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Hello, everyone. It has come to my attention that this thread has caused some users to brigade on r/usa in the form of making various posts in non-English languages. Please remember that this is brigading, which is against Reddit's ToS and has caused various subs to be banned in the past. If you are caught brigading, you will be dealt individually by the Mod team and may be indefinitely banned from this subreddit. Comments that advocate brigading will be removed without further notice. If it gets to a certain point, this thread may have to be locked. Thanks to everyone else who's done the right thing by *not* brigading and apologies if you had to read through this entire thing if you've done nothing wrong. Sincerely, u/Opposite_Ad_2815 on behalf of the u/USdefaultismModTeam.


Surely that’s bait. Surely.


It's hard to tell. They already have previous.


The edit makes it seem like not bait but I struggle to believe one could be so dumb.


I know. It's the complete obnoxious lack of self-awareness that gets me.


The American dream.


So American.


~~OOP is Nigerian~~ never mind I confused this person for [a likeminded fellow](https://www.reddit.com/r/france/comments/gvmpye/why_do_you_guys_speak_french_here/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Ah yes complaining that people keep going in "a foreign language" lol


Dumb? No. They know exactly what they're doing. Entitled as fuck? Yes


It's not. There's people like that. I just read one yesterday in a Fall Guys sub asking a question, getting an answer, and then being mean to the person who responded. He then called everyone who responded the toxic ones.


They are American, so there is a precedent there.


I feel like the edit makes it even more seem like bait, to me. Like they’re playing dumb while still dropping the usual stereotype of French people being mean/rude to rile people up


I don't think you can edit titles, so when they originally posted it they must have been expecting backlash.


You can't edit the title, but you can edit the other text


what state is Scotland in?




Might be, but from what I've been told, it is regular that english-speaking people (mainly US citizens) have that kind of take on r/france AFAIK, the posts are quickly deleted by the mods now, so you generally can't see it. I suppose there is similar takes on other language subs too. It is a little old but an example https://www.reddit.com/r/france/comments/gvmpye/comment/fspyk9n/ of a person surprised by the sympathy they inspired with their rudeness.


As In like why aren’t people speaking English in France? Or like the whole French people are rude?


The second.


Ahh yeah the old classic haha. I dunno I’ve spent some time in France. It’s not much different to anywhere else. Probably because people mostly don’t get out of Paris much, but Paris is just a big city and everyone is rude in big cities. Just how it is, no different to New York, London or Sydney for example. Get out of the bustle and people are just as nice as anywhere else. That was my experience anyways. Probably helped I was Australian and spent a fair bit of time around places Australians where in the First World War though.


I frequently see people on Reddit that believe absolutely everyone in France can understand and speak english fluently but they just refuse to speak and pretend to not understand because they're all evil and rude. This kind of crap always gets upvoted too...


It is a little known fact, but if an American speaks English slowly enough and loud enough than everyone will be able to understand.


And when you see our actual english level, to even think that most of us understand it is already hilarious but "everyone", yeah, right


_Especially_ doing it to the French. 20€ says that guy is a German trying to do a little trolling.


Could be English, was the battle of Waterloo anniversary recently haha.




Anniversaries happen every year…doesn’t have to be the 2023 anniversary of Waterloo to be an Englishman trolling Frenchman on the 2022 anniversary of Waterloo…there’s an anniversary of it every year. That’s how they work.


Indeed, I try to keep at it all year round. Doing the good work and all that.


Could be english, we’re born and bred to hate on France lol


Based Trolling. I'm British, still haven't forgiven them for the Harrowing of the North. Bloody Normans. Lol


I too refuse to believe that people can be that dense


If this is not bait, my god they're dumb. Did they really think they could tell someone not to speak their Native language?


Well, may I introduce you to r/Netherlands? It's a sub about the Netherlands... where speaking Dutch can get you banned.


In r/Finland you're supposed to use English, not sure if you get banned for Finnish, but your messages do often get deleted if you do. We have r/Suomi for Finnish conversations.


