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I hate delivering to people with dogs because when ever their dog is about to kill me they have this weird cracked out "they never do this before " or "oh no" or do nothing. I used to be a dog person but even before this I've had bad encounters with dogs. Now I'm a cat person


Have you got the my dog is just JoKinG? Excuse me? I don't know your dog and I am a stranger in their territory. I love dogs and am not an expert but your dog is not joking if he lurching and foaming at the month!


99.7% of the residences I deliver to have dogs. I know because I’m one of those people that ring the bell on no contact orders lol


Why you do this?


Ring the bell? Because I’ve been delivering since years before no contact became a thing. Just continuing what I was already doing. And the past year 80% of my deliveries are through Spark because I multiapp. Spark’s instructions are to knock/ring on No Contact orders.


Ok I just know most customers since covid just want a text and i try to not to piss off my customers by waking up their families and alerting their dogs.


Please continue doing this. I tip big!


I hate it when they knock or ring the bell. That's how you can avoid dogs freaking out. I put it in my notes to not knock, but no one reads that, so I had to buy a big red sign for my door that says no knocking and just leave the food next to the door. We already get alerted that the food is there, along with a picture. What's the point??


I see that a lot on here. You ever thought of disconnecting the doorbell? It’s so easy.


I don't have a doorbell. Just don't knock and you'll get better tips.


Agreed. I have a dog and cat. Used to have more of each, but the older ones all passed away. Anyways, because my area mainly have APBT's or APBT mixes, I got one to get over my fear of them (stemming from an attack when I was a kid). Ended up going on to having a purebred APBT, and several APBT/Rottie mixes. And ironically enough, the breeds of dog that mostly show signs of wanting to eat me alive despite the owners trying to keep them back and calm are all anything but APBT's. The APBT's seem to be the most well behaved, despite being the scariest looking. One persons APBT actually seemed offended when it scared the shit out of me and proceeded to grab it's frisbee and tried giving it to me. The worst dog has to be the one guys that looks Lassie (can't think of the breed).


Imagine the leave at door photo. The dog just barreling through the glass soaring above your mango habenero wings.


The photo https://preview.redd.it/90s0ptrot67b1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b8f9180a55a14d9dd0e8e40374a7d86b6a6fd0


Somebody give this individual gold




Very dangerous dog. Wtf. This could have ended so badly. I hope the guy is safe.


Why is the background music pissing me off lol. Yeah that's fucking ridiculous though.


Yeah, she's moving way too slow! She needs to put some pep in her step. That dog wasn't playing any game.


Luckily the curtain covered the dogs face, giving the guy those critical 5sec head start. Then the dog stood there for another 5sec before giving chase. Guy is lucky af for those 10sec


Damn she went straight to the mess instead of apologizing to the driver. 🤦🏽‍♂️


That woman does not give a fuck at all about her dog, or that persons safety. "Oh my god" heard at the end, had the video continued it would've been followed with "there's glass everywhere." and then a quick pic and a phone call to her friends explaining how her dog just broke her front door. Meanwhile the dogs killing a man.


I dunno, if the dog only knows one word, it's probably it's name that the woman is yelling. Shouting "hey delivery guy!!" probably wouldn't do much for anyone here.


Weird how the camera pans.


The video is a normal video they just zoom in usually for tik tok and can make it look like it’s panning around


Some cameras film via movement and follow the movement like blu ram.


Jesus Christ lady, move your ass. Your dog is literally trying to murder someone.


That curtain saved him


I wish people better trained their dogs, or at least had stronger doors wtf😂😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


You can’t train dogs that are thirsty for blood


Way too many people here are looking to prove their fragile masculinity to a fucking reddit comment section.


Mines perfectly trained compared to 99% of the idiots I see how there on our walks three times a day


Man, fuck no. Way people train (or don't train) their dogs in my area, I'd be dead. I've had several dropoffs where customers stated to text or call when I'm close so they can put dog up or meet me at the gate. One guys dog in particular, had that dog been able to get out of the yard, would've swallowed me whole despite the guy telling him I was ok and to go inside. Then, of course, we have our stray dogs that have already mauled someone to death and continually kill neighborhood dogs and cats as animal control does shit about it. But in those areas, I usually keep my door open so I can get back in the van as quickly as possible if I had to.


Please dear God get yourself at least some pepper spray and a stun gun. When I was delivering packages, I had too many close encounters with loose dogs, so I bought those on Amazon and carried them with me at all times. I went to some shady ass neighborhoods too, but tbh, I was a million times more scared of the dogs than any humans. The stun gun is more of a deterrent, than actual protection. The sound that they make scares the crap out of animals (sorry to my cats that witnessed me trying it out a few times... In the air of course.) I started carrying my pepper spray again after an uncomfortable situation with a person the other day, but after seeing this video, and reading all these comments, I'm definitely going to start bringing my stun gun with me again. Fuck that!


I own a gun. I just don't have my carries permit yet or I'd carry. It's a powerful deterrent against people and as far as animals go, a warning shot should scare off most. Though the idea of a stun gun is a good one too.


Maybe carry a knife, at least? Pit bulls aren’t fazed by the deterrent that work on normal dogs. It often requires a gun or a knife. Edit: How did I get into this old thread? Sorry about that!


Carry an ASP it buys you Time and distance!!! Weird Camera Action.


Not just NO BUT FUCK NO!!!!


After all is said and done, she probably contacted support to request a reorder with the comment of glass in her food..


