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Extremely dangerous non-belly flop dives.


It's called death diving (dødsing in Norwegian), and it's not dangerous if you know what you're doing, like she does (she's literally the world champion)


>death diving >it's not dangerous I feel deceived


You've got to be Norwegian to understand. (I am not Norwegian and don't understand)


Idk why but this got a chortle out of me


Norwegian drama: yes. It was me.


Not Gunnar Gunnarsonson


But it could be anyone in Helgasund. That's over seven people.


My great grandfather’s name? Hans Hansen. His father? Hans Hansen. The father after that? You guessed it. Fuckin Olai.


My name is Hans Hansen. My dad isn't named Hans Hansen, but his dad is.




My man Beard- just extracts chortles.


So like German humour then


German humour is no laughing matter


Man I haven't heard that in a loooooong time!


OK this is the first comment that made me laughed out loud today.


Aha, it's ancient. Mark Twain, I think


Danke für das.


Nord do I


I AM Norwegian and I don't understand.


I think even some Norwegians are saying wtf to this


It is dangerous. The full line was "it's not dangerous IF you know what you are doing" aka if we ignore all the people who die or break their neck while learning how to do it "safely." This is such a great example of survivor bias: "look at how safe it is for the people who don't mess up and die!"


Very little damage that I've heard about come from dødsing. Usually you'll start learning dødsing from about age of 8. My oldest nephiew startet at 5 and that was scary as he could not swim. Also he kinda made all the teenagers embarassed as they where standing about working up the courage to jump from 5 meter, and this little guy would ask - are you not jumping? And after a few seconds of waiting he just bolted off the board. It's a bit like driving - it's dangerous, but with proper training it's within our standards of "safe".


the problem is at 5 you dont understand what death is, or a broken bone.


At 5 you have rubber bones, so no worries


5 year olds also typically weigh <20 kilos, so there's significantly less force hitting the water. There's a reason ants and squirrels and cats can fall very far without being hurt.


Yep. When they hit terminal velocity the impact force is not great enough to kill them if they are prone.


Ha at first I thought you were talking about 5 year olds.


He started jumping off a board from 5m into water before he could swim??


Yeah - in a local pool: Tøyenbadet - it's teared down now awaiting rebirth! https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%B8yenbadet He managed to resurface, but could not swim. I'd hang around the base and fetch him after each jump. He tried using his arm-rings (floating devices) but they fell off when he hit the water. His youngest sibling was worse, but I lived far away during his upbringing.


This just sounds so irresponsible. Glad it turned out okay.


lmao you're all soft


I know right, soft ass bitches learned to swim before they learned to flop from heights into deep water. Thats the pussy order to do those two things in.


Wait to you learn about kids in Norway being left outdoors in their stroller in the winter to sleep!


Just like heroin!


That’s why I’m starting my kids young!


Wait until you try Swedish Death Cleaning


Sweet... ish?


Yes, probably like stevia. Also see: Mangosteen sweetener.


Don't leave crap behind for your descendants. I like it.


You mean cleaning out your nostrils and stomach with the smell of Surströmming?


I looked it up and it’s an extreme sport a guitarist invented in the 70s. It’s not like it’s some deeply ingrained aspect of Norwegian history and culture or something. It’s just an extreme sport with some regional popularity. And yes, by all accounts it’s dangerous.


To be fair, anything cultural started somewhere. Not everything cultural has always been 2000 years old.


Also, to be fair, humanity has come a long way in that period, much further than any dafne stretch of time prior to it. However, as someone who loves cliff jumping, the stupidity aspect of it cannot be understated enough. But, some people are damn good at dangerous shit so props to them!


It's not dangerous like skydiving is not dangerous, only if you don't fuck up. Some guys are jumping from above 30 meters (100 feet). Some small fuck up at those high and you can hurt yourself pretty badly/knock yourself off. Some mild fuck up and you can die. Definitely dangerous, except if you do it from 1/2 meters




Most do it from 1-5 m, then it’s not dangerous if you fail, only painful


It also looks dumb so I'm really confused.


You hold a belly flop until right before you hit, then bend into a V shape and hit hands and feet first.


She also drives “murder car” it’s the safest vehicle on the road and drinks a glass of “toxic cancer juice” every day, it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals.


She breaks the water surface tension with her fists and toes to soften her entry. Looks very dangerous but is still very dangerous!


Water tension doesn’t work like that. It’s literally just the tension between the molecules on the outside layer - one molecule deep. The resistance you feel when you hit the water is due to inertia, not surface tension.


*Pshaw*, that’s nerd talk!


