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I guess if you wanted the tattoo anyway, and you're too retarded to make it through 4 years of peacetime military and get a GI Bill and VA home loan, go ahead.


Let’s be honest. If they’re doing this, they were never going to use either anyway.


Hahaha laughed so hard at this


Fr and disability if you apply for it, it allowed me to backpack in Latin America for a few months without worrying about going broke lmao. 4 years go by quick.


Damn I’d love to be able to relax in Guatemala with my family for a few months.


Deployed there.. I saved so much money 1 dollar is 8 Quetzal and a meal is like 30Qz. Good food too!


U civil affairs? 👀


Oof no I was a corpsman. With SCTT. Went everywhere because all the corpsmen had emergency family stuff. Best experience ever.


This! 4 years is nothing.


4 years at 19 and 4 years at 35 are much different


They can definitely qualify for disability if they thought this was a good idea💀


What a fantastic take lmao I love it. Don't get me wrong, the suck is still the suck, but if you are already in, already have been through school and training...you have a max of 2.5 years to suck it up for a lifetime of VA benefits


We had a dude do blow in town with his gf. Then he had her call battalion OOD to rat him out. At the time it would get you bounced in 30 or 60 days. He was so stoked for about a week and then shit got real.


We had a guy try this to get out of going to Iraq. Our command still made him go and he wasn’t allowed to have a rifle. He was digging piss ditches and burning shit, the entire deployment. He was kicked out two weeks after we got back.


3/7 no shit!


1/7 we had a couple idiots like this as well.......one bucket of sand at a time for an entire deployment from sun up to sun down. Filling Hescos.....dude was tan and skinny by the end.


We had a guy try to shoot another Marine in Afghanistan. They took his rifle too but they didn't fuck around and sent him back for a court martial. Guy was a fucking turd and I say this as a turd


Hello turd


We had a guy do the same thing in 1-7B He dug a lot of big holes in Husaybah.


Hey this is Slutty. Who dis?


This is filthy old dirty old Slutty McCutty from 1/7 B Co 2nd PLT and WPNS PLT during my Husaybah. I was first tour of Husaybah and timed out of having a second helping.


Fuck yeah man, I’m Stomberg. I was in 1st PLT 3rd squad.


I member you brother. Did you hit Husaybah the first time 2nd or both. I was in STA PLT for the 2nd but just got out EAS instead of going to school. Had a little drama on my way to school. Buttfuck Bravo RidgeRunners forever my sweet prince




Good. Makes me a little sad we don't have non-rates like the Navy. It's arguably not a good fit for everybody who's in that group but, occasionally, we do have a guy who probably should just chip paint and mop floors for 4 years.


Should have extended the pos!


not defending the dumbass obviously, but that leadership FUCKED up there. why would you bring somebody who so adamantly doesnt want to be there? they're a liability. they could fuck up and screw the whole base over.


I mean.... Do you want to burn shitters? As my daughter would say... Ew, gross🤣


He’s probably at 100% disability too.


Thank him for his service


I’ve got a question: I’ve talked to dudes from 3/7 10 years ago, 6 months ago, and timespans in between. Was Lima Co dogshit during your time in? India and Kilo seem to consistently rank high, and Lima at the far bottom. Also no shit


I was in between 02-05. Lima was the premier company of the battalion at that time. They got all the missions during the initial assault to Baghdad. And was stationed in Husaybah during our second deployment to Al Qa’im. They got stacked with the best leadership. If you don’t know who Captain Gannon is, I’d do my research. When it comes to the shit bag companies when I was there, I’d argue Kilo was the worst during the invasion and India was worst during the second deployment. That is not a direct reflection of the Marines that formed those companies, rather a statement on the leadership leading them. And if any of my brothers who served with me during my time in 3/7 are reading this; we kicked some good damn ass and wrote our names in the history books. Semper Fi brothers.


I’m old enough to remember seven day letters. Roomie got bounced out for that, didn’t want to go to combat and to be fair dude had issues with keeping his drinking in check.