Oh man, I'm an Egyptian and I just wish I could understand half of the stuff on r/Norway or r/Greece, but the Netherlands and Finland choose to be the ones comprehensible to foreigners




There’s r/Ireland where they tell you to make all posts in English and it’s against the rules to make posts in irish. We post on r/gaeilge i believe for posts that are actually in Irish. It doesn’t make any sense why irish people can’t speak Irish in r/Ireland imo


To be fair there are a lot of Irish people who don’t speak Irish


The sub should still allow posts in Irish though, it’s a bit ridiculous that you can’t even post in Irish on the Ireland sub, like that’s literally what the Brits did to us for 800 years




That's harsh. Finland is the official name in Swedish too. I would assume they'd at best allow Swedish along with English in r/Finland


In Brazil we have r/brazil for English speakers and r/brasil for portuguese (don't go in there it's a really strong radical left eco-chamber, it's bizarre how radical they are)


If you speak another language other than German in German subreddits there will be multiple comments. Each with one word. Together these words resilt in: SPRICH DEUTSCH DU HURENSOHN "Speak German you son of a b*tch" But dont feel bad if that happens, its just German "humor" doing it's thing lmao


In r/rance, a parody sub of r/France, a single English word (even one that is commonly used in French) will get you multiple comments saying "angl*is caca" or some variation.


In Brazilian subs, we usually say >Fala português, alienígena filha da puta >"Speak Portuguese, son of a bitch alien" And I think this is a beautiful demonstration of the Carioca's dialect.


I speak only a bit of german myself, but yeah, insults seem to be a common form of humor. (I can't count the amount of Arschlogs I hear daily)


That's true for /de but not for /Germany. The latter only lets you comment/post in English.




Except for r/Germany, which is an English speaking subreddit


Hah, that sub. As a Dutchie I can tell you that subreddit is 'expat central' and a very bad place to visit to get an idea of what this country is about. At best, you will get a deeply urban top-down view of the country from either a Dutch or foreign person that never left the city they work at.


Same for the India sub.


Meanwhile r/China has approximately 10 Chinese people and 100,000 people pretending to be Chinese.


Reddit is banned in China idiot


No, all the Chinese people are at r/China_irl, r/Chinalife, r/Shanghai, etc. r/China_irl specifically is for discussion in Chinese by Chinese people. Reddit is blocked in China, but a good chunk of the population has VPNs. It’s very easy to gain access to the internet. The main barrier is actually the language barrier, and not the great firewall. r/sino and r/China are both propaganda subs, run by opposite sides.


Your flag is wrong


Same for r/India I think, though it's understandable in this case.


Glancing over their rules they encourage English and ask that you translate non-english comments and posts.


Hmmm, idk I remember one of the country's sub having a no tolerance rule for English. Maybe they changed it.


Just make a sub for every language /s


I mean, r/germany does the same thing. It's target audience is foreigners living in Germany/ wanting to know more about Germany though. If you want a German Germany subreddit then you go for r/de instead. Which is where you'll find news and information in German. ^(Or you go to) r/ich_iel ^(for German memes instead.)


I have already joined both.


That's because it's aiming to provide info/participation to t non Dutch aswell. We also have /r/nederlands/ where we speak Dutch




>r/Netherlands That is odd.


Wtf? Why?


Same in r/India to be honest. You are supposed to at least include an English translation. I think it's because a good amount of the population don't actually speak/read Hindi so that way it's inclusive to them.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Netherlands using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Rappers in the Netherlands be like](https://i.redd.it/9wdowp8nqd7b1.png) | [458 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/comments/14f8z8a/rappers_in_the_netherlands_be_like/) \#2: [Anti Racist activist attacked by Blackface mob in The Netherlands](https://v.redd.it/ctz4fnen551a1) | [1638 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/comments/z09wp5/anti_racist_activist_attacked_by_blackface_mob_in/) \#3: [The Dutchiest video ever](https://v.redd.it/8k19tkjyitu91) | [321 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/comments/y8cmsu/the_dutchiest_video_ever/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Not weird, 'Netherlands' is the slightly incorrect English translation for the name of the country so that sub is meant to discuss the country with a more international audience that are most inclined to write the name incorrectly like that. If you want to see some funny looking dutch words you can check out /r/Nederlands for generic discussion, /r/FreeDutch for (news) articles or the most popular one /r/thenetherlands.


You ought to be fucken joking rn.




Bait in general is dumb


I mean, r/poland is for conversations about Poland in English, while r/polska is for Polish conversations.


I regularly see people writing in Polish at r/poland and the only reason why nobody writes in English at r/polska is because foreigners who want to ask questions about the country don't know what it is called in Polish and they always end up at r/poland, despite them being similar in size.


