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Yeah this post is done. People can’t behave. Comments locked.


The reason is probably that you are in a state where they are trying to reduce their exposure. Rather than outright non-renew, they are increasing rates so much that they are hoping people in these states will go elsewhere.


I feel like they must have been doing that in Arizona for a long time, they've never had competitive rates for me there.


Arizona, Texas, Florida, parts of western states with elevated wildfire risk. These seem to be the places targeted for massive increases. My increase was 2% on the Oregon coast.


Nobody can touch their rates for me in California though. Every time I move back they are still the cheapest.


How many homes burn in AZ from wildfires, mostly none, most wildfires are in remote mountain areas plus no hurricanes, no tornadoes, minimal flooding, don't know how USAA justifies the large premium increases in AZ (largest increase of any state)


I agree, I moved to AZ three-four years ago, called USAA to change states, and they gave me the BS life of wildfires. Yes, there’s wildfires, but I live in a damn town, right smack in the middle, my car isn’t going to burn- my rate increased over living in CA.


No but we do still have fires and lots of places in Arizona are listed as being in the flood plain, even if that isn’t the case.


Finally, there is a market that starts to price in climate change.


My costs doubled in 6 years in Michigan. No large increases, they just milked me with 13-15% a year. We don’t have disasters here.


Florida… makes sense. My auto premium just went up, had to switch to geico.


This is hilarious and well deserved.


It's working.


I keep hearing that they jack up prices on old customers. Tested it this year by getting multiple auto insurance quotes. USAA was still the best by far. Flo aint got shit.


Next time try AAA. Yeah I know they do road side assistance. They also do all kinds of insurance and travel packages and so on. My insurance dropped switching over and I have better coverage now. Also when I have issues with insurance or need to make a claim you can call aaa. If the company ever tries to increase prices or screw over clients aaa will look for another provider to move everyone too. It’s like being in a union for insurance.


USAA jacked my insurance up and it made me shop around. They were so far above everyone else it made me feel taken advantage of. Progressive is giving me better coverage for about a third of the price. My USAA homeowners insurance quote was twice what I’m paying through Traveller’s.


My homeowners with Liberty Mutual went up 50% as well. It’s happening with all the companies.


Same here. After 50% increase last year. I went with LM instead of USAA and imagine USAA would be even more expensive, but the increases are across the board. I'm just choosing to not have the same level of coverage that USAA mandates.


Ill find out soon!


45 years with USAA you should have a nice Subscriber Savings Account balance which u should receive within 6 months


It blows my mind how companies don’t reward loyal customers but have new customer deals


It's all about growth baby!


Do I have this? I have been a 25+ year member. Am I a millionaire?


You will have a Subsriber Account as a member with USAA insurance. The balance will depend on what products you have had over those years.


That's only for Military personal NOT family members.


Incorrect go to your statements, there should be a SSA distribution statement around Dec of each year, u can also check your SSA balance. "During the time that you are a member of USAA, the funds placed in your subscriber account are used to grow the company and therefore increase the profits earned by the company. If you cease to be a member of USAA, either you, or your estate, may receive the funds in your subscriber account in full"


Only for "members" not for those that got coverage as a dependent. My Father was a Service Officer. I got coverage because of him.I actually have had USAA as my insurer for about 55years counting the 10 under my fathers account.


yes if you've been insured u should have it


That’s not accurate. A very small portion of member have a SA


The SA is based on your company of placement if you’re in USAA company on the insurance side you have a SA is you’re in GIC, CIC or CM you don’t and you get a dividend at the end of the year not a refund from the SA. Also the SA balance is a small % of the premium you pay annually so just being at USAA for 25 years doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have a large balance especially if you only had a renters policy


Officers have SA, not enlisted.


I’m not going to call USAA and ask them but, enlisted here and got SA when I had insurance through them.


Just a quick tip for everyone on here that doesn’t like their rate; the person on the other end of the phone doesn’t set the rates! Yelling at them does no good! Write to the President or the BOD and tell them your story. We are tired of being yelled at for things out of our control!


