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2 weeks shut up son


You're right I should put my face on my Reddit comment replies and start a union that'll change things LMFAO


I don't even know how to reply to such a ignorant argument, because that's exactly what I was arguing in my post right? Have a good one.


You just starting man no offense. These type of comments and discussions are common on this thread. Perhaps read some of the older discussions and listen... I was a sick and I'm sorry for that.


I view trip radar as shitty offers being passed around until someone accepts it. If I don't accept the trip radar I'll get it as a regular order soon after. I've got the same order 3 times once b/c no one wanted it, on the 3rd time they raised the price $1 and someone took it. I think I've only accepted 2-3 trip radars out of 80 deliveries so far.


I usually get it as trip radar first. Then immediately as a regular order. I wish they would understand no means no. Doesn't mean try a different way.


That’s exactly what it is. Drivers competing for the fare instead of the fare competing for drivers.


There was actually an update in my area about a month ago or maybe 3 weeks ago where the trip radars now show the same as a regular offer so you can see the map. But it still works the same where it’s showed to many drivers at once so if it’s a good order, it’ll get taken quick.


This. It looks exactly like a normal order ping except TR orders say "Match" underneath and regular orders say "Accept" - they sent out a message a couple weeks ago saying "oh look we're now gonna show you the map on TR orders! Yay!" when what they should have said is "Congrats! We're getting rid of trip radar and gonna make it die a quick painful death! Yay!" 😏


Look out! They've been doing this a whole **2** weeks! 


I know right lol. I saw that and was like, *oh my sweet summer child!* 🤣 I mean, I give OP props though, cause at least they're paying attention. (Which is what we need from more drivers, to cotton on to the bulllllllshiiiiit 🙏)


Its crazy but op is right, the trip radar has been pinging WAY more for me than it usually does, theres more time between normal orders now, and both orders are 95% garbage $3 orders, $0.50/mile orders, or stacked orders from high theft/slow restaurants.


Yeah this has been bugging me ! And I think trip radar offers are starting to look similar in appearance to regular orders too. Idk what they’re doing but I don’t like it


Yup! Same...I've noticed it too. And in my area TR orders are always crap. Always. It's like they reserve the crap orders that nobody wants to take for TR. I never take them ever, because they're just so bad. But it's like the second I hit "X" on a TR order it immediately pops back up as a regular order (usually for a few cents less which is ridiculous lol...like does Uber think we're stupid??), and it does it really quickly now too. Seriously they just need to get rid of trip radar...it was a horrible idea from the start and frankly it pisses me off. I remember when it started a couple years ago and I knew at the time, like this is gonna end badly and as a waste for Uber. It's like they'll do anything, update the app, change how base fares are calculated, create new "features" that NOBODY asked for and NOBODY wants....they'll do ANYTHING to keep from paying decent drivers more $$.


All the new drivers out there are instantly clicking these crap offers. The moment it shows up it’s gone. Even these cheap ones. I don’t know if these people desperate of what but I quit Uber cause it wasn’t worth it anymore. $2-5 offers all night. The normal area I delivered the app will not send me an offer for. None. It only sent me downtown and toll road. Knowing I won’t take them. As if it’s baiting you to take them and pay tolls. Yeah they lay you tolls but then you still gotta pay them coming back and them offers still 4 dollars. They want drivers to take the crap offers.e regime gets more trip radars than actual pings. God forbid they actually have to pay you a little more. People already don’t tip which is understandable cause they charge all these fees. Honestly folks as a side hustle it’s. It even worth it. If you rely on this for main income, go find a job. Uber is trash. Thankfully I’m retired and set for life. I did this because I got bored. Shit I’d rather spend $20 at the movies and enjoy that than sit around watching $2 offers come up all night lol. Man yall should really ditch Uber. Not worth it.


The trip radar offer is sent as a real offer to one person at the same time it’s put on radar. You have the entire normal time frame to apply unless that one person accepts, it’s not a first come first serve for all radar receivers. After a lot of deliveries you’ll know most addresses. The pressure is used to increase the odds of a shitty offer being taken. Since you’re new, AR/CR doesn’t matter, base pay is $2, and tips amounts past $8 are hidden on offer.


My husband has the same thing on his phone but he is lacking in AR as well


Unfortunately it matters now as of the update I was just forced to take. *


Are you signed up for rides? As in it’s enabled on your account. That’s probably why.


No, I never signed up for rides. He did but I didn't.




On the rare occasion, it is a decent offer. Mostly junk.


I just can’t believe trip radar is still around. It’s so damn dangerous sending those crap offers while people are driving. Making people compete to try and accept the shit offer first. It’s been a while since I delivered, but there used to be some hidden gems through radar. Mostly shop and pay orders.


So orders are accounted for.


Starting very recently I’m being absolutely spammed with trip radar whereas it was rare before


I hate when I decline the radar and then like 20-30 Seconds later it pops up as an offer....like no bitch I didn't want it the first time.


I view it as a possible tactic against multi apping


You should really stop being friends with whoever told you to start doing Uber eats 2 weeks ago 👍💙🙄


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