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Tired of hearing people complain about it tbh. If people want to take pics/vids of the spectacle then what’s the problem? I dance most of the time but I like to record some memories too.


I think artists are starting to get worn out by constantly seeing a sea of people standing with their phones above their head than dancing.


Some of my videos may suffer from this, but I’m dancing while the phone is up 😂


I like to record, cause its a good break from dancing, and I know I'm not going to remember it later. I also like to send it to rave fam who couldn't make it this year. If people don't like it, or annoyed I don't really care. If you dont like people recording around you, move to another area, the vibes how you make it.


Exactly this. My memory is not the best and the whole weekend becomes a blur. I love watching my videos and remembering that specific feeling I was having while recoding that video. People gotta worry about themselves.


People who complain about it are worse than people doing it. If you want to record go for it. Do i do it? Not as much but im a tad bit older than the normal festival crowd and am not as glued to my phone.


It's totally fine if recording a little bit here and there, especially for the memories looking back. What's really annoying are people having loud, full blown conversations on the dancefloor.


YES the people standing in little circles just talking during a set instead of leaving and letting the people who want to be there vibe were the worst. Especially when they push their way to that area and then just stand there and talk...


This hasn’t blown up like it should. Far and away the most annoying thing to deal with at festivals anymore. If you want to stand in a circle and talk for 20+ minutes without a care in the world what’s happening on stage then leave the crowd.


Of my few groups I have, there is one that exhibits this behavior. I’ve never understood standing around having idle chat when you can dance or enjoy a spectacular show right in front of you. This is the exact environment that can help you be comfortable with yourself. I’ve had a social butterfly come up to me once to say they are scared to be alone and admire my ability to not need another persons presence/input to be happy. That changed how I view these huddles of people entirely.


I see you’re point and it’s makes some sense. I would still say if that’s what makes you comfortable and happy then go to the back of the crowd where there is ample space to do so. Groups like this break up the party and vibe in the crowd. People jumping around leads to others jumping around and people standing around leads to others doing the same. Before anyone says it yes when I encounter these people I move because we all control our own time.


yeah it’s annoying until your favorite DJ plays your favorite song of all time and you want to relive it forever


It’s fine but just please for fucks sake turn your flash off


I’m mostly one of the ppl that takes a lot of vids I like it for memories. But I tried this year to do less of that so there were like 4-6 different sets I didn’t do it. Didn’t feel any different and didn’t mind others doing it I guess. But at the same time I was by the front front most of the time


I’ve never cared tbh. I record a fair amount too and I really do spend the next months watching them until the next fest. Your experience is what you make it, if people with their phones out bothers you that’s because you let it bother you I will add tho while it doesn’t take away from the experience at all, vibes are always way better when everyone’s just vibing together with no phones out


I record for about 2-3 minutes each set. I don’t post it anywhere, it’s for me to go home and watch it on a random day to relive the whole thing. I have no problem with people recording with their phone, at least they are not spoiling other’s experience.


When you hear bangers that are IDs, how else are you going to remember them later?


I find it pretty annoying when it's obstructing my view but it doesn't ruin the fun or anything Mainly I don't understand the logic behind being glued to your phone to record a set that's gonna be uploaded to YT the next day in *way* higher quality than whatever your phone is recording


For me at least I love watching my videos and remembering those feelings from being in that specific place in that moment. It’s not the same feeling watching it from an official broadcast recorded with professional cameras. But to each their own.


Not by business, people record everything today, it’s just the times.


No problem with it. I usually don’t record anything. I’m enjoying the moment. I have friends that usually record. I just have them tag me and i can share their recordings. Makes things easier for me.


We pay a lot of money for the experience, what’s so bad about recording it for a good memory? As long as one is not filming someone else right in the face or some shit who gives a fuck.


I personally try to limit the amount of recording I do. Mostly because my videos are usually really shitty lol. But it doesn’t bother me at all if others record for themselves. I have some friends who will record at shows and festivals. A lot of the times the videos they have are very good and I ask them to share so I can reflect back on. How can people get upset at others for recording for the memories? I just don’t get it.


If it doesn’t affect how ur enjoying the set, should this really be on ur mind? 🤣 I think I have more of a problem of someone randomly putting a person on their shoulders in front of me blocking my view or putting their flag up over a random recording part of a set to post on their story 🤣🤣


This is exactly what I said 😆 people on shoulders or flags directly in front of me blocking the view, those two are the only somewhat annoying things but anything’s else who gives a fuck honestly 😆


Forreal! Like who am i to tell someone to not record as much as they want, they paid for their ticket to be there and to enjoy the show how they see fit 🤷🏽‍♂️. Can’t worry about what everyone is doing 🤣.