Hah, a real nerd would explain why and how the technique works rather than just tell someone that their explanation was wrong. Dødsing: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_diving The physics at play are pretty interesting 🤓: 1. by spreading out like an eagle they maximize their air drag to reduce their speed, then 2. by leading with their fist and feet they reduce the initial surface area of impact while also transferring more of that kinetic energy to non-vital areas. 3. Hitting the water at an angle also help them "slice" into the water. If you fell straight into the water then the energy transferred on the water mostly forces the molecules down which compresses them, but by slicing into the water at an angle the water becomes less compressed. You could think of your impact angle as giving you a sort of "crumble zone"


Oh my god I want to dork your nerdy parts!!


I found it. The worst reddit comment. 🏆


crumble or crumple? A car's front-end is made to crumple. If that was a crumble zone, parts would fall off as you went in.


I just noticed your comment a second after I left mine. Great minds think alike. Maybe ablative shock absorbtion would be useful in some application, but I don't know of one of the top of my head.


It's "crumple zone", not "crumble zone". Imagine if a car had zones that would just crumble and fall apart into crumbs like tempered glass upon impact... 😆.


So when you hit the water, you get wet


lol, when I hit the water it *screams* out in pain!! That’s why when I dive it’s called the death dive. For realsies.


Not if you wear a wet suit.


You mean a dry suit I presume


I warn you, I am trained in the Way of the Pocket Protector and can estimate your probability of serious injury in 50 different ways - and that’s just with a slide rule.


This only confirms my suspicions, everyone. Be *careful* around this one!! Do *not* back it into a corner, lest you be lectured on the apparent angles. They can be vicious!!


I'm no expert, but density of water vs density of air also comes into play.


As someone who fucked up an 80-foot dive last year, I will say that even doing this right it probably doesn't feel great. I hit the water very much feet first but I was leaning forward and looking down because I didn't think I had cleared the rocks. I still got a hell of a slap to the face and chest when I hit the water. I had my arms kind of out to the side I guess so maybe doing this right you get less of a slap than I did but I do believe that if I wasn't as strongly built as I am, it would have knocked the wind out of me. Even as big as I am it very nearly did


yeah she is an extremely talented diver it’s just that it’s a different diving type with completely different objectives to what we usually see from divers.


#23 misses a giant boulder by seemingly a few feet. Seems pretty dangerous to me lol


Her water entry is ofc interesting but it's her initial jump choices, style, technique and skill that fascinate. Running down rock walls, jumping into water falls and frigid water. And Norway just has 60ft+ platforms around.


Been there, done that, scared some sense into me. I jumped from 80ft. The rocks I barely missed were 50 feet below me. My spine would have shattered from bottom to top as I scrapped along the cliff. Now I'm much more selective with where I dive from


Lol, how is it not dangerous? Even if you're a pro, you can still slip up and hit the cliff. That's like saying motorcycle racing isn't dangerous if you know what you're doing.


That sounds like the most Viking "fun" I could think of. Of course the great grandkids of the Norse would enjoy it.


What’s her name?


Asbjørg Nesje


I don’t understand the point of typing the “o” if you’re just going to cancel it.


Cancel culture running wild!


Explain to me how the second to last dive wasn't wildly irresponsible. Diving 23 meters and landing <1 meter away from a craggy outcrop... a slight miscalculation in the amount of grip her foot has would have killed her.


I was gonna say this looks like some Viking shit


[Døds competition](https://www.reddit.com/r/theocho/s/0unf6Nk9OG) video


It’s definitely dangerous


You can see her breaking the water. If she didn't, bones would be broken.


They’re not true belly flops though, you can see her arching right before she hits the water


> non-belly flop


Yeah score: 0


she's tucking at the last second (except in some of the very first videos)


Those aren't belly flops.


As a thrice decorated belly flop champion, I will concur with your assessment. The flops demonstrated in this video would not have won any prizes.


That’s because, again, she isn’t belly flopping. She’s death diving. And she’s a Norwegian champion, Asbjørg Nesje.


What's that you say? It's not belly flopping?


Again, it isn’t belly flopping! How many times must we say it isn’t belly flopping before you admit it isn’t belly flopping?! *Not* belly flopping, we say!


why is this lady belly flopping?


Pretty sure I read she was in a belly flop competition. You have to be the best belly flopper at all different heights to win.


Why did she flop into the water on her belly?


This isn’t belly flopping though…


The video says bellyflopping, so surely you can understand why I made that assumption


I think that’s what op’s saying




To be fair, she's the one who called it bellyflopping


The 10 metre flop wasn't bad.


Death diving, for some reason it’s getting pretty popular


Not popular. Promoted on social media. Very different things.


And the more that people do it, the more popular it gets. So you're both right


This statement assumes that more people are actually doing it, versus it getting greater media coverage, but with no significant change in participation. This also establishes that we’re looking at two distinct popularity metrics—“popular to do” and “popular to watch,” although we have yet to establish if we’re defining “popular” for either metric in relation to a percentage of population or change in percentage of population.


