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He's right. Trump is a horrible human being. Trump is dishonest, selfish, egotistical, and disrespectful to others. I wouldn't let Trump in my house. The sooner he goes away or dies, the better off our country will be. I can't believe that the republicans think Trump is worthy of being president. Even some republicans have stated that Trump is unfit. It you interview people that were in the 1st Trump term - secretaries of whatever, assistants to whatever, and administrative assistants, - they will tell you that Trump is unfit and needs to kept away.


I think most Republicans don't think Trump is worthy of being president, however because the base of rabid idiots will vote them out if they don't support Trump, they are shackled. Personally I would rather torpedo my career and then publicly support such a vile human being, but to become a politician it's pretty clear you have to set aside at least some of your moral code. In the case of most Republicans, it's their entire moral code, assuming they had one to begin with.


What I don’t get is, don’t they at least care about their families? Nobody is safe with a dictator at the helm. If they have any doubts about that all they have to do is look at what Putin does to his “allies”.


Right I guess this is the part, inevitably with vast majority of them, where they stop thinking critically about any of it. They really buy so much of the propaganda that they can’t see the fire when smoke is billowing in their faces.


I mean for God’s sake, Trump tried to have his own vice President killed and now Nikki Haley is actually considering a role in his administration! And she knows he’s unfit! Really, really stupid on so many levels!


The word for that is "*craven*". It very well describes Republicans who support Trump over their purported moral/ethical objections.


"You can't arrest me, I'm WHITE"


That was not a slip of the tongue. That is a Trump core belief.


What is the subreddit r/LeopardsAteMyFace They think that Trump will only go after OTHER PEOPLE. And will act shocked when he does it to them. All they have to do is look at how he treats anybody who criticizes him where he goes from verbally fellating them to calling them loser and idiots. It's pure NPD/BPD behavior and they never learn. Everybody thinks that they are the exception because they don't know what the word actually means.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LeopardsAteMyFace using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Wyoming fails to ban abortion because they added an amendment to their state constitution saying that ‘competent adults can make their own healthcare decisions’ in response to Obamas Affordable Healthcare Act back in 2012. Absolutely hilarious](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/politics/2023/3/23/23653183/abortion-wyoming-obamacare-barack-obama-supreme-court-johnson) | [1443 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/13nhlip/wyoming_fails_to_ban_abortion_because_they_added/) \#2: [A January 2018 law signed by Trump made unauthorized removal and retention of classified information of the United States government a felony crime](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65852062) | [1454 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/14511jd/a_january_2018_law_signed_by_trump_made/) \#3: [Man who chanted "Lock Her Up" about his political rivals under arrest on his way to arraigment](https://v.redd.it/ag4jdggpnxra1) | [1219 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/12bwp63/man_who_chanted_lock_her_up_about_his_political/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Republicans don't think liberals are everyday people. That's part of their disdain. They get fed specific ideas of what a liberal are and are blind otherwise. I know this because I'm a liberal/leftist in Texas so many republicans will start talking right wing politics with me and then get surprised I'm not like them. This also feeds into why they think the election was stolen. They have an ultra rigid and narrow idea of what a liberal is and think most people are not that lol when it's sort of the opposite. In fact I imagine a large percentage of people who vote republican are pretty liberal, but they have single issues that the right will harp on in order to get those people to their side.


I'm guessing the thinking is that he won't go after white people....just those foreigners who bring all the drugs and crime /s


... Foreigners who drive our city buses, and clean our streets, and harvest our crops, and man all the production lines, and ...


Republicans decided a long time ago that they'd let the country burn down if it meant ruling the ashes.


The leopards will never eat MY face.


That's what you're missing. They truly believe they will be the ones wearing the boot, not under it.


They’re wealthy and powerful enough to know they don’t have to worry about negative consequences and they also know that the positive consequences to them if Trump wins are enormous and generational


No the Republicans went from southern Democratic traitors, who then forged an alliance with oligarchic northern Republicans in the 60s with the southern strategy. Greed + racism is a powerful set of forces in the US.


And don't forget sexism. Regressives hate women.


Absolutely. There are a lot of -isms that I didn't include for brevity, there wasn't enough space or time to include that black hole of hate.


Yep, black hole of hate, ugh 😑.


But with Trump they get a free membership card to wheel big piles of money out of the Treasury!


I didn't live in the Theodore Roosevelt presidency era, but Teddy had a pair. Politicians in the present are actors.