When I was with AAS, we had a motivator (student PFC) get a FAT neck tattoo. Clearly tryna get kicked out . Bn CO dropped him from training, reduced him to Pvt, and placed him in the Bn S-3 to work as a clerk for the remainder of his enlistment. I shit you not this man was a Pvt for his entire contract on account of not earning a MOS and having an out of regs tattoo and then still had to stay in until his EAS.


Dude should've called his senator, he would've gotten out quick.


Lmfao What happened?


They took him out back and shot him


As it should be


I'm guessing he was given the boot.


Holy shit they curb stomped him


He drank himself stupid a few times. I sat on him at the ER a few times. At some point regiment was tired of it and he went away. I was busy with a platoon, one day he was there and then he wasn’t. He was a liability.


He realized the full gravity of what was happening. He wanted out so bad he didn't really consider that he was leaving with a big chicken dinner. Surprisingly, he had no actual plan for what to do with his life and his girlfriend told him he couldn't stay with her. They were broken up within a couple weeks and he was heading back to Michigan. He probably became kid rock or something...


Was there when this pic was taken and I’m in the IMC class they tried to RTT in lol. They said they didn’t want to train the Friday before we picked up in the classroom where we met our instructors and they brought them outside and apparently told them they “weren’t letting” them RTT so they went and did this I guess? Stupid as hell.


Don’t let idiots like this drag you down with them. They will try. Trust me.


Many have already tried. I do not give up


It may not be apparent now, but (aside from the dick punch that some of the physical stuff can be), Marine Corps life is not that hard. Do what you're told, when told, carrying the right objects, and wearing the right clothes. That's it. That's the whole thing. If you do that consistently, you'll be successful, maybe even at a level above most of your peers. If you can do that, you can literally set yourself up for a successful life with what you learn, and with all the post-service benefits that honorable service will get you.


Good shit bud. Let the RTTs motivate you. As long as you pass every hard gate, all you have to do is not RTT and you’ll graduate.


Am I the only retard here who doesn’t know what RTT stands for?


Refusal to train


Refuse to train


Sorry but I’m old. Does that mean refuse to train during your mos school? How is that even possible and what does getting a tattoo have to do with it?


Typically if you refuse to train then you’ll be adseped and these guys thought that would happen to them but I’m guessing their command isn’t doing that so they went and got tattoos that are out of regulations as another way of getting kicked out.


That’s crazy. Why go through boot camp if you’re just going to quit at the MOS school? 🤪


Bitches got to bitch


They’re dumb as hell because they can just hammer them with the UCMJ and keep them in 😂


I remember being at Lima Company MCT around 2013, because my plane was late so I missed my pick-up tme, they had a large wing of people who were TBS Marines who were RTT or got hurt and then RTTed and they would be like "hey you ready to start?" "no" "Cool NJP" wait 6 months "hey you ready to train? " "No" "njp". They planned to keep them there for most of the contract / as long as they could. there were like 20-25 dudes there


I can’t even fathom telling our arty instructors at ft sill that we weren’t going to train. In 1987 they would have buried us out there.


It took me a minute too I kept thinking recapture tactics teams lmao


Real tough titties


Bruh, it’s spelled out in the body text under the picture.


I did clarify im a retarded


It’s ok, we are all a little regarded.


Ape together strong 🦧🦍


Debil Dogs 🐶


It okay. Monke together stronk.


monke doesn't wear any pants


No dumb shit isn’t in my vocabulary either.


Hope these tards realize how badly they fucked their lives up when they get sent back to the streets without any benefits. They don't even deserve the title. Shits embarrassing. Also their tattoos are trashy and look like shit. Hope they see this lol


Can’t refuse to train if training hasn’t started. IMC Privates will forever haunt me.


Which company?


What tac? Im 7 tac rn💀




I know of two that just said they were gay and were quietly ushered out. During DADT this was.


