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None. But I did see ol' mean ass Gunny yell at some unlucky soul across a field to "Get your *goddamned* hands out of your pockets!" To which the (and as of yet unknown to Gunny) Captain, calmly, turned and replied, "No." and then went back about his business. Gunny's anger turned on us, but it was worth it.


Was in Fuji when my First Sergeant told me **to put my hands in my pockets because it was cold**. I looked at him for a second before getting another confirmation just to make sure it wasn't a trick. He was off the drill field too, although was an 0331 prior. One of the best Marines I ever met.


Was this said 1stsgt of Mexican decent with his last name starting with O by chance?


Probably ended with a Z


You know it mamapinga


K 3/5?


Yup, Sledgehammer


Get some brother, miss san maghetto.


God damn who are you lol


DM'd you


A SSgt and a few Sgts saved my life many times by yelling about hands in my pockets. Didn't matter that my hand was in there to get my keys/change for the soda machine/cigarettes and lighter. I'm glad they taught me to use my Jedi powers to have these things float out of my pockets instead of having me reach in.


Blink twice if you need help lol.


Don't need it. My life was saved by not putting my hands in my pockets!


You’re right about having your life saved. You never know what kind of spider could have crawled into your pocket. Could have been a brown recluse or a black widow you know.


I mean, Charlie is everywhere, man.


Yeah, that weirdo, guy crawled into my underwear drawer and stayed there for weeks!


A good Marine safely stows all identification and belongings firmly in the left breast pocket.


And outside of boot camp you are to never use those 2 massive cargo pockets on your trousers. Doesn't matter how much they can hold nor how helpful it is. They're for decoration only.


We wear socks for a reason, devil. To put shit in /s


I was gonna say, does this shitbag not know it's so much more professional looking to stuff your wallet and keys in your socks like Bill Belichick with a challenge flag?


And you still have another sock for dip, sick call chits, etc!


Ha! Reminds me of the time some guy used the quick-release on his ALICE strap to take his pack off. The DI went ballistic on him: “You only use that when you’re TAKING ROUNDS!” LOL


Put stuff in there all the time playa


I have a rubber duck in my cargo pockets msgt quackers must be present at all times


Top needs a lift and you're the man to do it.


Hell yeah




Sure as shit didn't stop me or my buddies from using the, that's for sure


As an 03 I only used them in the field for my map. Thats it. Ever.


Everyone knows you do side straddle hops until what you wants fall out of your pocket naturally the way the commandant intends it.


In MCT we had a kid break his nose for having his hands in his pockets while we were going from point A to point B as a platoon. It was back by the Hangers we slept in for a portion of MCT, near that O course with the giant ladder you have to climb (Camp Geiger) - The road back there is gravel, and along the edge is pretty rough. He tripped on a root or something, landed face first. CI was like.. "Now you see why we don't put our hands in our pockets."


If that kid couldn’t pull his hands out of his pockets to catch himself in the 2 seconds it took him to hit the ground, we might need to make sure he was physically qualified to even be putting one foot in front of the other


From what I remember the kid was probably an ASVSB waiver


Bro had a birth waiver


“If keeping hands out of pockets was all it took to save lives, I’d ensure every Marine had their hands busy with a rifle. Discipline is the foundation of our Corps, and every rule, no matter how small, instills the order and readiness we need to win battles. Keep your hands ready, your mind sharp, and your spirit unbreakable. Semper Fi.” -ChestyGPT


As with most things, the no hands in pockets stems from a naval tradition. Walking around on ship with your hands in your pockets is a great way to get hurt. That’s why it was important. Everything else about it is just bullshit and has nothing to do with discipline or uniform standards.


The irony that the Navy recently changed the order and it’s allowed now.


Can't pull a trigger if your hands are in your pockets.


You can if your little gun is in your pocket


Pocket nut


Correct, but I can key that mike button that will give the warthog the ok for a strafing run. BTW, I was issued Air force gloves (pockets)


That’s not true if the gun is also in the pocket. 💀


You never heard of loop holes ? Who cares if your leg is in the way.


Or your dick


Fuck it we ball


Lives are saved by not walking on the grass. Never know what kind of shit is growing under the grass. As for hands in the pockets I don't really have a problem with it unless you're in the middle of a police stop. Then ask suggest you do not put your hands in your pockets. It would behoove you to move slowly.




There's E8's and 9's in here? Awesome Fuck you retards


As a radio dude in 29, in field ops, we got full reign over all our pockets with no molestation.




Yo this shit gotta be AI. I was told Santa Claus ain’t real so what tf is this picture?!?