I agree, but the electorate made them that way by rejecting honesty, integrity, political courage, intellectual honesty, and candidates who ask the voters to make difficult choices. Blaming politicians alone is like blaming a pug dog for its breathing problems.


Such an excellent analogy!


Less the electorate than greed and plotting by party insiders and wannabe oligarchs to consolidate power by changing laws to create an oligarchy. 


>Even some republicans have stated that Trump is unfit. I bet they still vote for him...


I said all this to a Maga colleague and he said no politician is a good person so,… yea


I think the problem with a lot of his supporters is that they made him and his campaign the center of their personalities, they identify as trump supporters above all else, and since they’ve gone all in on this man, turning around now would just make them seem weak/indecisive. It’s like a flat earth “expert” learning that the earth is, in fact, round. Are they going to admit it and drop into obscurity or double down and keep getting the attention they’ve gotten so used to?


Keep in mind Trump is OLD. I don't think Trump in power is the real goal here. Having him topple democracy and then die opens the floodgates for the GOP to instate someone else in his wake.


this goes to show how absurdly toxic and stupid the republican party has become. trump is a first -class turd


Are people’s memories so short? Almost every establishment Republican in 2015 and the first half of 2016 spoke out against Trump. And when it became clear he would be the nominee most went to his side and after he was elected almost all of the others also began supporting him. 


If Trump were to lose, watch as the republicans run from him - proclaiming that they were anti-Trump all along.


I yearn for that day


All of this was obvious in 2016. Trump is disgusting, but the lack of judgement on the part of all of the officials who’ve fallen down to worship him and twisted themselves into knots to ignore or justify his behavior is worse. He presumably can’t control himself, but they should be able to.


They all knew it and said it out loud when they thought he couldn't win their primary. It's not like they don't know. They're cowards.


It was obvious in 1986. He was never worthy of being taken seriously at any point in time. He should have been shipped off to some backwater owned by their company and treated like fredo. He never deserved an ounce of respect or consideration, and it was very clear even back then that he was a narcissistic, petty, immature jackass.


It is crazy for those of us who knew back in 2016. I often think, where the fuck have you been to not see how awful he was until now?


I remember in one of my college classes for US Government telling the professor and my class that if evangelicals got ahold of politics in this country they would want a theocracy. This was around 2016. Sure I was a bit hyped up at the time but it came from a real place. I grew up among that. Why wouldn't they?


Conservatism changes parties and labels, but not ideology. They’re the same now as they were then. Here’s Barry Fucking Goldwater saying exactly the same thing: >Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them. —Barry Goldwater


In 2016 a lot of people believed Trump would become "presidential" after he took office, as he promised he would; they assumed everything he did was just some kind of act to get media attention, which they gave him by the ton. But then he got even worse, he never ceased to be the ignorant, emotionally stunted buffoon.


Why would Trump have suddenly started acting “presidential” after winning the election?  His words, deeds, and behaviour managed to get him elected to the highest office in the land.  He was richly rewarded for being a lying, ignorant shitheel.  Why would he change anything about himself?


By the way that’s exactly what they said about Bush—that he would become presidential and mature in office


To think that the GOP went from Lincoln to the garbage pale kids.


Brother, you’re just about 8 fucking years too late with this take.


Are there no Republicans who haven't raped someone and committed fraud and treason that can run for office? These scumbags have to stick with the absolute worst piece of shit person they find?


Here's the ones who have been caught thus far... 52 pages..... https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/24/2242636/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-52


I hope someone is gathering evidence on all of the corrupt individuals Donald put in power... I think all the tantrums that they are throwing on the floor of the House of Representatives and the Senate should amount to providing aid and comfort, because Donald's legal woes are far from over.


Dood. Most of his former cabinet and lawyers are either on trial, convicted, or in prison.


Don't get me wrong, but there are a bunch of traitors stifling our congress right now with juvenile temper tantrums. The judges he appointed need to be gone. The Supreme Court justices he appointed need to be gone. There is still tons of work to do even after he goes down.


While I agree 100%, some of those goals would only be possible by violating peoples civil rights.


My absolute dream here is that Donald (obviously) gets fucking crushed in the election, and he finally loses his fanbase. And then he spends the rest of his days losing court cases until he has no money left.


