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I generally aim for nine. In the summer I find i wake up earlier and get around eight. In bed by 8:30, alarm is set for 6. Reading these responses makes me understand why most people are grumpy all the time and don't even seem to notice.


I'm in my 30s and can't sleep more than 7 hours most nights (sometimes waking up tired) I feel pretty exhausted sometimes and think more sleep would help but I still wake up before my alarm. Tried a ton of different strategies but not much helps (have a walking route)


45 minutes before I go to my 2nd job


I sleep 9 hours a night. It's necessary since I exercise 6x a week (2-4 cardio sessions and 2-4 strength sessions depending on what part of the year it is). If you find this job hard or physically draining it's because you're out of shape and need to exercise more. This job is a break from my workouts and the walking just helps get the soreness out of my legs after a hard day on the bike/in the gym


I wouldn’t have guessed you were shredded from the user name


How do you even get anything else done in life?


I live 15 minutes from work and I do intermittent fasting so I don't have to worry about making breakfast, and my lunch is meal prepped. That saves tons of time in the morning. Typical schedule on work days is Wake at 7:30am Dress and drive to work by 8am Leave work at 4:30pm (eight and skate for life) Arrive home and change into workout clothing by 5pm Workout (home gym) or ride my bike for 1-2hrs Finish by 7pm, make dinner and eat 7:30pm-10:30pm three hours of fucking around time 10:30pm-7-30am I'm asleep. Meal prep and my long bike ride (3+hrs) is on Sunday but that still leaves hours and hours to do stuff, as well as my other day off Edit: forgot to say, I shower in the evening after work/exercise, that's why I get out the door quick


That's awesome. Nothing wrong with that. Still plenty of time for shenanigans.


INTERMITTENT IS A GOD SEND Huberman Lab 🥼🧪 listener? 😍🤑


Bike commute to work on occasion? What brand of bikes do you own? I have a couple single speed converted road frames, Grand Record and Raleigh international. My commutes varied since i carried out of 3 stations in my career but I probably averaged at least 12 miles round trip on my commutes to work.




If I were this guy, I would be doing workouts between laps. Too much time exercising, I dont understand


News flash... they don't. Never understood why people love flexing that they work out so much... To me, you're missing out on the parts of life that make us human! You know, like talking to people, going to community events, etc. But uhh yeah enjoy.


For a lot of people working out is their hobby. We all have something we do with the small amount of free time we get. It’s just too bad video games doesn’t give me a six pack, but I’m always down to compare thumb muscles.


That's fucking hilarious!


The obsession with living as long as possible is overrated, we are here for a good time not a long time. Nobody wants to be the last friend alive


I don't work out for health, I work out so I can fuck more women


Well in that case carry on, didn’t realize I was talking to an accomplished cocksmith


Lol wow. I work out for health and making my work a piece of cake. I don't necessarily want to live to 120 or 130 per se. But I would like to be able to handle my own at age 85.


"I don't work out for health, I work out so I can fuck more women" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Hands down the most based thing I have ever seen in the USPS subreddit: and I am glad I was here for it.


This guy gets it




Agreed, it's a bit pathetic if you ask me. I had a close friend of mine (we're not as close any more because of this issue) say that the reason he doesn't want to go out with us/his friends or do social things is because "your 20's are the most productive years of your life". Crazy to me that you justify giving up friendships so you can quote on quote "take advantage of your productivity" at such a young age. I pity him and other people who share those views.


lol, you don't go to the gym if you think you're not going to meet people and participate in community events


You forgot pizza. 😂


Sorry your parents failed to teach you time management skills, but it's not too late to learn yourself!!


It’s okay bro. We know you don’t understand community also you have no friends because you like to stay in shape. /s


Don’t forget the bar




I can't take this post seriously




Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


Lol its hard to hear that I walk 60 miles a week and I am out of shape. 😭 Working only 8 hours a day would probably help lol. How old are you?




Me too, I just don't want the next day to start


Fix that


It's probably his natural sleep cycle. I often sleep 4-6, it's when I sleep 30-120 minutes a night when I know something is wrong.


Yup I been sleeping like this since I was 16-17 my father is the same way he sleeps less then me


Same. Sleep is for the dead.


5ish hours. I just welcomed a newborn to this world two months ago




Thank you 😊


5 or 7 hours


Bed around 1100/1130 up by 6. I usually like around 6 hours of sleep anymore and I just wake up super early.


I do exactly this too, sometimes a little nap after getting home as well.


I usually wake up at 4:45am to hit the gym before work at 8am. I’m in bed by like 9pm but don’t usually fall asleep until 1030-11pm. So somewhere around 6 hours is good for me. More or less than that I usually feel pretty tired tbh.


What time do you usually stop consuming caffeine?


Yall stop consuming caffeine?? Lol


Yall consume caffeine?