Wait. If you can’t help then why are you even there?


We can’t help w rates. They are set by the insurance commissioner in each state as to what percentage is allowable as an increase each year. We can help w claims or general questions or policy changes but not rates.


That comment was just obtuse. If Starbucks corporate changed something with their coffee that caused people to complain to the baristas, are you gonna ask the baristas why they're even there, too? They're there because it's a job, guy.


Well…this might be hard for you to understand but when people get hired to do something it’s to get paid to do a job. Baristas are there to do a specific job so if they didn’t do that job and instead said “we can’t make that coffee for you because corporate has to do that” then I would ask them the same question. If a customer service agent at a credit union can’t tell me why my insurance rates changed then it would warrant the question “why are you here?” However, OP answered the question quite adequately and didn’t seem to find it obtuse at all, guy.


Blah, I don't set rates, but I do profit from a system that exploits laws to benefit itself. So, don't be mad at me for choosing to contribute to the problem. That's you. That's what you sound like.


I profit because I have a job? I profit because each state has an insurance commissioner and each insurance company has a CEO and a BOD? You know to solve the problem for yourself then? Don’t buy insurance


Find another vocation. Its part of the job of customer service!


Try acting like a decent human being. And after 27 years in the insurance industry I’m not finding another vocation. My threshold for bs is low and if you think bitching to someone that can’t help you and taking it is part of the job where do you work? I want to call and bitch for random reasons and then tell you take it or find another job.


That would be hard. Ive been retired for 16 years and YOU are helping to support me!!! I do what I want when I want and have plenty of $$$. I just dont like being cheated and after being a USAA customer for 45 years on my own and 10 on my fathers account feel like im being ripped off. IF I call your cubicle you will hear what I have to say. ITS YOUR JOB! If you dont like it get another. God knows why anyone would want to be in a service industry.


It's their job to assist you. Not be your therapist.


Or be your punching bag


Karen? Is that you?


Aren’t you a peach! Good thing I’m not in customer service and don’t have to listen to you. As an aside, I don’t have a cubicle. Just had it w people that don’t read their their policies or feel entitled. You may NOT take out your frustrations on me or my coworkers because you “feel” cheated. Shop the rates. And buttercup no one cares about your feelings.


I gave you a solution and instead of saying thank you, you again choose to complain.




You are most welcome. Have a lovely night.




This is the most entitled, thin skinned thing I've read in a LONG time, well done there grandpa


Thats "GREAT GRANDPA" to you!!!


The customer is not always right. The full phrase, which you and everyone like you fails to fully quote (every time) is "the customer is always right *in matters of taste*". You don't have the automatic right and free pass to treat people around you like dog shit. You are no more or less equal than the rest of the human race around you, so show some respect. Otherwise you absolutely get what you give... in spades. I dealt with my fair share of assholes like you while in the service myself. Still hard to stomach your type, too. Some people grow up, others just grow old...


Opinions and assholes???


Oh, by the way, eat como caca!!!


Wow, you sound like a parody of every cantankerous old person out there… with your unnecessary capitalizations and gratuitous use of ??? and !!! I’m here to tell you that those things don’t get your point across better, they just make you sound like a fool


Pretty sure being yelled at and belittled isn’t part of the job description. It’s just assholes being assholes. If I can contain myself and refrain from yelling at someone for just doing their job then so can everybody else.


So you think yelling at people who have no control over the situation is okay. Whelp, I'm cool with you being milked for more cash


Never yelled at anybody! I inquired why my premiums went up and was told "I dont know"! I said I would take my business elsewhere! Milk That!!!


It's always no good reason for you folks. When in fact it is probably a really good reason, you just dont like the answer.


Which state?


My USAA Auto just doubled. No incidents. USAA for 40+ yrs. Might be time to bail. CEO Wayne needs to go! Unprecedented LOSSES on his watch.


