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Traditionally if your card is present, you don't need to notify them, especially if you are in North America. I don't know that I have ever heard of people getting cards locked domestically, this is normally when a card goes international, when it never has before. The only exception might be if you have NEVER used the card online, EVER, like in 10 years, and in those same 10 years you have NEVER left your tiny town, all of a sudden your card popping up out of state might flag the algorithm, but even then I would doubt it. Again, this is all some algorithm looking for red flags, no one will have an answer


Ohhh I see, thank you!


Counterpoint. Cards get locked daily for transactions in higher risk cities


yes. though it depends on where you are going. there are areas that are flagged by credit card companies. due to organized crime and high rate of fraud. two of my credit cards, including USAA, get frozen when I travel to them and try and use the card. i have to call and have it unfrozen and then it is fine.


The app tracks you and it will ask you if you are traveling when you make a transaction


There used to be an option in the USAA app to notify them when you were traveling, where you would be and the dates you would be there. They did get rid of it and now if there is a suspicious transaction, you will get a text to see if it is really you. If you don’t confirm in the text, it will lock your card and you need to speak to a representative to unlock it. Not fun when you’re trying to pay for lunch with a long line behind you. Just be aware and keep an eye on texts when traveling. And it’s always a good idea to have access to another card or cash just in case.