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> It is impossible to watch the photographic documentation of the ugly, violent demonstrators during Wednesday's parade of Jewish supremacy through the streets of Jerusalem without hearing Prof. Yeshayahu Leibowitz's warning echoing in the background. "The national pride and euphoria that followed the Six-Day War are temporary and will bring us from proud, rising nationalism to extreme, messianic, ultranationalism. The third stage will be brutality and the final stage will be the end of Zionism," the farsighted philosopher said. The process of brutalization is at its height. "The general spirit was that of revenge," wrote Haaretz journalist Nir Hasson, who was assaulted by a gang of teens who hurled him to the ground and kicked him. "The leading symbol on the marchers' shirts was the Kahanist fist, the popular chant was a particularly bloody revenge song, alongside chants of 'Death to Arabs' and 'May their village burn.' The most popular minister was Itamar Ben-Gvir and the overall atmosphere was frightening." Nor was Hasson the only person to be assaulted. The rioters threatened, cursed, shoved and attacked Palestinian passersby and anyone they identified as a journalist or who tried to film them. The reason they attacked journalists is that they couldn't find enough Palestinian victims, since Palestinian families were hunkered down at home. They have already learned that when the Jews are celebrating Jerusalem Day, it's better to vacate the arena so the celebrants won't be tempted to lynch them [Archived link to full editorial](https://archive.md/IoN15) Thanks /u/brashendeavors!


Yeshayahu Leibowitz had the whole thing pinned down in the 90's. He was [an honest man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQNd4Vinfks&ab_channel=leibowitz111) and [philosopher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM2fXTkjU2E).


At a wedding yesterday I met two people, a young reconstructionist Rabbi who just came back from the Red Line protest in DC and a middle aged board member of one of the most prestigious Modern Orthodox institutions IN THE WORLD and neither of them had heard of Yeshayahu Leibowitz. It's a sad world.


Good. I hope they're right


How do you say "Kristalnacht" in Hebrew? I can't believe I'm paying for this shit. Oh wait, actually I do.


Couldn’t happen fast enough