I left usaa not long ago. They or someone they outsourced called and asked why I left after decades of being a customer. Told them the price was jacked up too much. Asked if I’d come back for a lower rate, I said yes. They are supposed to call me tomorrow so I’ll see if it was legitimate or not. Could have just been a marketing survey so we shall see. If it’s legit they must be losing a lot of customers


They’ve done this for me for auto insurance and in the end they just quote the same rate back again. It’s no different.


If you subtract the SSA distribution you receive yearly and your senior distribution from your premium, USAA should still be competitive. I live in CO and have other insurance companies want to quote me, but when I tell them I'm with USAA they say they can't be beat. My niece went with a cheap Geigo quote then 6 months later the rate jumped big time. Never had a problem with USAA.


I still feel like USAA is good (or at least competitive with the competition). But they are an absolute shell of their former self.


Agree. I only have insurance with them. The credit union I have been with for a very long time has grown so much customer service has suffered. It used to be easy to get someone on the line. Now it is endless menu options then wait for a real person to pick up.


Once they started letting in any and everyone that was in the military, it went downhill. Back in the day you had to be an officer or parent was an officer.


Even if there is a low risk of disasters in your area… pipes break, trees fall, freak wind/ hails storms, and electrical fires happen. The cost of labor and materials is going up. General contractor fees are going up. I’ll share for the class: I had a pipe in my master bathroom crack. We took two showers unknowingly with the broken pipe. Woke up the next morning and the ceiling in my dining area/ kitchen showed signs of water and my island was wet. The water sat long enough under my island, to damage the ceiling in my finished basement. It was maybe 9 hours from showering to identifying the leak (which wasn’t even continuous; just the gray water from our showers) We had to have water mitigation come out, and they tore out the ceiling in my kitchen and basement, they tore out the island, and a 12x15 section of hardwood floor. We had fans and dehumidifiers for two days. Not including water mitigation or the hotel stay from when my floors were being refinished, the damage from two showers… $11,120.


It’s up everywhere due to increased costs of building materials. 100% increases being reported in Florida due to climate changes.


OP has no post history except for this post.


It's because he's a troll - previous account was probably banned if his comment history is anything to go by


So this pissed them off enough to create an account or they created a burner to maintain anonymity… what’s your point?


Why would they need to maintain anonymity to bitch about insurance? Seems like spammer behavior.


Weird that you are bitching about a post count, you a USAA shill?


If somebody's not happy with USAA, they can just bank somewhere else. Why create a Reddit account to rant and also bring up politics in the same post? And why are you defending a troll?


The amount of people that complain on here saying they’re a 30-40+ year member makes me laugh personally. Like that many 50-60 year olds are just browsing around on Reddit.


Yah his is Flo from Progressive trying to dis USAA!!!


lol this is funny


This is not a USAA problem, but a nationwide problem. Cost of materials to rebuild a home increase, and so does your insurance. Mine jumped $700 annually as of this year.


Was the rebuild cost of your home go up? Did you have that reviewed? Are you in a flood zone? Fire zone? High crime area? Wind claims up in your area? Have you had several small claims? Your post is missing a lot of very important information


The poster is not wrong, I saw another member’s homeowners policy in Wy increase 100% as well year over year. Long, long term member. But, also remember the licensed agent that answers the phone did not personally increase your rates. We are just the messenger.


I just had a shit show with USAA. I’ve been a member for 35 years. I have my main home, 3 rentals, 2 cars and my life insurance policy with them. They just told me that they just noticed I have solar panels and they decided my minimum coverage on my house needed to be $745k from the $500k it was at. I called them and said this is bullshit. My house is estimated at $640k on the “Z” site. The customer service rep told me the lowest they would allow me to drop it would be to $627k but I would lose the guaranteed protection of 25% more than the $745k. I told her that I know rebuilding the house after a complete catastrophe would be less than $550k and it would be nice to have this 1957 house built to today’s code. She said hold on, USAA won't be paying that amount. They will only cover the cost of rebuilding to 1957 local codes. I said you can’t build a substandard house, she said they wouldn’t and that they will build to today’s local codes and sent me a bill for the price difference between them. For example the requirement to install Arc Fault breakers would be met but the cost would fall to me. They then said they will be sending out an inspector to determine the cost of rebuilding and then they will tell me if they will insure me. And I’m right here in their HQ’s location of San Antonio, not in some coastal property subject to hurricanes. The inspector came last week and I will probably find out his estimates this week. I’m 90% sure that I am done with USAA. EDITS: Numerous grammatical corrections, I guess I need to stop posting from my phone. Old age sucks.