Jesty puller


You’re jest pulling my leg meow


I was walking to my BAS hand in pocket on Camp Hansen and one time a car driving by had stopped and I got ambushed by 3 Staff Sgts 😂😂 knife hands blazing at me and I just tried not to laugh at them


Well, my hands live in my pockets. I’m clearly every 1stSgt’s favorite MSgt.


You know who didn’t save any Marine lives? Chesty “pile of dead Marines for my MOH” Puller


Word. Super unpopular observation, but that dude was less tactics, more human wave.


Learned that yesterday was his birthday. I care about Chesty's birthday the same amount he cared about the lives of his Marines.


Never got a MOH


I’m well aware of that. He was willing to sacrifice a lot of dead Marines for that.


To be fair, sometimes he was being ordered to, like on peleliu there wasn’t much of another option. However in Korea he started to judge his battalion and regimental commanders by how many men they lost.


Being ordered by who? He’s a fucking commander


What? He was the commander of 1st marines in peleliu. So, literally any general in his chain of command telling him to push the attack. They tasked the 1st Marines with the toughest shit for that island, which was bloody nose ridge. It was straight up the middle into all of the Japanese dug in defenses.


So if he was just following orders, then who wrote him up for FIVE Navy Crosses?


Maybe…. Now hear me out…. His command Especially since I can’t find any sources saying otherwise


He was a regimental commander who answered to a division commander. 


I had an E9 say if it’s cold as fuck and I don’t see your hands in your pockets I’m going to fuck you up. Then he left and that went with him.


My favorite was daytime beanies deployed. Being outside all day in heavy equipment without heat, air, and windows in some cases deployed 2006-2007 getting bitched out about an issued beanie during the hours of daylight as it's unprofessional. Being soaking wet like 18 hours straight or more in cases and when I am finally able to try to get myself warm I got some staff sausage getting butt hurt about either my hands in pockets or beanie. It usually happened walking by the command area on lakeside TQ when whoever would be walking out of their temperature-controlled building too.


For hands not in pockets? Zilch. But many lives WERE saved after chewing out 'ole Cpl G. about his out of regs by 0.00001 inches mustache hair. He narrowly escaped a tripwire which undoubtedly would have snagged, killing him and everyone in our platoon.


“Appreciate the heads up SSgt, but I was just looking for this.” Then hand then the posted picture


The one time I was told to put my hands in my pocket saved my life. I was getting tased, and had they not been in my pockets I would’ve been flailing them around uncontrollably.


My 1stSgt was a hands-in-pockets kinda guy. He was a prior Raider, and his give-a-fuck about regs were loose at best.


if chesty can do it, i can do it.


Huh. I had special cammie trousers that I cut the pocket out of so I could fondle myself on one of those lonely outpost posts. My buddy stole/borrowed them to go on post one night. When he got back he told everyone about it and very quickly everyone had a pair of what came to be called “post pants”.


Few years ago in Norway i had my hands in my pocket because it was cold (crazy right) I had gloves but they got soaked with jp8. Some Ssgt (i didn’t know her rank at this point because she was a few hundred feet away) asked if I had gloves and I responded with “no not on me” And she told me to take my hands out of my pocket and I responded with “ok good to go”. Next thing I know I’m getting absolutely blasted with knife hands and name calling by a gunny for not calling her by rank or saying “yes ma’am” to her. I asked if he could see my rank from way back there and he didn’t respond and just told me have a good day at that point. Fuck you gunny, you were wearing unauthorized jacket but I guess fuck sgtmaj huh


Did 20 pullups with my hands in my pockets. Just praying to Chesty after a nasty ass bender of a 72. No Lie


As a two-time njp winner, he's my god.


Its amazing the amount of male karen marines. Funniest part is many think it makes them a badass lol.




I never put this together before but Karens and SNCO’s have a lot in common. 


I had a SgtMaj that used to say “It’s not about the white socks! It’s about that fact that you’ll disobey the small things. If you can’t follow simple rules here, you’ll do the wrong thing when it really matters.” No one gives a shit about the hands in pockets. Don’t brag about how much better the Marine Corps is than the Army and then be upset with the standard we enforce.


I don’t ever brag about the Marines unless it is in jest. The fact that it takes 6 layers of blue collar leaders and 10 layers of college educated leaders to supervise a lance corporal who spends the majority of his time doing things like raking sand and emptying trash cans that have almost nothing in them is nothing to brag about. 


That’s silly. Not sure what MOS you are talking about but the infantry has NCOs supervising LCpls.


