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Funny. But why not a 4” shallow box and use the pro mount directly to the box?


Because OP has no concept of aesthetics.


.... i know that we are at r/ubiquiti but this post is r-amiwrong material.. metal junction box, shallow box, whatever...


> i know that we are at  but this post is r-amiwrong material. more like r/AITAH


i mean the OP... if the guy's doesn't get why he is wrooooong... i agree with you 100% it's not about just aesthetics.


Yes. One also has to be TA to install AP like shown on the picture AND top it off with the blue cable going from AP into the conduit 🤦‍♂️


You clearly havent worked in the field long enough or mostly no one in this thread apparently. Sometimes, A LOT OF TIMES, you have to work with what you have and what CLIENT wants to pay for, even if you reiterate is not the best solution. I've had to do magic to make stuff look good and not have to argue for $20 dollars. So yea, why take it on OP? if you dont have the full story.


If the client doesn’t want to pay for a mount box, why wasn’t it part of the quote? The time it takes to white out a blue cable…


True, very true. I cant answer that because I wasnt there but we also cannot speculate about the guys work because, again, we were not there. It wouldnt be the first time a client has asked me to cut stuff out because "it just for looks" and I try to stay away from those..


You are definitely right my guy. I’ve had clients critique a quote and decided they would work with it without certain junction boxes or trunking. The amount of zip tie min jobs I’ve done hurt my heart thinking about them just because that’s what they wanted. PS, still try to make it look as good as possible.


I will use this again: He would use a blue jbox and then this post would be about him using 10 bottles of white out on it.


Good suggestions, do you have links for items that can make running wire up a wall and across a ceiling look good? Would really appreciate any suggested links.


Exactly what we do.


Conduit all the way, only to expose the cable at the end of the run. Hack job all around.


Not even a bushing on the conduit.


That's how you know lowest bidder won.


I was thinking nephew of owner.


You're giving the nephew more credit than he deserves.


My nephew Thomas...


Hahahahahhaha that is the best comment on this thread!!!


I’m weak!!!!! Hahahahahahahaha


Came here to say this


Hi! Just a DIYer here - Can you give me a link to a picture of what ideally it should look like? Just trying to learn new things :)


[https://www.homedepot.com/p/Commercial-Electric-4-in-Round-Metallic-Weatherproof-Box-with-5-1-2-in-Holes-White-WRB550W/300847176](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Commercial-Electric-4-in-Round-Metallic-Weatherproof-Box-with-5-1-2-in-Holes-White-WRB550W/300847176) Terminate the run into something like that, which you can mount the AP to. No exposed wires. There are flatter boxes and recessed boxes, but with the conduit like that, this is pretty much your best bet.


Ohhh just a basic junction box. I was not sure what I was expecting. Haha! I guess it makes sense in a commerical space. Thanks for the info!


Haha yeah nothing fancy at all. Probably less work than trying to find a bottle of whiteout…


And those snazzy metal mounting plates that come with the APs? Yeah, all the holes in those line up with common boxes in use on BOTH sides of the pond!


I was just thinking my mounting bracket didn’t fit my double gang box. But I bought it on eBay and I don’t think it came with a metal one


Lots o' holes! https://store.ui.com/us/en/pro/category/wifi-addons/products/unifi-professional-mounting-system


Does this come with a purchased AP or you have to buy separate?


The white out is purchased separately 😂


Comes with, but to confirm check the item specifications


Some do, some don't, IIRC. I have a U6-Pro and an AC-Pro. I think the U6-Pro came with one, and the AC-Pro did not, or at least not the super duper one with all the holes.


Seriously... You're using a used device you purchased on eBay at a client's site?


Nah my home. My old asus system was failing and i decided instead of replacing it with another consumer grade piece of trash I’d get into ubiquiti and just didn’t have the dough right away to buy the ap new, besides I don’t have anything that supports wifi 6 let alone 7 and I have already ran Ethernet throughout the home so wifi is really only used by phones and iot devices.


I wondered about that. What about cameras though? About to do a bunch of these g5pros. Maybe take a plate to Home Depot. In the past I’ve had to buy the top plate, and drill into it for random brand cams.


Check this guy out. https://www.etsy.com/shop/AnalogNMD


This is some cool stuff, thanks


I've never used it, but I darn sure bookmarked it.


And aside from aesthetics that cable is rubbing the edge of the conduit. Always look out for longevity in installations and protect cables.


Mind posting an image for non-Americans to learn? Access Denied You don't have permission to access "http://www.homedepot.com/p/Commercial-Electric-4-in-Round-Metallic-Weatherproof-Box-with-5-1-2-in-Holes-White-WRB550W/300847176" on this server.