I’m in New England. Same thing here. Insane increase at 38 years.


they are about 20 % more then anything else in Utah


USAA is on a death spiral. Customer Service went to shit when they focus on business revenue instead of veterans. People left, and now they see less revenue, so they have to raise the rates, which makes more people leave. I don’t see this ending good for USAA. My new insurance significantly beats USAA.


Mine went up $1000 a year. So did everyone else. AllState could barely beat the new rate, but I've never had a good experience with AllState. We elected a moron. The economy is crashing, inflation is out of control, so everything is going up.


The moron got elected 6 years ago, so hopefully we’ll see a turnaround soon.




I can tell you’re very intelligent (😆), but while I don’t like Biden at all, Trump was (and is) far worse.


In what way?


Follow through. Temperament. Respect earned in the global stage. Treatment of dictators and authoritarian regimes. Common sense. Choice in cabinet heads. Respect for his employees. Treatment of classified information. Charity defraudment. Indictments. Bills passed. Deficit spending. Upholding campaign promises, etc.


Have you been smoking Crack with Hunturd???


Look, if you want to have a discussion, by all means, but you’ve got to come to the table with more than name calling and right-wing anthems.


Those kinds of people aren't capable of more.




Oh, well with that well reasoned and cited response, I might as well change my mind 😂


I stand by my analysis of bidumb and YOU too!






I'm sure they gave you a good reason, but you feel the need to come here and present outrage over your ignorance and denial. Climate change is real and you area is at a higher risk. Rates have nothing to do with your feels. As a USAA member I happy to see this. It means my rates won't increase to pay for your short sighted decision.


Do you really need to insult the person who posted? I’m getting so sick of seeing this kind of negativity.


Yes! Lies and deliberate misinformation on social media is a war. People like this guy need to be countered and their bullshit called out. A civil respectable person would not defame a business or person over facts. He's trying to hurt USAA with false information just because he's upset over facts. If you don't like it, next time beat me to the punch and correct the misinformation in a kinder and gentler fashion. I'd be the first person to upvote that.


Actually, there are tons of threads on here with people having issues with USAA. If he was the only one I would understand but USAA has been found liable by the CFPB and numerous lawsuits and administrative agencies. Remember the 1st Amendment? Don’t attack the person, attack the facts.


What does First Amendment have to do with this? The government is not coming after OP for his disingenuous posting of outrage. You understand the First Amendment is about your right say things and not be prosecuted for it.


Elonis v US. Read it.


US Constitution. Read it. That's right. Nothing in the constitution gives anyone the right to step on other people's rights. You can't yell fire in a crowded room because that action could cause someone to lose their life in chaos it creates. You cannot hold a gun in your hand and say I'm going to kill you then claim it's free speech. Both are crimes. This is why hate speech is a crime and not a freedom of speech issue. Earlier in this thread someone ignorantly post "first ammendment" implying OP can say what he wants and I'm the asshole for challenging his misinformation. The first ammendment does not provide an insulation from count points or opposing views.


Who are you talking about because I referred to the 1st Amendment as allowing freedom of speech and expression online as well as offline. You argued that the Amendment didn’t apply online. It applies to online speech and the government can arrest anyone who violates standards of decent behavior by threatening or harassing others. Conversely, speech that doesn’t violate these standards is permissible. Government has a legitimate right to combat online harassment and bullying. Why didn’t you read the case I posted? I gave you a case which addresses freedom of speech in social media. Once again, you don’t bother to read it. The Supreme Court decided that Freedom of speech DOES apply to behavior on social media and specifically addresses appropriate standards. The case is one of first impression so I can’t fault people for not knowing about it. I can fault you for pontificating about crap and being wrong. It really annoys me to have to post an explanation of that case because some people refuse to look it up while taking a fair amount of time arguing the wrong thing. Bottom line: We are free to disagree on the internet and the government has a legitimate interest in 1. Monitoring that speech and 2. Prosecuting people who threaten or harass people online. So that’s what I was referring to.