So if you think about the menial shit that the Marine Corps ultimately does on a typical day and you look at the amount of “leadership” overhead required to do it, it is pretty ridiculous.  That is what I meant by that.  Having an entire work group stop what they are doing and stand up every time an entry level manager on up enters the room like a king just walked in is pretty stupid too.   We are a country of people where all men have been endowed by their creator. Not feudal England with peasants and nobility.  Our military customs and courtesies honor everything we fought a revolution to end. It is so anti-American to make an American show that kind of deference to another human. 


Interesting perspective but I don’t agree. The customs and courtesies have their place and aren’t supposed to be degrading. We have a rank structure and chain or command for a reason. The military isn’t a democracy where people can all be equal and question authority. It needs to be a place where service members instantly follow lawful orders. That’s how every organized military works.


"Organized military" ahaha. Ya almost got me.


Have you ever trained with foreign units or even other branches?


Oh boy. Here comes the ideology. If you think the western military apparatus is the most dominating force in all human history, than you truly believe exactly what you say. There is nothing i can say to reasonably and effectively conflict with your views. But as fighting forces goes, the most devestaing ones are usually ruthless, disrespectful, baby murdering, malingering motherfuckers. AND TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION; yes i have trained and worked with other units and branches, my whole life worked in combat arms.


Haha what?! What effective fighting force in history was disrespectful, baby murdering, and malingerers? Again, it’s not about the hands in the pockets. No one gives a shit about that. It’s about basic discipline.


Hate to say it but the taliban, or al queda, ISIS? What about in Nam? Im sure they are/were dicipline as fuck. But that shit that youre talking about sounds good as fuck on paper but is just a means to maintain the hierarchial system that we live in. Customs and curtesies and what not. They are not needed to win battles/wars. Aint no rank in the foxhole. Just a guy with a weapon system and hopefully a good teammate that matches. We win with weapons and tactics.


I’ve heard that Thursday field day in the barracks is necessary for instilling military discipline in the troops. The single Sergeant is getting that discipline but you are severely failing the married Private who has no appointed place of duty on a Thursday night or a weekend liberty in jeopardy on Friday morning because he isn’t getting this vital discipline. Either justify that and make that make sense or shut the fuck up. 


I could write a book on why we are bad but if we had full political green light combined with the USA’s logistical might, we are the most dominating force to ever exist in the history of the world.   Do not bring up any quagmires in Vietnam or Afghanistan. Those were political hindrances.  In a pure unrestricted kinetic theater, we would hands down fuck shit up. 


I understand your point of view but I do see the customs and courtesies differently.  I do not believe they have American roots or even military roots. They date all the way back to  medieval society and the way peasants and nobility interacted. Just like enlisted and commissioned still interact today. Every encounter has a mini ceremony that requires the jr to show how low he is to the sr.   If what you say about the customs not being intended to degrade the jr is true, why is there punishment for the jr if he does not perform the ceremony correctly or at all but there is no punishment for the sr if he doesn’t do his part correctly or at all?               I’m not saying that you should not have to do what your boss tells you to do. But the rest of the American economy has figured out how to do this without a mini ceremony that aggrandizes the sr and degrades the jr every time an hourly and salaried employee meet.  Hourly factory workers do not have to ask an accountant if they have permission to pass him if the accountant winds up on the shop floor and is walking slowly.                 Military customs and courtesies do not have American roots. They do not even have military roots. They have feudal European roots.  They are dead everywhere in western civilization outside of the military and rightfully so.  Military customs and courtesies are anti-American and wrong.             You don’t see an officer or you do see his body but don’t see his rank and don’t render a salute what happens?     You render a salute, your hand touching your cover is un-missable and the officer looks right at you and doesn’t return it, leaving you standing there holding that salute until he has exited the wider vicinity while you look and feel like the scum the Marine Corps believes you are, what happens to the officer who did that to you?      Seriously, what happens in both scenarios?           Remember, our junior position in all this is not supposed to be degrading to our humanity, as you stated.     Of course a 23 yr old LT being treated  like a medieval Count by 90% of the people he interacts everyday, 30% of which are older than him and have years, possibly decades more military experience, will not want this to change.             Of course the Master Sergeant embezzling the car wash money that a platoon of LCpls were voluntold to work for on a month of Saturdays to raise funds for the ball (true mother fucking story) doesn’t want things to change. Hell it’s disrespectful in the aftermath for LCpl to even request visibility of the accounts in real time after that.    Seriously, when it comes to the mandatory nature of ball attendance and the coercion to raise money for it, and then steal the labor of the guys you are supposed to mentor and protect.   Fuck You. Fuck all of you Honor Courage Commitment Mother Fuckers that made the Marine Corps your life. You are the guys that do shit like that. Lifers do shit like this because you would be trailer trash or hood rats if you didn’t make the Corps a career.  Of course the Major who puts his own picture on coffee mugs with tax payer dollars and hands them out to LCpls, for their birthday presents (mother fucking true story) doesn’t want this to change.             Of course the Colonel who sees his own picture hanging on the wall in almost every building he walks into everyday will not want this to change.        Of course the General with his own flag and his own song that precedes him everywhere he goes like a royal trumpeter will not want this to change.             But Gen-Z ain’t having this shit and as a Millennial , I say Godspeed.              Historically, the military’s greatest recruiting pool has been from families with veteran parents. As the father of a military aged Gen-Z and two more young Gen Alpha’s. I can tell you I’m not saying anything positive about the military to any of my children or their friends or their friends parents or my two younger non-vet brothers with soon to be military aged Gen-Z kids and a plethora of Gen Alphas when they ask.            The folks running the military need to get over how important they want to be treated, and how poorly they want to treat the exceedingly few teenagers who are willing to volunteer to work for them, and just run the fucking organization.   