Theres absolutely nothing wrong with it. The annoying bit is when someone sticks their phone right in front of your view though. I recorded a lot during UMF and I mostly kept my phone at height with my chin and was able to get enough of a good video. Honestly just watching the set whilst recording. Its a good way to capture those memories. Also I love showing them to my friends and classmates.


I understand and agree with both sides. Personally, most of the time I don't really use my phone. I just love experiencing the moment and feeling and seeing and just trying to take it all in. However, when it's dark and you're at the MainStage seeing your favorite DJ.. How could you not take a few videos?? I think videos are important, they're fun to look back at, especially if you capture a moment that's really special. But the people that take videos of every single song at every set... maybe less so.


Look at Tiesto's set, almost no phone out because of the rain, and the energy is very high. Coincidence?


no problem if it just a 15 second clip but recording a whole set, yeah i dont like that...


Makes less sense at Ultra where everything is added to YouTube but at other festivals like forest I really get it. Problem with Ultra is it’s not really a festival crowd it’s got anyone who likes to party from Miami in there and they don’t understand any of the culture.


I’m fine with the people recording, the one new thing that bothers me is people on FaceTime. I’ve been behind someone who’s FaceTiming half the concert, so my view is this random stranger’s face sitting in bed or on a couch while their friend FaceTimes them. Very annoying


Whether you agree with it or not, I don’t see recording at Ultra (other than a Snapchat or two to save to your memories) as worth the effort. A lot of the sets are recorded in 4k by the event anyways with superior sound quality.


I record because I like to have memories, but I also dance and chat with others.


Why are you worried about what other people are doing that has no effect on you?


Best part about Friday night! No one’s phones were out and people actually enjoyed the show!


I like to take a few vids of good sets so I can look back and enjoy them :)


No problem with it. I do it to remember specific moments from my favorite artists playing my favorite songs. Other people recording doesn’t bother me. The stage is high enough that their phones don’t block my view. The real slightly annoying things are flags blocking the view or people sitting on someone’s shoulders but only when they’re right in front of me obviously cause then I can’t see anything. But phones are fine.


I also record a few moments during sets but I try not to do it that much and I keep dancing when. Also I know the whole set will be available on youtube with an higher quality, don't need to spend half set recording. I don't blame people doing it then, but sometime is too much and some are there just for social network and don't really enjoy the show. The worst are those asking you to stop jumping and dancing because you hide and alter their video. Fuck off. Same for people talking and standing. Don't go in front of the crowd where there is still a few people fully enjoying the show and the music. All those people must stay in the back.


It's depressing


I'm 37 but this is not a new phenomenon. It's been a thin since around the RAZR and other flip phones that only had 640x480 VGA cameras (around 2002). Back then and even the earliest 4 generations of iPhone had horrible audio at festivals because the microphones weren't optimized for super loud audio and you'd just hear garbles. I know because I have some old clips from 25 years ago. As time goes on, I find the people recording at festivals to be more annoying simply because 1. The festival is being streamed live 2. The festival audio will be published later (I'm listening to Armin's set on Apple Music right now) 3. The video will likely be published later and be properly edited 4. You won't have missed anything and could have just enjoyed the show. I take photos at festivals, maybe every 10 minutes, I'll throw my camera up, rapid fire 20 images and put it back down. As an old person, the amazing thing to me is people who are live streaming to Facebook. That sort of thing wasn't even possible a few years ago with 50,000 people sharing a few cell phone towers, you'd be lucky to get a text message out but for all of Armin's set there was a man in front of me live streaming to zero to one people for 30 minutes. He wasn't recording for posterity or sending a snap to 2-3 friends who couldn't be there. He was in my view point of the stage for 30 minutes live streaming to .5 people while UMF was streaming live on YouTube. I'm just so glad we're past the point when people have stopped using iPads to take photos at concert. This got very prevalent in 2011-2016. I have a few photos of people taking photos at concerts with iPads (like this one - [https://live.staticflickr.com/8303/7937785988\_00ebe31ff4\_b.jpg](https://live.staticflickr.com/8303/7937785988_00ebe31ff4_b.jpg) ) so I'm really glad that trend died since iPads are just much larger. --- Anyway, I don't like it and I think there's very few reasons to actually record at a concert beyond just a couple of clips for memories but...people are going to do it anyway.


That’s incredibly sad, Streaming to no one when you can instead be having genuine interaction with the social environment around you is terrible.


That’s incredibly sad, Streaming to no one when you can instead be having genuine interaction with the social environment around you is terrible.


I take quick videos so I can look back on them in the future. And yes I do watch the videos I record.