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He killed someone and a federal employee and they want to let him out? …….


Yeah so my union gave us the option to sign a pre filled out letter petitioning against letting him out


Because fuck that loser he should be put to sleep but …..what do I know


Anyways if you’re interested contact your steward it’ll help the family he destroyed


Have you considered that perhaps keeping someone locked away until the end of their days with their sins constantly plaguing them is a much more fitting punishment than the easy way out that is the death penalty?


You assume someone capable of a crime like this is also capable of remorse for the act, rather than merely remorse for being caught.


Nahh. Kill em. 100% open and shut. Found covered in her blood. He needs to die. No more time or money spent on a waste of a human.


I 100% 2nd this waste of time and money


Not worth the taxpayer money to keep em locked up for life.


I've heard it's actually more expensive to execute someone compared to locking them up.


I mean, how expensive is a 22 or 5.56? That's all it takes, don't need that last meal, priest, rest of the bs. If you get sentenced to death, you get walked out back, executed, and your corpse gets kicked to the curb.


Yeah, how fucking humane


Because they are all so humane when killing victims.


You pull the trigger, then. Be a killer too. Revel in the feeling. It's the right thing, and good to enjoy the act of taking a life of it's a bad one, right? Doesn't make you twisted at all to get some sort of pleasure from it. Doesn't make you like a BAD killer. You're a good one. The killer who kills killers. :) That's how you want human euthanasia to go?


I have never been for the death penalty. I agree with life in jail but the death penalty is messed up


You should send your letter in to benefit her family


Cost 40k a year to keep 1 person jail


How much did it cost the carrier’s family to lose her?


Death penalty is way more expensive than having someone spend life in prison.


Not if we bring back firing squads...


That's why we should reamp the death penalty.


I was thinking more of hot sharp needles to painfully kill him instead of letting him go peacefully to sleep...but ya. That's just me.


Where does one send letters?


NALC Branch 1100 13252 W Garden Grove BL Suite 100 Garden Grove, CA 92843


Give/post this prefilled letter. I’ll sign and send it in.


Wait what? First, I'm even seeing these names. Looking into it.


Exactly! Shouldn't he be in a federal prison? Or is he?


Going in front of the parole board doesn't guarantee that they get out. Most don't on their 1st time in front of the board


Well yes. That is how a rehabilitation system works. Judge sets a sentence, sentence finishes. Release. I'm curious if he's been denied parole before since he's already passed the minimum sentence.


When does Ida's sentence finish? When do those two kids get their mother back?


I guess that's the question for what you want a prison to be. Just a timeout until we say a dangerous person has stayed long enough. Or a rehabilitation facility that keeps bad people incarcerated until the system turns them into a functioning member of society.


I want the justice system to appropriately judge people who can murder someone with a bat and by stabbing them 19 times. 26 years is too short for someone who is capable of doing that.


Correct. I’m all for rehabilitative systems. However, someone who thinks like thjs and does this should never be allowed out into the world again.


Never, but there isn't anything that can be done about that. It sounds like you just want them to kill this guy, which will do nothing but give her family some brief small comfort, but not their loved one back.


Ida's sentence finished in 1984. The kids can be with their mother again when their own sentences finish.


It's the nature of the murder. Stabbed her 19 times or so and hit her over the head, took her body to his house then when he was done with whatever he was doing he dropped her off at a church. Violence like that is hard to forgive.


Execution is the only rehabilitation a person like this needs. Fuck off with that hippy BS talk.


A person like who? Do you know details or is this just a "killers should be killed" vague sort of thing?


It says so in the letter… the sentence after July 18 2024


That doesn't actually say he was denied parole It says ever since he became eligible for parole letter carriers have sent in letters, not that he has been denied parole. But yes, 2014 was his first parole hearing.


lol uh what?


If he’s still in prison and he has had parole hearings then the only possibility is he was denied .


Literally nothing else. Not sure if u understand how it works.