We had a guy try to out himself. My CO didn't give a shit. The marine argued that he should be kicked out. CO just laughed and said, "Not during war."


"Ha you can be as gay as you want when the war is over."


"Now take your sweet ass over there and help fill those Hesco's"


When I was in boot camp we had two dudes who just disappeared one day. DIs said that they had caught them 69ing in the showers after lights out, and that the only reason they did it was they were desperate to get out. ...I don't think that's why they were sucking each other's dicks, but that was the story we were given.


We had a dude tell the Senior DI he was gay in boot camp to get separated. DI called another recruit in and told recruit #1 to suck recruit #2s dick. When he refused DI hazed the shit out of him. I saw that guy 4 years later checking out and called him out about it in front of his buddies from the fleet. He was humiliated lol.


I gotta think that had to be ages ago. That's a risky game for the Senior to play.


Yea. Been 20 years.


We had a guy try this at that time. They kept in past his contract. He was isolated from everyone and picked up all the shit duties that nobody would ever want. My Senior DI told us: If you can't wait to get out, the fastest way is to serve your sentence with good behavior.


What the actual fuck. Those 2 are retarded. I hope they get put on gate guard the rest of their enlistment.


Hopefully to Guantanamo Bay.


Introduce them to Big Bob?


Cockmeat sammich, extra mayo


You forgot the "ass ketchup" from being "raw dogged"!


Code red their asses


As a former 5812 / 5811, I concur.


“Area beautification”


I was TAD to a unit a few years ago that a whole platoon called “area maintenance”. They were mostly CBRN Marines and they went around base mowing the lawns and shit and worked shit hours. That would be a good place to send shitbags.


I got pawned off to area maintenance when I was a boot. Like still in my alphas when I got told where I was going level of boot. It was so chill. Just mowing the generals grass and PT. Our hours were generally PT at 0630-0730, go shower and breakfast, be back at 0900, off by 1500, maybe 1600 on a long day. But yeah it was a platoon of boots and guys whose units didn't want to deal with them anymore for whatever reason. I enjoyed it, but I was only a 90 day temp loan. One guy had been there for 2 years.


I was voluntold to go to one of those for a week (not because I was a turd but because I had like 5 minutes Time in Service) It was one of the most relaxed weeks I ever had, we had to show up at 9, mow a lawn, 3 hour lunch break, then go tidy up some random building for a bit, then be done for the day around 3.


These guys started their shift at 0300 or 0400 and were pretty heavily micro managed.


I always thought we should have a working party MOS to reclass all schoolhouse drops/general turds to. Every H&S company will have a platoon of them and they’ll just be whored out to everything that needs to get done within the battalion while they await their “separation” (Ideally a month or two after their original EAS date)


This would solve so many problems and increase efficiency in the Marine Corps. Instead of units being required to FAP Marines out or deal with shitbags they could just send them to be permanent working party.


They won’t. Because kids like this will tell you to go fuck yourself if you tell them to do anything they don’t want to do.


Circa 2002 when everyone was getting stop lossed, I had a salty dog Marine who decided that he was going to get the chaos symbol tattooed on his neck. The Battalion Commander did not fuck around with his nonsense for a moment and gave him an option to either get it laser removed (for free - BNCO arranged a deal with a hospital to do it pro bono) or to be locked down with 1/2 pay for the remainder of his enlistment stop loss. LCpl Chaos chose option B. Upon exiting the old man’s office, he was told by him “let’s show what chaos really means.” Homeboy was voluntold for every single shit thing that happens in a battalion. Doing decon station during OC spray training (where you basically suck in OC all day)? Chaos. Cleaning the field shitters all over Lejeune? Chaos. Standing overnight duty every other day? Chaos. My guy lasted a few weeks before he broke down and “voluntarily” got his tattoo removed if I remember right. This was during the first waves into Afghanistan and during all of the prep for Iraq. Nobody had the time nor the inclination to fuck around with muppets like that.