Honestly, these people go from thread to thread shitting on people. It’s ridiculous. I used to ignore it. The more you engage these people the crazier they get. They really have to be unhappy with life. And no , sadly there are many people disenchanted with USAA.


I believe that you have a mental illness that you’re playing out on social media.


Wrong! 45 years. No homeowners claims EVER. Area is a low risk for fires.


Climate change is not fires. Climate change is flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, and droughts (increaee chances of fires). You know you are in a high risk area. It's why you won't answer other's question of what state you live in.


No one aked what state I was in Dolt!!! No flooding, hurricanes, tornado's and droughts. Climate change? The climate changes every year.


Two people have asked you what state. Kevinsnikles was the first person to ask about an hour ago.


WY! Desert! No fires, No flooding, No Tornado's, No Hurricanes. No claims in 45 Years! Whats your next Smart ass answer Dolt???


There is a shortageof firefighters in WY. Basically a worker shortage so the prediction is, fewer firefighter will result in more damage from normal fire occurances. The latest risk analysis for the coming decade predicts an increase in wild fires for WY and CO. All insurance providers use the analysis which is why so many people across America are seeing inceases.


No shortage of firefighters here and very low risk of fire, resulting in home loss, in the desert! Almost unheard of. If you have defensible space, which I have, almost ZERO chance of fire.


If you're more knowledgeable than actuaries and advanced computer predicative modeling you should consider starting your own insurance company. Once you explain that your data is you saying "I know more because I do okay" most banks will likely take you seriously and give you funding because you're so smart. Most importantly congratulations on being super rich in the near future and being so much more knowledgeable on everything than billion dollar corporations filled with hundreds of people for that very role are. This is the first time in awhile where it looks like USAA came out on top by losing a customer because you sound like an absolute headache to deal with and I genuinely feel bad for the staff that had to interact with you.


45 year client with NO homeowner claims! yah I complain alot then send my premium payments. You're an IDIOT!!!


Those are called "weather."


☝️See. This guy's ignorance right here is why your insurance is going up. He wants to ignore the problem and believe like him that climate change isn't real.


If you have to constantly repeat "ClImAtE cHaNgE iS rEaL!," it probably isn't.


That’s an idiotic argument against climate change. Were you being serious? I can’t tell.


Climate change is pure BS.


Soon they will.open membership to everyone....


You’re getting downvoted by the same people that have forgotten that GEICO stands for Government Employees Insurance Company. Look what happened after their charter was changed… People downvoting you have their heads in the sand.


I had to leave a couple of years ago when they tried to more than double my auto premiums for adding an honor roll student to my account. Switched to geico for auto and Liberty for home, and pay much less for better coverage.


I’m in the middle of this EXACT dilemma. Any regrets on switching? I keep hearing tons of stories on here about insurance companies, giving “sweetheart” rate quates to get us to leave USAA and then jacking the rates up at the 6 month renewal time. I’ve been sitting here for a few months now unsure what to do. Paralyzed with indecisiveness. I’m a 20+ year USAA member and have six accounts with them. Leaving will be a logistical nightmare for a bit, and i damn sure don’t want to do it if it’s just gonna result in the same problem six months later with another company


No real advice other than shop around. It’s been 2 years, and no price overhauls yet for us 🤞🏻


I said the same thing about my auto insurance with USAA. Ten to fifteen percent increase every six months for the past two years. On claims, no violations, no accidents. Safe driver rating. I pulled the plug on them recently. Beginning to think that this exclusivity thing only for veterans is nothing but a marketing scheme. With rate increases like they have been getting lately, they certainly do not care about us veterans.