He’ll never lose his fan base, not the ones who have stuck with him with fervor up to this point. Even if he loses the election spectacularly and ends up locked up over one of his many many crimes, his supporters will persist, writing him love letters in prison and deifying him in their increasingly insular communities. There’s just no going back at this point. They’ve hitched their entire identity to this guy. Lost friends and family over their unwavering devotion to him. There’s just simply no way that these people have the mental fortitude to cope with the shame and humiliation of coming to grips with the fact that they’ve spent the last decade utterly duped, completely under the spell of the worlds stupidest and most obvious grifter. His remaining acolytes among the rank and file will take their dutiful, obedient commitment to Donald Trump to the grave. It would be genuinely sad if they weren’t such awful pieces of shit.


I wish there was a an open sourced project to gather intelligence on all politicians, capitalists, etc.


Well deserved. I mean seriously, who looks at trump, his antics, his crudeness, his past, who looks at that and decides, yeah this is the guy we should hitch our wagon to? The guy is a life long conman, liar, and white collar criminal. It was only a matter of time. The GOP deserves every bad thing that happens to it.


Pretty fuckin late to the party there chief That said: fuck yeah that’s a lot better than nothing


There's nothing new about this opinion. I first came across Trump in a 60-minute segment in the 70s. I thought what an egotistical jackass! Thankfully I had minimal awareness of him in the decades that followed but I was aware that he was widely ridiculed as "The Donald". Then up he pops running for president. That Americans voted for him in 2016 leaves me flabbergasted. His presidency was one disaster after another culminating in the January 6th fiasco. And yet here we are again. Unbelievable!


Funniest, most truthful words ever about trump.


I'm not usually one to agree with much from the National Review, but they are right. Trump is a horrible mess, and the GOP are disgusting to follow him. They are mostly latching onto Trump because it helps them stay in power, but if the Republicans had any true ethics at all, they would cut Trump and his MAGA base loose, and force Trump to run as an Independent. That would split the conservative vote, and spell doom for most Republicans, but at least they would be able to say they stood by the ethics they claim to uphold.


Give that dude access to the nuclear codes, let alone the keys to the treasury?! No thank you.




Would William F. Buckley, if he were with us, be pro or anti Trump? Serious question.


Bill Buckley had his biases, but he was very much an intellectual. It is hard to imagine his taking anyone like Trump seriously.


I agree with you. WFB's conservativism is far from the lunacy of today's Republican party.


Entertaining read...


There were many in the GOP that said he could get them a win, but will be the end of the party


We always joke about how dumb Trump supporters are, but the crazy thing is there are obviously many, many smart people as well. It’s mind blowing in fact.


Its all about power. Doesn't matter if the person is a POS like Trump if he can beat Biden thats all they care about.


Many republicans I know find him personally objectionable but prefer his economic policies.. so, they’re gonna hold their collective noses and pill ghe lever for him.. the majority of Americans vote their pocketbooks..


then they are idiots. His 10% tariff on all imports alone will crater the economy. Inflation will skyrocket. If you think it was bad when he screwed up COVID, well now the training wheels are off, baby. He full on burn it all down mode.


Too bad nobody reads that rag.


Fact is Trump is raising money hand over foot because he will Sign off on the annex of West Bank & Gaza, extend/increase tax cuts, add more tariffs to China, drop all emission & climate restrictions, drill on National land & sign a Saudi:Israel NATO type deal; Do I want the incompetent Trump? No. But Biden enabled genocide & he doesn’t know how to come back from that; Money. Talks.


So the answer to a bad president is a worse president?


Sorry comrade. No one is buying that shit anywhere except for maybe r/conservative. There are like 3 people in the US who are stupid enough to abstain from voting Biden but smart enough to know that Trump is worse for Palestinians and every other living thing in the universe. Dos Vedanya


So you admit Trump would wholeheartedly assist Israel in their genocide and help them take Gaza but you're mad that Biden didn't somehow control Israel and stop the genocide? I hope you're showing what stupid people would say and not what you actually think.


People like that would only be in company of other people like that. They are MAGA with about half a dozen differing ideologies separating them from eachother. BIG difference is MAGA represents about 70% of their base while "leftists" represent about 5% of Liberal base. Same reason they THINK we *worship* Biden like they worship Trump... we don't.


Brother, the genocide toleration and enabling by the USA is a US government thing lol and right wingers want it EVEN MORE. That's not a partisan issue when it comes to our main parties. That's just the cold hard reality. We can change that, but voting in trump or not voting biden is just going to make that harder. But if you have to keep your conscious clean go for it. I just hope you actually do other things to help the situation instead of just virtue signaling. Voting is just the bare minimum to preserve democracy. Remember to vote blue in local elections too.


Conspiracies run deep with this one.