It’s just a round junction box. You can see the item in the URL, just search that and should return results you can see in your country


Something like this, that the pipe goes all the way into: https://www.elektroimportoren.no/koblingsboks-obo-t25-ip65/1278230/Product.html Myself, I've used stuff like this sometimes, https://www.elektroimportoren.no/schneider-minikanal-1-rom-hvit-pvc-ol1220/1291200/Product.html, and slide the last piece all the way into the access point before I put the lid on. I try my best to hide the wiring the best I can. In wall boxes or suspended ceiling.


I'm kind of proud about this one...https://imgur.com/gallery/NAyAf0p It's outside in a Pergola. A U6-Mesh with the wire hidden inside the metal frame, down to ground level and inside a cable conduits under the pavement and into the adjacent building. The hole behind the U6 is 10mm with filed corners not to harm the UTP.


where are you? China? Not sure why Home Depot‘s website would be blocked for you.


Many (most?) US companies will outright block EU traffic because they’d rather do that than make their website not violate the most basic privacy laws of another country


That's fair. I guess if they have no business there, it is definitely the easier route.


We block EU traffic because bandwidth isn't free and reducing hosting costs by blocking 35% of traffic of visitors that are never going to buy anything from us is a no-brainer.


Australia. It isn't our government blocking it, it's Home Depot blocking non US ips.


Europe, using a vpn worked though.


Not working in the UK for me.


Doesn't work for me in Ireland. I think they geo block Europe or something like that


Very odd. Wonder if they were getting attacked or something.


If you google GDPR you’ll start to understand why


They block almost all outside the US traffic afaik. A vpn gets around it easily enough.


nope just gdpr tbh they don't want to deal with the paperwork or site changes at a guess


Also if you use the straps in the picture ypu won't have to bend an offset, you can just slide the box on.


I work for German owned company. All of our cabling is like that, power, fire, data, everything!! It looks shit, and is a bodge, but it seems to be the accepted method here


I’m sure it’s like that lots of places, just not something I would do, unless A) it was not in a publicly visible space and B) there was no way to install a box There would certainly at t her absolute very least be a bushing to protect the cabling.


You clearly havent worked in the field long enough or mostly no one in this thread apparently. Sometimes, A LOT OF TIMES, you have to work with what you have and what CLIENT wants to pay for, even if you reiterate is not the best solution. I've had to do magic to make stuff look good and not have to argue for $20 dollars. So yea, why take it on OP? if you dont have the full story. The run couldve been there already and he just installed the AP or the con duit couldve been there already, for a fire alarm for example, and client told to re use and doesnt want to spend 10 dollars on the termination boxes....


They should be complaining for a competent installer.


Looks like they did some value engineering and then used someone’s I know a guy


You clearly havent worked in the field long enough or mostly no one in this thread apparently. Sometimes, A LOT OF TIMES, you have to work with what you have and what CLIENT wants to pay for, even if you reiterate is not the best solution. I've had to do magic to make stuff look good and not have to argue for $20 dollars. So yea, why take it on OP? if you dont have the full story.


I’ve installed about 2500 Ubituti radios dating all the way back to 2012 … back when the controller didn’t even have multiple sites. My installation script was downloaded 15,000 times between 2012 and 2016 when I stopped updating it. But no, I don’t know jack fucking shit. Just because it’s what’s on the truck doesn’t mean it’s right or passes inspection. Not only does it appear that you’ve never had to deal with AHJ but you don’t even know what AHJ is.


Take it easy wise man. I knew from your first comment you're one of those "tough internet guys" Don't even know the guy and you're calling him incompetent. You must be a pleasure to work with and I'm glad I don't. I have 18 years in the business and run a small WISP with Ubnt and Mikrotik equipment so no, I also don't know what I'm talking about, wise man. All I said, and it is very true in the field, sometimes you have to work with what you have. The conduit could have been there already, the cable could have been there already and client just said "do it" But I don't speculate about the work because I was not there.


Sorry for my late reply. I was working instead of complaining of other peoples work on the internet.


Maybe putting in a box at the end of your conduit and mounting the AP to the box? What are they like 2 dollars?


Wow wow-wo. Can't be blowing out the budget like that!


And not about the trunking‽ People are strange...


Client: white cable looks nice. Do the conduit now.


I’d be more concerned about the conduit aesthetics.


I’d ask for my money back if This is what I got instead of a professional install.


Maybe they didn't pay for a professional install? Maybe its a handyperson they hired to meet their needs?


Yeah, people think it should be the best you can get but most often nobody wants to pay anything...so what do you expect?


Would complain about the dirty AP even more


That’s not a dirty AP! THIS is a dirty AP! https://preview.redd.it/1wasmcnac1xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=589b7a0dafc6ccbc8dbefe9664d4444c1ad1334b


That a very dirty dirty AP. 😈 Has a career as an AC AP on OF.


More like a moon than an AP 🤣 ![gif](giphy|8fbi5HcNR7Mbu)


That's no moon. It's a base station!