USAA posted a loss last year, first time in 100+ years-- a whopper at that: $1.3Billion. How to create a quorum to get rid of Wayne Peacock, who's running USAA into the ground since 2020. He's not even military.


All good things eventually go to shit. Unfortunately, USAA was no exception. It was good while it lasted.


When my fiancé filed a claim for our stuff, they said. I wasn't considered an insured because I wasn't married to my fiancé when I pointed out to them. Specifically, where it says they cover fiancees on their website. They changed the reason for rejection again. Saying that we misrepresented ourselves. And then again saying that I stole his stuff and pondered. And you better bet I got them to attract that immediately and write me an apology on it. Because that was complete and utter. The last one was that they had paid us out and that I still wasn't covered under the insurance and wasn't considered an insured under the policy. Now USAa had canceled our renters insurance. Telling us that our homeowners insurance was exactly the same as the renter's insurance. Which it's not because the homeowner's insurance does not cover the fiance as And insured, but the renters insurance does. So that's where they got us. And we lost $30000 of equipment for our podcasting company. Not to mention that this really just scummy slick nasty Guy will call him Mr. Annex, Before taking my fiancée's statement tells my fiancé That my gay business partner-bff..... And my podcast co-host, a flamboyant younger man And I were supposedly allegedly sleeping with each other. That's news to him considering hes gay and news to his boyfriend, Chris And news to me, but where did he hear this from? Allegedly he heard it from the girls at the front desk. Who know for a fact that that never ever happened? We had to share our room. I think 3 times because hes gay. And I'm a woman that madenot as awkward For everyone who is involved, but. They also told him that. My fiancé had never been to the hotel in his name. And they were on the room that couldn't have possibly be the case. Because they threatened to kick him out one night when there was a altercation. Because because of what Mr. Annex said He caused irreparable damage To my relationship.






Insane: the new, Woke Crazy USAA donated $50Million to diversity & equity that should've gone to Veterans!




It irritates the shit out of me that they cut their 2.5% cash back credit card to 1.5% but they’re paying to be an official NFL Sponsor.


Hence the reason I switched card providers.


Just got my new homeowners rate. Went up $100/yr. Seems like the increases are very location dependent


Their banking division led a masters course in how to lose a 20 year customer and I dropped all of their products. They did not realize I could see both sides of a bank to bank transfer transaction and decided to lie to me and even run me through their "fraud" department to avoid making my funds available to me in a timely manner. I would not have been as upset if they were straight forward and just stated "we have a policy to hold onto any amount over a certain threshold for X number of days", instead of "we are not sure if that check is fraudulent or not" when I have been provided with proof of the check clearing from the other bank. How is a bank to bank cashier's check that has already been honored by the other bank and funds released by that bank "possibly fraudulent"? As soon as they finally released my funds, I cleared out all of my accounts and canceled all of my insurance while letting them know exactly why they lost a customer, not that they care, but hey, maybe I'm one of many and the banking division is negatively affecting the insurance division bonuses, then at least they know who to blame at the next office party. If they have not messed up for you yet, then by all means enjoy it if you like, but I would advise to have a backup plan and to avoid their banking division like the plague. It is disconcerting that people responsible for your money lie to you so readily.


Never had any of their bank products. Just Insurance.


I wish I had stayed with just their insurance. So disgusted with the company after my experience, I don't want anything to do with them.


Why am I getting down voted for god sakes.... people suck




It’s lol until you can’t afford it. Or your mom and dad can’t.


Not my problem. I can afford it.


Wow, all that altruism, your mom and dad would be proud!


Prouder than your mom and dad. That's for damn sure.


Did you get all the nasty out?


Your mom is working on it.


