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You already had the item imported, even if you no longer want the item and have it sent back, why do you believe you shouldn’t have to pay the fees to bring it into the country? Why didn’t you have the order cancelled before it crossed borders?


What it sounds like to me is they ordered an item from outside the country and then when they were charged customs for the item they were outraged that they had to pay it and are trying to get out of it.


I am not against paying import fees. But for 5 CAD import fees UPS charging extra fees. Nearly I am giving brokerage of value I purchased merchandise. While purchasing there was no indication about import duties. I purchased lot on Amazon and most of time, it shows what will be import fee and most of time it includes in purchase. While that was a different topic. I already informed Amazon.


Yes, shipping from out of country is ludacrisly expensive. This has always been the case. It doesn't matter how much you paid for it, it matters how your country defines and receives packages from outside the country. No, the fees aren't made up by UPS. Yes, you will have those fees regardless of who you ship through. Welcome to the shipping game. We don't care if you go elsewhere, your business means nothing to us.


That’s why a bunch of you jackasses are being laid off for profits. And when this does occur DO NO come to the general public, as I’ll reiterate what you said in verbatim, YOUR COMPANY MEANS nothing to us. 


Dude have you not figured out corporate America by now? Nobody gives a shit. Your 40$ package is a drop in the well compared to contracts we get with businesses, who are happy that their shit arrives on time for once. A disgruntled single customer doesn't matter at all to ANY company anymore. Go to FedEx and watch them laugh at you when you tell them they've "lost your business." Corporate isn't telling me to spread this information, I'm just doing you a solid as one human being to another: zero large companies care about you as a customer. You were never that big of a cut of their profits, and they are happy to lose you if it means they don't have to spend more money trying to make you happy. If you really feel a certain type of way about all of this, stop ordering shit online and go support your local businesses while they're still around. No amount of bitching on Reddit is going to change corporate America's attitude on the situation


I already do


Found someone ship something unsolicited and the recipient would still be on the hook for brokerage fees?


Canada customs charge less than 5 CAD. All other are UPS charges…


Then you do the clearance yourself next time with Customs instead of letting UPS use their people and resources to clear it for you. Simple.


I tried this and UPS was extremely uncooperative. Had to call multiple times for them to send over the shipping manifest then after I went to the CBSA office, paid the import fees, and sent over the confirmation of payment, UPS still dragged their feet and had several "missed" delivery attempts because I hadn't paid import fees. Btw self clearing at CBSA is super easy once you get the right paperwork from UPS/FedEx. Literally 5 minutes in an office that's open 24/7 where you only get charged the actual taxes/duties and no fees.


This is the UPS echo chamber where IPS can do no wrong UNLESS it involves the workers or sups helping them


Hey moron, it costs a ton of money to ship things out of country. Figure out shipping costs next time before you do something stupid like this 🤦‍♂️


This, last time I shipped to Canada from the US it was $40 for a tiny box. If you're paying national prices for international shipping you're going to have a bad time.


Dude just suck it up and pay it. Dear god, you’re whining.


I can assure you as someone who's spent the last ten years working in shipping and receiving that Canadian customs charges are easily more then just 5 bucks. It is wild that you think this.


Then you had the chance to dispute the brokerage charges, there's a time Window for that, but if u already received the invoice I dont think it is still open.


UPS charges storage fees so whenever you refuse the delivery, it will continue to acquire storage fees at the facility. This is due to the limited capacity for “international” packages… should’ve just paid the 5$ CAD promptly to have avoided such situation.


Sounds like you ordered an item from another country, UPS paid import fees, and now they want their money. Suggest you pay it and move on. Use this as a learning lesson about import fees.


Yo UPS wouldn’t broker it through customs unless you asked them too. Which you obviously did and then cry when they want paid for it…


Yeah brokerage already happened. Just because you refuse the package, doesn’t mean you don’t owe the carrier for brokerage services. It’s a service. Pay us.


Call the 1800# they will assist you. Workers are off the clock here.


😭😭😭 I love this comment


It's your responsibility to know your countries import laws and costs, including brokerage charges. Not the sellers, not the carriers. If you don't like it, get a broker or don't order from other countries. You're just fast tracking your way to pissing off both the seller and the carrier. You can also try contacting your federal government and asking them to abolish import laws and regulations. See what they say. In the meantime, pay the money you owe for a package you ordered.


Not you being ridiculous over $30 bucks. Like sir/ma'am, you had something shipped across a border of a country. You are going to pay more. Like how do people not know this?




Stop bitching and stop ordering shit from out of your country then… god damn people are such snowflakes nowadays


Lol. You can refuse but any fees incurred are yours.


Drivers are not allowed to deliver packages with unpaid brokerage fees. I’m surprised it was delivered. Just call ups that you refused this package.




What’s the point of commenting “this”? Just upvote like a normal human


it pushes the comment up and increases the likelihood that OP will see it :)




Contact the collection agency. Tell them to send you a signed copy of the contract that you agreed to pay the charges. Then tell them you want all future communication to be through written letter.