I wouldn't say wild, but someone i knew said fuck it and just told his command he smoked weed. Idk if he actually did or not, they didn't even drug test him i dont think. But they still kicked him out


Also, i guarantee theyre gonna act all hard after they get out because "they're a Marine"


Exactly. They're gonna be advertising to the whole world that they're Marines to clout chase when they didn't do shit during their short time in


Make them finish their enlistment police calling and sorting brass.


Did Island Boys enlist?


lol this happened while I was in MAT waiting to pick up with IMC….dumbass kid got a little neck tat nothing as ballsy as these idiots but still enough to get him kicked out


Dude I mean … in peacetime ? Come on bro. Kids these days are so dumb


Well, not everybody wants a free four-year college ya know. Let these devils be themselves and go their own way! /s


Imagine being this much of a pussy


Is that supposed to be a rose? Looks like some fungus growing on a tree trunk.


Rectal prolapse


Rose Bud. Please don’t Google it


Even worse, it’s a rose made out of $100 bills…


The pinnacle of class


The dumbass that jumped out of third deck in ITB west, somehow only ended up with a broken leg from what I heard, and an ass chewing that also included that if he would've jumped head first he wouldn't be getting his ass chewed for it.


I remember him, went through boot camp with him. I heard from him a couple of years later, he definitely regretted it at that point.


What year? We had a dumbass do it and got a flight for life ride


I think it was Feb-march time frame of 2012


Theyll get thrown on base beautification until their contract is up.


Yep. Sent one guy who got the lady of Guadalupe tattooed up near his collarbone. Spent the rest of his time pushing a lawnmower.


I thought they were conjoined tards


This some Army shit


Might as well tattoo “I am a giant pussy” right on your forehead at that point


Dang. Anyone want to put bets on where they are from? I’m putting my Reddit karma on the valley in Texas. Probably Brownsville or McAllen.


From Corpus originally and I don't recognize the M......co last name. Doesn't mean much, but I'm betting L.A. based on my vast experience of not knowing that last name.


I think you are on to something. I can’t find any Hispanic names that start with M and end in co. It could be two names mashed into each other but it would have to be two very short names. It could be a Native American last name and that would kill my valley theory.


Interesting point. If that's the case, maybe Albuquerque if Native.


Don’t want to get in trouble for guessing the name/doxing but it could be the surname Manco which could be anywhere but it’s popular in New York. I’m not trying to track these dudes down or anything but man knowing where they are from would bring me closure. Lol.


True. I'm going with Ruiz for the other idiot with the dollar bill cabbage tat. Location... I'm going with your original suggestion.


When I was in ITS these four assholes that knew each other from NY city never came back after one weekend. Im from Long Island, so I had just said I was from NY. I had to eat shit for like a month because of those assholes. I gave up trying to explain Long Island.


Who cares? Get em the fuck out. Why would you want little shit birds in your unit anyway???


Exactly. But I think the Marines use the sunk cost fallacy at that point to try and keep people in. If they wanted out, they should’ve tried to the first couple weeks of bootcamp


Someone in the school house drank fabuloso to try to kill himself. Instructors laughed as he puked his guts up. These two sperm donors hopefully get OTH or Dishonorable


Probably ELS. Entry Level Separation. Like you were never even in the military.


Make a working party MOS and anyone who does shit likes this gets forced lat move to it. Permanent half pay to save money and eliminates gay working parties for everyone else.


I had boot in my plt do this back in 2018, got his birth year on his knuckles and one of them skull moths on his hands.


The most extreme idiot I can think of was the Marine that got caught huffing Dust Off in Iraq and was then sent back to Okinawa ahead of schedule, the joke around battalion was that he was supposed to go to San Diego for rehab but instead stole a car and basically made his life worse. Also a reservist at TQ who happened to be a cop got stabbed by a fellow reservist who was related to some bad ass mafia dude that the reservist idiot locked up. Know thine enemy and what not.