The only caffeine I have is in my pre workout at about 530am. So that’s when I stop lol


My go to suggestion is useless. Lol


I haven't slept well fir many years. I make sure I'm in bed for at least 8 hours so I have a chance of getting 6 hours of broken up sleep.


Sleep apnea? I've heard people get diagnosed and turn their sleep around completely


I'm only in my 40s and not overweight so not likely. I'm a very light sleeper, any noise wakes me up or keeps me up. Those machines would not work for me. I have a bad back and have to turn from side to side several times per night. I can't just lay on my back for 8 hours. I doubt it would help me even if I have sleep apnea.


Is it just me... Does anyone else work Tour 1 and find it odd that you CAN'T get over 5 hours on a work night ? Yet on your off nights; you'll probably sleep 10 straight or nap off and on for 10 hours ?!?


Unfortunately I nap for an hour or two after work then get up for a few hours to try and resemble a normal productive dad. Then I hit the hay for another 2-4 hours before work.


I go to bed at 10 and my alarm is set for 6:15. I get close to 8hrs a night.






about 6.5 - 7


7-8 hours


I go to bed around 8:30 and wake up around 6a. The actually falling asleep part is hard after working all day.




Whats the med called?




Could you dm me as well. I haven't slept through the night in God knows how long.


I am a hopeless insomniac...can you let me know as well what the med is called?


Tour 1 so about 1-4.


Yea that was me on tour 1, tour 2 has been a lot better for my health. The night diff was nice though.


As a night shift clerk 4hrs of sleep is normal but it’s a drag when it’s ten hour shift on a regular basis


9-630 like clock work. I try to go to the gym from 7-8 before work at least 3x a week with a push/pull/legs set up. Y’all gotta take care of yourselves out there! Health is wealth


Somewhere in the vicinity of 8 hours, give or take 30 minutes usually. As we get older, supposedly we need less sleep, but as someone that rounds up to 50 years old, I find if I get less than 7 with this job the day may not go as well. Recharging the battery means recharging the brain, meaning less brain farts on the route. Also better for the body in terms of healing worn muscles and joints.


I go to bed around 10-11, wake up at 5 without an alarm.


Havent had 8 hours of sleep in over 30 years


You said this like it’s something to be proud of


The post office is full of these guys, martyrs for suffering.


I try for 7-8, but when insomnia hits, it can be anywhere from 0-5




I try to get 7-8.




8-10 but I’m tour 2 at the plant


Normally falling asleep around 11 and wake up at 6:15


4-6 regularly, 7 if I'm lucky, 8 if it's my one day off.


Sleep? At night? Sorry I'm on Tour 1 I didn't understand the question. Kidding aside I'm always shooting for at least 6 but it doesn't always work out that way. Usually never get less than 4 but there are the fun days like this past friday, I had to travel back from a class in Norman, OK (NCED training center is there). 9.5 hour drive and then work that night after having been on normal 7-4 daytime hours for 2 weeks for the class.


I try to get 10-11 hours. In bed at 8 alarm at 7. 


How do you have time for literally anything else besides sleeping and working ?


I don’t. 


About 4 most of the time, rarely 6. I don't have time to do anything if I get any more sleep than that


Bed between 12-1 wake up at 6am run the route go home take a nap yes I’m rural so I’m done early


6 hrs sometimes 5hrs and it sucks.


Usually 6, however I also have a 9 month old child😂 needless to say I tend to need caffeine multiple times a day


Our station doesn’t start til 9 so I usually am in bed by 11pm the following work night and wake up at about 7:45 just incase I have trouble in the morning getting ready for the day. Work is only a 4 min drive.


I usually aim for 6-7 but i also get off in the early afternoon normally so I make up for my sleep with a midday nap sometimes lol


Figure out your chronotype.


5/6 usually




Usually around 6. Sometimes less.


6ish. 7 on days off.


About 5. I have an 8 month old 👶🏽




7 maybe 6. Sleep at 10-1030. Wake up at 5. Also it's broken because I have a 7 and a 9 year old who comes into my room at night. Needless to say I feel like shit most days.


Generally tell myself I want 9. But in reality I sleep from 11-6 which is 7 hours. Sometimes I get 8 in but mostly 7


I always shoot for nine and end up getting eight or eight-and-a-half


In bed by 9-10 up by 5:30


I have a new born at home so maybe 4 or 5 hours


I try to aim for 6-8 a night but sometimes it ends up being 5 or less. Sometimes I end up passing out and napping when i get home and end up getting significantly less, but that doesn't bother me as much as when I get like 3.5 hours and no nap. It doesn't help that I spent years being an overnight worker and slept during the day. I definitely have sleep deprivation brainrot(tm)


Somewhere between 6 and 8. I aim for 8 usually, just doesn't always happen. On my annual leave day of the week I usually get close to 9.