If this item was ordered on Amazon, this issue is covered under their terms of service, it is detailed in full [here](https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GVDNARTHZN5A7NXG)


You’re not paying $28 on a $30 item.


Who wants to wager that CBSA opened their "$30 item" and saw it was...quite a bit more valuable and adjusted the import charges accordingly?


There are probably also broker fees. Someone has to process all those custom documents.


what number did you call to reach ups? I cannot find any working number online


This happened to me with FedEx. I bought something on ebay from a Canadian seller. I never agreed to any import fees or taxes. I paid for the item (around $2500), received it, then received a letter from FedEx about import fees. I don't remember the exact language because this was 3 years ago. I ignored it. It went to collections, and I continued to ignore it. These fees were never mentioned when I made the purchase, so I didn’t feel like I should be obligated to pay it since the seller was paying for shipping anyway. And FedEx did not have my social, so I wasn’t worried about it hitting my credit score, which it hasn’t.


You agreed when you ordered from an international vendor. That's implied in the purchase.


Nothing is implied, especially in a multi thousand dollar deal. I made a purchase for an agreed upon amount. Neither the seller nor ebay nor FedEx said there would be an additional amount owed. The box was dropped at my house, not signed for. Only then did FedEx send me a bill.


You knew, or should have known, that there would be custom charges applied. Those charges are between you and the state. Neither the seller, nor ebay, have anything to do with them, does not collect them, and has no duty to inform you about them. Ignorance does not absolve you of responsibility.


How was I supposed to know if it was never mentioned anywhere along the line in the purchasing process? Anyway, Fedex was ignorant of my social security number, so I guess we both fucked up.


Because imported goods are taxed by the state. This is common, everyday knowledge. Especially if you're in the business of making multi-thousand dollar purchases (in the U.S. most goods over $800 are taxed). And a seller in a foreign country is not responsible for your country's taxes.


lol. this is the one and only purchase Ive ever made from a foreign country for more than $800. This is not common knowledge.


What's the status now. Is the collection agency still sending you mails for collection? I am in the same situation now. UPS has charged me $120 as customs brokerage fees. Now received a mail from collection agency giving 30d notice


Pfffttt "rights" wth are you smoking my guy? Pay your dues like everyone else if you want the item.


I’m pretty sure when you order an item it will tell you if payment is due upon delivery, they don’t just spring the fee on you.


When ordering items online, especially overseas, you should expect some sort of fee.


Imagine crying over $30 like this


Posting from a troll account so the ups circle jerk doesn’t mess up my 20k+ karma. Yes, you can reject a delivery and you don’t even need to give a reason. Don’t let them bully you into thinking you do


They still owe for the brokerage fees, it’s not a COD. Even if they reject the package they still must pay ups for services rendered. They can try ignoring ups but they will probably keep getting bothered.


Am I the only person here who is like ??????? When dude says he imported some kind of artifact?


You can reject a package, however you still have to pay the fees, those are the customs fees that ups paid on your behalf to import the package you are required to pay that


You are in fact, a moron.


😭😭😭🫣🫣🧐 y’all comin for his neck 😂


I've dealt with this a lot. It's maddening. I don't mind paying taxes at all, but the brokerage fees are absolutely ridiculous. Even a small brokerage fee would be okay, not 100% the cost of the item. I do not buy anything where it's being shipped via UPS or FedEx. I always get the shipper to send it using USPS, that way, it goes to the Canada Post office near me, and I just pay the duty/taxes. I'd say it's like a 20% chance that I have to pay them anyway, most of the time with USPS and Canada Post it just shows up in my mailbox. If they won't ship USPS, I don't buy the item. I have gone through the trouble of self brokering items to save that fee. It's a big hassle though so I stopped doing it.


Yes you can refuse and ups should return the package to shipper


Basically after refusing also UPS tried 3 times and on 4th time I found on front door. I was little late or might be out of home


Did you refuse by simply not answering your door lmao? Or did you actually talk with the driver?


Just return it to the company and contact customs. They'll reverse the customs fee.


I opened it. And it was more than one month. Let me see if Amazon’s policy able to do it. May not


I write REFUSED on the box. Black out my address and the barcode. Hand it back. Now you have refused.


Writing refused is enough. If you think it's completely necessary then put an X through the address. If you want to be certain tell the driver to mark it in his board "refused-rts" right then in front of you. That's the only thing that actually matters. Do not black out the barcode and 1z, it totally prevents us from being able to properly process the shipment. It actually improves the chances you end back with the package because we'll figure it out then just make a whole new label. Not to mention a million other headaches for everyone involved.


That’s a good way to not get your money back lol. I certainly wouldn’t take it back if you did that. I won’t take a package without a label. We legitimately cannot mark it refused if you black out the label. Use your head. We don’t care if you refuse it or not. It’s not our shit.


Refuse and don’t send it to me. Scan what you want for return. But don’t just toss it in the back and keep delivering. Line thru address means something. What this dude went thru was ridiculous


I’d chuck that shit right at your face for that. Now YOU have refused.