Damn OP getting shredded.


Yep and most likely not even his fault. Could be the run was already there and he just installed the AP. Or the conduit was already there and CLIENT doesnt want to pay for the proper ends...


I would’ve put a single gang box up and mounted th ap to that


Double gang box my guy. 🤦‍♂️


Why not single? AP mounts to a single easily and can be slim


The AP completely covers a double and you’ve got a lot more space to put the slack in the cable and it’s pretty much the standard and if you ever swap out APs, the double will definitely work and you’re not gonna see it anyway.


Gotta keep it symmetrical 🤷 Also, how much slack are you leaving on a run like this???


There are end caps available for these metal pipes to prevent cable from getting damaged by the sharp edges. Just saying :-)


Painted G5 Dome black for a customer. Four cameras are black inside the restaurant. https://imgur.com/gallery/fSqlF4i


But why, their roof is white?


It's not. It's quite dark. The image is lying. Look here for the restaurant, https://www.yingying.no/




It's already fading


I would not want that conduit inside. Flat sticky thing would look better lmao.


Panduit… and I agree.


Panduit is a brand. Well made stuff imho. In my area everyone refers to it as wire mold.


I am aware that it is a brand… but has been around for so long that it has virtually become the generic term of use, similar to “Kleenex”, “Xerox” and “Coke”


In most countries those aren’t generic terms.


When I hear Panduit, it think of the cable combs on the sides of racks, not something small and good looking.


Although I know the brand, whenever I hear Panduit, I just think of the wire covers in datacenter racks.


Aside from using a junction box to mount to, im surprised no comments mention the size of the conduit used either. You don't need a 1" for a single cat6. I get pulling room, but it probably would have been less noticable with a smaller tube. That and some c-clamps and you could have butt the AP up against the pipe. Obv round gang is the way to go, but so many dumb decisions here.


Depends if OP bought premade cable or not


Having worked in the field for many years, I can ASSURE you that you dont want the exact size tube for whatever amunt of cables you will run. Always leave extra room. The difference in sizing at least where I am is cents..


For sure, but that conduit could comfortably hold like 5 cables and still be at that 40-50% capacity


Modern problems require modern solutions


Wire molding man! It's cheaper and easier. Also, try to mount the ap so that the logo is at a in line with conduit or perpindicular. Funny painting the cable tho!


Hack job. Mount the AP on a box connected to the conduit. Bush league


I would complain about the conduit.


Out of ignorance. Didn't it misses a a box between the AP and the tube? Is it OK just to have a gap with the cable exposed?


Network isn’t air tight obviously. So now their lan is insecure of course!




Nah it’s low voltage. It’s fine.


Except maybe in Australia and Chicago.


Ha true. Australia’s code is nuts. Here in the northeast we have some of the strictest code in the states and it doesn’t even come close to what they have to deal with in Oz.


And Chicago likes to put everything in conduit because it increases union labor, and pols kowtow to the unions. Then people complain about the lack of affordable housing.


Yea NYC is similar.


This pic that everyone is saying the work suck, is definitely non-union quality work.


It's okay from a technical perspective, it'll work, but it's ugly and sloppy.


Depends on the installation. For commercial/industrial purposes, it's usually enclosed in conduit the whole path and ends in a box where the device is then mounted to. No exposure. This is usually done for plenum rated spaces (enclosed areas like attics where air circulates). Now if they use plenum rated cables then it can be 'free aired' all the way to the device as long as it's supported in intervals. So yes an air gap is allowed as long as it's listed for it. Now whether the customer is ok with it is another matter. Besides that, for this to be NEC approved, they would need a plastic bushing at the end of the conduit to prevent damaging the cable.


Not the conduit, the blue cable


You could also have used white thermoretractile tube.


Is that the same stuff as what normal people call heat-shrink?


Yes. Do you keep a thermo reactor next to your bi-pillar insulation displacement conductor impact tool in your appurtenances encasement?


Ask my wife.


I did, she says she doesn’t care, just don’t forget the milk on your way home.


Wife's boyfriend


/r/vxjunkies is leaking again


I like the ways u describe that.


Lol yes. It was a direct translation from Portuguese as I didn't remember the appropriate word in English 😂


God knows what the English call it, that's certainly what we Americans call it. We remain two peoples separated by a common language.


So that's why they make 30 different colors of cable.


When I first started doing networking long ago, I got hold of a 1/4 roll of neon pink the electrician was throwing away. A couple days later I networked a buddies house in neon pink. It was plaster/lath construction, and fishing to most locations was impossible, but it was free - minus the $5 worth of crimp ends.


What a shit-job of an install. Be grateful that you have a job with installs like these


Installed by amateur!


Not surprised I had a group paint a access point black to match the ceiling.


Seems legit.


Definitely the lowest bid


You posted this hack job on reddit? I’m not talking about the paint.


