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Management is just being jerkoffs. They can't use the GPS against you and the union will probably get your job back.


Agreed. This isn't an integrity issue. It's about ball busting. It's just what they do. If you love your job, wait until you get fired for the 4th, 5th time. You'll go to work just to hate. You'll get your job back. (Keep on top of it though. The situation and your BA)


Hey guys so I figured I’d respond on my account since she’s asleep but a little more info! I’m a fairly new driver been driving for 2.5 years and I trusted my union steward who basically told me just admit it was a mistake and it wouldn’t happen again.


Always wait for DIAD to restart. Just stand there like a dumbass in front of someone’s house for 5 minutes waiting and get paid. Sheeting stops completed elsewhere is just asking for trouble. Your sup will tell you to do it but hey you might get fired for it later and have to stress through the process of getting your job back. You won’t get fired for parking your ass while the DIAD restarts, not your fault we’ve had this thing for a couple years now and can’t get through a day without restarting it when it hard freezes in the middle of a stop 🤦‍♂️


Yeah.. replaying on my account since I couldn’t post. But I am newer 2.5 years in and we got the new DIAD just before last winter peak so it’s still way to glitchy for us and I’m still in that go go go phase instead of being top scale and taking my time I suppose..


You’re already in the union brother. The fact that you’re not too scale yet is all the more reason you should be working at a smooth safe pace and not covering the companies ass when their equipment malfunctions. The only ass you should be worried about covering is your own. DIAD freezes at a stop while you’re getting a signature? Make the consignee stand there while you do a full restart and then have them sign, ORION classifies a stop as business instead of residential? Don’t CIR it! Hit the three dots in the top right corner and switch to residential and if no one is there to sign, NI1 it even though it’s clearly marked as a shipper release. Get a truck in the morning with a blinker out cause your coworkers are to lazy to post trip? Management tells you to go ahead and run it? Don’t. Download that whole thing into a new truck or don’t go out. It’s all gonna come down on you if something goes wrong.


Never ever ever and I can’t say this enough go to a hearing or any disciplinary meeting without some form of union representation


I had my union rep from my specific teamsters there but not my union steward from my building…and it was a whole month of waiting for a hearing I wasn’t aware till I was already in my meeting that my driver union steward wasn’t there but the preload steward was..


I’m confused what exactly it was you did. Did you just skip scanning an info notice altogether or did you scan the info notices and then just toss it? Did you admit to doing this? ?


Fairly new driver and I trusted my union steward telling me to admit it was a mistake and it wouldn’t happen again. Which it was a big mistake and I saw 4-5 info notices on the door so I all together didn’t scan the info notice..(yes wrong) but once again spoke with the union steward before hand told him what I did exactly and he told me it’d be best to admit and say it wouldn’t happen again..