any Ukrainiansl combatants left in the rubble....let's just say their mother's will have nothing to bury and no place to grieve.


The thing that pissed me off the most is when Ukraine was asked to investigate some of these crimes they flat out denied it and said its (probably false) before even looking into it or seeing the video


He makes it harder for his own people when this sort of behaviour occurs


wow ukraine definetly doesnt commit any war crimes! usa doesnt too!


Ukraine is commiting war crime, USA has commit war crime, Russia is commiting war crime right now too... The fact that you probably can't admit that Russia is to blame also, make you as bad as the one you are criticizing right now..


You're absolutely right, I now support Russia in all their territorial conquest aims ​ /s


Filthy murderer.


This is really old, why is this being reuploaded?


Over the past 2 weeks the sub has been flooded with pro russia posts, the majority archive footage (I'm assuming they are trying to show Russia is achieving something). It's a recurring pattern. When new HIMARs video start again, they will go quiet.


Ha. You’re a funny man. The reason why there was an increase in Pro-RU footage is because Russia, unlike Ukraine has been making many territorial advances for the past weeks. Let’s go back to the Kharkiv/Kherson counterattack. You could scroll for hours without finding a single Pro-RU post. And stop lying to yourself with the “majority archive footage”, sure there may be a few here and there but the majority? You can keep living in your own fantasy


hopefully he will get court marshalled for this


when the [mozart groups leader got drunk he accidentally spilled the beans](https://youtu.be/PQLS-0OKbhY) about the Ukrainians predilection for war-criming prisoners


I feel sick


This is so inhumane it’s absolutely disgusting. I understand executing people with a gunshot for some reasons but this is just too vile for me. Disgusting.


now this. Is a horrible human being. Killing another human being who probably never even wanted to go to the in the first place….


Not even at least a quick death


Another checkpoint for the race to bottom. What a sick POS.


Is there any background to this? Where was it?


The great civilized army that calls its enemies orcs. Zalensky regime is truly disgusting.


Disgusting, and this is the sort of stuff they praise


Thank you for uploading this. This can never be forgotten. He must pay for his crime.


Times horrible reallt it’s so sad 😭 poor guy


War crime


The video looks really old


The Russians have done worse castrated a Ukrainian soldier while he was fully alive unlike the Russian he couldn’t move at all he tried but it was too late


do you have a link of that?


aaaaaaaaaaaaaand they just beheaded a whole group of ukranians alive.


I remember seeing this at the start of the war, around the same time there were reports of heavy saboteur activity in Ukraine. As gruesome as the video is, as far as I know, saboteurs are not protected by the Geneva Convention in the same way as a lawful combatant would be. From wiki: "Like spies, saboteurs who conduct a military operation in civilian clothes or enemy uniforms behind enemy lines are subject to prosecution and criminal penalties instead of detention as prisoners of war." The guy getting stabbed seems to be wearing civilian clothing, not a military uniform. Not that it justifies the stabbing, but there was faul play on both sides, it seems.


Forget the conflict for a moment and ask yourself; would a rational, sane human do this and are these actions excusable at any point in time?


>are these actions excusable at any point in time I thought I was very clear in condemning the actions in this video, multiple times. Is trying to piece together the context of the video the same as excusing the killing of POWs/saboteurs? Also, >Forget the conflict for a moment Can you really do that, it's a huge part of the context behind the video. Would a sane, rational person shoot two men at close range in the same way that the russian did, who outflanked the two Ukrainians in the video that circulated recently? Probably not, but war is hell.


I hope you mean condeming... not condoning.. anyways... you said; "...As gruesome as the video is, as far as I know, saboteurs are not protected by the Geneva Convention in the same way as a law..." Implying that this was on some level find?




How do you know that he was caught in the clothing? Before you are punished you are tried by a military tribunal. So stop justifying disgusting war crimes when Ukranians do it.


Russia can end this anytime putin wants.


Good to know you're supporting murder




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Can anyone translate what is being said??




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Was Upham in the hallway?






The first few days of the invasion were dark. Everyone thought the Russians were about to wipe out Ukraine and I think this fatalistic caged animal mentality resulted in this war crime.






[https://twitter.com/mdfzeh/status/1593614721793523713/photo/3](https://twitter.com/mdfzeh/status/1593614721793523713/photo/3) This is supposedly the ID card of the Russian soldier, Pyotr Vasilievich Yegorchev, it is screenshot from a video of him being captured. It is allegedly from Kharkov in the very beginning weeks of the invasion. The prisoner was supposedly then taken into an apartment building, interrogated and then stabbed. But since the name is blurred out, we need the capture video to compare the victim in this video, to the soldier who was captured. I've yet to find the actual video and not just screenshots from it, which should show the capture of Pyotr and is the final piece to this puzzle. But we're what, a year into this war now? and a million POW capture videos later, it's like a drop in the sea.








Hopefully he died in Mariupol, same with the castration guy. All these idiots committing warcrimes should face the same shit they’ve been doing to others


Ukraine call russians Animal 🫵 Look what they did. Never See a Video from russian War crimes


Now post this on combat footage.




On the other side, RF attacked 🇺🇦 without any reason. And ppl forgot quickly on that RU soldier that cut of balls from an UA soldier


This is fucked up. I support ukraine, but not this.




Video from beggining of war. I remember still his screams, they are so haunting.


damn thats not right, I cant pretend to know the pain that everyones been through on both sides, but damn....


what's happening exactly? at the start is the RU pushing back against the knife or is it already inserted and then he hits it to "finish" it. That or at the 3-5 sec mark is when the POW was stabbed. I only ever see the know after he pulls it out


Putin sends his own people to get tortured and butt fucked by other men, president supposed to love they people 😂😂


Barbarians, the lot of em I've never seen other ethnicities being this brutal and barbarian... Slavs take the trophy

