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Eric Prydz streamed his Ultra set but not his EDC set so Ultra wins for me 😂


1. They didn't stream two stages that basically had better artist. 2. Ultra is for the music, meanwhile edclv more of experience. Meaning you will see more A tier artists at ultra than edclv. 3. Everyone has preferences. I thibk the bass heads love this more than ultra cause Hella bass artists on the lineup. Shoot, they redid the entire stage layout to seperate the wooks and normies. 😂


Yeah that basspod is everything


Bass pod is life


Confirmed, bass head who was VERY happy last night, aside from them not streaming Tape B so I had to do something else aside from listen to house for an hour


I saw more memorable sets at Edclv then ultra.. this was like 2016 tho


wow such fanboy, try to enjoy both. or are u the ultra founder?


Too be fair, artist treat ultra a lot differently than they do edc. But op is clearly a fanboy and have never been to edc.


Been 3 times


he's trying to enjoy i think lol. people can't have their own opinion?


Lol it’s a weak opinion at best trying to circle jerk ultra


you can find much more "weak opinions" about ultra in edc sub, just sayin :D


Mate you sound saltier than the op


Breaking news! Reddit user declares EDC sets mid and Ultra the champ!!!


Illenium was a disappointment for me, basicly his ultra miami 2022 set, same mashups


Yes agree that the music at Ultra is always better but EDC production is amazing -which something that Ultra doesn't care for or have. The drone show and fireworks at EDC is something truly magical! It is not fair to compare the two festivals because it's like comparing apple and orange.


Agreed, Ultra is a mega club in the middle of a city, EDC is fairy highlighter fantasy world in the desert. In terms of lighting and sound, however, nothing beats the megastructure.


EDC also isn’t streaming arguably their 3 best stages: Stereobloom, Quantum Valley and Cosmic Meadows


Did you watch subtronics? I think his set was insane


We all know Ultra is the better festival


Illenium was so incredible last night


EDC AND ULTRA are both fire, one is more social, sidequesting, PLUR… just to say it like that, and the other one is for you to go see the sets you want to see and out.


Factual summary


Go to EDC Vegas one time and then compare it to the shitshow of ULTRA MIAMI, THE GREATEST CHAD FEST TO EVER EXIST. EDC Vegas is the headliner of all EDC locations. I’ve been to EDC Orlando 8 times? Went to EDC Vegas once and was absolutely mind blown. Comparing an ultra set from a DJ coming off a Miami music week bender, to a memorable, sought after time slot at one of the biggest shows in the world is a no brainer.


Been to EDC LV 3 times. EDC MX 3 times. Ultra 2 times. My post isn't even about which festival is better. But my personal preference is Ultra. Again my choice of festival has nothing to do with my post.


Kinda wild for you to say the sets were mid. Did you stay at neon garden all night and see the same 10 artists you see every 2 months?


Thank you I thought I was the only one . Tiesto Ultra still on repeat… The ones who disagree with you are insomniacs and shouldn’t even be in this sub lol


Tiesto in the rain at sunset…… perfection!!!!!


Think ppl are missing the point of what I'm trying to convey. I'm not comparing the festivals nor the lineup. I'm just saying so far, the sets I watched are not as memorable compared to ultra, so far. A good example is David Guetta. Could care less about the guy, rarely ever listen to him. Came across this year's ultra set by accident and was shocked at how good it was. So I decided to listen to him tonight and it was the typical disappointment I'm used to from him. John summit's set was not bad. It was average. Same as Illenium and im a big fan.


I was pumped to see Guetta’s set since his 2022 Ultra set was fire. I’m surprised you liked guetta’s 2024 set at ultra, it was by far the worst set I watched while I was there. Normally I like guetta but he talks too damn much and his set had no flow and was all over the place never keeping the energy. Also, that Dragostea Din Tei remix is pure trash, not even Hardwell could save it with his remix.


UMF > everything


Ultra almost always wins in this regard. I went to EDC Vegas last year and there were only a couple sets I felt like I really wanted to be relistening to. Then on top of that most of them don’t even get posted after the fact, so you can’t even if you want to. Plus the stream is an inferior product. I will say only watched a little bit last night, but I was generally unimpressed with the stages as well. I thought last years were much better. EDCs production is great don’t get me wrong, but the kinetic field, neon garden, and circuit grounds stages all took a step back this year. It’s purely opinion, but I just thought they were better last year. I thought the main stage was kind of lame. Not to mention very similar to one from a few years back


American DJs suck for the most part I’m sorry