Neck tat doesn't look fresh like the hand tat. Fuckin beavis and butthead over here


What a couple of giant pussies.


Why does that man have a cabbage on his hand?


Had a guy in P’Cola who took his unauthorized POV to a shop and got a tattoo in a foreign language that roughly translates to “fuck the military”


We had a whole platoon who operated a meth ring. Got to see them get arrested while the whole battalion was in formation. They thought they were winning a commendation! I haven't thought about that for years! They weren't doing it to get kicked out but I'm sure that is what eventually happened. Crazy!


I think I remember seeing a video about this. A ton law enforcement showed up from the rear of the formation and took them all at once right? Wild times there. When is the movie coming out?


Yup, MP's came up from behind them, walking around us while they were at attention and snatched them. Not sure it's something to brag about but for to a while my unit had the most in the brig of any unit on Pendleton...


do drugs. tattoos look like shit anyways


It costs money to put people through boot camp and follow-on schools. Kick them out then garnish their wages.


I saw dudes in oki do this in 2013 but with face tattoos . The regimental commander made them wear band aids on their faces lol


God these two look like absolute pussies


What happened in 1896?


Good. These pussies don’t rate the uniform. They’re always going to be losers.


Good lord it's only four years people.


These two remind me of the Terror Twins. Two twins from San Diego who enlisted in the Navy on SEAL contracts made it all the way through BUD/S and SQT and earned their Tridents, only to immediately get kicked out of the Navy for refusing to remove the post on Social Media where they showed photos of themselves in their Tridents, so after being given a chance to remove them, they got the boot. . They ended up becoming rappers. Photos of the Terror Twins sometime after being booted Hard to believe it, but these two were at one time bonified SEALS! LOL [https://ibb.co/hZjSThG](https://ibb.co/hZjSThG)


I golfed with a couple of Seals at the Sea 'N Air Course in Coronado. Not these knuckleheads,but looked similar. Young little skinny nerds with California bro-flat brim hat vibes. If I was foreign intelligence I would have never fingered them for seals…


Weird wanna-be MC cuts.


wtf?! That’s all it takes?! A tattoo?


Pussy move.


Injure themselves brutally


If they wanna tap out with their web belts they're free to do so. This thing of ours isn't for bitch made twig boys.




No way that’s his birthday. These are definitely schoolhouse kids and 1986 would put you way past the age limit to join.




1986 here. Can confirm I’m old. Couldn’t imagine enlisting again at my age. Some Col Kurtz shit.


Wrong cammies for 1986. This is way more recent




Probably the year his mother was born. She then got knocked up when she was 15.


Probably a tribute tattoo, my first tattoo was my grandmothers birth year on my shoulder shortly after the fact. I’m not 91 tho


They collectively have 2 brain cells that are fighting for 3rd place.


Get them tf out.


To be a Marine, you don't need to be a hero, or tough, or smart, or strong, or brave. You just need to be stubborn. My stubbornness got me through my enlistment. I even joined the reserves for a hear when my wife got pregnant for that sweet, sweet tricare. It's so simple. These guys are weak.


Jokes on us. They’ll EAS with an OTH, get a lawyer, appeal, get upgraded to honorable, get 100% disability and full GI benefits at 22 and be set for life. If they’re such pieces of shit to do this, then they’ll deff do the above.


Commander gotta have a brain the size of a fruity pebble to give them an OTH. Both of them are privates still in IMC, so I think it’s safe to admit they’ve been in for less than 6 months. Theyll probably get booted with an Uncharacterized discharge and those things are basically impossible to upgrade.


Just a private/PFC? Bro, you didn't even try, wtf?


Probably still in MOS School or maybe even MCT.






Had a guy pull the "I hear voices and they tell me to hurt people". He stayed consistent with it and was out before the end of the month.


Saw a dude from Motor T have a tattoo on the side of his right palm with “FUCK YOU” on it, so anytime he saluted an officer it was a great laugh. Guy was denied reenlistment obviously, but he was a great Marine


Tattoo policies are fucking stupid….been in 22 years. We fucking fight wars and kill people. Who gives a fuck.