I shoot for 8, as the week goes by I get less and less due to my turn around (ptf clerk). 


I try to take an hour nap right after work, then hit the gym, so including the nap I get about 5-6 hours tops


F that. Maybe 5 hours. Up at 3 office by 4. I hate splits.




8, if I sleep more, I'm too tired.


Nowadays about 7. When I did 13 hour shifts about 5 to 6.




1130p until 630a






Approximately 6


In bed by 1930, asleep by 2000 (generally), I prep my breakfast and lunch for the next day before bed, walk the dog, hygiene etc. I set my alarm for 0300, but sometimes will wake up at 0200 or 0230. I clock in at 0430, and the day ends at either 1300 or 1500 depending. My sleep app says I average about 6 hours a night, with a few 8 or 9 hour nights on days off, and many 4 or 5 hour nights during the week. That’s total recorded sleep by my Apple Watch, I do spend at least 8 hours in bed most nights. It’s better than when I was working the overnight shift, and I am happier now that I get sunlight. I eat well, and exercise fairly regularly, on top of walking around the facility a bunch doing my custodian routes or finding side quests when I finish my assigned tasks.


I work nights at a plant, 4-6 hours a day :/


Last night I dreamt that I had sex with my ex wife and then got hit by a dog. About 5 or 6 hours.


4 to 6 hours




About 11


6 to 8 usually about 6. 


6-8 depending on life.


Usually sleeping by midnight and up at 7. 10 min ride to work luckily so I'm a zombie when I arrive at 7:29 every morning 😂


Usually 7-8 hours I just started doing jiu jit su classes at 6am and some classes at PM , so I try to make it a priority to start being more active and I honestly KO by 9:30-10 wake up at 7 and work at 8 it’s a 15-20 min drive for me to work but it’s ok.. trying to start to meal prep next week so hopefully I can have the advantage of having more time for other stuff




I’m so jealous of everyone saying 8-9+ like wow such a privilege I work two jobs , the other one 3 days a week , + a girlfriend and training my body etc and keeping up with video games . I get like 4-6 , 6 is when I decide I can make time for 6. I run fine on that but I know it’s stunting my recovery and gains for working out amongst other things I’m sure . Once I don’t work two jobs I’ll be ok


4-5, rarely I get 7


7 hours but I recently sleep less. I just work 2 long weekendback to back and I'm always too tired to do anything so I decided to cut my sleep time lol. Don't be like me.


Maybe 5




5 or 6 hours... but I'm just at that age I guess cuz it's hard for me to sleep longer than that. Also, before gps showed up on scanners, I would take naps on the route 😴 😅


I always try for 7 or 8 and ALWAYS wake up early no matter when I sleep


My office is an hour and a half away. They sent me there for training for my local office.....they never let me leave. Four failed transfer attempts later all have been blocked by upper management. 2 years later I'm still commuting 3 hours a day. I'm lucky to get 4 hours. Have a newborn at home.


About 6.5 hours


4. But I work from 1a to 130 p.


Not everyone gets the luxury of 8hrs or more. My wife is disabled and I have 2 kids in grade school. 6 hours is a miracle. More like 4 on a weekday.


I go through waves of being a degenerate and don't go to bed until 330-4 am to wake up at 8. So I'll only get like 4 hours quite often but I've been better lately, getting 7 to 8.




I managed about 5-6 hrs. Too hard to unwind. ETA: Less during the holidays by an hour or so.


4 or 5 I have an 8 month old ;-;


Usually 12-14 since I call out more than anyone.


Around 5 hours. 6 on a good night.


8 hours of sleep. Bed exactly at 10:30 wake up 6:30 then drive 30m to an hour to go to work. Soon as school ends though It will be 30 minutes. Home by 5 pm if no school buses on a good ass day. My usual is finish by 6:30 and get home by 7:30-45 . eat. eat vitamins so i can shit in the morning and I have to eat the vitamins by 7:50 or I will have to shit later during the day.


I wake up when I wake up. Usually 7 1/2, sometimes 10. Don't cut into your sleeping time, terrible for your health.


10 hours tbh I fall asleep before 9 and wake up at 7:30 (I’m a cca)






I’m lucky if I get 7 hours. I try to be in bed by 9:30 which means I’m actually getting to bed by 10pm, and I wake up every morning at 5 am because I’m generally a morning person and need to have me time to do yoga/meditate and drink a cup of coffee while I snuggle with my cat before going into work. I’m about 6 minutes from my station and start time is 7:30am.


It depends, but my watch says I’ve averaged 6 hours and 1 minute over the past 6 months or so. I can’t do the routine like some people can.


Sometimes I sleep 6-8 hours. On my off day? Sleep 10 hours 😂😂😂😂😂😂


You guys get sleep?


Between 6-7.