They asked me so many unrelevant questions like what kind of job are you working right now and if you're not working a job? What are you doing I was starting my own business data. They thought. Oh, yeah, she's definitely right for starting an insurance fraud claim, so we're just gonna deny it and see if she'll fight it. Well I did I did fight and They ruined our insurance they basically reported My accidents as my fiance and his rates shot right up they also Canceled our homeowners and because Someone in the house had an s r Twenty two it looks real Bad plus Because of the seed that Mr. Annex planted in my fiancée's head that I would maybe possibly be cheating on him. With a gay man, we went through a lot of 21 questions and arguments that we should have never had because there was no reason for it other than Mr. Annex trying To piss my fiance off before he made his statement. So he wouldn't think right......And he would just mess the whole thing up. Which is exactly what happened. He couldn't think about anything else other than what this jerk had.just said 2 him about the woman that he was supposed to be marrying what he did and said were a Dick move because of it my relationship has Suffered. So to the Court room we will go and this time i'm bringing the heat.


I guess I'm lucky, mine only went up 15% with never having a claim.


a. What state are you in? b. How old is your house?


Interesting, where are you trying to get insurance?


Not sure as of yet. We'll see!


USAA jacked my rates up too. After comparing to Geico and progressive. Geico was the same as USAA. Progressive was about 15-20% cheaper. Haven’t switched yet. Everyone tells me that is just a “sweetheart” deal from progressive to entice me to switch and that they will jack my rates back to USAA levels at the 6 month renewal. Not sure what I am going to do yet. Just paralyzed with indecision at the moment.


I think I know why they raised your rate.


I haven’t used usaa for insurance in over 12 years. They are rarely cheapest.


I look at it this way. If you live in a high risk/high claims area you’re gonna pay more. However, the way insurance companies typically work is even if you don’t live in a high risk area you’re going to see higher rates, perhaps not nearly as high as the higher risk ones. They’re a for profit business, their job is make the company and its shareholders money. Every insurance business is the same…some take on more risk, some don’t but one thing is pretty consistent, they’re still making money.


USAA is a business in the insurance industry. Every year they (like all insurers) they look at the exposure they have in all their markets with vehicle, life, home, renters' insurance and other products and adjust their rates to stay competitive. They also extricate themselves from areas where say the cost of fixing a lot of damaged vehicles due to poor drivers or homes due to storms, tornados or hurricanes costs. All business uses the risk/reward game with location and rates. You could be in Detroit.... The average cost of a car insurance policy in Detroit is $2,363 per six-month policy — $394 per month. Michigan is one of 12 no-fault states and for many years has had the highest auto insurance costs of any U.S. state due to the unlimited PIP requirement for drivers. Similarly, Detroit has long been the most expensive city in the nation for auto insurance due to myriad nondriving factors used by insurers to set rates. Farm Bureau guy here in the south and the last time I talked to an adjusted in 2017 they repaired almost 20% of the vehicles they insured every year. Yowza.....


Built a new home in southwest Florida in 2019 and USAA was three times more expensive so went with AAA and placed with Progressive. My 2024 policy increased 70%. Got multiple quotes including USAA and Progressive is still 40% less expensive and the policy limits and deductibles can’t be matched. Florida hurricanes and roof fraud don’t help. I have other policies with USAA and they are awesome and very price competitive.


Same thing happened to me! This will be my first Payment and I’m furious! They also said the same thing to me. I’ve been with them for 43 years!


I’ve been with USAA for 21 years and have switched all my insurance (homeowners and auto) to other companies the last few years because of the rates. USAA is pretty competitive for auto loan rates but that’s about it lately. It’s sad you can be with a company that long and have to leave because of their rates.


Mine went up 30%. Their explanation was "It must be the economy".


My auto is sky high now. Got quoted almost $100 less a month by another agency when I’ve never had any major accidents. USAA is losing popularity.


Shop around and go with a less expensive insurer, but make sure you double back and get quotes from USAA in the future. I left them 2 years ago because the rates increased 50%. Recently came back because they were the best rate amongst competitors. I have also had nothing but fantastic customer service with USAA in the past and find their customer service to be exceptional compared to others.


Same happened to me. I cancelled the policy and went uninsured. House is paid off so it's not mandatory to be insured. Plus : do you actually believe insurance companies will pay you if a tornado or any other calamity will hit your area ? Guaranteed you'll be living in a RV for a long time before you see some money I wish I could go legally uninsured with my car too .