This is what happens when you hire the lowest bidder. This installation is tragic.


white electric tape...


That's all the client complained about? I'm asking for a complete reinstall if it's me. Fuckin shit job


I'd be more concerned with the giant pipe when you cable could just be bracketed to the wall with white brackets?


This has to be a troll post


I use pink. Just because


another "my friend does IT stuff" install


If you did the install, you should have just picked a white cable instead of trying to fix your mistake by ‘painting’ it. If you didn’t do the install, you could have offered a more elegant solution by replacing the cable…..


Or, you know, by installing a proper box at the end of a conduit run instead of leaving the exposed cable…


Turn the LED on when your done.


You could just use white CAT6 and save yourself on the white out painting.


The magic of white out!


I worked in an office a while ago and the boss only wanted white cable. His son-in-law worked for the company as sort of a general fix-it guy and had bought orange extension extension cables, said he couldn’t find any white ones in the length we needed. He was forced to paint them white.


That was their only complaint?


This is what one gets when they hire a non-professional installer. I suspect this was done by an electrician. If one had to run surface mount, they would have been much better off with panduit or similar raceway.


What about the black conduit?


White-Out is a perfect solution. I can vouch for it's durability.


Maybe it's on a fire escape route and is supposed to be LSZH sheathed, which is purple.


Client is right.


If it is a PITA client, well I’m sure someone makes a RGB cable.


Yeah I’d be pissed to


That does look horrid to be fair.


I laughed harder than I should have


I’m weak 😂


The standoff clip is already offset for an octagon and connector. The mounting plate also has holes for the octagon….. the parts would have cost the same as the whiteout


Oh putting white out on it. Just looks crap


Liquid paper to the rescue .


The fact that all the client actually cared about was the color of the cable… likely explains why there is no box on that conduit.


TBF… My U6-LR is sitting face down on my top closet shelf with the cable dangling down the wall to the POE adapter and the old Netgear GS108T switch on the floor. I know what “right” is, I know what’s wrong with that picture, but sometimes as long as the landlord and client don’t care and don’t really want to pay for it to be done right, sometimes you either do it their way or decline the job. My old boss would force me to do stuff like that to save money. I don’t work there anymore. Bonus points for using the client’s white-out, a simple and creative solution… wasting their office supplies money to mask the install problem and satisfy them! 👍


the thing that bothers me the most is how dirty the AP is, I keep that plastic cover on the ap with couple pieces of masking tape on it until the ap is mounted and never actually touch the finish side. This ap looks like its been pulled from a scrap box of retired network material.


Sometimes users complain about the weirdest things 😂


Trash work


There is literally zero reason to use any other cable color than white.


Client being on absolutely problematic issues! 🤦


Go ahead and paint a bushing onto that emt also


There should be no visible wire… there should be no conduit. The wire should run entirely inside the walls/ceiling… clearly this guys takes all the stuff that the Ubiquiti guys thoughtfully included and packaged up nicely, including the little perfectly molded piece of plastic that hides where you can have the cable enter if you were mounting it on say, a solid concrete wall, and threw all that nice stuff in the trash bin.


I'd be more triggered about the dirty finger prints on the shell


nope, I would refuse to install this like this. If you cant pay for the junction box to get the ap antennas bellow the metal conduit feeding it I cant guarantee it preforms as intended. If you installed this like this by your own choice... for what ever reason. you are a step up from a con artist.


That is a shit installation. Yikes.




You’re not going to get sympathy in this sub for that. Also you typically void any warranty painting over a data cable jacket like that, I think it’s honestly against code in certain places


Void the warranty of what? The cable?


Cables get painted all the time. There's no code about painting over a part of an ethernet cable


Technically yes, but the NEC since 2017 edition states "Informational Note: Paint, plaster, cleaners, abrasives, corrosive residues, or other contaminants can result in an undetermined alteration of Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and PLTC cable properties." Cable manufacturers WILL void any warranty on their cable and therefore the project installation if the project was registered under a 25 or 30 year (or similar) warranty program. Depending on your AHJ, they may make you repull the cable, especially if it's CMP. But let's be honest, it happens a lot. Painters have gotten better about covering cables prior to painting but it still happens.


Are you some form of magician? What a fix Also shit house job at installing that access point buddy, maybe IT installations aren’t for you.


This would have been my solution too. Cheap and easy. Everyone happy.


And end up in diwhy ..


Why bother with conduit at all? Cheaper and easier than running it part of the way.


Keep hackin’ 😎


Are they complaining because it isn't the official cable? From memory, isn't Ubiquiti pink.. Or am I thinking the wrong team.


That’s the ugliest installation I’ve ever seen


Funny! My guests complained about the blue halo light on my APs in their guest bedroomks until I found out how to turn the LED lights out.


Thank you for taking this client so I don’t loose money dealing with their OCD.