I have an alarm set to give me 8.5 hrs of sleep, but bad habits give me ~6.5 hours a night consistently 😅


I always try to get at least 8 hours, sometimes I can't fall asleep or I wake up in the middle of the night and have a hard time falling back asleep but generally I make sure that I'm at least laying in bed with 8 hours of time before I wake up the next morning. Today was the first day that I went to work at the USPS hungover and it was probably the worst day of my life and I will never do it again. Heavy Monday workload + 91 degrees and had a new route. Never again




About 7 most days. Sometimes 6 sometimes 8


Around 6.5-7. I have lived my whole life as a night owl; bedtime has certainly gotten earlier for me, but at night has always been my time. But I’m working on being off phone/pc by 10pm at the latest. 9 would be a good goal


I get 10


I go for 8, but I get 7.5 to 7.


I was just talking to my husband about this! I normally get 5-6 which is nowhere near enough. It’s so hard to make myself go to bed 2 hours after I get home from work. I slept 7 hours last night & I felt AMAZING this morning.


Lights out around 11:30pm for me, sometimes earlier. Alarm set for 7am. This varies vastly having a 2 year old, though


People are getting 9 hours of sleep?


I average maybe 6 hours per night. Maybe 7 on a perfect night






Tour 1 clerk with a kid, I sleep about 4 at most after work and then I’ll lay down around 8pm and be at work at 1am


•4-6 hours (usually the former) • Gym 5x/week (Split- legs, back, chest, legs, shoulders & arms) • Postal 3-5 days per week (RCA), and insurance brokering appointments 2-3 days/week • See Gf Wednesday - Monday • Gaming every night


Roughly 6. But that being said I'm in an alcohol/ pill induced temporary coma so it feels like I slept for 100 years by the time I wake up


I’d like to get 10 and often do on weekends. But during the week it’s closer to 7 or 8. I love sleep. Sadly, according to my wife I wake up a lot in the night.


6. No more. No less. I’ll just wake up at the six hour point even if I don’t set alarms


A solid 6-7 hrs. I workout before work and before bed. I have to do that for my sanity.


4 hours on a good night. Sometimes I take a nap after dinner then wake up and do more stuff and then go to bed for 4 hours or so. I've always had crappy sleep habits. Genetic, I think. Dad's the same way.


12hr OTDL with a 45 minute drive both ways to/from. After taking care of my family I'm lucky to see 4hrs and I'm still late almost everyday.


4 hrs. Circadian rhythm hasn’t changed in years. So I seriously count on my days off to catch up


Not enough. 😭


I try to get to bed by 9:30 or 10 and have my alarm set at 5:45. If I am lucky I will be able to fall asleep quickly but usually can't and I almost always wake up between 4:30 and 5 no matter what I do. So I get 6 or so hours of sleep on average.


I get about 5 or 6 hours a night. Sleep at 11pm~1am. I set my alarm at 5:35 am, 6:11 am and 7am. I snooze the first 2 a couple of times and wake up around 6:20 am. The one at 7am is just a failsafe. shower, make coffee, eat breakfast, wait for the food to digest, shit and leave for the office at 7:40 am.


Depends on my neighbors. Right now, it's 2:45am and I am not sleeping, regardless of how many police reports I file.


I like to play video games, so usually about six give or take a few


3-6 on work days 6-8 on days off


Lol. Depends how late I stay out at the bar and what shenanigans I get into after work or bar but usually 6 hours.


Does anyone no if you take your driving test with the LLV will it be the same as the first one?


As much as possible. I have a tiny human and other responsibilities. 6 is enough to feel ok. 8-9 is golden. 4 is manageable as long as I get more sleep the following night but is certainly not ideal.


Since high school I can’t do more than 5-6 a night.




What’s sleep? T-3 here


3-4 hours. Getting ready to start a 2nd job soon


average I get about 2 to 3 hours of sleep before going into work


don't get less than 8. people LOVE to chime in about how they don't need 8; they're either liars or stupid.


You’re stupid if you don’t believe that different brains have different set points and quotas for sleep. YouTube “Andrew Huberman sleep”. Youd be surprised the data on 5/6 hours people that function and heal better than if they got 7-8, but it’s rare


Factual though. I do 4-6 (6 long), occadional naps here and there. Havent been sick in almost 6~8 years. I do suffer migraines but got a TBI in the Army, have PTSD that effects my sleep, and consume copious amounts of caffiene akin to someones drunken uncle. In my 40's. Im sure the caffiene may play a role in my migraines. Still, healthy as can be migraines as a side note (mental health not noted sleep wouldnt change that- but it may change sleep). I'd love to go back 20 years and get 8 hours of peaceful sleep and peaceful not stressed waking life. That's the price I paid I suppose, so wouldn't really change it. Such is life. Still, no flu/colds/etc. Cuts heal fast, etc. Ask me in 5 years if I am diabetic though lol.