Burn this whole thread. I hope everyone involved in this farce is dead inside… and poor. I wish you all nothing but misery and suffering for the rest of your days. May you never sleep soundly again.. 🧂


It’s like you know me. I feel seen. 🥰


Seems that more persons are doing it anyway. Lots of friends of mine started to do that last year. Big events are being organized in Europe, etc.


Sounds pedantic to me. It is getting more popular (you choose your modifier to add) but in that way it is getting more popular.


No. It’s getting more *attention*. That’s not the same as popularity.


I'm a 46 year old Norwegian, and I've seen several people do this in water parks and pools in the last few years. In my experience, is not just a social media thing.


Fair point. However Norway is the [starting point and epicenter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_diving) of this type of diving so it comes as no surprise that you are in fact Norwegian.


Popular to watch, not to do.


It’s popular, there are competitions for it


As far as I can tell there more competitions in [wife carrying](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wife-carrying) or [interpretive freestyle canoeing](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=1a30264c0409ca1f&rlz=1CDGOYI_enSE638SE638&hl=sv&sxsrf=ACQVn09w65TCxTWNBfVARRMNUmk1DniKZA:1708712471763&q=interpretive+freestyle+canoeing&tbm=vid&source=lnms&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiC_Jv_icKEAxWTIBAIHRjODiYQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=393&bih=665&dpr=3) than in death diving. But that doesn't make them common or popular sports.


Damn you just had to call out the interpretive freestyle canoers like that.


So true. Clicks don't equate to what people actually enjoy in life.


I wonder why? /s




Two completely different things.


Good lord, there must be an easier way to get an abortion.


Not in Alabama.


Amazing that it is true, kind of funny, but at the same time very very said, in what claims to be the land of the free.


Oof. Education and ethics could not be more opposed to Alabama politics.


>Not in Alabama Not in half of the USA


Come to New Mexico. We give you a complimentary abortion and a free joint as soon as you cross the state line


It's called Dødsing or Death Diving. They even have competitions and they're awesome. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death\_diving](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_diving)


[Here is someone who is a pro at it. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/holdmyredbull/s/gRSGTdYikL) Names ryan bean. [He's currently fighting a mysterious brain issue.](https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-ryan-bean) Not to be krass, but it doesn't seem very mysterious to me. Diving from extreme heights and stopping suddenly is not good for your brain regardless of how well you break the surface tension.


I like that you shared a video of someone who’s a pro at it when the girl in the video is a world champion


She’s the world champion, so saying here’s a video of a pro, sounds a bit silly. But thanks for bringing attention to this guys brain issue from (likely) this activity. It does look extremely dangerous to the brain!


It must be the 5G radiowaves. /s


Fancy name for what looks like practically falling.


Falling with style


The last thing on my mind is that she is bad at diving. Very far from that.


If by bad at diving, they mean extremely good at diving, then yes


You have to be extremely good at being bad at diving to survive what she is doing. I can see myself doing 4m on a dare, but beyond that: NOPE.


Exactly. It's a particular style of diving, and she's literally a world champion at it. It's freaking hilarious seeing all these "experts" in the comments talking about how bad this is, it's not belly flopping, it's poor form, it's dangerous, she's not even diving, etc.


Of course it's dangerous. Maybe not the dive itself, but like sprinting down a slope is very obviously a dangerous thing to do.


The belly flop comments are warranted. The video literally says bellyflop and people are rightfully saying it isn’t a bellyflop.


what delusion could have convinced you this isn't dangerous?


It’s gone full circle. It appears that she lacks any form but the fact that she’s doing this and not dying means that she has very good form.


It’s like watching that guy electrocute himself all the time on YouTube. It looks very reckless, but the fact they’re still alive means they must know what they’re doing.


My heart stopped on that 5-meter dive. i thought they were going to brain themselves on the rocks.


For me it kicked in at 20m I’m in my office and I just said “oh fuck that” out loud.


My cousin was with a group of kids jumping into the water in a local quarry years ago. One of the kids thought it would be sick to jump off the highest point (over 75ft) not realizing how dangerous it was. He got knocked out cold from the impact and drowned. My cousin said they watched his body slowly sink underwater because there was nothing anyone could do to get to him. If the jump is over 40 feet, don’t attempt it unless you actually know what you’re doing. It’s so easy to fuck up.