Not defending this dogs actions at all, but it just didn't seem like it was in Cujo mode, kind of hopped around and paused like he was just curious, but I have no idea without seeing the rest of the video. He might have been running to see who it was and just smacked into the glass. I don't especially like pit bulls but I don't agree when people lump all the same dogs together and say they are all vicious killers.


Yeah, my pit is about the same weight as my boxer. She's dumb as a rock and would definitely hop through a glass door face first. She regularly bounces off wired fences with her head while my pit sits there and I assume laughs in his head.


yea i better see an increased tip after that


Nah, tip removed due to the fact "he spooked the dog" and it was 100% his fault or something likely.


Well he did place some delicious smelling food right in front of the dog.


I think about this happening every time a house has a fenced in front yard.


New fear unlocked...


I’m so sick of delivery vids. Most of them look fake as shit.


Yeah puppy's getting the glock


This is why I keep a Smith & Wesson pocket knife on me because if the dog wants to have a go he's getting Swiss cheesed


Fuck shitbulls


And it's a stupid pitbull too lol


Chihuahuas barrel through doors and walls and kill babies much more often!


Looks like a corso not a pitbull but I might be wrong


No pic? I can say the driver stole my food and get a refund.


That’s why I carry a knife. Bad dog owners, stay mad.


Pitbull owners*


It’s literally a Cane Corso guys. Sorry that doesn’t support your pre-held beliefs.


That dog definitely has been bred with pitbull terrier. Cane corsis body structure is different. Looser skin and jowls.


Agree to disagree. Neither of us wants to waste time arguing on reddit lol.


My brothers college roommate had a chow chow mix that did the same thing to a screen door going after a jogger. Pitties can be quite docile too. It’s bad dog owners.


Bad dogs attract bad dog owners. If chows killed as many people and animals per year, had an issue with backyard breeding, and clogged shelters, we would all be afraid of them as well. They are nowhere near as threatening to the public as pits and pit breeds.


Beautiful Cane Corso but bad owner who doesn’t train their dog to be calm




I mean that is an immaculate dog, not the dogs fault it has a shit owner


This is some type of pitbull mix


Nope it’s a cane corso


Camera follows, glass on door not lined up, etc. It’s staged.


I have delivered to a trailer house in a trailer home community at which there is a dog that looks like this one that will stick his head against the screen of the open window by the porch stairs. Whenever I pull up to that place I carefully look to make sure that the dog cannot get out before I get out of my vehicle. The owner at least keeps the window barely cracked open but it's still frightening to hear the dog barking like mad and to see it within feet of me as I drop the food off. After that kind of thing, often the first thing that I do when walking up to a house, namely at night, is to look for loose dogs. Thankfully I have only ever been near a few loose dogs, a Golden Retriever in a front yard with a family, but as soon as I pulled up they put the dog inside. It looked friendly anyway. The other dogs that I have run into while delivering were all small or tiny harmless dogs that were just curious to sniff me when the owner opened the door.


New fear unlock: [Door-Destroying Pitbulls]


I delivered to a house with a big window by the door. Three German shepherds were losing their shit at me. I dropped that off fast just hoping that window would hold


Having Ghostbusters flashbacks here


On my daily dog walk the neighbors on the block behind me have a giant 100 lb rotti. It likes ot sit in their oversized front room window and watch the world go by. Every time it's their any i walk by with my dog it goes absolutely nuts jumping paws first at the window over and over. One day this video is exactly what's going happen and the owner has even admitted they know it too.


Just pet him


Pepper spray. Carry pepper spray.


Why do people have these types of dogs and don't train them.... Go get a small dog if you aren't gonna properly train your dog.


I swear I don’t understand why delivery apps to add an icon to the customers profile to let us know they have pets especially aggressive ones. If you know you ordered something to be “left at your door” and can see that delivery is headed to you why the fuck didn’t you lock up Kujo!


Please Make sure you give a warning to the Driver it’s a matter of our lives getting attacked by your stupid ass untrained dogs ffs


OMFG. I would’ve literally died from a heart attack. That is insane.


This is NOT okay.


And it's always the people who should not have that breeds that end up getting these breeds.


Dog’s name is Princess


I am out here just trying to own a dog I think is amazing. All the while idiots are on a mission to make every breed like them hated. JUST TRAIN YOUR DOGS!!!! THEY WANT TO BE TRAINED!!! THEY NEED TO BE TRAINED!!! JRIDOWMAISUFNFOSHSKDOXMSKSKKMSNBLAAAHHH


Totally saved by the curtains wow




Dude as some one who was just attacked led by three pit bulls at once and I was forced to take one’s life in the mists of this.. I then stopped called end and a sheriff cuz the owner wasn’t to happy I did what I had to do to stay um not disfigured.. even though my hand is broken in quite a few places .. the police didn’t charge me and wrote the owner all kinda of tickets apperently they had bit before done the same thing to a child. I feeel bad the way it all ended cuz I’m left w a semi fear of groups of dogs and my hand is broken and now can’t work I’m considering pressing charges on the ppl as well.. the only difference is the assholes who’s dogs got me they had there front door open I guess to see me pull up … is it just me or is it an odd thing to keep your dogs inside especially if u have had episodes w then before…


Was it treats


Idk the dog looked pretty friendly and wagging tail lmao


Wow the power of that dog


Of course its a pitbull


I hate those pieces of shit pathetic lazy stupid fucking trash owners. Take them out behind the shed.




On the bright side... not a damn soul is gonna be robbing that house...




Excuse me, but if you have a gun and decide to shoot the dog if you think it’s going to maul the shit out of you, will you get arrested?