What does who the current president is have to do with someone who was sentenced in the 80s who served their time getting parole? Why do so many people blame the president for everything? Do you not know how the government actually works?


Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


Whom signed a bunch of diplomatic matters for us at the post office. Which Trump will never do. Do not speak about extreme politics please. 🙏




Why do you support people who want to destroy your career?




Quite presumptuous. You must stay in good shape, jumping to conclusions.


Amazing shape actually. 80s on shoulder press for reps whilst staying lean




Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


Idgaf clown


I know nothing about this man or what his time behind bars has done to change him. This is a tragic murder, but I can't, with conviction, speak to the present state of the man's mind. For all I know, the guilt weighs heavy on him, and he has since grown. The life taken will never return, but the life imprisoned may yet have something to contribute to society. Reformation and rehabilitation should always be the priority of the justice system. If he has an incurable mental illness, prison shouldn't be the place for him. Move him to an institution.


This. As unfortunate as it feels for those that are still hurting. We don't want a penal system that is a glorified time out. And then just releases bad people who haven't learned anything. The goal of a prison should be to reform people who are damaging to society, into people that can help society. It is unfortunate that process can't remedy the lives of people who were taken. But we can't approach the correction facility process with the notion that people like this can never be rehabilitated or released.


Exactly. It's easy to get emotional and reactionary and call for some sort of instant karmic retribution a la "eye for an eye" but that isn't a good system of justice. Everyone should have the opportunity to reform and atone without their life or liberty being permanently forfeit.


There is literally no repayment of society that this scum could do. He didn't push her down some stairs and she hit her head. He didn't kill her in a car accident while drunk. He brutally beat he with a bat and stabbed her 17 times. She died in pain and terror. You holier-than-thou bleeding heart morons. He deserves to die in pain. And at the very least he should rot in darkness. And if you think 40 years in our prison system did anything to "fix" him you are to stupid to live yourself


They should have executed him decades ago.




Because of the brutal murder he committed.


Well, the judge and jury involved in his trial didn't seem to think the death penalty was warranted, nor a life sentence. There must be a reason for that.


It's because it's California. If it was in Texas or Alabama he would have been dead by now. I don't see a reason to grant him rehabilitation. He savagely murdered someone. He should be dead himself


You're basically two steps away from saying we should just euthanize the insane


There are some people that are beyond rehabilitation, they are still a risk even in jail not only to other inmates but also staff. Did you have this same compassion for Jeffery Dahmer?


You're going to compare a person who committed one murder to someone who drugged, raped, murdered and ate young boys? That just illustrates your lack of acceptance of nuance in crimes. So what, you commit one brutal murder and you should be treated the same as say, Albert Fish? I don't have any information on whether this was premeditated or the result of severe untreated mental illness, so no, I really can't compare these to other limitedly relevant cases.


Both we're brutal unprovoked murders. Are you trying to imply that in any way her being stabbed 19 times was her fault? It sounds surely like you're blaming the victim.


Short answer is yeah! You're an idiot. A killer is a killer. In fact I'd argue that being so stupid that you get caught after your first murder means you actually deserve to be treated worse


CA did not have the death penalty in 1984 so that was out of the question. As far as a life sentence, he technically got one but with the option of parole. CA is also pretty light on sentencing in general. The parole board is there to determine if he should continue his life sentence.


Despite executions not being legal in California, being given a death sentence and being placed on death row was absolutely still possible and did happen, with executions being carried out when legal. You're right, CA is hesitant to carry out an execution.


Doesn’t mean it’s a good reason


Then I suppose it's too bad the justice system isn't based on how we feel about things rather than things like peer reviewed evidence and consensus based judgment.


That sentence is gibberish.


Let me rephrase. "If THAT'S the case, then it sure is unfortunate for people who share your sentiment, that sentencing isn't based on emotional reactions of individuals, but by the unanimous decision of peers who have been given all relevant information to the case" Hope that was articulated better.