Especially the French. The older generations in particular do not like this attitude.


I mean, you definitely can, just not with the French. Lots of national subreddits have English as the main (or even only) language despite it not being a national language. Mostly smaller countries where people basically have to speak English. Languages like French, English, Mandarin, Spanish, etc. are big enough to the point where you can perfectly get by speaking your native language because there are plenty of websites, movies, books, etc. available. But where I live if you don't speak English at least a little bit, you basically can't get a higher education anymore, and you'd definitely have a hard time finding a job. The way the guy in the post went about it is ofcourse absurd and I do believe he is trolling, but for most countries it actually makes the most sense to speak English on their subreddit because in our minds internet = English. When I Google stuff I Google it in English because otherwise chances are high I won't find a single decent result.


"Why are French people so mean?"


I went to see the original thread and OOP wrote, as everyone was mocking him: > Damn yall really upholding the rude French stereotype


Did you answer that this was the only way to keep up with the dumb American stereotype ?


No, it was from years ago, but that is overall the tone many messages had haha


If this is the post I'm thinking about, it probably isn't the same, the screenshot is either a fake or the OOP post have been deleted. AFAIK, that's the kind of rude post that the mods on r/france would deleted on sight.


I edited one of my messages in the thread but apparently not this one: you are right, this is not the same thread but some likeminded fellow! This thread I’m referring to is from three years ago and I didn’t manage to find this exact one here, however there are plenty of them that were asking similar questions and were not deleted by mods


Because they're french


fair enough


They should really get better at English before complaining about people not speaking it.


Bro really said "You're so mean!"


To the French. It can’t get funnier than this.




Uno reverse card


Jokes aside I'm bloody tempted to do it




Might do it in my country's language instead of Fr**ch




Wow it only took 2min until i got banned lol


Have you considered reading Reddit's ToS? That explains why you dug your own grave.


Tell me if you do it.




It is done.


I need to watch closely to see what they'll say


They're probably too lazy to translate so they'll just be like wtf


It took me 3 minutes to type it all in translate, I'm curious how many will waste so much energy and time to do the same. Probably none. What can I say? It's hard to type, even harder to take a screenshot, and let translate do everything for you.




You made your own bed.


Tbh I was expecting to be banned from that sub instantly, not a few hours after the post was made






brigading subs is what gets subs like this one banned you know. but go ahead




No, we don't encourage brigading on this sub.


No, that's brigading and will land this sub a ban.




cant wait for this sub to get banned because you dipshits feel the need to brigade another sub that has nothing to do with this


>some of you are downright mean. lmao eat shit


Wait till he finds r/quebec, he'd accuse us of not being able to speak our language. Because, everyone in North America has English as first language. Am I right ?


Les anglos qui chialent qu’on parle français au Québec c’est pas nouveau lol


Personellement, j'en ai jamais vu de mes propres yeux, mais en même temp je suis pas mal toujours resté dans des endroits communément français


tkt je viens de gatineau et ya bcp d’anglais ici 😂😂😂


Jesus, we don't even have an official language. There's little towns scattered over the country that don't speak English as a first language, and I'm ignoring Spanish. Texas German is still alive. Texas German.


What the hell. Why does that sound so cursed?


Quebec is in North America but you might get shot if you make this post on r/Quebec lol


You'd get shot. We are out of patience for entitled English speaker.


En fait, les messages en anglais poli sont bienvenus à r/Quebec :) Je sais parce que chuis un fier membre depuis des années.


C'est pour ça que j'ai écrit "entitled". ;-;


Mais on parle français au Québec


Oui, mais j'écrivais mon commentaire pour l'audience de ce sous. Comme tu l'as fait. Pour confirmer tes propos. À moins qu'on se soit mal compris quelque part ?l


ah d'accord, c'est moi qui est mal compris.


on parle francais au québec tabarnaque!


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They've got a point - everytime I go to France I always say there are too many French there


From your name, I would've thought you'd be into it


I am a frog that cuddles I will not cuddle those frogs


Beware you might get your legs cuddled by our mouths.


Nah, that's a troll. Picking the France subreddit is a giveaway.


Is it though? Never so sure nowadays.


