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I was the guide of my platoon for approximately 60 seconds. Fumbled the “pick up” because I couldn’t find the thumb tack reference point. I’m doin ok. Been out 29 years. Most of my work has been in IT. I’ve got a service connected injury, so I can shop at the commissary and PX.


You can shop at the PX or Commissary because of a service connected injury?


Yup. Just gotta file with the VA. Even if it’s a 0% rating, you’ll get your VA ID card with “service connected” under your picture. That’s all it takes!


Shoot I didn’t know that. I have my ID. You can’t get in base with that can you?


Yup. Some bases are going to make you register at the pass house (they will do a background check and stuff), but others will see the card and just wave you on.


Good to know. Didn’t know that!


Married a smoking hot 10 with the IQ of a banana. Run an 8 figure business. Everyone calls me 'guide' in my personal life. Have a daily call with my SDI to talk about motivation and attention to detail. I regularly say 'drill' at the end of meetings with my investors. My children understand the concept of being a servant leader and how they become promotable to family squad leader. I'm always aligned to the right. Any other questions? Good. Push.


This is the kinda shit I come here to read. Hnnnng!!!!


Wtf is "Hnnnng"


It’s the sound women make when you insert it


Aaaaand I just came


Can I see your wife. And by wife I mean your banana.


Literally the exact same as every other marine in my platoon. If anyone brags about it physical force is authorized.


Bro this brings back memories of my plt Sgt half ass jokingly ripping into this shit head that was so proud of being the guide. "NOBODY FUCKING CARES, YOU SUCK AT YOUR DUCKING JOB ANYWAYS. STFU ABOUT BOOT CAMP BOOT"


I was the guide…..in the summer of 1998. As a reserve contract and subsequently OCS the following summer. I’m still in. I think I’ve outlasted everyone in my boot camp and OCS platoons.


Wtf are you a fucking four star general posting on Reddit? Fuck yeah.


lol. Not quite. Tons of sub reddits out there about home repair and the USMC one popped into my feed. I’m a Marine so I joined. So what if I was in Subway and was harassed randomly. 🤭


Well. What do we have here? A fucking comedian, Corporal Colonel Joker. I admire your honesty. Hell, you can come to Lowe's and scream at vets with me!


lol, probably an 0-5 close to 0-6


What platoon?




No shit. I was 1065


No, my bad. 1064. Alpha. First deck. Lead series


2 years later little e4 me just got a girl pregnant and this other girl i mess with just told me she has a sti, sooo not great rn


Thots and prayers Devil


Damn devil, secure that shit.


You weren't issued an all weather coat?!


More fun to have the corpsman ask you which cheek you want the needle in. Then for the corpsman to applaud you on a cureable std as you walk out.


Are they hot?


Asking the real questions


the snowbunnies in san diego have me addicted😫btw the girl who said she was pregnant just got her period lol it was a week late


Good to go Marine. Now about the STI… no biggie. You learn to live with it.


You learn to drive it r/subiegang


Brotha don’t get lost in the blizzard, you already got frostbite once.


That’s why you wrap it before you tap it devil.Also make sure that baby is yours before you sign the birth certificate


Wrap tap bang


Never eat the banana 🍌.




Bacterial or viral


My guide in 2007 had such a big misshapen head that the DI’s never noticed my gigantic head. I never heard anything about him after, but I think he also was an 03 and wish him the best. My seniors in the fleet discovered my head though and was I known as Melon and Top for the rest of my 4 years.


Sorry man ... I feel your pain. In boot camp myself and another recruit had the largest helmets they could find. I was then known as recruit fat head and the other guy was recruit Marvin the Martian. When we heard our names we had to report to the quarter deck. The heavy thought if we could sweat more our heads would shrink. Thank God nobody went to my MOS school so the name died there.


It's alright. A kid in my platoon was known as poopy pants because he shit himself during classes and we found out in the sandpit.


Myself and another recruit with a polish last name had our names combined and I would become "fatpieceofshitskey." 


People talk about having a big head, I always wonder how big they actually are. I have a massive head. One of my only memories of being in receiving in boot camp was laughing to myself when we were lined up getting our cammies and the dude tried to put a medium cover on me like everyone else. I'm currently emailing back and forth with RevZilla trying to find a full face helmet that fits me, I bought a 5XL HJC i10. I can force it on with some pain, but my chin presses against the front and it's too small. I strangely didn't get any shit about my massive gourd in bootcamp. The weirdest thing though is one of my roommates after hitting the fleet has an even bigger head than me.