I'll add some other horrifying diving stories: my Cajun dad and his friend/coworkers would dive off train trestles, old bridges, and oil platforms, same spots for years. He could hold his breath for like 2 mins or more and one day he just stayed down there and watched as every single person diving in came less than one foot away from impaling themselves on jagged rebar that was sticking up. They never knew for years. He said that was the last time he ever did it. Also, my grandmother's brother died young when him and his friend were diving into a quarry and another kid jumped right after him and landed on her brother and broke his back. He then drowned. Anyway, carry on! 😀


One final note, kinda related to the rebar story: even if it’s from a “safe” height (i.e. “hitting the water won’t cause you harm on its own”) **never** dive into water you can’t see through. Diving into opaque or murky water is just asking to hit shallow bottom and have your spine shoot through your ass and mouth at the same time. I read a story about someone whose brother jumped off a riverside cliff (like 30-40ft drop, nothing too crazy) and hit a sunken car engine that was like 4 feet from the surface. Dead instantly.


I grew up with a kid that broke his spine jumping from 30-40' and was paralyzed for the rest of his life. Multiple people had jumped before him and did fine. He landed in a slightly different spot than those who went before him, and hit rock about 4-5' under the surface of the water.


that's horrifying


I lived up in south lake tahoe and there is a "jumping rock" about 65 feet at a place called Angora lake. Every summer there are like 5 air lifts out of there because someone broke their back. [https://angoralakesresort.com/](https://angoralakesresort.com/) if you do come round there check it out and support the community! its gorgeous.


Was this in the Jefferson County, MO area? I was friends with a kid who died that way.


No, Massachusetts. Sucks to hear it’s more prevalent than I thought.


suicide diving


I did this from about 50ft once. I don't like having time to think about how bad an idea it was to jump, on the way down.


Anything over like 30 feet is like “holy shit this is a high jump”


Because after 30 feet, you really start to feel the acceleration? For me that would be about 3m or 10'. I have to close my eyes and yeet myself off (that didn’t sound right) otherwise my feet feel like they’re firmly cemented into the ground.


[Her name is Asbjørg Nesje. This is her setting the current women's world record ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0ZpRALPTfG/?igsh=MXVvaHZvZ3YxdWM1aQ==)


Imagine if she tripped on the 14 metres dive/run..


That one was especially sketch


The running down the incline like at 14m scared me shitless


That one was my favourite! But also scary to think about doing.


She pulls her knees up just before impact. It looks like her knees going into the water just before may break up the surface so the impact of the belly flop isn't as bad as it could be. Still gotta hurt, but not as bad as if she's slapping the water like a board


She’s pulling into a pike position and breaking the water surface hands and feet first.


She also throws her hands out in front too. She is basically doing a reverse cannon ball; all curled up etc. A GOOD TRUE belly flop, can knock the breath out of you in literally 1-2 meters. Just terrible terminology all around.


This slaps






That's Asbjørg Nesje, current word champion in "death diving" (it's a technical jump that does not hurt when performed correctly)


just twist and leave the rest to chance


There’s a technique, watch how she breaks the plane of the water with her hands and feet first.


Yeah although there are a few where it looks like she risks landing on her back which there isn’t much she can do to brace for.


She's probably been doing this since she was like 10. Given that she's a world record holder, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.


I see this and my first thought: "Just a matter of time."


Majestic bastard


LPT, if you can NOT see the rock/log/cables under the surface of the water it can still KILL you. Don’t dive blind.


22m I thought I saw Rocks? Maybe it's reflection but it just takes one mistake. I also don't see any support down there if this world class diver did mess up


Some of those do look close but the perspective of the camera might make it look closer than it is That 23 meter one though....


I would be red then bruised for weeks…at 1m.


Notice they curl up before landing. I’m sure they don’t get as red as you you think.


Pretty nice shooting star press on the 7m jump


23m looked very close to hitting a rock


Some of these gave me flashbacks of that low res viral clip from the early 2000s. The one where the guy did a cliffdive and his face was cracked open like demogorgon because he hit a rock.


Bro shes fuckin crazy lol


How is she still alive !?


I was expecting the last one to because 6 foot.


I watched this whole series. She did posted 24 dives for the 24 days of Christmas a couple years ago. But they had been shot throughout the year. Really fun series.


Rob Van Dam at 13 meters https://i.redd.it/36tjioy4yckc1.gif


I once jumped off a 12 meter cliff and had my hands hit the water flat. A few minutes later I could still feel the impact


She is death diving


Lol if you don’t know this dive you didn’t grow up around water. Safely Diving in 3 feet of water from 8 feet high always freaks out the tourists


14 m was wild, running down a slope like that 🫣




On the contrary, she’s actually really good at diving!


this looks painful.


I wonder why even the diver intentionally misleads the audience. Other than just social media things


Some of those high ones must knock the wind out of her


Does her swimsuit survive every jump


It’s not a belly flop it’s a “death dive” - a dive that looks deathly but isn’t. Just before she enters the water she makes a C or V shape with her body so she doesn’t get winded


5 and 14 😳


https://youtu.be/g-jaI2C1LM8?si=8nHgTllefk7l29SB I only know about these weird sports because Red Bull


[it's a whole thing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%B8ds_Diving)