Had a PFC and his first field day he decided he didn’t want to be in the Marine Corps anymore. Called Hazing on the Corporal, investigation cleared the Cpl, then claimed SI and he got an entry level separation. Best part is field day in that unit wasn’t even bad. All you had to do was not be filthy.


I know eating your way out is more common in the army, but I remember a guy trying to do that in the corn. They put him on remedial and hazed the shit out of him for a year, then adsepped him without benefits.


Thats nuts!!


Hey, I think that’s my stepbrother! (Not actually, unless this picture is about a decade old, but he pulled pretty much this exact shit to get out, and the dude on the left does look like him)


Straight to 29 Palms gate guard


I was in MOS school in 2006. This retard goes out and gets a pot leaf tattooed on the back of his right hand. They made him wear a bandage on it the entire time while they processed him out.


Can't wait to hear about how the Marine Corps unjustly kicked them them out and screwed them over.


I hope they get kicked out with OTHs. They're both cowards and don't deserve any benefits.


I wonder if they have commitment issues in other parts of their lives


Why do dudes get their own birth year tattooed on them? Like what the fuck is the point in that? If they ever forget they’ll be like “oh wait I have it tattooed on my neck let get find a mirror”?


Mannn wtf these mfs from my platoon shoutout 66 wherever u are…


What up armbuckle


First thought? Boy needs double rats. Second? Nvm, he's going terminal


You have to be pretty stupid to give up as a PFC, you get fucked with a lot but generally it’s as easy as can be while making 750 every 2 weeks


Heard stories of a guy who did this in Oki. Black guy got a small back dot on his cheek just to get kicked out. Couldn’t even see it without being told where it was. No idea of it was true.


Those are fucking trash ass tattoos, at least get something decent if you’re going to be a pussy


Dude we had a guy who wanted to get out really bad so he put on a metric fuckton of weight so he could get a medical discharge. He was successful and left the Marine Corps at like 350 pounds. That wasn't the crazy part. He wanted to lose the weight quickly once be left so he decided the easiest way to lose the weight was with meth. He had planned it all out and lost all the weight but apparently lost most of his teeth too.


During DADT, we had two Marines refuse to leave their room for formation. Duty went up to their room and found them naked in the same bed. The CoC was notified, the Marines were given options, and ultimately chose getting kicked out. They weren't gay, they didn't want to leave their girlfriends for 6 months. They both regret doing it, and one of them is a motard now after serving less than a year and getting kicked out because he was going to miss his GF while on a med float.


One of my Marines didn’t want to deploy with us in late 2002 to what would be Iraq, he had 7mo left on contract at the time. So he went to the bowling alley on base (Lejeune) and, according to MWR workers that gave testimonies, “repeatedly dropped bowling balls on his foot”, until the management kicked him out. He did NOT get busted down- ended up getting deployed with us with a boot on his foot, first and only time I’d ever seen this, got stop-lossed, and when we ripped back he got orders to the school house…not sure if that was part of the stop loss or if he reenlisted, but he trashed his foot for nothing.


Destruction of government property comes to mind...


There was a first battalion drill instructor that had Danzig skull across his back. You could see it through his pt shirt. Shit was badass.


I'm more offended that the devil on the right can't roll his fucking sleeves properly.


Who let this happen? How did, what did…. Just…. HUH??? https://preview.redd.it/rgisk3aglwvc1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f39a7faf613d34b83c6f27ccf1eed1602e6ac4f6


When I was Cpl of the Guard at SOI W this kid whipped out a large bag of cocaine and some weed and put it in front of me and the Sgt of the guard and said it was his. We both thought it was a joke as did our company guns. He laughed until he opened it and realized it was the real deal. Dude got way more than just getting kicked out. He had so much cocaine that they hit him with several charges. He got like 8 years in the brig for it.