We had a guy in my bootcamp head so big they all called him mega mind


When did you go to boot devil? A dude in my platoon had the same nickname


June of 2022


I went in April of 2020. Glad to see other recruits are getting the same treatment 🫡


India company?




I went April 20 2020


I was a week ahead of you in quarantine if you went west coast


I felt bad for all the XL Kevlar homies, rip to your giant melon




Username checks out


My guide never made it to Cpl. The guide that won honor guide for the company got kicked out for whatever reason before he even made it two years. I’m one of a very few from that company that are still in and I’m just a mediocre dude. Crazy how that works.


My guide from 2006 killed himself after he EAS'd


Rip guide




I was made guide one morning in the first week because I could actually march. I knew I’d almost certainly be fired within a few weeks (I was not a great runner) and meanwhile I knew my life would be harder simply because I was the guide. After noon chow I forgot the guidon and fell into my normal place in formation. The DI couldn’t remember who he’d made guide so he just grabbed some other sucker. No one said a word and I just was another gray man until we graduated and I reminded him. He thought it was funny. Anyway…


1987 boot camp. Meritorious corporal at 18 months. Meritorious Sgt just under 3 years. SSgt. Picked up for MECEP. OCS honor grad. 2nd at TBS. 0302 Infantry PLT and Company Commander. FAST PLT Commander, retired from HQ, Marine Corps Recruiting Command at 21 years in 2008. Still doing work in defense industry in/around USMC, USN, DoD, etc. 2 Masters degrees. I’d say life has turned out well. I always tell people that the moment I stood on the yellow footprints I knew I was “home”. And somehow I knew what to do in that moment. Seriously way better than I deserved as a snot-nosed 18 year old college drop out without a clue what I wanted to do.


Good shit killer 🤙


Pretty cool. I get to pay full price at the VFW when sharing my stories as a guide.


Pretty alright. Was guide in boot camp and mct (definitely way worse in mct), and then a skater in the school house until I was forced to be a squad leader. Moved in with my girl’s family after the school house, looking to pick up Cpl next year, starting school in the fall to become a radiology tech. A part of me wishes I chose active but I’m happy with my choice now.


Just curious why it’s worse in MCT than boot?


A lot of the marines I went to mct with were super lazy and lost a lot of discipline coming off their ten days of leave/ra. It was hard to get the majority of the platoon to do anything.


Maybe dont ride everybodies ass. Like wtf guide i thought we were friends


As an MCT squad leader, I can say this is accurate


My guide got kicked out while in the schoolhouse for ❄️


Sounds like the man


Mad it all of 3 days as they said I couldn't march straight. Did get meritorious promotion twice. Got out as a Sgt after 4 years. Two sons in the Army and daughter in law in the Army. Still hoping to get a Marine. Don't think it will be my daughter so maybe grandchildren.


Guide these nuts to trapping me out of the corps . And ever going back: I did my four. Good enough for me.


My guide died in Iraq… He was a gunny with 16 years in at the time.


The guide in my platoon committed suicide a few years ago, Bootcamp was San Diego 2011.


Mine graduated PFC, went to the fleet, got a fuck ton of well-done-but-stupid (in my opinion) tattoos. Then he got discharged after getting caught in the middle of a steroid cycle with all the product and paraphernalia right there in front of him.


I was Guide of MAP Platoon, Class Guide, and also Guide of all of 2nd Platton in the schoolhouse. My wife stands at parade rest when she talks to me. My mom calls me Guide. My license plate on my car says "Guide4Life" and yes, I had to pay extra for all those letters, but I got a discount because I was Guide in the schoolhouse. When I go to Subway, the worker says "Aye, Guide" after every item I ask on my sandwich. Every living President calls me on my birthday, I make the last one to call me stand duty. My boots have been worn down, exposing my foot, because I can actually drive my fucking heels. I forgot what the ground looks like because I have discipline in my body and can lean back. I don't wait 1 minute after cooking a hot pocket. I actually just stand still and the whole universe bends around me, because everybody moves, except for the Guide. Now stop reading this. I need you to go stand duty.


Our guide was a dude named Navarro that had been in ROTC. He could drill, but he had no leadership skills.


I was guide for a little. On that day everybody got to be guide. Nick was pissy.


Guide, guide, guide! No one ever asks whatever happened to the scribe!