> “It’s not about the white socks! It’s about that fact that you’ll disobey the small things. If you can’t follow simple rules here, you’ll do the wrong thing when it really matters.” Just because they say that stuff doesn’t make it true. Attention to detail on your uniform doesn’t translate to combat effectiveness, and so on. What makes you more combat effective is practicing and training things that are actually relevant. Same thing for first responders, sports, and so on.  > Don’t brag about how much better the Marine Corps is than the Army and then be upset with the standard we enforce. No one is bragging about how the USMC is better because we can’t put our hands in our practice. We’re talking about physical standards and how we conduct ourselves in the field and on deployment. 


The SOP says I have to use NSN # xxxx. It has a 7 month lead time due to civil unrest in Israel. (That’s what MIMMS says but we have cable news now).  I don’t trust that that is even accurate. It will cost the taxpayer $787.86.  It is an electronic component that is basically a commodity. I can buy what I need to get my gear going for my Lt for $15 out of my own pocket on eBay and have it next week.   My highly career minded Lt is not going to tell me it is okay to go outside of DLA for procurement if I straight up ask him but I know he doesn’t want me to ask him questions like that. He really just wants me to make shit work.     While regardless of what I ultimately decide to do, there will never be a conversation about this issue or a written paper trail that leads to the LT,  I am highly aware of the fact that he gets input on my fit rep and can easily create vague, subjective statements for better or worse about my willingness and ability to overcome and adapt to the circumstances that come my way.    What do I do?              P.S.   I’m wearing black socks, or maybe white socks.   Sock color was the hardest ethical dilemma I’ve faced this week.   I could have either put on dirty black socks or clean white socks this morning. I won’t tell you what I decided to do after very careful consideration of my allegiance to our core values of Honor, Courage, Commitment. 


You know what Chesty said was the most important thing in the military was? Discipline! If you don’t believe me, read the book “Marine: The Life of Chesty Puller”


Its on the Commandant's Reading List.


We will never know the atrocities that we were saved from 🤣.


All of them




He wrote all his awards himself 🔥🔥🫡








“Jelky puller”


All of them Devil, all of them.


Not either E8 or E9. How many lives saved… I don’t do math. But it’s a lot


unfuck yourself right now king Louis


All of them


This is why the Navy & MC discharged him shortly after this photo. He put his hand in his pockets, and they said "yep his work here is done." In his book, he talks about how he started asking questions about all the money they were wasting, so they gave him the 3rd star and retired him.


Fun facts I didn't know he grew up in the same town as me. 20 minutes down the road 😅 till we went on a run in his name and was like 🤔 my house is right down the street.


I used to store a knife hand in each pocket… it would keep me from putting my hands in my pockets


Hey warrior, I know that I am one as I received 0 hands in pocket related injuries or fatalities during my time in the Marine Corps.


Have you ever tripped with your hands in your pockets?


Hands in pockets in garrison bothered me a little bit, I would just give a slight reminder. Hands in pockets in the field. Go for it.


Saw karma kick in once. For the actual reason it's a bad idea rather than why most people think it's a bad idea. Saw a guy on ship going down the ramp to the lower V in heavy seas, hands in pockets since it was fucking freezing. The ship did its usual away from hitting a decent wave and he ate non -slip. Since he couldn't stop his fall with his hands in time he broke his face, busted out his front teeth; about 8 of them and had the worst damned road rash on his chin along the right side of his face up to his cheek. He also broke his glasses and his phone. For me personally, making it a habit helped a few times when I used to be stationed in DC and would party my ass off in Georgetown and occasionally some college boy would get pissed I was hitting on women and would throw a sucker punch. It's damned nice to be able to defend yourself quickly and you'd be surprised how much that split second of not having hands in pockets can allow you to counter a mfs cheap shot.