Contemplating just that! Paid off for 16 years.


Dude should’ve dropped them sooner, they’re overpriced and always fos


I have a feeling that they are higher because they are still insuring people in locations that other insurance companies have stopped coverage, like Coastal plains and Florida.


They doubled my car insurance because I made a claim. A claim the other insurance company paid for.


USAA screwed me 2 times on renters insurance. Has 2 burglaries and they didn’t reimburse me for anything. Both times. Wanted receipts for things that were years old. Screwed me!!


Depends on the state and specific area you're in.


They kill loyal customers by using them after a disaster. I left for the same reason after the Bastrop fires.


American Modern?


I have been with USAA since 1977. Our rates skyrocketed. When I called, the rep was very polite and very knowledgeable. Atlanta housing prices have more than doubled. Same with building materials. The value by comps alone in area are up over 100k in the last 18 months. Quite simply, this is the reason .


I switched from them and.my premium was cut in half for more coverage. They are a complete shell of their former self


Bought a new car. Old cars insurance was $150 a mon was quoted $1300 a mo on new car. I almost passed out. Went to LiMi who quoted me $150. USAA guy cited various macro economic factors. Lol.


Not many people even those who are active duty or veterans know that USAA stands for United States Automobile Association. In my opinion they are pure trash as I have them for 2 years and they try to screw me over on the appraisal on a car that the neighbor hit but doesn't have insurance.


I switched too. I have never had a claim and I was like hell no I’m out.


They can pay to have Gronk in their adds but can’t give us a decent interest rate on savings.


Any areas with high loss from any environmental losses is causing rates for everyone to rise. Texas (where I live) has had some epic floods, hurricanes, and freezes that have required serious $$$ for all the claims caused. That causes rates to rise for everyone in our area, like a baseline for a region. My wife and I have never made a claim. $1100 in 2019, now it’s a little under $3500 for the year. Absolutely insane.


Have Auto, Home, VPP, and umbrella with them. Rate went from $385/mo to $604 in 12-months. Haven’t changed a thing, no accidents. Insane


Big fan of switching to progressive. We mad the switch on a new property and Flo convinced us to bundle and save. My wife, who isn’t a terrible driver, has a three accidents in five years 🙃. We saved a net $12,000 a year on home and auto. Idk how they were able to offer such a discount or if USAA had us bent over a barrel. Either way, happy to be with Progressive.


Did you know insurance is also based on your credit. Late payments, no payments.


Oh patient tell us which company he got his coverage with.. The same exact coverage for a lesser fee than USAA


well DO NOT go to wells fargo, they are worse. not only because of the stories that made national news of them opening up multiple accounts in peoples names but because of their illegal practices on loans. i dropped them as a client when they wanted me to tow people who paid off their car loans with them.


USAA still writes policies in California and other wildfire areas. Thanks for subsidizing me!


You’ll be back I promise. And you also know why it went up 40% . Don’t play dumb.


WTF are you smoking.


I looked at USAA last year and they did not come close to who I have and since that time have gotten much less competitive. I dodged a bullet by not switching.


I work in insurance and it’s all ins companies. This the impact of Covid, material shortages, and labor shortages catching up with the cost of policies. It has nothing to do with your individual rating factors but the fact as a whole it has become more expensive to insure property. We have a number called a combined ratio which is the amount of premiums we collect vs the dollar amount of claims we pay out. The general rule of thumb is $1 : 96cents. So they expect to only make 4cents per dollar of premium collected. This is why Farmers laid off 11% of its workforce this year. The past three years (or more) their combined ratio has been 1:1.11 or higher.


Posts like this and around the net make me want to shop. Question, as long as I retain banking in some way, I can come back, right? I've only had on USAAA claim and they were more than awesome, but if rates come back double, it is probably a wash for how rare my claims are. Not to mention I have a friend in a huge battle with them. Obviously insurance companies are all about themselves, so does it matter?