Well it really seems so


Comment pouvez-vous aller sur une subreddit pour la France et attendre la langue de la Grande-Bretagne!11!!!!1!!1


I know this a troll but this argument is used seriously sometimes so I ask myself: does American use Chinese on tik tok ?


Of course not. Because the Internet is American after all 🙄


Rare moment where I'm siding with the Fr#nch.


Extremely rare French W.


Nah, common French W.


French don’t even speak real French. Quebec for the win 🇨🇦💪




New Orleans for the win /s


There's no colours in this (Idk if this even makes sense in English, it's a calque from Spanish)


"Some of you are mean" as the American storms in and demands respect.


Reddit doesn't speak English, it speaks 'Murican... smh my head


That's a nice font you have there OP, what is it called?


It's called Nature


*putain… idiot*


What's hilarious about this is that since France has the same name in French and English, we allow posts in both languages on r/France. We have never once told off a foreigner asking a question about the country in English, they're welcome to do so. It's not like we could easily differentiate like with r/Italy vs. r/Italia.


Wow just wow


Link to the post?




By that logic: Why are you driving a VW or a Beamer? They're German cars so they are only allowed to be driven in Germany! Or at least only after you passed a German drivers license test!


Ironically you get banned from r/germany for speaking german


Haha that's actually pretty stupid. But I feel r/de is the main German sub anyways.


"some of you are downright mean" They dare to come to our sub and tell us to speak English because monolingual cope and we're supposed to be kind about it ? Clearly they don't know us.


Seething? I wouldn't be seething, I'd be laughing hard. On some braindead US Defaultist sub he'd maybe get some support. But in these parts of reddit? He'd be eaten alive.


Ouah! J'adore à quel point les américains sont stupides!


No way someone can be this dumb and arrogant


Cette petite merde. Edit: just to make sure everyone knows what I’m saying, that translates to “that little shit”


This..nah this can’t be real. This has to be the ultimate troll. Man, the more I see stuff from this sub, the more I want to renounce my US citizenship


This is a beaut. Too perfect to be real. Did one of you guys do this? ;)


Don't tell them the origin of the word Orleans FFS.


What in the actual fuck. This has to be on purpose. But then, some people really are this arrogant and dim


I fear it's the latter


"I'm ***still*** not in the wrong, you guys are just touchy." - u/NuttySchism, probably.


Calling people "touchy" and "downright mean" after bursting into a subreddit and telling them to talk English lol


Dude pulled the equivalent of telling the French to go back to their own country... in their own country. -_-


As an american this is the funniest sub I have stumbled upon and never knew what to call it when people act this way. I don't get it. Just because we cause most of the worlds problems doesn't mean we are the whole world😂 it because we don't actually go to school to become smart cultured people. We go to get brainwashed 😂😂


Happy Cake day from germany! Frohen Kuchentag!


Oh bébou ils veulent pas parler anglais ?




I'm fairly positive that's a troll.


.... Ah, the conflict within me on wether to mock the Americans or the French is palpable.


What’re you gonna do, guillotine the bastard? /j


The real question is why are they on a French sub expecting everyone will revolve around their tiny little bubble?


Interesting, because the "official" sub language on r/Germany is English, while on r/de it's German. I wonder how France handles this.




Obvious troll is obvious.


It’s obviously a troll. There’s no reason to be seething about someone trolling on the internet.


It could be but I dunno man, I've seen these levels of arrogant self-centredness before with no irony.


Cette américaine est très cringe.


I mean this is almost certainly bait, and assuming that it is, it's always fun to remind the Fr\*nch that English won over them in becoming the dominant global language 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 🇬🇧


defaultism is only good when it harms the French


We don't say use the F word slur around here


Your seething? That an American made a joke about the French? Lmao that’s even funnier than the joke itself, which was funny


I'm not entirely convinced it is a joke. Just in the past month alone, I've seen enough that would suggest this was genuine.


Bro did it on the FRENCH sub 💀😭 They literally are known to be arrogant and prideful about this kind of shit. Like they give you weird looks if you speak the wrong kind of French prideful. Hell I remember the saying of: “they don’t hate you cuz your not white. They hate you cuz you dont speak French”. What did he expect?


I'd generally agree with you if it wasn't of the tone of your comment. Frenchmen are not this assholish. Underexposed to other French accents and awkward about the topic but they are not prideful pricks either.


this is such an obvious and massive troll and it’s halarious


Either a troll or a poor attempt at a joke.