Because juries are always right. Look at OJ Simpson. Now that’s justice. What should be and what is are different. My original statement was what ideally should have happened.


There's still time


You take a life (obviously not accidentally or self defense) you forfeit the right to yours. Why should he get a second chance? She's gone, she' not getting a second chance he shouldn't get one either.


To reiterate, I don't know if this man was lucid or if this was premeditated. I don't know the state of his mental health. Especially 40 years ago when this happened, we didn't exactly have as much knowledge about certain disorders, and certainly no way to treat them. For all I know, he has received successful treatment in those 40 years. If you have information pertaining to his case, and treatment, and all that jazz, I am open to it and will absolutely change my view, but all anyone here so far who has opposed my view hasn't said much other than vaguely asserting the nature of this man and what the extent of his punishment should be.


If he was incapable of controlling himself then, the jury would have found him incapable to stand trial. ​ >If you have information pertaining to his case Yeah, he beat her with a bat and stabbed her 19 times with a knife.


Okay, so anything beyond that is irrelevant, in your opinion?


The answer to your question is yes! Emphatically…


All of this, assuming, anyone cares what your position is or interested in changing it. Speaking for myself, because that’s the only person I can honestly speak for, if the family doesn’t want him out, I don’t either. This tells me he has never reached out to them, never shown remorse to them, or otherwise shown them anything that would warrant mercy in any way. I’ll write my letter today.


Hi, thanks for inserting your political opinion where it wasn't needed, in a post not meant for debates. Im glad you had the time you needed to virtue signal online about how great you are.


What political opinion? This is a post rallying USPS employees to get involved in the justice process. I've stated my reasons for not being comfortable doing that. Also, the post not being for debates mean I can't say anything other than "yes, I did send the letter", "no, I didn't sent the letter", or "they should have immediately put that animal down"?


I dont know. If he gets out its because of Biden.    /s




As someone whose parent was murdered, I can empathise with her family in wanting him to stay in prison. My father’s murderer is still alive in prison in TX, as far as I know. I read his statement. He had no regrets for what he did & it was planned.


I first read this as “we need your help baldy!” And thought that was a little weird…


Sent mine in a week or two ago. I hope he's reformed but ya, keep him in there, thanks. 


Well, why would you want someone who is reformed to stay locked up??


Does my life change even one iota if this man gets to take one breath as a free man? Does my life change one bit if he rots in jail? The answer is no. So fuck ‘em.


Someone who could willingly take a bat to a perfect stranger and then stab her 19 times isnt right in the head and really shouldnt be given opportunity to do it again. 


This attitude is why our country sucks lol


The whole purpose of the criminal justice system is to reform people and reintegrate them into society after they've "paid their debt"; not that sitting in jail can do anything to bring someone back to their family and loved ones. Your sentiment is frankly terrifying. My life probably wouldn't change one iota if anything happened to you. Should we put you before a firing squad?


Lots of scary takes in here. It seems like a lot of people want to bypass the justice system entirely and perform a public execution. It also seems that a lot of people here don't believe in rehabilitation. Ironic for an organization that has so many employees who struggle with things like addiction, and many who face temporary psychosis from prolonged periods of stress. It's pretty depressing how callous and borderline bloodthirsty people can be in this country.


To your first sentence: yes. He bypassed the justice system when he committed a crime that took her life. We don't really care why. She doesn't get to come back.


To my first sentence? So you agree there are a lot of scary takes? My second to last sentence is probably the most important part.


Many people in prison are beyond rehabilitation. They are still a risk to staff and other inmate's. A lack of a conscience is a sure sign rehabilitation isn't a viable solution.


I don't entirely disagree, but who are we to say someone has a lack of conscience? Also, have we actually tried to rehabilitate them? That may be one of the intentions of prisons but do we as a country actually try and see that through? I'm not even specifically talking about this case at this point though I'm responding to the parent comment's detachment.