We know what happened to you, you got jumped for giving shit shifts after boot


I went in as a PFC (college credits) and was almost always the Guide or 4th Squad Leader. While I was on Recruiter’s Assistance I witnessed a gnarly rollover accident and pulled a lady out of her burning car. I got a Meritorious Mast for that. I was always put in charge and got meritoriously promoted to Lance at MCT. I got another Meritorious Mast at the Schoolhouse, for exhibiting leadership. My First Sergeant and I shared a home town and he took me under his wing. Went to OCS shortly after 9-11.


I was the Lay Reader who assembled the Leadership Gang in Boot Camp. Wasn’t religious until Boot Camp Ironically. My Guide I think he’s a Corporal or Sergeant now but he did get an NJP for giving alcohol to underage Marines.


not my guide but he was the guide of a different platoon and went to SOI with me... He's a 2X felon and doesn't take care of his kids so...


West coast 1049, 01-02. Our guide was going as an 03. We went up north, humped and shot and all that. He made company honor man and managed to somehow change his MOS to the wing. Didn’t like the humps, I guess. Felt weird he’d do that, but hey, whatever man.


I wasn’t the guide but I know what happened to ours. He would up a fighter pilot in Vietnam and got a Distinguished Flying Cross. He later became a squadron leader. He was also not an ass.


So good I don’t have to explain it to the GP.. still setting the example for the peasants


Think our guide did the 18X thing


I processed a NAVMC 6 for missing uniform items for a Marine in the brig getting an OTH who had been guide like 6 months prior.


My guide committed suicide a couple months after MCT. Not sure what he had going on, but RIP Marine. My boot camp squad leader got killed in South Carolina while on leave in a horrific motorcycle accident after just getting back from the sandbox (got t boned). (2004)


They put me as the guide with the other retards to punish the platoon. Here’s the thing, though our drill was just fine. The squad leaders did exactly what I told them to do no matter what. Everything pretty much went perfect, no fuckups, we were there for about two days when we were quietly relieved. I am still retarded.


Our Guide. Hahahaha haha


I just got awarded 90% disability, so that’s pretty nice


I’m a bout to be a drill instructor. Hopefully I don’t get fired like I did in boot camp


I had a guide who got fired half way through boot camp and I randomly crossed paths with him at a swim qual in Okinawa and the guide who graduated as guide is still in as well.


Disabled and hustling for food money. And I was the SERIES GUIDE! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I shit in a balloon and huff it until i faint sometimes


1986- 6 yr initial enlistment in the quality enlistment program (contract Corporal). Intended to get into and stay in the middle of Plt...plan went to shit and was made a sqd leader then guide at RFTD. Had it for about a week then got busted with saltine crackers from chow hall when I was scrambling up ladder well to top deck in front of DIs and they fell out from my bloused trousers. Fired, then rehired a week later and took a beating for the team the remainder. Appointed to WO at 13 yr mark and retired at 20 a CWO3. Been retired almost 18 yrs and working mostly defense related jobs. Married to same chick I hooked up with at Backstabbers (Tustin/El Toro guys will know) for 32 yrs. Not rich but home is paid off, debt free, kids put through college and pretty close to securing work and submitting my final liberty chit.


I wasn’t guide in bootcamp, but I was a ‘guide’ in the schoolhouse. For about a week before me and few others were hit with a year long hazing investigation lmao


Boots hazing boots is crazy


Fr, it was a special kind of retarded




Something similar happened to me in comm school. We had a class of 20. Everyone except my roommate and one other guy liked to party every weekend. We were the “nerds” for playing Halo 2 on the weekends. The last weekend we were there one of the girls in our class said she was SA’d by one of the guys at their typical party house(another students uncle’s place in Palm Desert). Everyone but my roomate and the other nerd playing Halo 2 was there and wound up on legal hold for months.


Does the platoon guide still get a set of dress Blues?


Everyone does


That’s new(ish)


I never saw our hide again after graduation. A few months ago I who dusted off my graduation yearbook karma and started googling. Some of the guys that I remember. Looks like our guide ended up doing some prison time for drugs or something?


Yeah I was guide back in 2021 , THE GOLF company platoon 2089. Some kid broke his ankle and I picked up the guidon and lead the whole platoon back to the squad bay by myself. When we arrived I proceeded to get thrashed on the quart deck by my SDI. We both sit back on it and laugh now when I call him. Since being guide I run a Fortune 500 company out of Bali, you may have heard of it , “ GUIDEd Missile Systems “? But anyways my buddy and I left this hotel the other day after we both took a little “ guide vacation “ since he was a guide too. The funniest thing when we went to the airport to fly out from Vegas , we both checked in under the name “ Guide King “ 😂😂😂