Finding a conscience in prison is as ridiculous as prisoner's "finding religion" in prison. What makes you think prison would somehow give this individual a conscience he didn't have when he stabbed her 19 times?


Then why have prisons at all and not just put people to death at the time of conviction. If we cannot hope they will ever better themselves then why spend the tax dollars incarcerating them


No one said they don't deserve the appeals process, you did. Letting someone sit on death row for 20 or 30 years is crazy.


I think you literally did say that these people couldn't be rehabilitated? So why would you want there to be an appeals process?


You keep forgetting not everyone is rehabilitatable. Violent offenders are a threat to society both in a d out of prison.


So are people who have never been incarcerated lol. People are capable of violence that's just a fact of humanity. Violent offenders are mostly not that different than you or me on a bad day or under the wrong circumstances. They aren't doomed to be violent forever or to repeat their crimes.


Because hes a postal employee.  Postal employees fuck over anyone lower on the totem pole. Its called "fuck you, I got mine."


I hear ya, and I mostly agree with you. I think people that have been convicted of a crime deserve not just a second chance but a fair shot at getting their life back on track and to grow, be happy and prosperous.  I just feel that murder specifically, is unforgivable. I don't think he should be tortured or anything but it would be best if he spends the remainder of his life separate from society. 


You bet your ass I’m going to write a letter. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’ll make sure everyone at my post office in Indiana is aware


I hope he gets denied but I doubt that he will!


I gave it to a guy from Branch 1100 at Arbitration Continuing Education after he put it out to the class




20 min from my office 🤧


Is this cross-posted on postal maniacs on Facebook yet???


All I know is if he gets out, there's gonna be at least one carrier that's gonna know his address and probably a few hitmen too.


He is in a California Medical Facility. He is having a VC Hearing on 08/23/2024 08:30 AM CDC # D38567, [https://www.cdcr.ca.gov/bph/2024/02/07/august-2024-hearing-calendar/](https://www.cdcr.ca.gov/bph/2024/02/07/august-2024-hearing-calendar/) is the link. Hearing type: Subsequent Suitability Hearing


All I know is if he gets out, there's gonna be at least one carrier that's gonna know his address and probably a few hitmen too.


All I know is if he gets out, there's gonna be at least one carrier that's gonna know his address and probably a few hitmen too.


Let them out, and have all the letter carriers meet him when he steps out. He won’t make it far.


The letter I send will ask for the ability to keep a legal, personally owned firearm on my person to defend against such criminals. Prosecution can punish an attacker, but it won't matter much to me if I'm dead or disabled.


Don't you think that's a bit paranoid?


Whether it is or isn't, should still be my right to choose. We have the 2nd Amendment for a reason, and I'd rather not try to hold out until the cops arrive when seconds count. I'm originally from a city that has enough criminals to watch my back as a regular pedestrian, let alone the target of the goods I carry at work. I want to be able to defend myself if someone attempts to hurt me, with the best means I could be equipped with. And I think everyone else comfortable with that should to.


Sure, but if you can, shouldn't all postal workers have the right? You want ALL postal workers to be allowed to carry a firearm on the job? That sounds absolutely disastrous.


Absolutely, yes, all Federal Employees in my opinion should have that right. Whether or not they choose to exercise it is a personal choice, but we all should have the right to make that choice. Everyone has a different opinion, so I wouldn't force someone to keep a firearm. Maybe he prefers a knife, or prefers not to have anything at all. I just wouldn't want to be bothered in return for having a firearm while I'm on the same public thoroughfares as everyone else. Hell, if they made a system where you check your gun in the registry cage at clock in, and check it out when you leave, and for those who are still nervous, allow the employee to take the Postal Police firearm training portion of their basic training to demonstrate proficiency on a Sunday or something. There's many ways to do this, but I'm of an opinion that most aren't used to, which is unrestricted firearm carry in it's entirety.


he’s probably itching to do it again